About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone

Many of us have come to know Patrick Malone (Lugnut) as a friendly, helpful, knowledgeable and kind individual. He is a frequent and enthusiastic contributor to our analog discussion forum. He has initiated only 17 threads, but responded to 559 threads. I would guess that many, if not most, of us can recall a time when Pat replied with helpful advice to a question we posted or helped us track down a rare recording. I have come to love Pat as a friend, and to respect him as a man, and I suspect many of you share those feelings.

Today I write to share difficult news with you. Pat has been diagnosed with an aggressive stomach cancer. It has yet to be determined whether surgery will even be worth it. If surgery is performed, most or all of the stomach will be removed, and Pat would face a difficult and long post-op period in the hospital. The medical course is still uncertain, but will be determined soon. Whatever is decided, it will not be easy or pleasant.

Something may be planned in the future to assist the family. For now, Pat could use some of the friendship he so often and willingly showed us. You can email Pat at: lugnut50@msn.com. You can also mail cards, letters ... or whatever. You may email me for Pat's mailing address. My email is: pfrumkin1@comcast.net.

I hope to spend a few days with Pat in Idaho or Nebraska (from which he hails) soon. Between this news, my legal work, getting ready for family arriving for the holidays, Audio Intelligent, and trying to make plans to visit Pat, my head is spinning. If you email me and I don't respond, please understand that I am not ignoring you, but rather simply do not have time to reply.

Pat may or may not have time to respond to posts here, to emails, or to cards mailed to him. But he has asked me to convey to each and every one of you that he has cherished your friendship, your comradery, and sharing our common hobby on this great website.

As we prepare for our holiday season celebrations, and look forward to -- as we should -- enjoying this time of year, I ask that you keep Pat and his family in mind ... and softly offer up, in quiet moments in the still of night and early morning, prayers for Pat and his family. God bless.

Warmest regards to all,
Paul Frumkin

Showing 50 responses by nrchy

---Stupid question alert---
What is happening in Miami that everyone but me is talking about?
Pat, how does one respond correctly to such gracious comments? Wisdom of that caliber is not of this world. I stand to learn from you, and have followed this thread because I have so much to learn. You are in my prayers!
You should have a good time with Albert. He is a gracious host, has a nice system, and a demented sense of humor. Just tell him not to cook the VTL's. If you get the chance when he's not looking, steal a couple of LPs for me. I'll send a list later.
Pat, when I read you last post it made me sorry that I am so far away (miles wise) from you. I wish there was something I could do to help as much as you have helped many of us through your posts. We all need eachother in this moment we call life. Heros are made by opportunities, not strong backbones. Your trials have revealed your character to the rest of us! It's easy to be thankful and appreciative when there are no problems, and most of the things the rest of us consider problems are really inconveniences. I assume the praise you recieve is a little embarrassing, but when a person brags about how well they would do under a given circumstance, their foolishness is made obvious by the exampe of those who do bear up well under difficult circumstances, as you are doing.

Thank you for being so transparent, you remain in my prayers.
This is just an immediate response. IÂ’ll post a thought out and reasoned response later. I donÂ’t want to get too caught up with thought and reason! I have been looking forward to this weekend since Albert called me and told me heÂ’d kick my sorry white %$#@ if I didnÂ’t show up. I have wanted to meet Pat for many months. IÂ’m not ashamed to say that I have a lot of respect and admiration for him. It has been a life changing event for many people, but to encounter someone on the web is to look though a darkened window when compared to conversing in person. The small amount of money it cost was well spent. Pat is a blast. HeÂ’s not as sedate as his comment about Albert being Lugnut on steroids might indicate. He gave the rest of us a run for our money. We hit three very good record stores. I went home with a lot of new vinyl: read, 27 LPs plus a seven LP Pink Floyd box set thanks to a friend of Albert. Thank you Dennis, if you ever read this!!! Thanks also to Louis and Dennis for opening their homes and letting us enjoy their rooms and systems.

We spent many hours listening to music, lying to each other and telling the worst jokes known to all of mankind! Albert put lots of miles on his truck, a fact for which each of us was grateful. Thanks to Cello for dinner Saturday night, and Vetterone on Sunday night!

Having met Patrick made the trip worth the effort, meeting Cello and Vetterone was like winning the lottery and then finding out that the payout was more than you expected. I would love to get to Boise to spend more time with these music lovers.

Thanks to Albert for putting this together and making it possible. The world hasnÂ’t changed, but for four days Albert made it seem smaller.
I'm sure Pat will be embarrassed by this, but hopefully not upset...
I only met him on one occasion, but have had the pleasure of corresponding with him over the last year or so. The level of respect and friendship I have for Pat increased immeasurably when I met him in person. He is in many ways a throwback to a bygone era when men were polite, considerate, and anything but the doormats they have become. His struggle has been an inspiration to me, and his example, one worth following. He is a trooper, but inspite of all he is going through, his thoughts and concerns are for his family and those around him. In a culture where selfishness is considered a virtue, Pat shows how meeting the needs of others actually meets our own needs.
To quote a better man Pat, "I thank God for my every remembrance of you..."
Pat, if it's any consolation, I've always thought of you as a piece of meat... : ) JK!
Everytime you tell a story, it makes me think I haven't lived much by comparison!!!
Steve I recognize, but the other guy, didn't he used to make horror movies?!? : )
The funny thing about that picture is that's the same hat he wore the whole time we were in Dallas!
Pat, after we talked I went to pick up that LP. Wouldn't you know it, it was sold! Guess I'll have to pilfer yours.
I wish there was a way to post how hard I was laughing reading the last two posts.
Doug, as long as you don't try to wear those little outfits yourself, you might be okay...
Art Garfunkel and Clint Eastwood!?! Lugnut you cut a dashing figure!

I hope you and Barb have a great time. Happy Birthday.

Yes, I'm up for a reunion. I talked to Albert and Steve about it. Maybe in Denver?!?!
Pat, as always I enjoyed talking with you yesterday. I didn't want to tie up your time as I knew you wanted to talk to the tube guy. I'm glad that worked out well!

It's hard to balance my thought since I struggle with being on the verge of tears and wanting to shout out loud how proud I am of your spirit. You say you are not a hero. Many people would argue that with you. I too disagree! A hero is a man (in this case) who does what everything would like to think they would do given the same circumstances. I know that you are going through a horribly difficult time both physically and mentally. I have shed tears when I think of your pain, and that of Barb. I know other friends who have too. You have earned the love and respect of many in this community.

It's strange to think that most of us would know nothing about you if not for this little website, and now there are many of us who are emotionally invested in your life.

You are an example to me. I would like to think I would have the strength of character you show when I look at my own death. Even the word is frightening, how much more the reality. Regardless of what happens, I look forward to seeing you again, you remain, as always, in my prayers!
Just an update for Lugnut fans, I talked to Pat for quite a while this evening. He was happy and sounded good. He's not depressed, he isn't giving up. I think he's said it before, he's ready to live if that's what happens and he's ready to die if that's what happens.

Keep those prayers going! I think Pat draws a lot of hope and encouragement from the posts generated here, so you may be helping more than you ever knew by offering words of encouragement.

Pat, you're a rock. : )
Great News Pat! Have a good weekend, watch out for the guys (?) on the street. Should I send a vinyl wish list along?
Just to keep people updated, I talked to Pat this AM and he sounded as good as I've heard him sound in months. He put a smile on my face! And it sounded like he was smiling too.

Thanks Pat!
Pat after spending a few days with you and hitting a few good restaurants, I don't think there's anything that will ever allow you to eat like a regualr person...

now wipe those crumbs out of your beard!!!
Pat based on your recommendation I bought a copy of Neil Youngs greatest hits, but I'm still looking for a copy of "Unglued."
Pat have I ever said anything serious? I hope it's not windy today, or I'm staying indoors!
Are there going to be samples available? I'd hate to spend my hard earned money on an item of questionable quality!?!
Pat, one of the the LPs I mentioned yesterday was by a gentleman named David Romaine. I'm at work so I don't have it right in front of me, but the title has something to do with gypsy violin something or other. There is a lovely gypsy looking woman on the front cover holding a violin.

I hope his name is enough to get you started. It was released onthe Mercury label.

Patrick, start your engines, you're off to the races! Now find that LP.
Pat, what a great weekend! It was a lot of fun to spend time with you again. I was concerned about you having too much pressure to keep people entertained and talking with all the people who wanted to meet you.

Rick from Virtual Dynamics mentioned that he was hoping to meet with you for a while, but I didn't run into him till after you left.

Pat, I have to say this publically. Your wife is a wonderful woman! It was a pleasure to meet her. I guess we both married above our pay grade. It must have been a lot of work for her to care for the needs of two people, but she always had a smile on her face.

I was impressed by the Caravelles at CES. It was interesting to hear them in two different rooms, with different gear. They did not disappoint on either occasion. Tom and I got to sit and listen for a while late Sunday afternoon.

Pat, I had tears in my eyes as I watched you and the gang drive away, as I had the same thought. I was choking back tears as I returned to my tour of some of the rooms that I missed. I will not forget the words you said as you got in the truck. FWIW I would gladly feel the sorrow because it reminds me of the joy of friendship.

Thanks for making yourself available to your friends. Both of the weekends I got to spend with you and a few other new friends will be cherished for the rest of my life. I loved being able to sit and talk with you at dinner. What a great group of people, on both occasions. Sorry for keeping you out so late on Friday.

Hey rnm4 - that's because he couldn't get it off of Brahm's head!
Pat, I'll do anything you want, as far as posting, or any other help I can offer.

Regardless of what happens, I look forward to seeing you again!

I wish there was an easy answer to offer, words or thoughts to improve your situation...

I will tell you now, that I've grown to love you, as have many others here. Time and circumstance can do nothing to diminish that! I'm proud to call you my friend.

You remain in my prayers.
I can't decide if I should laugh or cry. The thought of another little Lugnut running around...

Is the world ready?!?
Wow Pat, all this time I thought you were the barbarian hordes. That's one of the funniest things I've ever read. Just remember transistors are purely transitory.
This might not be the right place to ask, but does anyone know how a person could save this whole thread and all the responses? I'm not real big on computer stuff, and I don't know how to do anything but print the one page which is open...
Pat, I'm glad I called Friday instead of Thursday, after reading your post. It was great to talk with you again.

I can't imagine the yo-yo to which you refer! To prepare for something dreaded, only to have it postponed is more than I can wrap my little mind around. From a distance you seem to deal with it so well, but the inner turmoil must be profound. I didn't like "Groundhog Day" when it was only a poor movie, much less when it's a part of the life of a friend.

I missed the Star Trek episode about the Vinylians and the Digitarians. Did it have something to do with fingers and rubber gloves??? Reminds me of a recent trip to the... oh, never mind!
Jeff - good to see you here. It was a pleasure to met you at RMAF. Any friend of Pat's is... well, crazy! Oh, I mean an friend of mine!

I like the scholarship idea and would be glad to contribute. Maybe this should be run by AudiogoN and a new post started. Jeff, you're not the first nominee are you?!?

As far as TWL and Dallas... I talked to Tom at RMAF and he really would like to visit Albert. I don't know if it is possible right now, plans have not been made, as much as wishes expressed. I don't know who should take up the task of arm twisting?!?

If this comes to pass, I will do everything I can to be there. I'm just not sure Albert could take another group of crazies descending upon his abode.
I had a couple opportunities to talk to Lugnut today. As always, he has the ability to bring a smile to my face. The first chance, he was so tired he really could not talk, but later this evening we spent some time catching up, and had a great time.

Those of you given to prayer, please remember to mention Pat and his needs, and Barb.

I was thinking even before I read the post by Bin that if I had the choice, I would rather die before my friends. It's hard to be left behind, as anyone who has buried a loved one will attest.

Pat, I respect the way you are leading the rest of us into unknown territory. You know I love you, and continue to remember you in my prayers.

I wish there were words to offer that meant something. I'll talk to you soon!
Gregm you should just try to picture Barb as she's a lot cuter than Pat. He'd be quick to say the same thing...

I'm not sure what it means but I still have a picture of Pat that I snapped with my camera phone while we were in Dallas together. I should probably move it to a safer place. I would hate to loose that picture.

Pat - be strong today.
Pat, I hope you had a great time yesterday. Did you tell Barb 'happy birthday' for me? What kind of music does she like to listen to while celebrating? It's the software...!

You remain in my prayers.
I had the privelge of wasting an hour of Pat's time this evening. What a joy it is to be encouraged by his peaceful demeanor, and calm thoughtful words, and strength of faith.

Patrick,I hope you have fun tonight listening to tunes with Barb and your friends.

I certainly hope your weekend plans work out properly too.
Pat, I sure hope you can get out to enjoy some good live music this weekend. You remain, as always, in my prayers.

Warren, how about those Star Sound/Systrum racks???
I'm really glad to hear about you getting that fluid out! That must have incredibly increased your comfort level. While I understand that you are probably never very comfortable, any improvement is good!

I hope you plan to review the show for us tomorrow.

Pat, I'll Shanghi your thread for a few minutes since you asked me to report my findings with the Starsound rack.

FedEx delivered it yesterday. True to form, one of the boxes was broken open and the top shelf was damaged on the front edge, where it will be seen everytime someone looks at it! It is certainly a two man (or one woman) job. I realized after I went past them that two of the shelves are upside down. Having only three legs makes it much easier to put all the ICs and PCs into place.

The rack certainly isolates the sound. Images and sounds are smaller, and more detailed. At one point I was listening to a U2 LP where they do a song with 'Voices of Freedom' where there was a vocalist easily three feet outside the boundry of the speakers. I have listened to this track a lot of times and have never heard this happen before.

I am very happy with the results of putting the Starsound rack in place. People can argue whether or not this design is effective, but I have heard the results and it is well worth the cost. My results were similar to what you found when you added the Audiopoints!

Well, my brother, you remain, as always, in my prayers!

PS that was your phone!!!
Pat and I have discussed his hope and faith a number of times. Lest people fear that this thread is going to become some kind of sermon, that was Pats fear. He did not want it to become one. He is sharing the thing which causes him the greatest comfort.

It's easy to ignore the idea of God when death is a theory, but when it changes to reality there are very few who do not hope for an afterlife, and being in good standing with the diety. Pat has faced the reality of his impending death, and realized that if this life is all there is, that there is no purpose to anything. Heaven and Hell give meaning to life, they are not a tranquilizer. I have a huge amount of respect and love for Pat, and I count it among the greatest privileges of my life to have met him and been able to spend some quality time with him. His preparedness to met his future gives me strength,as it does him!

Doug, having gone thorugh the appendicitis, in a foreign country no less, you have my sympathy. It's to bad that we can't live in a world where people are seen as people instead of White/black; male/female; gay/straight. None of those things will matter 100 years after we're dead, why do they have to be so important now?
I got off the phone with Pat not too long ago. I was crying as we said 'goodbye,' I hope, not for the last time. Pat said it in his post, but he is winding down, or as he said 'free falling.' It still brings tears to my eyes, just to write it.

At the risk of sounding dramatic, if anyone has anything to say to Lugnut, I would not wait. His poor body has taken all the abuse it can. He cherishes all the kind words that so many have offered, and he really needs the prayers of those inclined to offer them.

Though many will hurt by his death, it will be a relief to Pat. That murderous cancer will die, but Pat will live on...
Pat, I love to see your name pop up here! It sure brought a smile to my face. What we wouldn't give to help you carry the load you bear right now, but some journeys are taken alone.

I was really taken by the name 'Spirit' for your new puppy although if he's got a deep raspy voice and a lot of wrinkles maybe something referencing Neil Young would be in order!?! : )

I want to say publicly "Pat thanks for being a part of my life, you are well loved!"

Lyle Lovett wrote in the song "Simple Song" the words:
"When you find the one
you might become
remember part of me is you..."

I always loved that idea.

Love, joy peace, patience...
I talked to Pat this morning. He's been feeling poorly the last few days. The upside is, it may be due to an allergy to the pain meds. If they can get the right meds, and Pat can get comfortable and rest, he may feel much better.
Zaikes wrote "with time slipping away, and words seeming like but leaves blowing away on the winds of a changing season we cannot alter."

Wow! Those are incredible words!
Barb, thanks for the good news. Honestly when I saw the Lugnut moniker listed as the last person to respond I was a little worried about what I might see. I'm glad the bed and tube are working, and it seems as if the new meds are less hard on Pat's body.

Thank you too, for taking on another, and difficult job, of keeping us informed of what's taking place with our friend.

The prayers continue, as does the love...
Talked to Barb last night, she said Pat was resting better, and able to sleep for more than one hour at a time. The hospital bed and the tube which drains his stomach prevents the vomitting that has been so regular.

He was even drinking a Rootbeer while I was on the phone!!! That is a lot of progress compared to the water which was the only thing he had been able to ingest.

Good news for Pat, but last night my father went into the hospital, so I guess it all balances out.
This must be my lucky day! I got to spend a minute on the phone with the Ol' Lugnut himself. He sounded chipper. The tube is letting him take in some fluids, and help to hydrate that parched body of his.

Friends and family are on their way to spend some time. I certainly hope everyone has a good time at Casa Malone for the next number of days.

Barb still brings Pat into the computer room so he can keep up with this thread, so if you have words of encouragement please keep them coming.

Thanks to those who shared their concern about my dad. I was touched by your kindness.

TWL, I certainly enjoyed the thought of a new and better home - thank you!
I'm with JD, I check this thread several times throughout the day for any news about our favorite Lugnut. We pray for you everyday.
I am and have been praying for a comfortable transition to Pats next (real) life.

It brings up a lot of sorrow to read about his discomfort, and to consider the sadness that Barb and Amanda will experience. If only there were a way to easy the pain of others...