
Discussions danlib1 has started

Merry Christmas to All32077
John Blue Audio25342
Beatles Without George Martin?1173548
Imac to my dac- sounds awful?45088
How do I bypass KMixer in Windows XP1433922
TAS and the Martin Logan Source1521412
Opinions of TAD-60 Amp23911
BPT vs. Hydra 8- Your thoughts?49897
New Tubes- Need Burn-In?1468623
Tube Substitution Okay?35807
I'm a tube novice: Tube substitution?70289
Anyone tried new VH Audio Air Sine Cable?160849
Power Cable for Exemplar 2900- Suggestions?33914
Best Song or AlbumTitles?975449
Exemplar Denon 2900. WOW Need owner advice.2662678