Any tubes currently manufactured in the US, Japan or Germany?

Just curious. This looks interesting, I wonder if we may see something like this in the future


100,000 people who died of drug addiction has nothing to do with a war on peace loving people. If that is how you justify things, good for you.

I’m not justifying anything. I was just thinking that if we are going to judge people as insensitive or worse for engaging in enjoyable pursuits while there is suffering in the world, then we are all going to be judged harshly. There has always been suffering in the world and I see no end to it anytime soon.

Fentanyl, cocaine and meth are part of a war being waged on the US. If anyone doesn’t understand that I’ll explain further, but I assume that most people know that there are countries and criminal organizations that want to turn the US into a third world country and that they are having quite a bit of success. Warfare can take many forms in the interconnected world that we live in today.

Richardson was the last general manufacturer of tubes in the USA. Now gone! Leaving only the revived Western Electric plant in Georgia.

I’m willing to bet China will be able to add extra capacity fairly quickly if the demand warrants such.  


100,000 people who died of drug addiction has nothing to do with a war on peace loving people.  If that is how you justify things, good for you.

Thousands of people killed in Ukraine and more dying daily and the tube guys worry where their next tubes will come from. Really?

100,000 people died of drug overdoses in the US last year alone.  Millions of people live lives of degradation due to drug addiction in the US.  I haven't heard anyone let it interfere with their enjoyment of tubes or their favorite TV show or any even less significant matter. 

In fact, our government threw the border with Mexico wide open to make it even easier for all this to go on.  And that doesn't even take into consideration the tremendous suffering caused in Mexico by the drug trade.

If you want to start judging people, I don't think anyone here is going to come out looking very good.

Post removed 

Thousands of people killed in Ukraine and more dying daily and the tube guys worry where their next tubes will come from. Really?

KR does make an awesome KT88 and it looks like they will re-introduce a KT150. KT88 is $200 each, KT150 I expect to be ~$450 each. A lot more than Tung-Sols least you can get them. They will develop a KT120 for me but I need to order 1000. More than I am willing to commit to at this point.

JJ is obviously Czech republic but I looked and it appears that they are sold out until June. Not sure if they can produce fast enough to meet demand.

The other not mentioned here is Emission Labs which is also Czech Republic. Jac will also introduce tubes but you need to have a sufficiently large opening order.





Sophia Electric are made in China

KR and EAT are made in the Czech Republic

WE are made in the US

Takatsuki are made in Japan

Elrog are made in Germany

Definitely yes, we’ll see something like this in the future. Compare to modern electronic technology manufacturing of vacuum tubes is not more complicated. The only thing is needed is inquiry for it. The market is focusing even small demands now. 

I guess I would add what does it matter. The design trumps the manufacturing process. A good developer will do the due diligence of the manufacture and conduct follow up quality control checks. So I do not see where this takes place matters. A good tube is a good tube. Actually sad that what you show in your link is the first time in many years anyone has even hinted at upgrading the ancient tech of tubes. Guess we can get a little excited but not over optimistic.


Just recently got a pair of Western Electric 300B tubes, made in the state of Georgia....

I've got a pair of Western Electric 300b going in my Toolshed amp that's being built right now.     

Korg “tubes” are nothing but modified VFDs. Vacuum Fluorescent Displays. Not a real good substitute for well designed tubes.

Looks like Russia is the big dog in tube manufacturing.  If all this doesn't end in the near future there will no doubt be a shortage of various tubes. I wonder if all the tubes Mcintosh uses are manufactured in Russia.

Not much out there. 

Not any of the above listed countries but JJ in Czech Republic. No large power tubes like KT120,150 or 170.


Those Korg tubes (chips?) look very interesting based on their long life, durability, and low power requirements (less than 2% of a conventional tube).  It seems they could be considered as a catalyst for new, quieter tube designs using smaller power supplies.  Would it even be possible for them to be retrofitted as a drop in replacement for conventional vacuum tubes?   I would be curious to hear from a designer who has a long history using conventional vacuum tubes such as Ralph at Atma-Sphere.

The NuTube has been around for a while. It was developed to provide a way to add low order harmonic distortion for Korg’s synthesizers. It is somewhat popular in the DIY community and their are a number of designs available including one from Nelson Pass.

The big disadvantage of this product is that it is extremely microphonic, but it does do a nice job generating second order harmonics.