Class D amps seem poised to take over. Then what?

I am certainly biased by my lifetime final amp being a Class D. But I know that after 30+ years of development, Class D seems to be on a high plain. I know there are now many, many companies focusing on Class D and, maybe, a good handful already as good as it gets. My Class D amp is as smooth and beautifully musical as a great tube amp and as punchy and detailed as a great SS amp. I am satisfied and done with my search. A class D amp has effectively taken me off the amp merry-go-round. It’s about time after 50 years. And, for me, this Class D is a milestone. Will all other classes of amps fade away?

Showing 20 responses by rh67

What you posted shows lack of knowledge. Your talking about products that you have zero knowledge about, why say anything at all?

I hate it when people talk about subjects they know nothing about.
Just as the OP i have the AGD Audion's and i find them to be fantastic one of the best amps i have heard regardless of class. Are they the best i have ever heard NO but i would have to spend 7-10 times their cost to better them. The best amps i have heard were also Class A so i would think it a shame to have these amps fade away. If i could justify the cost yes i would own one of the mega buck Class A amps but i can not so i own the next best thing the AGD amps.
I said the AGD's sound better than SOME 40-50k amps. It's also not my opinion alone i have had many bring their mega buck amps into my system and most are shocked at the SQ of the AGD's most leave scratching their heads in disbelief.

By your comment you must have heard the AGD's so what's YOUR take on the SQ?
My AGD Audion’s drive Wilson’s effortlessly even the large XLF’s. I own Wilson’s no issue at all. And the $7500 AGD's sound better than some 40-50k amps.
WOW! You know what my system sounds like yet you have never heard it.

Now your a mind reader knowing what i will say next. Bravo!

I was in the industry for many decades, building and designing, amps, pre amps and speakers so it's easy for me to tell who's winging it and those who know their stuff, keep winging it george i know better.

You are correct.

Also to date they do stand apart design wise Merrill does also atmosphere from what i'm reading has spent many hours designing their Class D offering which i'm sure will be a great sounding amp.

But in the end it's the SQ, one can have the best parts but if you do not know how to maximize what you have best parts means little.

You know as i do from experience and living with the AGD's that they are great sounding, Alberto has taken advantage of what he has at his disposal. It does not take long after talking to him that he is the real deal and a very intelligent person when it comes to design and parts implementation. His upper end amps have a clear cover so one can see his design also in the so called tubes. He is very proud and deservedly so of his creations.

Some talk negative about the amps but do they have any experience with them? It's like me telling you how your care drives even though i have never been in the make or model, it also takes time to familiar yourself with a product to maximize it's potential.

It amazes me how some can form an opinion out of the air.
You keep mentioning Wilson's as being hard to drive, where does this come from? I have owned Wilson's from their beginning starting with the original Wamm's and i have never found them difficult to drive even using 300B tube amps. It seems that you lack personal experience with Wilson.
Stick with the facts. You claimed that i could not be getting good sound with my Class D and Wilson's claiming my Wilson's were hard to drive, don't muddy the waters. has an MO of trying to cherry pick items to bolster his view.

The Wilson speaker Sabrina X was not the Wilson in the conversation, he read in a rag that the X could give some amps issues and decides to bring it into the conversation but the X has nothing to do with the Wilsons i own and he accused of being hard to drive. Historically Wilson's have the reputation of being efficient and easy to drive BUT require the best in electronics to make them shine.

Here are the Wilson's in question and george accused of being hard to drive. Page 77 has the specs.
It comes down to finding that great amplifier regardless of class. There are just ok class a, a/b and d amps just as there are great class a, a/b and d amps.

Those making claims that there are no great class d amps have not experienced the best that is out there. And i'm not talking about bargain amps or the most watts for the least amount of money. Most look at class d and are willing to give something up for the convience and money saving of class d. The class d i own allows me to have my cake and eat it too. I sold my Wavac 300b tube amp and Pass XA25 because they were collecting dust as my class d was superior to both to MY ears.
Once again you know zero of what you say. I also do not desire to read your links. You fail to realize that at one time i owned a company that built speakers and have several US patents still in effect. Your one of those that wants to be a big fish in a small pond, it's somewhat sad that you feel the need for the attention.

Regarding speakers  Wilson's are not the only speakers that i own. I own Devore nines and super nines, Audio Note, Raidho, Magico, and Tekton. I also have Boulder amps that i'm keeping simply because i can only get half of what i paid new.

I come on here to provide to others my experience. Your combative with people and feel the need to be right. Your real world knowledge seems to be limited and comes from what you read or some review and not first hand experience. Some of your posts are quite comical and i detect the lack of knowledge.

And please no more paste and copy or boring links.
Sad really sad. george is the type of member that keeps most manufactures from taking part on forums. There is always one bad apple and it's unfortunate.

I stand by my experience that the AGD's drive Wilson 5.1 and XLF's superbly. I have close to 5 decades with Wilson speakers and i have never heard them sound better. Many members here and else where that have tried the AGD's agree with me 100%. This coming from those with hands on experience and not speculation or misinformation.

For those wanting to explore class D there are a handful of class D amps that are upper class and superb, i came across AGD almost by accident and my musical enjoyment has increased tenfold. If you can get a trial at home to some good class D amps you could be in for a musical revelation, this coming from personal experience.
??? How do know this? My AGD's drive my Wilson's perfectly, my Wilson's never sounded better and i have had more than four decades with Wilson's. You seem to be an expert on what you have never heard or owned. Why post anything when you do not have a leg to stand on, your so far in left field it's not funny.
Class D today is no different than another Class, There is the good the bad and the ugly in any class of amplifier.

People wanting a lot of watts on the cheap are going to get the same in SQ regardless of class of amp. Design is key regardless of class.