The new Synergistic Research BLUE fuses ....

New SR BLUE fuse thread ...

I’ve replaced all 5 of the SR BLACK fuses in my system with the new SR BLUE fuses. Cold, out of the box, the BLUE fuses stomped the fully broken-in SR BLACKS in a big way. As good as the SR BLACK fuses were/are, especially in comparison with the SR RED fuses, SR has found another break-through in fuses.

1. Musicality ... The system is totally seamless at this point. Its as if there is no system in the room, only a wall to wall, front to back and floor to ceiling music presentation with true to life tonality from the various instruments.

2. Extension ... I’ve seemed to gain about an octave in low bass response. This has the effect of putting more meat on the bones of the instruments. Highs are very extended, breathing new life into my magic percussion recordings. Vibes, chimes, bells, and triangles positioned in the rear of the orchestra all have improved. I’ve experienced no roll-off of the highs what so ever with the new BLUE fuses. Just a more relaxed natural presentation.

3. Dynamics ... This is a huge improvement over the BLACK fuses. Piano and vibes fans ... this is fantastic.

I have a Japanese audiophile CD of Flamenco music ... the foot stomps on the stage, the hand clapping and the castanets are present like never before. Want to hear natural sounding castanets? Get the BLUE fuses.

4. Mid range ... Ha! Put on your favorite Ben Webster album ... and a pair of adult diapers. Play Chris Connor singing "All About Ronnie," its to die for.

Quick .... someone here HAS to buy this double album. Its a bargain at this price. Audiophile sound, excellent performance by the one and only Chris Connor. Yes, its mono ... but so what? Its so good you won’t miss the stereo effects. If you’re the lucky person who scores this album, please post your results here.

Overall impressions:

Where the RED fuses took about 20 hours to sound their best, and the BLACK fuses took upwards of 200 hours of total break-in, the BLUE fuses sounded really good right out of the box ... and that’s without doing anything about proper directional positioning. Not that the BLUE fuses don’t need breaking in, they do. The improvement continues through week three. Its a gradual break-in thing where each listening session is better than the last.

Everything I described above continues to break new ground in my system as the fuses continue breaking in. Quite honestly, I find it difficult to tear myself away from the system in order to get things done. Its truly been transformed into a magical music machine. With the expenditure of $150.00 and a 30 day return policy there’s really nothing to lose. In my system, its like upgrading to a better pre amp, amp, CD player or phono stage. Highly recommended.

Kudos to Ted Denney and the entire staff at SR. Amazing stuff, guys. :-)


PS: If you try the SR BLUE fuses, please post your results here. Seems the naysayers, the Debbie Downers and Negative Nellie’s have hijacked the original RED fuse thread. A pox on their houses and their Pioneer receivers.



Well, I've had my new Blue's in play for a few days now, and must admit that I am pleasantly surprised. I did not think it was possible for fuses to make any kind of difference sonically to my system. I have been proven wrong. What sorcery is this at hand!?!?!?!  I must admit that I just don't understand how this is possible.

I have a difficult time trying to explain what I hear in words, but if I had to try, I'd say I hear things with a little more "focus/openness" with the SR Blue's.

Burn-in period of fuses is about 14 days. Then it is about 90%. 4 weeks 95% and 100% in about 3-4 months.

It takes some time to be able to judge. It is easy to create a difference in sound and stage. But it needs to be better in all different properties of sound. 
Woolfy is a pure audio lover 'oldschool' 

These people keep om doing their hobby untill they die. Younger people are a lot different compared to these 'oldschool' guys.

^^^ Right you are. Today’s younger people get their musical jollies through MP3’s.

And as a further affront, they won’t stay off of my lawn!

Really nice to hear your faith was rewarded in a pleasant way.
I am in same boat as that I have no idea how they do what they do in my system.
But they do, I am happy and to heck with anybody who does not want to believe.
Enjoy the vibes!
From 2007 till 2009 I did run an audioshop. I always had a 2-dimensional system and a 3-dimensional system ready to demo.

The most fascinating thing was that when I played the 3-dimensional system women got excited and became more interested in audio.

The other thing what we noticed was the fact that women start using the system of their partner at home when they went from 2D to 3D.

I wanted to know how this was possible. I started to look for articles on the internet about sound and the difference in listening to sound between men and women. Women have a better developed hearing compared to men. are a lot more interested in audio and technique. But....women are also interested in music.

We see a huge difference in use when we bring new clients from an incomplete trial and errror system to a Tru-Fi system. This is based on the superior level in emotion with a Tru-Fi system. Many of our clients call their system addictive. When you experience a lot more emotion with your audiosystem it will influence your level in how often you use your system

Most audio products are very limited in diversity, this means there is not a lot of layering in sound. This is the main reason why there is a big group who is not interested in audio at all. These products are not able to influence our emotion enough.

But.....when you give them a demo in Tru-Fi regarding stereo, surround and vision they become like children. When people and even children watch and listen to vision and sound what can reveal all the details and layers. It will influences their emotion a lot more and they all get excited.

When you use the same content on a trail and error audio system the level of excitement is inferior.

bo ...

Very interesting post ... 

On the superior hearing that women have, I've always thought that they hear high frequencies better than men. I believe they can hear distortions in Mid-Fi systems that men cannot hear. Distorted high frequencies are painful for women. With the experience of a truly high end system,  their love of music will prevail. Music touches the souls of both men and women. :-)

When pretentious nonesense and hyperbole set the standard for threads celebrating The Oil of the Snake, Bo, who has returned after what seems like a sabbatical in the wilds of the aptly named (in this case anyway) Netherlands, will hopefully entertain all of us with the comic relief of his mysterious and unhinged posts unencumbered by context or spell-check. Random generalizations about women and young people, claims to have dwelled in the land of audio secrets privy only to those who may have spent 2 years in an audio shop, and a passionate quest to spread the news of whatever Tru-Fi might be. Bo knows...and I bet he's gonna share it with all of us, as, after all, we might be simple, possibly old school, directionless sheep in need of a proper path to an audio awakening.
Whoa! What?! Hey, I hate to be judgmental but it looks like somebody needs to cut back just a skosh on the coffee. ☕️
Snake oil products are those who are incomplete in properties in our world. This means that over 99% of all audio products are useless and not worth the money. This is how we see it.

What I said before; many people in audio still think it is 1980. This you hear back in the low quality of most systems in shops and at shows. The most of them where lazy and thought we can sit and just go with the flow.

People have no idea how much they loose in quality regarding the acoustics, smog, magnetism and high frequent noise. You can spend as much as you want, money will not help you.

I worked a lot longer in audioshops. But I did run a shop where I had all the freedom and made all the decisions. But I see audioshops as a huge limitation as well.

When you want to bring both sound&vision to a higher level you need to do it totally different. That is why I wanted to do research in all different parts. This way you can create both sound&vision.

This is a different world than the trial and error limited world people know audio. This does not add anything new and does not create a better quality in both sound&vision.

Weird. I don’t think there is any evidence that women hear better or worse. My experience is the opposite. I am always surprised that I hear so much better than anyone I know around me and this includes women, children and my lead guitarist. I am the non musical band member (the drummer) but I constantly have to tell my guitarist his guitar is out of tune. He never notices but simply confirms my observation once he plugs in an electronic tuner.

I guess I could have been a piano tuner....

I think skills come from acute observation & practice rather than any “special gift”. I think on average women are worse than men because more often they don’t care or cultivate listening skill. If women wanted to they can be as good or better.
Women’s hearing is better than men’s due to evolution. Their hearing has to be exceptionally acute so they could hear when their husbands were returning home.
Women’s hearing is better than men’s due to evolution. Their hearing has to be outstanding so they could hear when their husbands were driving up the driveway.
I believe there's some truth to that. It's the female of the species that protects the home(land) and raises the young. They also do most of the hunting, until we humans started walking upright. Males are for territorial defense and breeding (bragging) rights. I think women have the edge. They just aren't given the chance to prove or use it as much as men do.

All the best,
If women have much better hearing why does my wife not seem to hear me when I tell her those shoes she is looking at are too expensive?
shadorne sez ...

  • "I am the non musical band member (the drummer) ..."

Have you ever picked up on a drummer named Stan Levy? He played with Charlie Parker at one time during the heyday of bebop jazz. After that, he played in Stan Kenton’s big band. From there, he went on to play for years with Howard Rumsey’s Lighthouse Allstars. This is a guy who was a musical drummer. I saw him live many times, sitting only about twenty feet from his drum set. He was simply amazing in the way he could get so much sound out of his drums while appearing effortless.

There were others who were "musical" as well. The names Max Roach, Shelly Manne and Joe Morello come to mind.

Shelly Manne:

Max Roach, one of the very best bebop drummers:


And then there was Joe Morello who played for years with the Dave Bruebeck Quartet:


uberwaltz sez:

  • If women have much better hearing why does my wife not seem to hear me when I tell her those shoes she is looking at are too expensive? 

Ha, but she hears you loud and clear when you try to sneak some more records or CD's into the house I'll bet.  :>)

Mine could hear the sound of a beer can pull tab being released from a mile away. "Wanna have sex?"... deaf. "Wanna go to the mall?" ...  hearing like a freakin' bat.  :-)
Try reversing her fuse, this may help, as it's "reported" to magical the right way.

Cheers George
Nooooo...the most men own a incomplete trial and error system. And over 99% is 2D as well.

The man wants to show his new stuff to his wife. After she auditioned it she says: I don’t hear it.

So the man thinks; she does not understand it. But that is not the truth.

She says: I don’t think it is that good. That is the real truth.

1,5 years ago we visited an audio show done by manufacturers. There where about 40 rooms. I was there with a few friend and clients. And other people who also work in audio.

After the show we alle agreed (on monday the next week I talked with other people who also work in audio) that there was not even 1 room what could create diversity in sound.

This proofs how limited audio is being done these days. No person on this planet can stay happy for a long period of time with an incomplete system. This is not a peronal thing, no we are talking about a fact.

All people agreeds that all these systems will never be worth the money. What I said before; money will not help you.

All people in audio need to learn what the essential part is of audio and that is music and the emotion it owns. But when you have no idea what sound is and how it works. You only can create an inferior level in sound quality what never will make any person excited and emotional each single day.

"All people in audio need to learn what the essential part is of audio and that is music and the emotion it owns."   bo1972

Yes, we should all be 16 again, when passion and emotion--not the system--made the music so transformative.  Today, the system is important to the experience, but the music still has to be the central passion or we would not be going to these extremes.  Still, I often have to ask myself, "Am I going into the room to listen to the system or to the music?"   
Without Music there is no audio. But even without audio there is still music. I am addicted to music since I was a child. I listen for new music about 2 hours each week. I buy what I really like.

It can be pop, rock, blues, jazz, classical and electronic music. The thing I love most is music what makes me feel emotion. I see it as a connection to be alive.

Tru-Fi is nothing more than how music sounds in real. Sound contains of properties. I had the luck to be able to listen to a lot of live music and also acoustic.

It all had a huge influence on my work regarding audio. Now I can extract all the different properties of each single part in an audio system. And that is why I understand why the stage and sound of an audiosystem is what I hear.

It all started on the 3th of july 1998 based on a mindset that I wanted to know why each loudspeaker sounds so different. In the first years I started to work in audio We had 5 loudspeaker rooms in different price ranges. When there were not a lot of clients I was always testing. Even during evenings I stayed at the shop to test.

On mondays I visited distributers and other shops. I was responsible for the audio magazines. I bought over 10 each month. I had to travel 2 times 1 hour to my work. I hadall the time to read the magazines.

I was interested in expensive audio right from the start. I owned stuff what was more expensive than the most we sold. I was always sending a lot of audio products of distributers we did not have. It was like a candy store for me. I wanted more and more.

In the last years I did the most research ever and I made huge steps. I can create both sound&vision. Based on the fact that I am aware of all the properties they own. I also spend a lot of time on reading about the human emotion.

Tru-Fi sets trail and error systems like it is dust. Trial and error is...........nothing. Based on the fact that there is no foundation at all. That it why most systems lacks emotion.

Tru-Fi can proof and show what is missing. We see it is very easy for all people to understand why their system is so limited. Based on the fact that it is incomplete.

A Tru-Fi system will experience you so much more details, layers and emotion. There is no human who would not choose for a more emotional and complete audiosystem. Based on the fact that our emotion works rather the same.

That is why the story; audio is a matter of personal taste is the biggest lie in the world. Many believe it and I even believed it till january 2016. A trail and error system cannot reveal all the emotion of a recoding. This is a 100% fact.

The thing what is a personal matter is that we prefer different kinds of music. An audiosystem does not create the emotion. The music owns the emotion and creates the emotion. And that is why you need a system what is able to let you experience all the details, layers and the real emotion of the music.

I did thousands of tests in audio and vision in almost 20 years of time. It is a fact that most products are incomplete and not able to reveal all the different properties of sound. I am sorry for those who bought them and own them.

They will always be a limitation in each system you create. They will even lower the level in emotion. This can easily be proven bij sound. This is how we work. And we see it is very easy for all people to understand.

One of the things I really hate in audio is  when people who work in audio tell you; you don’t understand it and you hear it all wrong. After the person was asked what he thought about the system

We see that when you demo a Tru-Fi system all people are excited and many become emotional as well. When a system is incomplete for many it will be not that impressive.

But mannnn when a system can reveal all the details, layers and emotion it will hit and find your emotion. And I am blessed and happy that we can create both sound&vision. The joy and smiles on people their faces makes us proud for  what we do for them.

I am a part of a team of unique people who have one thing in common. And that is the love for music. I contacted Qobuz to give a presentation about music with them togheter.

It is my goal to bring Tru-Fi systems all over the world. The way audio is done right now does not bring the people more close tot the music. Based on the fact that the products are too poor and incomplete.

They cannot reveal the real emotion of the music. We want other people to have the same stunning and additictive feeling as we all own.

You really should have participated in the "talk but not walk" thread.
You would have fit right in and had a blast with MG and all.
I think the discussion would have been very interesting to all
One can’t help wondering if Tru-Fi is the same exact thing as Tuning. Wouldn’t that be something? Is it like a European off shoot? Calling all pseudo skeptics, hel-loo! All E All E in-come free!
40 years living in England never heard the term Tru-Fi.
Call us old school but it was always hi-fi.

Maybe Tru-fi is the grown up tuned version of hi-fi?
It stands for True Fidility, what I said before we are a group of unique persons. I called it for a long period of time: Total Sound. The nice thing is you meet many interesting people in your life.

My life is Sound&Vision for a big part since I was a child. A client of mine came with the name True-Fidelity. Together we found this the best word what covers how I think about sound&vision.

For vision we work and think the same way. It is all about properties. There is no other way to understand it and guide it. It is that simple.

A client of mine owned differrent kind of audio in a period of several years. When I met him, he wanted to sell his whole system. Sometimes you read in an advertisement; For sale; whole system, because I quite audio.

I never did send an email to a person who sells his whole system in my life before. I was not interested in buying anthing of his over 80.000 euro costing system.

All brands and products where incomplete and also by far not the best thing in their price range. But......when I read what his system was I knew that it was 100% impossible to be happy with it.

I know the brands well and I know the DNA. For me it was very easy to understand that it was useless. It was if I could feel his pain. When I read it, it created some emotional feelings inside.

I did send him an email and wanted to know why he was selling his entire system. First he was not that honest and said: I need the money. But a few emails later it all changed.

The first time we spoke eachother on the phone everything became clear and it had nothing to do with money. He spend a lot of money in a period of about 4 years of time on audio. He visited what are known as the ’best’ audio shops in the Netherlands and Belgium.

No one was able to give him where he was looking for. He playes over 95% classical music. He owned many highend brands you all know. But I will not name anyone. He said something what I did hear of other different new clients with systems over 50.000 dollar. That at the end they bought products because they where tired to make a decision. For me this is very difficult to understand.

He said; there was no shop who could answer the questions I had when I visited them. Beside that; everyhing they presented was never what I was looking for. He also loves classical live music and also visits live music.

I told him how we work and that I create sound just by the properties it owns. Second I told him that I created Statement Audio Pro measurement. And that acousitic limitations are all gone in our world.

I invited him to my house and he brought his own classical music with him. After the demo he said; this is where I am looking for. He talked a lot about details he experienced during live classical concerts. For the first time he had the feeling that it was so much closer to how he experiences live music.

I sold everyhing he had for sale within 3 weeks. He did no buy everyhing new. After 3 weeks I created over 43000 euros back for him. I did not ask him anything for it. It created a bond between us.

He did not want to spend all the money again. And I said; it is your money. So it is your choice. I think he spend about a little more than 25000 euros on a new system.

It outperformed his old system if that was just dust or a dinkey toy system. After all those years he could enjoy his music for the first time in his life.

He was the person who said: you thought me that audio has nothing to do with personal taste. It took him 1 hour to explain to me that audio has nothing to do with a personal taste. The first thing what happend when he said it: I said you are wrong, audio is all about a matter of personal taste.

After one hour I understood him well. And these days I tell this story to many people who also work in audio for a long time. And most of them agree with the story.

My client said: before I met you I did audio for about 4-5 years by trial and error. The facts proof that it did not bring me anywhere. You gave me a system what is how music sounds and is being displayed in space like in real.

Trail and error never gave me where I was looking for all those years. It became clear that trail and error is just pure gambling. Even many people started to laugh when they realized that their choices are made by gambling.

Many never thought about the fact that trail an error has no foundation. It proofs that audio is all about assumptions what is told to us. You need to become aware how audio really works and how our emotion works.

I think I want to use conservatorium students during presentations. Because acoustic live music did learn me a lot. I want to show it to other people as well. So they can learn and understand how voices and instruments sounds in real.

Tuning is a different thing. When you change a cable, amp, source, conditioner, loudspeaker etc for another one. You need to know which properties you took out and which you brought in.

When you have no idea which properties you took out and which you brought in, it is pure gambling.

I said to to many people who also work in audio. And they all agreed that they have no idea what they do and what they change. Walking on thin ice. This is how I call it.

Based on the fact that is very easy to make them aware that there is no foundation.

I work by properties. First I want to know the DNA of each individual part of an audio system. It depends if it creates all the different properties of sound.

I can adapt each single property of sound. For example: we do a lot of modifications these days. I know which parts I can bring in for a modification to improve the diversity in sound.

Tru-Fi is colleting properties and create an audio system what will be able to reveal all the details, layers and emotion of a recording. Tru-Fi is also very effective based on the fact that is can create a much higher endresult of each individual part in a system.

These days people come to me and we see what they own and what we can use again. In most situations everything has to go. Incomplete parts will always be useless in a Tru-Fi world.

I give an example: a person read some of my articles and said: I read your thoughts and ideas about 3-dimensional audio. I would like to create it as well.

His amp and source where 2D. And I explained it to him. But he said; my amps are very good and they got great reviews (And yess I am Santa Claus:) and the person who sold it to me said it is the best for the money.

Assumptions can be seen as the truth. He was not prepared to sell his amp and source. Then I cannot help you. I will never sell 2D and incomplete audio in my life again. I would become a loser too like the other losers.

That will never happen in this life. A born perfectionist only does things at the max. I will never choose for any limitation. Because these are for all those born losers in this world.

I cannot help those people who want to hear what they like to hear. When you like to be screwed, call a company who will love to tell you what you would like to hear.
So bo1972...What brand equipment do you use to achieve your so called Tru-Fi listening experience. Inquiring minds want to know....
I am having difficulty following him.  Do I really want to know what Tru-Fi listening equipment is?  I feel that I'm getting a Tru-Fi listening experience right now, in my music room, through trial and error.  Most of my equipment is 12 to 30 years old.  Most of my tweaks are recent to 10 years old with the primary tweaks to the room, not the equipment.
Yes, Bo--please list the components of a Tru-Fi system you would recommend to me in the $20K to 40K range.  A lower range of used gear would be fine if that better suits you.  

@bo1972  It seems you have been absent for a while. Your tone seems lot less condescending than it used to be. Thanks for that. Now you are still going on about 3D, and Tru-Fi, and yet still no info on the proof that you have been promising the past couple of years. Once again, I ask you to prove this to me. I am leaving Canada for Europe at the end of this month and will be doing my yearly month long motorcycle tour. I have no travel itinerary, and go wherever the wind blows me. I will come to you and have you demo your Tru-Fi methodology/equipment, if you invite me. I have asked you this last year as well, but you did not reply to me, so once again, I ask. I am open to hearing what you have to offer.


Now this could be seriously interesting....
Eddy, will you be replacing the bikes fuses with Blue ones though?
Seriously that sounds like a fun way to spend a month, enjoy!
Tru-Fi can be used for each single audio product. It is easy as 1 and 1 is 2 to see which properties of sound it owns and which ones it cannot reveal.

You all still focus on brands and products. And no it is not up to me to tell which brands can be used and which ones are incomplete. We will give presentations regarding Tru-Fi and the brands we use and sell.

I don’t have to call the brands who cannot reveal it. Tru-Fi will be mind blowing for each single person. You don’t need to compare another system. When you listen to your own music it will be a totally different experience. It makes you aware of how much more it will influence your emotion during listening.

You all still make the mistake to think in brands and products. People who think we well use the brands Bo uses are the biggest losers of this world. Sound is so complex and divers that you have no idea how many parameters you have to adapt.

When I listen to a system I can see and hear 10-over 30 mistakes they made. But.......without the mistakes I can adapt many other things you never thought of. I can go into details so much further than you all can even think together.

When I talk about thousands of tests and even untill today I still do a lot of research and tests I can extract both sound&vision to tiny parts what you never can reach or understand.

You will think and focus on brands and products until you all die. This will never create the level what I can achieve. Trial and error systems are systems created by children. Based on the fact that there is no foundation.

You can only understand both sound&vision when you would be able to think in properties. But.........that is not the case. So what is left; is doing audio by trial and error. We are talking about a 100% fact and no one can change that.

When we listen to trial and error systems it gives us the feeling if we went 20 years back in time. They all work the same way, they all make their choices the same way. It is all about gambling untill they die.

I often talk to my clients about the fact that most people who have audio as a hobby go on by doing trial and error untill they die. My clients often start to laugh and they are happy not to be in that circle of misery.

We create sound and we do not sell products. We don’t believe in that. We create each system for scratch these days. We do so much research that we create new upgrades all of the time for our clients. A born perfectionst is improving both sound&vision all the time. This is the fun part and the thing I love most.

This is for me the thing I love most of my life. We have different upgrades for our clients all the time. And these upgrades are superior in endresult for the money they cost compared to any upgrade of the same amount by another tool or product.

We can use products of manufacturers a lot more precise than they do. Based on the fact that they also do audio by trial and error. Tru-Fi is over 300% more effective than any kind of trial and error. What is just one big laugh.

We modify products not only to make them better, but to give them a higher level in value for money. Everything I do is based on result and it needs to be superior and without competition. This is how I was born, it is all about outperforming and winning. Second best does not count and will be for all those born losers in this world.
These days when we go to a client for both sound&vision togheter. We bring in tools and high tech equipment of over 12000 euro. The most think and believe it is still 1980.

You have no idea overhere how much we can go further into details. When we do a Statement Audio Pro measurement with 2 people for ony a stereo system we need about 6-8 hours in time. This is how precise we work. And we work and think at 0.25 millimeter precision.

When we have done a Statement Audio Pro measurement we need 1-2 days of rest. It does cost that much of mental energy. It is a world you not even can imagine. Based on the fact that you still live in the limited trial and error world full of assumptions.

Now I will be gone for a period of time again. We are busy with many awesome tests and upgrades right now. And many modifications as well

See ya......
Fuses influences all 8 parts of sound. You all just can focus maximum on a few of those 8 parts. Beside that you have no idea how the 8 different properties are changed.

You all still do audio by trial and error. It is an extreme limited level in working and thinking. I am really sorry for you all, but it is the truth.

Each fuse does it differently compared to the other one. But you still need to be able to think in properties to understand which one will be the best. So you still do it all by trial and error.

You only can test a fuse when it is used for 4 weeks of time. Before that you cannot make a good evaluation at all.

You need a system what can reveal all the details, layers and emotion of the recording. And you need to be able to extract all the different properties of each individual part in your system. You need to understand the acoustics. And you need to understand the influence of smog, magnetism and high frequent noise regarding your system at home.

When you have no idea how this will be pure gambling!!
bo1972... You could easily win the international "Hot-Air" award for first place..... See ya!!!
Hahahahaha...I don't need and want any kind of reward. This is not how we are raised. Most rewards are useless and are not based on real facts. 

I just want to be like my dad. A thank you is more than enough  :)
From the Yanni vs laurel thread:
My post was hinting about how there is likely going to be a strong correlation in the fuse and cable debate, and where that person stands in the fuse/cable debate..vs whether they hear yanni or laurel.

I suspect that some minimal majority at the least, of the fuse ’non believers’ will be of the laurel type.

That some minimal majority of some sort, that hear yanni, will be of the fuse believing type.

If there isn’t then that will also explain another critical point, one that is slightly deeper in the puzzle vs proofing game..
Ie, if the proposition is wrong than that is just one more excellent data point that is just as useful.
Time for a poll?
It has to be done now, while there are enough people looking.

For all I recommend reading a book of Bo

"8 parts of sound and True Fi"

 to be fully aware of modern home audio. 
Good reading material.

When audio would use parameters it would be a lot more easy to understand for everyone. But they keep it vague and do this on purpose. But we realized that the level in sound is limited even bij manufacturers and distributers.

They understand how I think and work. The listened to my system and had to admit that it is superior to any other system in a shop or what they ever auditoned in their life before.

The properties of sound are just facts and they exist. And they are as they are. This is even simple to explain and to understand.

Many people who also work in audio had to admit that their knowledge is not that high and involved. I had to accept that other people only can think and work at an inferior level than I do.

This looks easy, but it is for an extreme perfectionist difficult to see and understand that most people own a very low level in insight and knowledge. In 2013 I realized for the first time that other people in audio are inferior.

For me many things are very simple to see and understand, but now I understand that they all cannot go that far into details. The differences are so huge that it never will be a fair battle again.

I can outperfrom them all with ease. I told to a few manufacturers that I see them as children. Now they understand and do not feel offended anymore.

When you hear it yourself it is very easy to understand why i is superior to all the trial and error audio systems. When I saw the photos of Highend Munic 2018, I often have to laugh a lot.

I see photos and mannnn they show me all the mistakes they made. But I can garantee you that they don’t see the faults at all they made. They cannot think that deep into details.

2017 was my most successful year ever, but now I can create even faster a higher level in both sound&vision. Based on the fact that I can see a lot further and deeper.

Sound&Vision needs to become better all the time. This week we started with the new Oled C8 screens. We can create a level where the people of LG only can dream of. I see them as children as well.

We go so much further into details which they even can’t see and understand. It is my goal to show that we are the best in stereo, surround and vision in the world. That is why we do all the different areas at the same way.

And that is by properties and limiting all the negative influences on both sound&vision. This is my world and here I am the master and ruler. Not to proof that I am the best and take a look at me. Because that is worth nothing in my life.

I only can do it to help others to get a superior level in both sound&vision. My father showed me that life is all about helping others. But I will not give my knowledge and insight for free.

I can create and bring each individual system of each single person to a higher level he can create himself untill he dies. Based on the fact that I know exactly how huge the difference is in creating sound by Tru-Fi vs any trial and error systems on this planet.

My main goal in life is a foundation for those who have nothing. This is where I will use most of the money for. To create a better life for those who cannot change their lives is in my world the highest thing I can achieve.
"When we have done a Statement Audio Pro measurement we need 1-2 days of rest. It does cost that much of mental energy. It is a world you not even can imagine."

Yes, but--what is it that you DO, Bo?  What physical materials do you leave with the client in his/her listening room, or do you just move things around?  Using my imagination here...... 
I initially supported Bo's return to this forum as I thought the gonzo inanity would be a break from the avalanche of tweak hyperbole, but he gets back into his long winded barrage of condescension with stuff like "In 2013 I realized for the first time that other people in audio are inferior," tinged with his claims of somehow discovering sonic possibilities previously unknown to anybody but him. Somehow he establishes new benchmarks of pretentious narcissism tinged with a commercial angle with stuff like, "But I will not give my knowledge and insight for free." We've been warned.
Post removed 
It was, I am really sorry for that Frank.

But I am gone, creating and improving sound&vision.

I wish you all a nice weekend and good luck with your trail and error systems :)