Which audio component would you like Santa to place under the christmas tree for you?

If you are not of Christian faith, and do not believe in Christ please take no offense to my post. If you think you have been sufficiently good enough to receive a gift, like the one Santa Claus may bring during the Christmas holiday, please post your wish. “What would you want Santa to leave for you, under the Christmas tree this holiday?” As a bonus...”What audio component would you gift another”?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2x2psyop
Top of the range MBL Speakers - next year I will wish for the amps to drive them LOL
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World Peace....nah just kidding.  A complete top of the line MBL system! 

Not much chance.....like a snowball in you know where!
A NOS Grado Signature 2! I had a brief listen to one in 1978 and was impressed with its sound quality! And I am a staunch fan of mc cartridges! Price then was $500 (half that of a Koetsu).
My second wish would be for a matched set of 12 6LF6 GE's or Sylvania's for my pair of Futterman H3AA's (no's. 56 & 57)!
A pentagon shaped listening room,  each wall 17', plaster and lath, with a 10' ceiling, and 12" concrete floor, surrounding the tree.  Let's see Santa fit THAT in his sled!     
Well I agree with several posters on MBL. For me, it would be the 101 X-treme full system........ and the house to put it in of course.

@inna  - and I'd have that Studer RTR too. Or the United Home Audio RTR that MBL uses at the shows and a pile of Master tapes of my liking too. If I'm gonna ask Santa, I might as well ask for the 
I asked for an Ortofon 2M Blue replacement stylus to replace my Ortofon 2M Red. 
pokey77, you ask for too much, Santa would get broke, just imagine how many people expect gifts from him. Just one item a year.
And if not Studer.. well, my speaker cables are the weakest link, I would like to have Purist Neptune instead of old Purist Colossus fluid. Colossus is an excellent cable but no comparison, I already have Neptune interconnect so it would be real nice to add Neptune speaker cables.
reubent, I salute your modesty, or sense of reality, or both.
Peace and happiness with good tunes and times for all Audiogoners in the New Year.

OK, well, you can't blame a guy. I'd be perfectly happy with the MBL starter system too; it'd fit under the tree and in my room just fine.

And since I missed the first time, I'd gift an Oppo 205 because it does so many things well, not reference, but good value for money.
Magneplanar MG30.7, or Music Reference Direct Drive ESL, or Sanders Model 10e. Santa's choice.
pokey77, if you like poweful big scale sound, take a listen of all Gryphon system if you have an opportunity. No, I've never heard their speakers but heard of them and listened, sort of, to them on youtube. Must be impressive.
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stereo5"I have been asking Santa (my wife) to give me a 21 year old blue eyed blonde girl about 120 pounds  with long hair and long legs and a sexual appetite to match. I am disappointed every year."
I am surprised that our esteemed moderators have approved this post but since they have I must say that you must be a very sad and lonely person it is a good thing you have a stereo and music to listen to because you're life sounds very unfullfilling and frustrating and I feel very sorry for you.
Attention forum Moderators:

Its a free-form forum with a broad variance of value judgements and personal opinions , including humour.

Fine ..... but any unprovoked personal attacks based on forum members are offside ..... full stop.

kb54 latest two posts directly and purposely slamming and maligning the personal character of Stereo5 as "disgusting" and vicariously including that of asvjerry is NOT within any acceptable terms of forum posts.

The latter two personal attacks on other forum members character are simply unacceptable . One can disagree with their post content, but not be permitted to personalize a personal rant.

please remove them and enforce your own AUDIOGON rules

I’d like the pair of ears I had in my younger years. Great hearing and no more tinnitus! Then I’ll look at upgrading my system.
Its a free-form forum with a broad variance of value judgements and personal opinions , including humour.
Quite so. But once someone posts about their sex life and the moderators allow it, then response to the remark seems fair to me.
I'd like the fat, mystical elf to provide me with a big box of high quality DIY parts. KLEI signal connectors, furutech power connectors, high quality caps (all values that I would need, of course), a variety of high purity wire in different gauges and different materials, springs, thick maple countertop.. and some 🍺.

That's not too much to ask, is it?
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The post question is very clear. “Which audio component would you like Santa to place under the christmas tree for you?”
Since this is an audio forum, there should not be a way to make any offending remarks about women. I have a sense of humor, but common sense should tell anyone that some remarks are off color and offensive.
There are great and funny answers here, can we get back to regularly scheduled programming?
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I would appreciate a pair of PSB T3’s , in black please.
Never heard them but think they might be swell Symphonic speaker .
A Gryphon Kalliope DAC, heard some of my CD's on a full Gryphon system at my pals shop in Glagow. That sound was to die for , it just sounded so real . when he inserted the Dac and used the Mikado as a front end only Hi Fi disappeared and music just wrapped itself around us. Never forget it.
Oh and a gift for someone else , a Gretch country gentleman circa 1960s signed by Chet Atkins to give to my friend who is a not bad picker.
I'd like a replacement receiver for my Rotel as it is analog I need HDMI to hook into my new Sony OLED.
Anyone interested in a mint RSX-1067, completely gone thru and tweaked less than 6 months ago by local Rotel service.
Is a component limited to one box, or one ‘solution’?

Knowing little or nothing about them: And if one box only:
Bermister top line amp (911?)

If a solution; (two boxes or more):
Speakers. Whatever the most expensive ones in the world are presently.

(not planning on keeping them… but maybe a year. Selling them, they will fuel my next system construction)


My sincere apologies to those offended by my response to Stereo 5's 'wish list', which was meant as 'humour'....albeit 'not in the best taste' nor 'correct' in it's 'POV'. However:

"Content may be removed for one or more of these reasons:
  • It looked like spam (Ah, No..not in any flavour I experience...)
  • It was abusive towards another member ( OK....''vague interpretation" perhaps....a f/m viewer may have objected....)
  • It depicts explicit and/or violent content (...if one applies an extreme view of 'explicit'....'violent', No....)
  • It contains profanity ("Profane", maybe... 'cursing' in the 'usual sense'...No....)"
I'll accept the moderators' judgement under the circumstances; it's Their Job to maintain 'PC' based on the 'T&C's of AG.

I, again, apologize to the company assembled here.

However...my sense of humour, however....such as it is...


I refuse to 'fall on my sword' in atonement.

One: I don't own one....firearms, either.

Two: No one's going to clean up afterwards.

Three: I have better things to do...


("Will the Black Hole of Deletion swallow asvjerry Yet Again?  Stay tuned...

....or not.") *Pfft*
2psyop, I would be happy with the Bluesound Vault 2 we have been discussing. Remain looking into one of these.
Wait!!  I want those new giant Wilson Chronosomethings.
Then I could sell them, buy a Ferrari and have lots of "chicks" hanging on my arm. OK maybe this gets deleted, but I did start with the speakers.

Happy Holidays to all.
mesch, Yes the Vault would be a great addition to any stereo system. Very versatile and in my experience Bluesound offers tremendous customer service. I am big on audio companies who back their brand, their equipment!
Naim DBLs wont fit under a christmas tree, so I will settle for iPhone X 

the idea of some hot babes as an "audio component" is seriously inappropriate/dangerous but still hilarious :-) 
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I’ve asked Santa (aka my wife) for a Schiit Jotunheim headphone amp to power my new Audeze LCD-2’s!

@czarivey I hope not!!! To experience the ultimate Big Bang/Kaboom in all its audio beauty is Not on my Christmas Wish list
i will stick to Audeze dreams...

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Hmmm maybe a Keith Monks RCM? Santa might have a hard time getting one of those down the chimney so maybe Rudolph could leave it on the back porch...
Dear Santa, I've been a very good boy this year. I'd like a pair of Paradigm Concept 4F beside my Christmas tree this year.  If you aren't familiar with them, have the elves read this review from Audioholics:
