Which integrated amplifier .

I will be giving my daughter my audio system soon . You see , I've been fighting with lung cancer for the past 7 years . 
 Recently my oncologist told me he has exhausted all possible treatment options available and even though they have slowed the growth they haven't stopped it .

 So he deemed me incurable . That being said , I'm preparing everything , leaving my audio system to my daughter . 

Doc says its called sarcoma and that its one of those type of cancer dificult to treat . Enough of that . So I'm preparing myself . I wouldn't like to give my daughter my audio system as it is ,  Its to complicated and she knows nothing of it . She loves the way it sounds but knows absolutely nothing of stereo hardware .

That being as it is , to simplify I was thinking of trading in my preamp and amp for a decent sounding integrated . What complicates things a bit is that my speakers are kind of power hungry , Magnepan MG12 , so the integrated has to be a high current design .

My present amp which Im willing to trade is a Mcormack DNA 125 . It's great with the maggies as it pumps out up to 65 amps of current making. my maggies sing .Preamp is a Elekit TU-8500 tube preamp with all the mods installed including upgraded capacitors in line stage  and resistors in phono stage . 

So anyone know of a low cost integrated of high current ,  capable of moving Magnepan MG12 ? I would really apreciate any suggestion . 

I know there are some excellent units in the market  but they are all very expensive and for someone living with social security , well , you get my drift . One unit I was looking at is from rogue audio but if possible for simplicity of use Solid State would be better for my daughter.

Can you imagine ! I got to sit down with her and explain  how to use the turntable , connect everything . What goes where . A integrated would simplify things . Thank you guys for your suggestions in advance . God bless and stay safe .
First and foremost I’m so sorry to hear of your situation — it truly makes my heart break. Over the years through personal experience I’ve become very disappointed with doctors’ general ability to make a correct diagnosis and/or identify the best possible treatment. I say this in the hope you’ve gotten or would be open to at least getting a second or even third opinion. Sorry but just felt I had to at least mention this.

On audio, I focused mainly on options that financially may be most viable yet also likely more than acceptable to your daughter.

Option 1: There’s a NuPrime IDA-8 integrated on US Audio Mart for only $650, and you can likely get more than that selling your DNA-125 here. It puts out 100Wpc into 8 and 4Ohms, which may be plenty for your daughter, and it also has a nice onboard DAC that she can use if/when she decides to stream music without adding another box. It’s also small, simple, and attractive, which your daughter would also likely appreciate. Reviews are very positive and I believe it even won a Product of the Year award some years back, FWIW. If you think this is an attractive option but not sure if it’s enough power, there’s also an IDA-16 on eBay for $1700 (or you can bid less) that puts out double the power with even sleeker looks.

Option 2: As an owner of a DNA-0.5 Rev. A I can certainly appreciate why you’re fond of your amp. I’m not sure having a separate preamp is really that much of a burden as long as that pre is solid state so she doesn’t have to mess with tubes. If you agree, there’s a McCormack MAP-1 available here for $700 that would obviously be a good sonic match with your amp, and aesthetically it would match perfectly as well — again something she’d likely appreciate. And if she ever got more into audio and wanted something better she could send either or both McProducts off to SMcAudio and have Steve transform them into reference-level pieces of equipment.

Anyway, just a couple more economical possibilities you might want to consider. Best wishes with everything.
Maybe you could work out a deal for something with TMR Audio for an agreeable trade.
So very sad to hear of your plight. Had a close friend pass of the same lung cancer 10 years and I miss him all the time. We shared interests in music, audio, computers, food and wine and travel. Best adult friend I ever had. I am familiar with your speakers and suggest the Marantz PM8006 of which I have had the 8005 for 5 years. The amp has plenty of current and alternately drives Spendor S3/5s at 84DB, Kef R300s and Ohm Walsh 2-100s. It performs quite ably on all and delivers far more volume than my 62 year old ears need and I listen to everything from classic rock, alternative, jazz, classical, acoustic music, Hawaiian, world, etc. I also play blues guitar and will often play along plugged in...it is able to handle clearly Muddy Waters, Hendrix, Buddy Guy etc. It comes with a 3 year warranty whcih I have never had to use and is very well made in the Japan Reference factory of Marantz. It also has both a Direct Mode and tone controls covering Treble, Mid and Bass which is good for old lousy recordings that need help and for live recordings of which I have lots. Comes with a remote which makes it easy to change things. It is decent looking and very intuitive to use. Sound is slightly warm but has enough detail and dynamics to it that it compares well with my other amp a rebuilt McIntosh MC250. It can be had for under $1000 online. 
Good luck, best wishes and aloha. 
Eliminating pre and power simplifys things because it puts two units on one chasis plus you eliminate one pair of interconnects so going for an integrated really does make things easier for my daughter . I've decided on selling my turntable with 3 different cartridges plus all the equipment for installing the cartridges.
Sorry to read of your illness. Especially at this time, I don't want argue with you, but in essence the only simplification going to an integrated is removing one pair of interconnects. Is that really going to be too complicated for your daughter?  
First of all let me start out by saying I'm sorry about the turn in your life dealing with your illness but I can only speak for myself because I own one is the pass labs int-250 you can have one Reno hi-fi for around 8,000 I do not know what your restrictions on prices are but it's worth 12,000 brand new it is one of the greatest integrated apps ever made
Parasound always seems to design equipment with a neutral tonal quality.
 Not to warm , not to cool . Right in the center . Plus their designs are very dynamic with nice soundstages .
So sorry to hear of your illness. Have you checked out the Cambridge Audio CXA81? Very good reviews. also, Parasound Hint 6.
When writing this post I never imagined that I would get so many responses .Especially with all your words of motivation and strenght . I feel humbled , thank you guys .In reality I don't have any cash money to invest in a integrated but was wondering on a trade deal to be done . You give me the integrated , I'll give you my preamp and power amp and be done with it . Living on social security is not easy , thank God I'm recieving food stamps and my daughter helps me .That being said , .my health care plan has been great and up to today has covered everthing , studies , quimos , medication . So I don't complain and give God the praise . We all have to go sometime , God knows when . Thank you guys for all your words of comfort and strenght together with faith and hope .
I forgot to add something to my post and it is past the time limit to edit.  Perhaps you could take the time to video the instruction process and methods & information with your daughter?  She may find it both useful and very rewarding to be able to refer to it in the future notwithstanding the fun she would have filming you. Cheers 
Prima Luna EVO 400 absolutely with KT 150. I have it with the old Magneplanar Mg IIIa. Amazing
An integrated that works very well with Magnepan speakers is the Peachtree Nova220 SE. Every  great review for this amp was done with Maggie’s up to and including the 3.7’s. It has a built in DAC also. I recently heard it with a Bluesound Vault streamer and Maggie 1.7’s and it sounded really good. The Rogue Sphinx also sounds great with Maggie’s.

Good Luck and keep up the fight!
I would look for an integrated with Streamer/Dac/Phono included.
The Maggies require so much room I would likely sell the existing system 
as it all ties together and not really suited for your daughter.
Then look for an efficient floor stander speaker to go with.
If you buy lightly used gear, you could out the door under $3k.
Your gear is worth double that I would think.

Godspeed for a recovery! Lourdes?
I agree with phcollie.
Another option might be the Outlaw RR-2160.
Regarding your health, I can't tell you the name of the institute in Germany, which offers cancer treatments with "juicing"? Sounds flaky but their survival rate is very high.
I have been told to avoid sugar when there is cancer.
God bless and I hope you can find a cure.
Sorry to hear of your condition. Have strength, have courage and above all have faith.
So sorry to hear of your condition.  Best wishes as your travel this journey.

As for your audio dilemma, if you go the integrated route I might go more lowbrow than these posters have suggested.  A 30 year old is part of a connected world and you should consider a unit with all the bells and whistles of such.  The Yamaha network receivers are the way I went with this choice.  All the streaming services are built in and app controlled.  Bluetooth and AirPlay built in. There are huge numbers of inputs and also tape outs plus MM phono input.

The R-N803 is under a grand with 100wpc into 8ohms.  I am a firm believer in the speakers being the most important item, so keep those and see how the output sounds.  No pieces and parts or as many cables to worry about, doesn’t take much space.  In my mind perhaps worth a look.

Take care.
Thsnks again guys . Its nice to see that audiohiles care . Your words of strengh have touch me . 
On to the equipment . My equipment is Elekit Tu-8500 tube preamp , Mccormack DNA-125 , Project 1expression 2 turntable , turandot Opera Audio CD Player with Magnepan MG 12 with upgraded modified crossover . Got everything connected with JPS Labs superconductor interconnect and speaker cable. All power cords are also JPS Labs connected to a Richard Gray power station . 

I really like the idea of explaining to her how the system works and how its connected . Shes 30 years old and would understand . Plus the time spent together would be precious . I'll ask her if she would like a integrated or leave it ss its. 

I've heard the Bel Canto sound and liked it . Extremely musical . The Belles should be great . Never heard it but have read great things on it . Pass Labs is fantastic but its way above my price range . Remember , social security .
I agree with phcollie. Take the time to explain your current system to her. She will value that time more than anything. And she will have a part of you that meant so much.
concur with brian

belles aria is excellent, if potentially a little less powerful than a mccormack dna125 at full throat driving maggies
Very sorry to hear about your situation. I have to put a plug in here for the Belles Aria Integrated. 75watts. Solid State. Beautiful sounding amp. Betters the Rogue in every way in my opinion. Belles just came out with a more powerful Aria I believe but haven’t heard it. My speakers are 86 dB ribbons. The Belles powers/drives them beautifully. It takes a bit of break in though. Good luck! 
First, very sorry to hear about your fight with cancer. Wish you all the best.

Secondly, what is your price range ?

Third, if you are thinking about $10k - $12k there is an unbeatable amp, no other amp will even remotely come close. It is the Pass Labs Integrated INT-250.

If that is too expensive, there are quite a few class D based amplifiers around which tend to be cheaper.  Bel Canto is one, Nord acoustics UK (SE INT-C NC500DM UK) is another.

Good luck.
So sorry to hear about what you are going through.  Life has been pretty tough for many people around here lately.  I hope you are able to enjoy your stereo and that it’s a getaway for you.

Why don’t you ask your daughter ehat she would prefer?  Your set-up the way it is now or an all in one solution.  If all in one, there are many good choices.  I’d ask which ones specifically have good synergy with your speakers.  You’ll also want an on board dac, I believe.

Something like the recommended Bel Canto, a bluesound node and a cd player might be the ticket.

I have an Anthem I225 that would power your speakers well but there is no on board dac.  I would make you a good deal though if it something your interested in.

Anyhow, good luck and I wish you well!

i just got one of the first for the New Marantz model 30,it is almost identical to the KI Ruby  ,but more retro with the knobs on front

but all functions can operate from remote,

ruby didnot have a preamp out the 30 has a pre in and out. And $1500 less .it is very musical your power cord and cables will dictate its balance, your speakers to to a less extent a very well behaved integrated and same active preamplifier with seperate power supply no cheap alps volume pot ,all linear electric volume  nice OLED it say 100 wpc into 8 ohms actually it is

170wpc into 8 ohms, 280 into 4 ohms.

fully adjustable display. And in 1/2 db increments , integrsted amp of the year dusl mono Hypex  amps direct coupled to the outputs and Descreet designed modules ,not opamps like most .i have been in audio 40+ years .

this sounds like a very good class AB setup. the ruby was $4k  this is a more more linear not quite as warm.

get a good power cord and upgrade the fuse inside to a synergistic Orange fuse.  The cdp,dac is equally good.

and I personally like the looks lI have it in Black.,and weighs around 16 kilos. MCM I am sorry to hear about your health ,I wish you to get your system together and enjoy with your daughter  ,with over 40+ years in Audio and owned a store the new technologies are getting better all the time , God bless you,Paul.

My sincere thoughts go to you. Keep listening to great music. And remain positive....
I agree with phcollie (above), although you didn't include her age which might be a factor. A younger daughter simply might not be interested in all the details of a complicated audio system. I was contemplating a similar scenario when putting together my will. Why not simply try explaining the system to her and see how it goes? Good luck and God bless.
To this day there a cured for cancer but I seem most of doctor and pharmacist ignored the method because of all the profit of chemotherapy treatment that made them business rich but at the end that method ain’t safe and the change of survival is rare, the more older the less than of survival! Have you ever heard of rso oil from cannabis? Even those that ain’t approved by fda but that rso was help thousand patient survival so please stop the chemotherapy treatment ASAP because it seem that will cured your cancer but at the end it will damage both of your kidney and liver that make you get weaker and more damage to your internal, so I hope you can some info and start another direction for the sake of your life ! I wish you get better and enjoy your life for many more years to come !
Wow, this is a tuff one. Please investigate the Hippocrates Institute in West Palm Beach. Also, investigate the use of CBD and derivatives from qualified individuals. Miracles can happen. Blessings. 
Another idea would be to not sell anything, and take the time with her to teach and show her everything about a system that means so much to you.  She may value that time learning with you more than anything else in the world right now. I know I would. Surely she can learn and take notes. Not a bad excuse to spend time together. Best to you and yours.

i lost both parents to lung cancer, spent ten consecutive years seeing one off then the other - i deeply empathise... hang in there... wish you comfort and peace - every day the researchers are coming up with new discoveries, the longer you hang in there it keeps the door open to new treatments, i trust your case is being kept up front at your provider’s specialist tumor board

regarding the hifi - consider getting a hegel 160 or 360 - last gen pieces so price is much more user friendly than the current ones h190 390 590... these have the juice to run the maggies, sound absoutely wonderful, are slim, minimalist very good looking, easy to use, very intuitive
Thsnk you all for your suggestions . I've heard and have had in the past Marantz equipment and I liked how they sound , smooth , relaxed and detail . Parasound is one of those companys that everything they come out with sounds great and to me ears they sound neutral .

I was thinking of making a diagram of the system apart from explaining to her how its connected . Also been considering selling my turntable to simplify things and leave her my cd player .
Years ago I drove a pair of 1.7's with a Marantz PM8005.  I actually preferred the sound to that of a 200wpc power amp. Don't think you need crazy high "numbers" to enjoy the Magnepans. So if money is tight, I was shocked how well the two paired up.  Never felt lacking for juice.  Also highly recommend their Reference Series integrated's.  Simple, reliable, she might enjoy the tone controls as well.

Best wishes to you in your cancer battle.  I hope you can enjoy the music and life for some time yet my friend.  God's peace be with you.
Sorry to hear about your battle. Can not offer an amp suggestion since I haven't used a prime integrated since the 70's (but still use that one with mix tape cassettes.)
I do recommend that you leave her instructions (and links) in writing whatever you end up with.
A streamer is the easiest way for her to play music into the future.
mcmvmx -
So sorry that you are not winning the fight against that damn cancer. Godspeed.
If your daughter isn't a hi-fi nut, the simplest system possible might be best. Maybe you can find a good dealer to trade in your current system for something much simpler, streamer and CD-based. Sounds like she might not be interested in vinyl.

Best wishes. PD
Thank you for your helo 
Read the reviews . Seems to be a very good integrated .