Why so much love for Mcintosh?

Sick of the haters here ragging on Mcintosh equipment. I thought it was time to turn the tables and show some love for a company that most others only wish they had their success.
I’ve owned a few Macintosh amps in the past and own one of their latest now: MC611.
Starting with a pr of MC501 monos that I thought were nothing special I’ve heard sonic improvement through MC402,452 and currently MC611. All the improvements have been in the area of Fidelity and resolution. Something I felt the MC501 monos lack. I’ve owned countless amplifiers from almost every manufacturer of high End audio. Why do I love Mcintosh MC611 mono so much? They make listening to music a pleasure not a chore.
They give me everything I want and nothing more!

Showing 1 response by james633

One is $45,000 one is $9000…. One measures real bad and one real good…

One gets universal praise on audiogon and one gets bashed…. Really makes you wonder. 



This video is interesting. I have heard both McIntosh and D’Agostino on wilson Alexia’s and thought the D’Agostinos were a little hard and cold. Similar to the benchmark sound for $3,000. However I find the benchmark to have a small soundstage in general. Buy what makes you happy.


Another perspective. 

I own a McIntosh MC462 amp (and a number of others too). The McIntosh does not stand out at doing anything the best but it is the one currently in my system and I don’t see if going anywhere. It plays crazy loud and never sounds edgy like some other brands. Pushed to insane levels it is just louder with no sign of compassion. It sounds the same very quiet too. Probably a testament to the speakers as well.