Where is Geoff Kait???😢

I get an email every Friday with a "best of" from the forums and, invariably, I would get my "engineering nerd humor" going full blast reading Geoff Kait remarks and suggestions. Those that did not understand him never had the pleasure of effectively reducing the side-fumbling lunar wayne shafts on those darned finicky sinusoidal dingle arms. I miss that... I do hope he is well and returns to make my Fridays humorous again.

Much thanks to @tweak1 for reminding me of such a simple joy, ESPECIALLY via the use of that dark matter stuff you put on CDs!🙂


There question is Op, where have you been? He's been gone for over a year , and hopefully will stay away. He was a daily annoyance.

I can’t believe that anyone would say ito put Dark Matter ON CDs.

I prefer whipped cream on mine.


I miss Geoff...

He was the Canoe-Canoe to my English Leather.



I always walked away with more questions than answers. There was also the assault crew that commented on every comment he ever made. Man that sure got old. He gave as good as he got but it had to wear on him. It sure did on me. LOL I wasn't event the guy being hammered on 24/7. I found he had a lot to say, let's put it that way. Some of us speak up, some of us don't. 


@jasonnewell ,

He’s alive and well over at audioasylum. Just saw a post of his less about than an hour ago.

All the best.


To me, his brand of "humor" and sarcasm was just so wearing, almost predictable in its style. I always felt like he thought he was much more clever than other people did. I know that everyone sees things in a different way, but I just cringed at most of his posts. 

If we locked him in a cage with @tubebuffer what would happen, bikini teleportation? Now there's a business opportunity...

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I have lurked here for years, trying to learn and improve my setup.  I do not miss GK.  He was a tool.

More to the point, what happened to @glupson?  He disappeared around the same time...

Does anyone have a pic of GK (never seen one, and I would prefer NOT to rely upon my imagination).




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He still posts on AA

and FYI: NEW DARK MATTER is not a cd treatment, it is a thin smoky material that you cut to size and stick inside the tray well with supplied double sided adhesive. A ONE TIME remedy

Audio Asylum is incomprehensible. I never find a way to see a whole thread. Very strange.  It must have been built in the 1990s and definitely needs an overhaul. 

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I liked a lot of the people at Audio Asylum, but I couldn't handle the one sided political censorship.  I wasn't there for political discourse and fist-fights, but if that's what's going to happen, everyone ought to be able to throw punches.

He always cracked me up and reminds me a lot of some of my coworkers.  You know the ones that you could tell dropped acid in the 60s/70s 😂.

I know some here took it personally and that's understandable.  Not everyone is tuned in to everyone else's frequencies.  Geoff's were always tuned by a sinusoidal dingle arm surmounted by a logarithmic casing made out of prefamulated amulite! :D

@duckworp  I've never been to AA until you all mentioned it.  It's definitely giving me flashbacks of Netscape and Windows 3.11...