About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone

Many of us have come to know Patrick Malone (Lugnut) as a friendly, helpful, knowledgeable and kind individual. He is a frequent and enthusiastic contributor to our analog discussion forum. He has initiated only 17 threads, but responded to 559 threads. I would guess that many, if not most, of us can recall a time when Pat replied with helpful advice to a question we posted or helped us track down a rare recording. I have come to love Pat as a friend, and to respect him as a man, and I suspect many of you share those feelings.

Today I write to share difficult news with you. Pat has been diagnosed with an aggressive stomach cancer. It has yet to be determined whether surgery will even be worth it. If surgery is performed, most or all of the stomach will be removed, and Pat would face a difficult and long post-op period in the hospital. The medical course is still uncertain, but will be determined soon. Whatever is decided, it will not be easy or pleasant.

Something may be planned in the future to assist the family. For now, Pat could use some of the friendship he so often and willingly showed us. You can email Pat at: lugnut50@msn.com. You can also mail cards, letters ... or whatever. You may email me for Pat's mailing address. My email is: pfrumkin1@comcast.net.

I hope to spend a few days with Pat in Idaho or Nebraska (from which he hails) soon. Between this news, my legal work, getting ready for family arriving for the holidays, Audio Intelligent, and trying to make plans to visit Pat, my head is spinning. If you email me and I don't respond, please understand that I am not ignoring you, but rather simply do not have time to reply.

Pat may or may not have time to respond to posts here, to emails, or to cards mailed to him. But he has asked me to convey to each and every one of you that he has cherished your friendship, your comradery, and sharing our common hobby on this great website.

As we prepare for our holiday season celebrations, and look forward to -- as we should -- enjoying this time of year, I ask that you keep Pat and his family in mind ... and softly offer up, in quiet moments in the still of night and early morning, prayers for Pat and his family. God bless.

Warmest regards to all,
Paul Frumkin
Barb, I have attempted several times to post since reading of Pats death. Everytime I began to write seemed so shallow and empty. I really didn't know what to say.

I never met Pat, never spoke to Pat and never exchanged emails with Pat. But I do remember when I first asked a question on here about my lowly Technics turntable, Pat was one of the few to respond. He didn't tell me to get rid of that peice of junk, he told me things that might improve it to where it would bring me more enjoyment.

I have followed this thread from it's start and have shed many tears, both from sadness and from joy. Like many people, I gravitated to Lugnuts posts. He had what I wanted. An attraction rather than promotion thing. It wasn't his stereo or records that I wanted. It was much more than that. I wanted his compassion, kindness, honesty and caring and helpfulness to others. He let us see deep into his soul, which I find very difficult to do with those I know, let alone strangers on a website. In this world of corruption, cheating, self grandeur, Pat was a truly remarkable person.

I know I will miss him.

Thank you for continuing to share Pat with us. I will have my lowly Technics turntable tweaked to Lugnut specifications loaded with Neil Young Sunday afternoon in his honor. May he rest in peace.

Gracie is a beautiful name for the dog!! I love it.

Thank you so much, Barb. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Reading this thread, being with you--all of you--is a daily gift for us.

Give a kiss to Gracie, and we want to see you soon.

Gina & Howard
NOVEMBER 12, 2005 2 PM

Today we laid Pat at the altar of our old stone church - to honor him and to present him to the Lord. Our family gathered around to memoralize him with scripture, prayer, song and stories that lasted about one hour. A friends 10 year old daughter played "Amazing Grace" on the guitar, we sang "In the Garden" and we ended with Eva Cassidy's Fields of Gold."

In was chilly but sunny autumn day and the whole world just seemed to stop. So we all looked up and said thanks while the heavens opened to receive Pat.

Thank you my friends. Barb

PS - The puppy will be named after Pat's grandmother.
"Stella Grace" I will call her "Gracie"

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I have a few comments that I would like to discuss after reading DavtÂ’s post.

First off, keeping Pat alive in our souls is keeping the Lugnut in each of us active in our lives. Dav, you did this on your walk, and you came home alive. What this experience has taught us is to be honest, open and loving of strangers. These strangers become friends as soon as we extend our hand to them,

We have all shared an experience here, and it has been good. The experience appears to outsiders as death, this is what we see in the obituary, but we have learned this experience is in actuality life. Our time on earth is ours to share in any way we wish, this group at Audiogon have learned to share life as love and honesty. From this experience we hopefully have changed our perspective. That is the Lugnut legacy, and for me what I carry away from this and some other experiences IÂ’ve had in my life is we are in this together, and every one of us needs the love of others to have the most fulfilling experience possible. Imagine how sad and lonely PatÂ’s death would have been without this community. Now put yourself in PatÂ’s place, will you be alone or will you have love surrounding you at your passing?

We need each other, not just when we a sick, but every day. Pat had wished for this thread to continue because he was the benefactor of the love shared. But really, werenÂ’t we all the benefactors? My life was forever altered when I had my heart attack, and I have found the community expressed here ar Audiogon in my life outside Audiogon. I have been able to share my lessons with many people, I even wrote a book (not publishedÂ… yet) to help others learn. I try and live LugnutÂ’s lessons with every person I meet. My comment is to keep Pat alive we must expand the affected group beyond just Audiogon. If we do not, then the lesson will slowly fade into history, and nothing we have learned will have been carried forward into our futures. This is not acceptable in my view.

We are the luckiest people ever, we were allowed to share the hardest part of life and we grew. Pat will live as he lived today on DavÂ’s walk. If we want to memorialize Pat and BarbÂ’s gift to us than all we need to do is love everyone you meet. Share random acts of kindness everyday. (I can not express how powerful random acts of kindness are.) Love will spawn love in the same fashion hate spawns hate. But love trumps hate every time, hate will fail to exist if we all love one another. We were created to share this experience together and to help one another everyday. Help is not one day or one thread at an audio web site. Help is loving everyone we meet, and extend our souls to another.

For the moment that is enough from me. I have set-up my Empire turntable from 1972 with the AI preamp Pat gave to me, and yes Neil Young (‘70’s style) will play tomorrow afternoon, despite a frozen cartridge that sounds like $#&^.

God bless you all, I have grown to love so many of you through this incredible thread.

I love you Pat.

My thoughts are with you. Though we only briefly met, I know I will always remember Patrick, ant the night we all shared together here in San Francisco.

He was a good man.

When I finally find myself fly fishing, I'll be thinking of Lugnut.

-Rob Thomas
I first stumbled across this thread back in early May, and read through it for a couple of days before posting on May 5th.
Although I haven't posted much since then, I have continued to read it with a sense of joy, and dread, at the same time.
I know that you all helped Patrick a lot as he continued to fight this awful disease, in a very Public Forum, with grace, humour and courage.
However, he also helped all of us who have not had the horrifying experience of having to watch a loved one die slowly like that. It will help us deal with that awful reality should we ever be confronted with it personally. This thread will exist here for a long time, and can be used as an inspirational tool to convince similarly afflicted people and their loved ones that life should be lived to its fullest until your time runs out.

Barb, you have my sympathies for the loss of Patrick. Things will be busy around you for a while I expect. But, if you ever feel lonely, you know now that some support, friends and advice are as close as your computer keyboard.
There has been talk about a memorial to our beloved Lugnut. The idea that Davt mentioned has been discussed before. I don't know if anyone is interested in this, but it would be nice to see something set up to maintain the presence or memory of Pat Malone here on AudiogoN.

If people are interested in doing this, or have other suggestions, perhaps another thread could be started to get the ball rolling. Any ideas Paul, or others who have been so faithful in posting and caring for Pat?
Hi everybody, hi Barb, hi Pat. I was surprised at how upset I was at hearing this news. Even more surprising looking at my background. I am a health care provider specializing in Lou Gehrigs Disease. All of my patients are my friends. I have seen many friends pass away. But I miss Lugnut. I never met him and regret that I didn't. But we have chatted on the phone a few times over the past year or so. Seemed like I was talking to an old lifelong buddy from the start. So what has had me so troubled. I was afraid of loosing something more than a friend.

I think that what attracted so many people to this post, that attracted so many people to Pat is that in many ways we all have some Lugnut in us, and Pat gave us the opportunitty to live out our inner "Lugnuts". He allowed us the opportunity to share openlly in community and shared love of something that we all in our way find beautiful and dear, music. Life. Joy.

With Pat, either in e-mails or over the phone, I got to be a little more honest, open, happy, joyfull, soft, humble. These are parts of me that Pat helped bring out and I do not want to let go of these things.

I still want to let my inner "Lugnut" run free.

But I felt kind of on my own these past few days.

Then I woke up this morning, went for a walk. I said a warm good morning to everyone I possibly could, while all the while picturing Lugnut in the cockpit of that plane. I came home, listened to some music, and got back on the horse. I sure want to continue with this community that Pat has helped fuel.

With that is mind I would like to sponsor one nights lodging for the "scholarship" for a young person to attend the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest. I am sure others will be able to help with other needs. I want to honor my friend. I want to thank him and remember him. I want to show thanks to Barb for sharing her Lugnut. But most of all I want to continue what Mr. Lugnut has started.

...haven't posted a while here but kept on watching and reading with sorrow.

deep condolences to mrs Pat Malone

Pat will always be with us!

Barb,I was feeling pretty low , in an email Pat sent me he said;"Be glad for me when this is over.Realize that ive had a pretty incredible life,did it my way and luckily suffered enough trials along the way to prepare me for this.It doesnt get much better than this"i felt very peaceful after reading this,Pats no longer in pain,ill never forget Pat,He is one of the rare people whos light shined bright enough to warm everyone around him,even over the internet and miles away i could feel his loving and caring nature,his passion and love of life is something that will be with me as long as i live!My thoughts and prayers are with you and your loved ones,i will enjoy a day of music and remember Pat Sunday,Thank you,Ray
I've never posted here before, but that's okay. Pat was a dear and close friend of mine for twenty some years and I'm very touched by all the postings...He was an exceptional friend and one of my closest and dearest buddies. He even took the time this last summer to help me build my first Hi-end audio system and now I'm hooked...thanks Pat. I'll never forget the time he took us to a concert (karla Boniff)and sit us front row,dead center..(sweet spot). I know that's where Pat is now and he's saving me a seat...It's been my good fortune to have know him and to be able to go to thier home on Sunday and spin some albums. Pats latest Neil Young album was Prairie Wind and that's were he is now...you just have to listen......rest in peace old friend

You are an amazing person, and we feel blessed to be a part of this thread. God smiled down and brought this thread into our lives many months ago. It has been our good fortune to read your insights as well as those that Pat left for all of us.

Your idea is wonderful. Please know that our household will be spinning music in Pat's honor on Sunday afternoon...probably will start with Cortez the Killer...wish we could travel from Texas and be with you. Also, a letter from two big fans of Pat's will be sent to your grandchildren in your care.

Danlib1 said it so eloquently a few threads ago: "Though the one I love is gone for now, the love is not. LOVE NEVER DIES."


Barb, you and your family remain in our prayers,
Mary and Chuck
On Sunday I'll play some Neil Young - live stuff I think - and some blues, 'cause those are things I know Pat liked (I'm already lining 'em up: Sonny Boy Williamson, Little Walter, Otis Rush, Champion Jack Dupree, Bill Broonzy, Mississippi Fred McDowell...), as well as the last CD-R I made for him. I grieved yesterday, but today woke up angry knowing I could no longer chat with Pat or read a new post from him anymore. I know you'll have the most beautiful gathering there Barb - that evening I'll raise a glass in Pat's honor and attend in spirit.
Barb, you are amazing. Your idea is so special, and I can not think of a better memorial for his grand kids. Thanks again for letting us share your life.

Dear Audiogon friends - My heart aches and my eyes weep but I feel so at peace. I know it's because of the way that Pat prepared my for this time and because of the love and support that I continue to get from all of our many friends.
Thank you each and every one of you.

A wonderful way to memorialize Pat would be to relax and listen to music on Sunday afternoon which will be our open house visitation time. Also in Pat's memory I would like to collect letters addressed to his grandchildren, Scott and Aidyn, so that someday they can read them and know about their grandpa. There's no better way to celebrate this wonderful man.

Reporting from Pat's computer and feeling his presence. Barb
Post removed 
May God bless and keep close Pat's loved ones.

I don't know what to say, except that one thing that really comforted me after my Mom died was the following thought:

Though the one I love is gone for now, the love is not. LOVE NEVER DIES.

Thanks Pat, Barb and Amanda for sharing this journey.
While it saddens me to know that Pat has passed, I know that he is with the Lord and his physical suffering has ended.

May God continue to bless you Barb and may you continue to feel Pat's love from above.
I only met Pat briefly and virtually... after reading the news I have a feeling of irretrievable loss and yet, I also feel a (frightening for me) sense of calm; Pat's new life will be good and peaceful

Thank you Pat and Barb for coming into our lives -- and Barb, may God preserve your strength and yr well-being.
Dear Barb,

I am so sorry about your loss. I have not been a regular poster to this thread and even now have a difficult time posting here, but I had some email exchanges with Pat over the last year. I respected Pat as a person and as a man. He seemed very passionate about everything he did; from buiding his race car, to building his audio system, to voicing his politcal opinions to sharing his ordeal over the last year with friends. I respected him most for his passion because without passion, life is but existance and it seems like most are happy just to exist, but not Pat, he stood out from the "crowd" in this respect. I have thought about all he has gone through and it is so sad such a man was taken from the world so soon but it is awe inspiring that he lived out his last year in such a vibrant way. From what he has wrote about you Barb I think he was a lucky man to have someone like you to share share his life with.

Look in the mirror
It is not tall
There is a beard
But that's not all
A part of me
Not there before
Is Lugnut now
Forever more
Sincere and deepest condolences to Barb, Amanda, Scott, friends & family.

Pat, may God Bless you and keep you now that you are Home.
Though strangely I had never seen this thread till tonight I remember always clicking on Lugnut whenever I saw his monicker. Always offering help to others is not a bad way to be remembered. May you rest in peace.
Godspeed on your journey Pat! I hear they have horns up there. I hope they're running them with tubes! I will miss your generous contributions as well as thoughtful and thought-provoking debate. My deepest sympathies go out to Pat's family and friends... I cannot imagine such a loss.

As unflinchingly and courageously Pat died...
Its but a shawdow of how he lived.

Hereos step back and bow. Well done Lugnut.
"And the father said, 'I have reached the end
of my journey and I know that the end is better
than the beginning, but my children can walk
alone and their children with them.'
And the children said 'you will always be with us,
even when you have gone through the gates.'
"And they stood and watched him as he went on,
and the gates closed after him. And they said,
"we cannot see him, but his memory will guide us forever."

Barb and Amanda,
My wife and I share your sorrow and peace.
Love you
John & Syndie
My wife's and my most sincere condolences go out to the Malone family and friends. Only by chance did I find this thread two weeks ago, but chose not to contribute until now. Like many in our Audiogon community, I had never had the good fortune of knowing Pat, the bravest man I never knew. All I can say is that in a very short time, this, the last chapter of a true man... Patrick Malone has affected my life in a most profound way. What better testament to a life well spent?

Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep

Do not stand at my grave and weep,
I am not there... I do not sleep.
I am the thousand winds that blow...
I am the diamond glints on snow...
I am the sunlight on ripened grain...
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you waken in the morning's hush,
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of gentle birds in circling flight...
I am the soft star that shines at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry—
I am not there... I did not die...

Rest in peace Pat. Tonight, I'll spin some Neil Young on my Linn LP12 in your honor.
My deepest sympathy goes to Pat's family. Thanks to Barb for sharing his last moments with all of us. I wish I could have done the same if I was in your position. That alone shows us a lot of character and courage on your part. This alone will make me think deeper about life and make me not take precious life for granted.

I myself have been on Audiogon for as long as most here and know of Lugnut from reading and participating on forums. Though our paths have not crossed, it still makes me want to at least say goodbye fellow Audiogonner. Rest in Peace.
Pat & Barb,
Tonight, we're having a glass of wine and toasting to your lives, and how you've touched ours.
Gina & Howard
Thank you for all the great advices,i couldnt have start my turntable rig without you..god bless you and may you rest in peace..
Hi Pat,

I love you man! This is the first time in my life that I'm literally sitting here crying at my keyboard. I'm glad that your burden (pain) is finally gone, but the world was a better place with your presence. Know that you touched many, many hearts and lives.

May God be with you now, and spread your loving presence with your family in their time of need.

Barb, Amanda, and family, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your families.

{Raises his pint of Guiness} To my friend/buddy/pal Pat Malone........Salute!!

Warmest Regards,

I didn't have the pleasure of knowing Pat, but obviously he was a VERY special person. My thoughts and prayers now go to Barb and the rest of his family.

He will rest in peace.
Pat, there is a car in heaven for you with a beautiful turntable that you work as a changer as your crusing down the road. Barb, Peace, Acceptance and Support and thank you for being you and much more than you will ever know. Cornfedboy, Will the Circle Be Unbroken says alot about this thread. I've learned alot about life from the people in this thread that if I can take it to heart and live it the Circle Will continue to Be Unbroken. Peace to all.

Boss302 Greg
Pat "Lugnut" showed us all life as it should be lived, with grace, humor, and caring. The world is a lesser place for his passing, my sincerest condolences go out to his wife, family, and all who loved him. "We bid you goodnight."
Pat, Barb and the community of AudiogoN,

I feel as though the journey we have been allowed to share through this wonderful thread has joined us all in a great circle of love, understanding, caring and peace.

May the Circle be Unbroken.

RIP Pat, we've never met, talked or exchanged emails, but you have changed my life. Best wishes to Pat's family during this very difficult time.

My deepest sympathy to Pat's wife, family and friends.

Your suffering is over, God Bless and forever rest in eternal peace Pat, you will always be loved and remembered as a part of this community and many others.

Pat (Rx8man)
Rest in peace Pat.
Sincere condolences to Barb and family.

Rest easy Lugnut.

Rob Poort
Thanks to Pat & Barb for being so courageous to share with the entire community. I have followed this without contributing until now. My prayers are with Barb and the family. May God bless you and your family. I will spin some vinyl tonight and be thinking of Pat enjoying life to the fullest.

Nick Goode
Troy, MI
My deepest sympathy to all of Pat's family. This has been a remarkable journey, not only for Pat and his grieving family, but for all of us who have learned so much from him. I can only hope that the support and love he has received and will continue to receive is a source of some comfort to Barb and Amanda.

I might be like many others, in that I wasn't a regular contributor to this thread (other than the first day) but I kept up with the news and thought of Patrick and what was going on.

We had emailed a few times last year about various things and I thought I would be able to stop by for a visit. We'll still be able to visit, just not in these earthly bodies.

My sincerest condolences to Patrick's family.
It seems like it was yesteday that Pat and Barb came to visit Portland. We knocked around the used record shops and second hand audio stores, had some good meals, told some bad jokes, listened to some good live jazz and enjoyed the camraderie that comes from deep personal respect. Pat was weary, but his spirit shone through it all. I wish it were yesterday again. We will miss you Pat.

Marty Kohn
Portland, OR
Pat was always a thoughtful and kind fellow in these threads. That is how I knew him and will remember him. God bless you my friend. Cheers to Lugnut! Peace
I can think of no words for Barb and Amanda other than for you to take joy in what Pat has done for all of us here. His life was truly a blessing to us all.

"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us."
Romans 8:18