The new Synergistic Research BLUE fuses ....

New SR BLUE fuse thread ...

I’ve replaced all 5 of the SR BLACK fuses in my system with the new SR BLUE fuses. Cold, out of the box, the BLUE fuses stomped the fully broken-in SR BLACKS in a big way. As good as the SR BLACK fuses were/are, especially in comparison with the SR RED fuses, SR has found another break-through in fuses.

1. Musicality ... The system is totally seamless at this point. Its as if there is no system in the room, only a wall to wall, front to back and floor to ceiling music presentation with true to life tonality from the various instruments.

2. Extension ... I’ve seemed to gain about an octave in low bass response. This has the effect of putting more meat on the bones of the instruments. Highs are very extended, breathing new life into my magic percussion recordings. Vibes, chimes, bells, and triangles positioned in the rear of the orchestra all have improved. I’ve experienced no roll-off of the highs what so ever with the new BLUE fuses. Just a more relaxed natural presentation.

3. Dynamics ... This is a huge improvement over the BLACK fuses. Piano and vibes fans ... this is fantastic.

I have a Japanese audiophile CD of Flamenco music ... the foot stomps on the stage, the hand clapping and the castanets are present like never before. Want to hear natural sounding castanets? Get the BLUE fuses.

4. Mid range ... Ha! Put on your favorite Ben Webster album ... and a pair of adult diapers. Play Chris Connor singing "All About Ronnie," its to die for.

Quick .... someone here HAS to buy this double album. Its a bargain at this price. Audiophile sound, excellent performance by the one and only Chris Connor. Yes, its mono ... but so what? Its so good you won’t miss the stereo effects. If you’re the lucky person who scores this album, please post your results here.

Overall impressions:

Where the RED fuses took about 20 hours to sound their best, and the BLACK fuses took upwards of 200 hours of total break-in, the BLUE fuses sounded really good right out of the box ... and that’s without doing anything about proper directional positioning. Not that the BLUE fuses don’t need breaking in, they do. The improvement continues through week three. Its a gradual break-in thing where each listening session is better than the last.

Everything I described above continues to break new ground in my system as the fuses continue breaking in. Quite honestly, I find it difficult to tear myself away from the system in order to get things done. Its truly been transformed into a magical music machine. With the expenditure of $150.00 and a 30 day return policy there’s really nothing to lose. In my system, its like upgrading to a better pre amp, amp, CD player or phono stage. Highly recommended.

Kudos to Ted Denney and the entire staff at SR. Amazing stuff, guys. :-)


PS: If you try the SR BLUE fuses, please post your results here. Seems the naysayers, the Debbie Downers and Negative Nellie’s have hijacked the original RED fuse thread. A pox on their houses and their Pioneer receivers.


All fuse on my : Moon Supernova CD, Audioresearch LS 26 preamp and Moon W5 LE power amp. are from « Hi Fi Tuning » with fuse chip aplly on each, that I had order after a few months. Are the SR Blue would be a very good improvement for all the components of my stereo system ?

I believe you will hear a significant improvement with the Synergistic Research Blue fuses. I tried the WA Chips on several fuses and other locations and eventually removed the chips. The sonic gains in some areas were overshadowed by a loss of dynamics and aliveness.

They sound good when first installed but even better after 10 days.

David Pritchard
Post removed 
C,mon Wolf

You know the next ones are going to be Purple, will take 180 days to fully break in and cost $240 each and contain snail entrails.

  Meeting at SR: "Hey, the fuses seem to take too long to "break in" and they're not expensive enough. What do we do? Wait...tell people we've made 'em so they "break in" faster
 Call oregonpapa and get his check in the mail!"

BEAUTIFUL Wolf!!!!!!!!!!

C,mon Wolf

You know the next ones are going to be Purple, will take 180 days to fully break in and cost $240 each and contain snail entrails.
Now here's a man with inside knowledge, quick get shares in SR before the word gets out, remember those Apple shares. 

Cheers george

With your excellent equipment I do hope you will try the Blue fuses. I do think you will be very happy with the sonic improvement. And they come with a 30 day return policy so if the change is not what you like send them back.

My three pass Lab amps all sound better with the Blue fuses installed. 

David Pritchard
The Blue products are entertaining. They prove the listening skills of BOTH the supporters and cynics. 😏 Two birds, one stone! 😁
Anyone selling their black fuses due to upgrade might wish to sell them here, yes?  Just sayin’...

Just bought the Blue fuse yesterday to put in my ARC Ref 6 which now has 32 hrs on it. Waiting for it to arrive in the mail in the next few days. I was going to wait until my Ref 6 was fully broken in until i try the Blue fuse but i will put it right in and let them break in together. Im dying to see if there really is a difference. 
I would not say harder necessarily....
Definitely more fun to go Zombie hunting for sure though!

Hi , 

I brought the SR - Blue Fuses for my Audio Research Reference 6 Preamplifier.  One for the main Fuse  T4A and one for the CE - T1A Fuse internal. Can somebody provide me the current direction of this Preamplifier? 
I kindly asked AR - but got no answer about my question, besides the one I have read on the SR that the Fuse is directional and I should test it in both ways and hear what I prefer more.  That’s now what I asked for!
So owners , dealers can you help me with the question: in what direction are the current flouting in my AC - Main and CE fuse?

Your ears are your best friends to answer that question tbh.
Try both directions and whichever you prefer the sound of 9 if there is indeed a sq change in your system) is the way they need to be for you.
Good luck and have fun
And watch out for the zombies...….
Can somebody provide me the current direction of this Preamplifier?

There’s a reason SR don’t put obvious direction markings on a mains fuse, because then they become liable, as AC mains has no direction, neither do AC fuses.

I kindly asked AR - but got no answer about my question

That’s because Audio Research are a reputable company, and they will not entertain the idea of AC mains fuses having a direction and never will.

Cheers George
The answer was the one you had already been provided by SR and confirmed by myself.
Just try both ways and listen.
@slowikpl .....ARC Ref 6 ..... I guess you have the 220-240v unit for the AC main fuse and the CE fuse 220-240v ....I only have one fuse - AC main 120v. For the CE fuse for 120v i have a jumper wire in place of the fuse. I will try the Blue fuse both ways for a few days and see if there is a difference in sound for the direction, which i dont think there is.
I've previously noted that a test that I used in two audio systems for directionality.  If the sound you hear is out of phase, not focused and somewhat bright compared to a more focused, solid and warmer sound, stick with the latter for directionality.  The SR Blue fuse sounded great right away while the SR Black took 72 long hours to achieve it's great sound.  I'm so happy to pay only $20 more for a ready to use fuse.  
@slowikpl ......... I am getting my new Blue fuse in the mail tomorrow. I will try it both ways for a few days and get back with my findings. 
@slowikpl ........ And everyone else . I got my new Blue fuse in the mail today and i was very anxious to hear it. But first i wanted to listen to the stock ARC fuse in my Ref 6 before i installed the Blue. I put on a few cds with my volume on 24. I then changed the stock fuse with the Blue , put the same cds on and the same volume. The difference was dramatic. Much more detailed and improved frequency especially in the mid-range and high frequencies and wider soundstage . I am very impressed with the Blue fuse. I am very certain that out of all my tweeks this is the very best ive heard. And for the price its a no brainer. As much as i love the the ARC Ref 6 with the stock fuse i love it even more now !!! Hearing is TRULY believing. I am no longer a skeptic..............Now as far as directional the brochure says......Yes fuses are directional. Electricity should flow from the left to the right when you view the fuse { from the S to the R } If you do not know the direction of flow, you should listen to the fuse in both directions. One direction will sound more detailed. This is the correct way. ..........Now i also tried the Blue fuse both ways and to me the sound was more detailed with the letters S R on the fuse facing out of the fuse cap and going into the preamp. ...........  It also says ,Q, Do fuses have a burn in period? A, Yes most products have a settling in period. The first 200-300 hrs are the most crucial. Also says, What to expect during the Burn - In process: Black fuses can shift negative to positive with dramatic swings in the first 200-300 hrs of burn in while Blue fuses tend to outperform fully broken in Black fuses, in most performance areas, straight out of the box. With Blue fuses expect a less volatile burn in occurring during the first 200-300 hours . During this time you should experience a balancing of the soundstage with improved frequency linearity especially in the mid-range and high- frequencies.  
tattooedtrackman ... 

Nice report. Thanks for taking the time to write it. 

For $150 its hard to see where you could go wrong with this simple fuse change. While its good right out of the box, it will continue to improve over the next 100 hours or so. 

The improvement in the blue fuse after a few dozen hours is relatively minor compared to the improvement in the Omega E-mats day by day until two weeks.  Actually, the first 24 hours makes a big improvement.  Why buy a black SR fuse when for $20 more one can purchase a superior sounding fuse that sounds great immediately?  I guess SR has too many black fuses left and is still selling them.
The improvement in the blue fuse after a few dozen hours is relatively minor compared to the improvement in the Omega E-mats day by day until two weeks. Actually, the first 24 hours makes a big improvement. Why buy a black SR fuse when for $20 more one can purchase a superior sounding fuse that sounds great immediately? I guess SR has too many black fuses left and is still selling them.

Maybe because the Black is more transparent. 😏
^^^ ... Nope. The SR Blue fuse is like the SR Black fuse on steroids. Way better.

The black dot on the glass body of the Blue fuse...
can you hear a difference when it is facing down
into the component or up, towards its cover?
@oregonpapa.........No problem !!!! I was very happy to write what i heard.... I really was a skeptic until i heard the difference for myself . For those who still dont believe all i can say is spend the $ 150 as it is chump change to hear what the Blue is capable to do right out of the box.And it has a 30 day money back guarantee .I cant wait to keep hearing the difference the more and more hours goes on it. I only have about 10 hrs on it now and it is amazing. 
@sgordon1 .......The black dot on the glass body of the Blue fuse.....I never tried facing the dot up or down as i really dont think it matters... And all the brochure says about the dot is that it is a piece of black material and do not remove it. What matters is the direction of the fuse. 
^^^ The direction counts for sure, but the rotational position has an effect as well. In addition, that "black dot" is graphene. I think its possible for the graphene to have an effect facing down toward the circuit board. Haven't tried it myself, but I'm gonna. :-)

@oregonpapa ....... Ah really wow i will try it....That i am surprised about. lol..Right now i havent checked where my " black dot " is facing ....Never heard about that until now. Thanks Frank 

oregonpapa OP
^^^ The direction counts for sure, but the rotational position has an effect as well. In addition, that "black dot" is graphene. I think its possible for the graphene to have an effect facing down toward the circuit board. Haven't tried it myself, but I'm gonna. :-)

>>>>Cue for Al and Ralph to give us another fascinating lecture on why what we’re really hearing isn’t the fuse directionality but the accidental rotating of the fuse in the fuse holder. 
^^^ Geoff ...

Its not just Ralph and Al.

Warren Gehl, the chief listener at ARC, told me the very same thing. Nothing leaves the ARC factory, including repairs, until Warren signs off on it after his listening tests. 

You might have misunderstood me. Ralph and Al say fuse directionality, I.e., wire directionality, is a hoax. Follow? If the ARC dude believes that, too, he’s mistaken. I don’t care if he signed his name in blood.
anyone with experience in the AudioMagic fuses?  Any comparison between the blue fuses vs the audiomagic.  Please advise? 
geoff sez ...

  • "You might have misunderstood me. Ralph and Al say fuse directionality, I.e., wire directionality, is a hoax. Follow? If the ARC dude believes that, too, he’s mistaken. I don’t care if he signed his name in blood."

Yes, I did misunderstand you re: Al and Ralph. Sorry man.  But the ARC dude isn't mistaken ... he hears like a danged bat. Hell man, ask Ralph. He and the ARC dude are friends. *lol*

zipost ...

There have been a couple of posts either here or in another fuse thread with a comparison between the beeswax fuses and the SR fuses. 

So, oregonpapa, here’s the 64,000 dollar question: what’s the bat eared dude from ARC have to say about directionality? 😛
I went all in on SR Blue - DAC, Amp, even REL subwoofer. It was noticeable immediately ...then very differentiated after a few weeks.
Regarding DC directionality - yeah, i contacted the manufacturer or read the forums to get the info for each of my components. FYI - most times the flow of current is the direction of lettering on the PCB. Regarding AC ...well, yes its alternating current but I accept the notion that you install the fuse assuming the ’net energy’ flows from the rear panel into the main circuit (when internal). For external fuses on the IEC socket, i just went left-to-right.

@geoffkait ............This is what the S R Blue fuse brochure said about fuses....Q ... Are fuses directional ? A.... Yes fuses are directional . Electricity should flow from the L to the R , when you view the fuse { from the "S to the R"} .If you do not know the direction of the flow , you should listen to the fuse in both directions .One direction will sound more detailed . This is the correct way. 
Geoff sez:

  • "So, oregonpapa, here’s the 64,000 dollar question: what’s the bat eared dude from ARC have to say about directionality?"

He says that fuses are directional. Thinks it may have something to do with the way the wire is extruded.

Send the $64,000 to my home address. Thanks ...

^^^ ... Nope. The SR Blue fuse is like the SR Black fuse on steroids. Way better.

You may like it better. It's still less transparent.
Not to "P" on anybodies parade or dispute whatever you hear or THINK you hear, but a fuse isn't going to make any difference in how your gear works or sounds..........I've been an audiophile for 45 years and a career electronics technician working on high end military gear for the same length of time. A fuse is a special resistor designed to melt if you pull too much current through it, that's it...............No magic bullet there folks. Spend your money anyway that makes you happy, not my
business, but if you REALLY think fuses made your system sound better, you need help.............Just my professional opinion.