
Responses from analogvm15

Your Favorite Christmas Song-One only Please-
What Child Is This---- many versions Little Drummer Boy... Jimi Hendrix  
Great song to test bass
Brian Bromberg- Wood  
Capital Audiofest, save thyself!
I've never been to one. Now I have some idea what to expect. 
700.00 speakers new or used
OHM Walsh 2s- got a pair for $400. Satisfied. Had Rogers LS35As, DQ 10s, Klipsch La Scalas, Leedh Psyches 
Mint LP Best Protractor
Have a Mo Fi GeoDisc- simple, quick and no IGD. 
Why Crazy Prices paid for Pioneer 100 JBL L100 AR1 AR3 AR3A
Large Advents still sound good. Heard original JBL 100s. Sounded shrill and boomy. YMMV 
Why Crazy Prices paid for Pioneer 100 JBL L100 AR1 AR3 AR3A
Large Advents still sound good. Heard the JBL 100s new- thought they sounded shrill and boomy. YMMV 
Where has been your most effective placement for an aftermarket fuse?
You're right. ".... but I think she sounds better." How's that? 
Where has been your most effective placement for an aftermarket fuse?
My wife confused one for a suppository. She was not pleased but I think her hearing improved. 
SET 45 and their (real) required speaker efficiency
Had a pair of LaScalas powered by Don Allen's 300B/ 2A3 SE switchable amp. Also a Don Allen SE EL84 amp.They could rattle the windows in the LR. And play nice and sweet and quiet as you would like. 
Magnepan, Ohm, Spatial or ??
My original Ohm Walsh 2s don't need any breathing space but I give it to them. Panels? They need a lot of room away from walls. Just my experience. 
70’s rock pressings. Witch equipment deserve?
If I get a cart. w/ shibata, micro ridge, line contact etc and can't adjust for VTA is there still a difference between them and an eliptical/ conical?. Grace 707 arm. 
Two Turntables? Why
I have a TT in the LR with my dope system. But that's next to the TV room my wife likes. I also have an "office" with another system w/TT. It's about keeping peace in the valley. 
WAF --
Sorry! Wrong one. Although I like that. This is the one I tried to paste.  
WAF --
Before I go I'm gonna leave her a note that says don't sell this for what I said I paid. ;) Just kidding She knows exactly and is fine.'cept she doesn't play vinyl so by then there will be two turntables and great records for sale. I have a proxy ...