Why all or most audiophiles are men?

I googled to find an answer but no avail. Something very interesting. 
I just hope when I'm gone my wife doesn't sell my stereo and flyfishing stuff for what I told her I bought it for.I'll have to leave her a note.
Men like to impress men.  Women like to impress women. Also, men like to impress women and women like to impress men.That's as far as I've got so far.

Actually men don’t listen, just compete. That’s why it’s never good enough. My wife will listen to any of my gear with no complaints while I dissect each little nuance and she just sits there smiling and tapping her feet. I wonder what it would be like to be like her for a day? Must be great to be so carefree. Wait... my ability to make money has allowed her to be like that! On second thought, *^#ew her. I’m buying some new speakers. 
Men like gear and women like shoes and bags. There are exceptions of course.
"Men like bright shiny objects."
Have you ever seen a woman staring at the shiny diamond? Not much of a dislike in her eyes.
Boys and their toys, audio, cars, guns, watches, etc ... I could go on and on, LOL
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Hmm. Men like shiny object! 
It sounds very scientific. That's why men are bald on head earlier and more. 
May god have mercy on me... I don’t know how dumb I really am.
And yes...as much as I luv my current speakers  I would like to update them.
It seems men are more driven by ego obsessively. All the composers of mid century classical works are men and most of them were egomaniac. Now women turn into egomaniac gradually at this turn of century.  
Probably because nature deemed most women to be practical child rearers and homebuilders whilst men tend to be hunters by nature.

The big joke is that obsessive hunting for the great white whale of audio perfection can be an endless task with many pitfalls. Moby Dick anyone?

Women just don't have time for that kind of obsession and instead stick to humouring their men.

At least that's how it works out for me.
2psyop's explanation seems to be most logical. I consider myself as being dumber or retarded for the same reason. 
Agree totally with 2psyop. A great deal of what I read here and elsewhere about high end hi-fi smacks of utter ridiculousness that takes a man to fall for. 

There are exceptions. I do not have an explanation for Elizabeth's propensities.
I thought about this too. Although there ARE women who are audiophiles, for the most part women are too smart to buy expensive and over priced boxes of wires that play recorded music.
Men are the dumber ones in the species and spend far too much money on this hobby we call audio.
Music is about action - like sport and cars. Men are obsessive about improving what they have, can do and showing off. It is all fundamentally related to habits that are formed to ensure successful reproduction - the Peacock display. A woman will choose a man of strong action or what most women believe can translate into a capable motivated successful provider and leader of her children. A man of status.

With Women reproductive success is about relationships, intuition, caring and demonstrating great motherly skills in raising and protecting her successful kids. The men look to women to guide them, support them, and complement them in all these relationship areas where they are generally much weaker. The woman is looking for a man she can trust completely (go on one knee and promise everything eternally), a good reliable father for her children. A man is always looking for recognition and support, a wife that is devoted.

kind of simple really - strong capable Knight in shining armour saves beautiful, intelligent and emotionally talented princess. Knight is dumb in complex relationships but black and white with loyalty, honour and fearlessly slaying the dragon. That story doesn’t work as well the other way round. A smart lady can be insanely demanding and controlling but she will never criticize or berate the character of her man - because having their most trusted partner undermine them is pure poison and totally demotivating to most men (who are insecure).

Women are the stronger more secure sex, by far.

Women are interested by influence, connections, image and appearance - everything to do with relationships.

Men are interested in skills and tools - everything to do with physical activity from fishing to cars and sport.

There is significant overlap in the middle of this spectrum but these are the two extremes.