
Discussions slate1 has started

Review: Portal Panache Integrated Amplifier2936680
Would like to hear from Portal Panache owners...35433
Fully Modded Origin Live OL1 or Stock Rega RB-600?1308615
Dynavector Stylus Cleaning - dehydrated ethanol???39996
Anyone using a Sumiko Blackbird w/ Solid State?39553
Any opinions on the Audio-Technica OC9ML II?57359
Thinner Rega Felt Mat for 180-200g Vinyl?20381
Best Rock Cartridge for Rega $6001009811
How hard should I be scrubbing my......25384
Phono Input on A300 overload?25492
Should the platter and plinth be level?2884710
Shure V15VxMR to be discontinued2243052
Anyone using Von Schweikert's w/ Musical Fidelity?43688
RB-700 Counterweight: Stock, Express, F2, Michell?25423
Rega Exact on a Rega P5 - opinions?992613