Which integrated amplifier .

I will be giving my daughter my audio system soon . You see , I've been fighting with lung cancer for the past 7 years . 
 Recently my oncologist told me he has exhausted all possible treatment options available and even though they have slowed the growth they haven't stopped it .

 So he deemed me incurable . That being said , I'm preparing everything , leaving my audio system to my daughter . 

Doc says its called sarcoma and that its one of those type of cancer dificult to treat . Enough of that . So I'm preparing myself . I wouldn't like to give my daughter my audio system as it is ,  Its to complicated and she knows nothing of it . She loves the way it sounds but knows absolutely nothing of stereo hardware .

That being as it is , to simplify I was thinking of trading in my preamp and amp for a decent sounding integrated . What complicates things a bit is that my speakers are kind of power hungry , Magnepan MG12 , so the integrated has to be a high current design .

My present amp which Im willing to trade is a Mcormack DNA 125 . It's great with the maggies as it pumps out up to 65 amps of current making. my maggies sing .Preamp is a Elekit TU-8500 tube preamp with all the mods installed including upgraded capacitors in line stage  and resistors in phono stage . 

So anyone know of a low cost integrated of high current ,  capable of moving Magnepan MG12 ? I would really apreciate any suggestion . 

I know there are some excellent units in the market  but they are all very expensive and for someone living with social security , well , you get my drift . One unit I was looking at is from rogue audio but if possible for simplicity of use Solid State would be better for my daughter.

Can you imagine ! I got to sit down with her and explain  how to use the turntable , connect everything . What goes where . A integrated would simplify things . Thank you guys for your suggestions in advance . God bless and stay safe .

Showing 1 response by soix

First and foremost I’m so sorry to hear of your situation — it truly makes my heart break. Over the years through personal experience I’ve become very disappointed with doctors’ general ability to make a correct diagnosis and/or identify the best possible treatment. I say this in the hope you’ve gotten or would be open to at least getting a second or even third opinion. Sorry but just felt I had to at least mention this.

On audio, I focused mainly on options that financially may be most viable yet also likely more than acceptable to your daughter.

Option 1: There’s a NuPrime IDA-8 integrated on US Audio Mart for only $650, and you can likely get more than that selling your DNA-125 here. It puts out 100Wpc into 8 and 4Ohms, which may be plenty for your daughter, and it also has a nice onboard DAC that she can use if/when she decides to stream music without adding another box. It’s also small, simple, and attractive, which your daughter would also likely appreciate. Reviews are very positive and I believe it even won a Product of the Year award some years back, FWIW. If you think this is an attractive option but not sure if it’s enough power, there’s also an IDA-16 on eBay for $1700 (or you can bid less) that puts out double the power with even sleeker looks.

Option 2: As an owner of a DNA-0.5 Rev. A I can certainly appreciate why you’re fond of your amp. I’m not sure having a separate preamp is really that much of a burden as long as that pre is solid state so she doesn’t have to mess with tubes. If you agree, there’s a McCormack MAP-1 available here for $700 that would obviously be a good sonic match with your amp, and aesthetically it would match perfectly as well — again something she’d likely appreciate. And if she ever got more into audio and wanted something better she could send either or both McProducts off to SMcAudio and have Steve transform them into reference-level pieces of equipment.

Anyway, just a couple more economical possibilities you might want to consider. Best wishes with everything.