
Responses from testrun

Do You Unplug Equipment During Thunderstorms?
I do when im home and know it is coming.  
Tube Pre/ Class D Amp - Who has done it?
I started with Rouge 7 and Bel Cantos m600’s.  The sounds stage was poor, midrange was very laid back.  Overall not very good.  I decided the Bel Cantos were not my cup of tea.  So I replaced them with AGD Audions and everything got better except ... 
Talk me out of buying Monoblocks and into a stereo amp instead
If you are not worried about power, space or cost I would always buy mono blocks.  I've been in and out of mono blocks a number of times and always ended up with monos.  If you are thinking about it you won't be happy if you dont buy them.  Cleane... 
Class A\B or D for summer months (vs Class A)
I went through the same process with the addition of tube replacement cost and weight.  I ended up with AGD Audions. I could not be happier.  I did retain my Cary SLP 05 tube preamp.  I would consider a used pair of AGD’s or Atmosphere class D amp... 
Is it easier to sell mono blocks or stereo amp on the used market?
I’ve gone from intergraded, to single amp to mono blocks and back.  It think monos will always have a market.  I’m back to monos for my “end game” amps.    
XLR cable placement
I might be crazy but I’ve always bought into; you get the sound relative to your worse component and cable in the chair. Based on that premise I would start at the source, DAC to Pre.  I want my Pre to start with the best signal that I can afford ... 
Check out Wire World cable options.  I actually found a used cable that solved my wondering mind.  I believe it actually add a little detail and depth.  Who knows if true but it eliminated my cable concerns and save some money while retaining a li... 
Dac with build-up streamer
Look for a used Bricasti M3 with a built in network card.    
Who positions their speakers straight ahead (zero tow in) and why.
I have Joesph Audio Perspectives and have tried both ways a few times but always end up with no toe in.    
Cardas Clear XLR interconnects
Call Craig at TheaterMax 732-616-1010.  
Long XLR Interconnects
Thanks everyone for sharing your experiences and recommendations.  @audphile1 I think I am going to go the route you ended up with and clean up the equipment placement between the speakers.  What amp stands did you use? When I look at the cost of ... 
After 20 years, in the market for a power amp
If I were you I would demo a CODA and AGD Audions  (Class D). both are great amps, can't go wrong.  At this price point make the decision in your listening room. I believe both companies will send "demos" at a reasonable expense.  Deal direct.  
Please help with Roon server/core issue
I assume your fiber speed from your provider is 500+.  I think you have an issue with the termination of the fiber where converting to ethernet, Or you have a bad ethernet connection between your fiber to ethernet converter (not a modem but often ... 
More potential bad news for some big names...
The money is one thing but yesteryears potential audiophiles (and many other potential market builders) have all run aground in the video gaming and betting markets.  Just saying.    
Looking for my End Game Speaker
@waorwraith  sorry for being dumb but what do you mean by "AGD recovery".  Im not sure how to imterpet your comment.