Why so much love for Mcintosh?

Sick of the haters here ragging on Mcintosh equipment. I thought it was time to turn the tables and show some love for a company that most others only wish they had their success.
I’ve owned a few Macintosh amps in the past and own one of their latest now: MC611.
Starting with a pr of MC501 monos that I thought were nothing special I’ve heard sonic improvement through MC402,452 and currently MC611. All the improvements have been in the area of Fidelity and resolution. Something I felt the MC501 monos lack. I’ve owned countless amplifiers from almost every manufacturer of high End audio. Why do I love Mcintosh MC611 mono so much? They make listening to music a pleasure not a chore.
They give me everything I want and nothing more!
The computers are good. 

I was Steve jobs big fan. I dont like the other stuff they made however
One is $45,000 one is $9000…. One measures real bad and one real good…

One gets universal praise on audiogon and one gets bashed…. Really makes you wonder. 



This video is interesting. I have heard both McIntosh and D’Agostino on wilson Alexia’s and thought the D’Agostinos were a little hard and cold. Similar to the benchmark sound for $3,000. However I find the benchmark to have a small soundstage in general. Buy what makes you happy.


Another perspective. 

I own a McIntosh MC462 amp (and a number of others too). The McIntosh does not stand out at doing anything the best but it is the one currently in my system and I don’t see if going anywhere. It plays crazy loud and never sounds edgy like some other brands. Pushed to insane levels it is just louder with no sign of compassion. It sounds the same very quiet too. Probably a testament to the speakers as well.   
i have a mc602! i like the blue meters! i once read 'proud of ownership' owning a mcintosh!
I have owned a lot of different manufacturers equipment over the years: Audio Research, Mark Levinson, Jeff Rowland, Bedini, Krell, Conrad Johnson, Janis, Naim to name a few. All have given me great listening experiences. I currently use a McIntosh C1100 pre and a pair of MC611 monos. They are as good as anything I have ever had and they give me all the necessary clues to make music sound real and more importantly enjoyable in my home. Also the company has been around for a long time and though ownership has changed continues to thrive and provide service and parts unlike other high end companies that come and go. Are there better more esoteric offerings? Probably, but at what cost and inconvenience? 
@hamr I’ve been thinking about pairing up the MC611 with a Mcintosh C1100. How’s the resolution and detail with the combo?
Good idea hiendmmoe....I’ve had 501’s in my system for 16+ years. Driven by very a resolving front end and driving resolving power hungry speakers have made them a perfect sonic match to my system.

I have changed everything in the chain except them. Classics.

Hiendmmoe detail and resolution are very good but not thrown at you like some electronics. Vocal lines are extremely easy the hear that were previously obscured on other equipment. C1100 and mc611 are a great combo.
My McIntosh gear allows me to focus on the music rather than on my system components. It’s along the same idea of when the speakers disappear and you get a room full of music. I don’t worry about my McIntosh components and whether or not they will perform perfectly every time I turn them on. They work perfectly at low volume levels and at high volume levels. The quality is always outstanding. No background noises, no hums, no static from my speakers when the gear is on. They play everything from Miles to Mozart to Metallica perfectly to my ears. I cannot imagine using anything else at this point. 

Today's McIntosh are quite good.   I owned McIntosh gear from the Clarion years and while it was pretty good , it wasn't great.   Aside from their dark days I would consider an older or newer piece of McIntosh 
McIntosh has rekindled my love of music - I bought a McIntosh preamp to get an improved DAC and phono stage.  Frankly the impact had me upgrade everything.

And I'm in process of upgrading again and I'll be able to get significant amount of my money back through selling my equipment on eBay because McIntosh equipment is built to last as well as sounds good.

That is what it is all about finding what really about for many of us, the music.
Finally a thread about what's good about McIntosh, not the usual bashing as contained in the other thread circulating around here! I've owned lots of their pieces, but currently am using the MC7200 amp, which has no autoformers ( the last amp under Gordon Gow's legacy ) and the C15 preamp. I like it because of it's simplicity. ALL the Mac units I've ever used never broke down or had to be serviced, including my current stuff which is now quite old. At least this company has a longevity track record, which can't be said for most of the audio gear available today! And it sounds great to me, which is all that counts anyway.

bump,  I went with A C49 and pair of Mc611's about a month ago to drive a pair of Kef Blades I bought 2-3 years ago. The previous amp had 525 watts into 4 ohms and over 2k into 1 ohm, so stable and powerful enough I thought. What impresses me so much about the Mac gear is how dynamic everything sounds at low volumes. Contrast, soundstage, and pinpoint imaging all improved beyond any expectation because I never imagined how much audible difference a single watt could make.

My previous listening sessions would be in the mid 90's with +100db peaks and I still can, but I don't need to when I can get the music's full measure at idle. IDK if Mac pairs this well with all speaker brands, but I have no reason to shop further. 

In the times I have really listened to Mcintosh gear it sounded very natural and big sounding, of course these were usually expensive systems with big tall floorstanding column speakers so maybe the big impressive sound was more because of those.  I think the older stuff can be soft sounding, like alot of older tube gear, Marantz Fisher stuff like that in the old days.  But the company has been around forever and always had a strong customer base, so it is doing something right, and their high end stuff gets into nose bleed territory.

Mac are as good as anything out there if they are matched with the right speakers.  

Have a C2700 feeding a pair of MC611s. I no longer have any urge or intention to upgrade. The bass/midbass competes with anything out there. The midrange is beautiful. The highs are a little lacking, but I fixed that by adding a pair of Nordost Valhalla 2 XLRs from my DAC to the preamp. Now, this system is complete from top to bottom.

Recently joined the camp.

acquired  an MC240 and also a Thorens td125 with SME arm and connected to my Klipsch Heresy II I hear magic. Streaming even sounds good but the vinyl is amazing.  Back in those late 60s and early 70 there was some cracker stuff made.

Wish I had an MC preamp but the one I bought (that i could afford) was smashed by shipper :-(