
Responses from joekapahulu

Why Do ~You~ Still Play CDs?
Have 5000 and enjoy their sound thru my 3 CD players and attached systems. I listen to streaming in my office where there is no space fir a cdp. It's OK to ne but not great. It's  best for music discovery and background music. I have a Marantz nd8... 
Budget integrated amp?
Sorry for delay in  getting back to this. Got sick myself and sort of forgot about audio. Buddy bought a Marantz 7000N because it was in his budget and he figured the sound would be similar. It's sort of warm per his report but not as much as his ... 
Odyssey Cyclops vs. the Exposure Integrated Amps
Exposure are great amps but with limited distribution. However they are rock solid and provide good customer support eve to the US. I have heard them and was impressed. I was looking at the 3510. The only reason I bailed was it could not handle 2 ... 
3 tone control integrated amp/preamp
M Y Marantz pm8006 delivers the tone controls and decent sound. It can still be found used. Some of the earlier Reference Marantz in the PM series like 11s1, 14s1, 15s1 might also.   
???What's The LEAST Expensive "End Game"Amplifier You've Ever Heard???
Since I have rarely had opportunity to see or hear, or hear of , most of the amps or speakers referenced in this string, I don't have a real opinion to proffer. I was going to go to Reno a few months ago to hear Pass gear while on my way to see fa... 
You're not a true audiophile unless...
I don't think I heard the word audiophile until I was 45 or 50, a couple of decades ago. Over time it came to mean to me someone who loved gear more than music, a gear head with money always looking for the next thing.  I didn't grow up in a wealt... 
Yamaha RN-2000a
Friend has the Outlaw receiver. It has been surprisingly good in reliability and sound especially for $900. He bought it to replace an old NAD integrated. It is driving some dynaudio monitors and  previously drove Roger's LS3/5 A 15ohm model. I  t... 
Can Anyone Recommend a Repair Shop for a Yamaha C-2x Preamp?
What state are you in? There are still good shops around the country doing repairs. I have searched out many of them as where I live in HI there are no shops left. If you look on a number are listed as supporting the site and you ca... 
Best choice for small form Amp for desktop
This amp is also a backup for my main system because no techs within 3-4000 miles of me and I have learned over the last 50 years stuff happens with electronics out here in the middle of the Pacific. Ive had 3 amps go down in the last 5 years out ... 
how many own Belles Virtuoso amp and preamp? and what's your experience?
Have heard and enjoyed Belles integrated line. However, when I was looking to buy one of the new units a few months back I was dissuaded against  it by 2 different dealers over recent issues with reliability and  service.  In discussing the situat... anyone familiar?
Yeah, aesthetics is not remotely a strong point. I'm curious for the high power which my Ohm Walshs are supposed to love. Also as a backup Amp or matched to a Rogue tube pre I'm looking at. I was thinking about the  Orchard products but the Gan as... 
Opinions on NAD please
NAD has gone thru periods where quality suffered. I believe it was related to a change in manufacturing location or vendor. I know folks who have had great luck on vintage and  new gear and  a few who have had issues in newly launched products. As... 
Could Class D really be that good?
Interesting thread as I too need to replace a now dead integrated in my office system that took up too much space.  Right now I am using a backup ATI 1502 amp with a passive pre (also too big) driving Spendor S3/5s. I've been looking at Class AB o... 
The receiver was my intro to HiFi! What say you?
Family system was a Zenith mini console. It was a large rectangular box. The doors were the speakers which opened out and hung on the unit. The TT was on a spring which you pushed so that it either receded into the unit or "dropped down". The top ... 
New SS integrated choice....Rotel 1572Mk2, Audiolab 7000A, Exposure 2510
Thanks SOIX for all your input. I am going to wait until I go back to the Mainland and check out the HEGEL amps. It means I will end up waiting a bit or will get an interim unit that can later function as a backup in its box in the closet. I was l...