Why so much love for Mcintosh?

Sick of the haters here ragging on Mcintosh equipment. I thought it was time to turn the tables and show some love for a company that most others only wish they had their success.
I’ve owned a few Macintosh amps in the past and own one of their latest now: MC611.
Starting with a pr of MC501 monos that I thought were nothing special I’ve heard sonic improvement through MC402,452 and currently MC611. All the improvements have been in the area of Fidelity and resolution. Something I felt the MC501 monos lack. I’ve owned countless amplifiers from almost every manufacturer of high End audio. Why do I love Mcintosh MC611 mono so much? They make listening to music a pleasure not a chore.
They give me everything I want and nothing more!

Showing 1 response by femoore12

My McIntosh gear allows me to focus on the music rather than on my system components. It’s along the same idea of when the speakers disappear and you get a room full of music. I don’t worry about my McIntosh components and whether or not they will perform perfectly every time I turn them on. They work perfectly at low volume levels and at high volume levels. The quality is always outstanding. No background noises, no hums, no static from my speakers when the gear is on. They play everything from Miles to Mozart to Metallica perfectly to my ears. I cannot imagine using anything else at this point.