Why so much love for Mcintosh?

Sick of the haters here ragging on Mcintosh equipment. I thought it was time to turn the tables and show some love for a company that most others only wish they had their success.
I’ve owned a few Macintosh amps in the past and own one of their latest now: MC611.
Starting with a pr of MC501 monos that I thought were nothing special I’ve heard sonic improvement through MC402,452 and currently MC611. All the improvements have been in the area of Fidelity and resolution. Something I felt the MC501 monos lack. I’ve owned countless amplifiers from almost every manufacturer of high End audio. Why do I love Mcintosh MC611 mono so much? They make listening to music a pleasure not a chore.
They give me everything I want and nothing more!

Showing 1 response by jeffreyw

Have a C2700 feeding a pair of MC611s. I no longer have any urge or intention to upgrade. The bass/midbass competes with anything out there. The midrange is beautiful. The highs are a little lacking, but I fixed that by adding a pair of Nordost Valhalla 2 XLRs from my DAC to the preamp. Now, this system is complete from top to bottom.