The new Synergistic Research BLUE fuses ....

New SR BLUE fuse thread ...

I’ve replaced all 5 of the SR BLACK fuses in my system with the new SR BLUE fuses. Cold, out of the box, the BLUE fuses stomped the fully broken-in SR BLACKS in a big way. As good as the SR BLACK fuses were/are, especially in comparison with the SR RED fuses, SR has found another break-through in fuses.

1. Musicality ... The system is totally seamless at this point. Its as if there is no system in the room, only a wall to wall, front to back and floor to ceiling music presentation with true to life tonality from the various instruments.

2. Extension ... I’ve seemed to gain about an octave in low bass response. This has the effect of putting more meat on the bones of the instruments. Highs are very extended, breathing new life into my magic percussion recordings. Vibes, chimes, bells, and triangles positioned in the rear of the orchestra all have improved. I’ve experienced no roll-off of the highs what so ever with the new BLUE fuses. Just a more relaxed natural presentation.

3. Dynamics ... This is a huge improvement over the BLACK fuses. Piano and vibes fans ... this is fantastic.

I have a Japanese audiophile CD of Flamenco music ... the foot stomps on the stage, the hand clapping and the castanets are present like never before. Want to hear natural sounding castanets? Get the BLUE fuses.

4. Mid range ... Ha! Put on your favorite Ben Webster album ... and a pair of adult diapers. Play Chris Connor singing "All About Ronnie," its to die for.

Quick .... someone here HAS to buy this double album. Its a bargain at this price. Audiophile sound, excellent performance by the one and only Chris Connor. Yes, its mono ... but so what? Its so good you won’t miss the stereo effects. If you’re the lucky person who scores this album, please post your results here.

Overall impressions:

Where the RED fuses took about 20 hours to sound their best, and the BLACK fuses took upwards of 200 hours of total break-in, the BLUE fuses sounded really good right out of the box ... and that’s without doing anything about proper directional positioning. Not that the BLUE fuses don’t need breaking in, they do. The improvement continues through week three. Its a gradual break-in thing where each listening session is better than the last.

Everything I described above continues to break new ground in my system as the fuses continue breaking in. Quite honestly, I find it difficult to tear myself away from the system in order to get things done. Its truly been transformed into a magical music machine. With the expenditure of $150.00 and a 30 day return policy there’s really nothing to lose. In my system, its like upgrading to a better pre amp, amp, CD player or phono stage. Highly recommended.

Kudos to Ted Denney and the entire staff at SR. Amazing stuff, guys. :-)


PS: If you try the SR BLUE fuses, please post your results here. Seems the naysayers, the Debbie Downers and Negative Nellie’s have hijacked the original RED fuse thread. A pox on their houses and their Pioneer receivers.


I hate to say it
But you are bordering on narcistic in your response and attitude?
Do you need a hug?
Unlike Geoff's "everyone but the dumbest knows it to be true" argument, which at other times is the opposite, "the flock is following the wrong shepherd", depending on the direction of the wind, I am not interested in putting in much effort discussing fuses. I am just saying in this day of computer apps I would love to see an A'gon have a count mechanism to provide a tally of what the many of us mostly silent, mostly not emotionally involved audiophiles believe.  Not to prove something one way or the other, but just for informational purposes.

Maybe three choices; 1. I have tried aftermarket fuses and they improved the sound; 2. I tried them and they did not 3. I haven't tried aftermarket fuses because I have no desire to.

Come on, this is the computer age and we do not have this functionality.

And I am afraid by Georges own admission he is in camp #3.
Because his EE tells him they can’t possibly work so that’s it.
And I have little time or patience for anybody who even refuses to hold an open mind.
At least Wolf tried and landed in camp #2.

Unlike Geoff’s "everyone but the dumbest knows it to be true" argument, which at other times is the opposite, "the flock is following the wrong shepherd", depending on the direction of the wind, I am not interested in putting in much effort discussing fuses.

>>>>Actually that’s not my argument at all. My argument is that of those who have bought aftermarket fuses over the past 20 years or so, the vast majority - by a ratio of around 1000 to 1 - hear and appreciate the difference a really well designed fuse makes in a high end system. And we actually don’t care if the other side is in some sort of mental anguish and denial over these fancy fuses or if they wish to use comparatively primitive stock fuses. It’s no skin of anyone’s nose. It appears there are some folks here who believe this is all some kind of insidious global conspiracy run by unscrupulous charlatans designed to fool innocent and gullible young audiophiles and grab their cash. 

Note: Jitter, for someone who claims to be “not interested in putting in much effort discussing fuses” you certainly are active in this thread as well as other fuse threads. What’s up with that? Just idle curiosity? 🤡

Personal attacks against hocus pocus statements with Electronic Engineering facts is in my view to be encouraged."

This is a message of hate ignorance and intolerance it is the message of a self appointed self annointed self important elite based on a deep feeling of personal superiority in intellect and value. You see yourself as a savior as others have duly noted here but I see you as an object of pity an example of how your society has abandoned your personal needs to such an extreme extent that you feel it necessary to promote personal attacks against others in a forum FOR AUDIOPHILES for god's sake! Go ahead georgehifi attack me and others' who's ideas you can't accept in your head!
If something is too good to be true it probably is. 

This idiom fits SR, TC and all their products. 

Who is more foolish...the fool or the fools that follow him?

However big the fool, there is always a bigger fool to admire him.

OK, I’m going to got out on a limb here are guess that the fuse Uber Skeptics, the ones who believe this is all one big conspiracy, even in light of NASA developing advanced fuses right along with HiFi Tuning, Isoclean, Synergistic Research, Audio Magic and many others, probably also believe the following,

A. 9/11 was a US Government ploy to make Saudi Arabi look bad.

B. The first walk on the moon by the US astronaut was staged in a back lot in London by Stanley Kubrick.

C. The world is secretly run by a class of highly intelligent reptilian elite.

D. Hitler survived WWII and lived in South America until he died in 1985.

E. Back to the Future II foretold the rise of Donald Trump and the corruption of society.

F. The US Military was behind the Hindenburg disaster because we wanted to take over the market on hydrogen airships.

@georgehifi, I respectfully disagree. Personal attacks should never be encouraged. You can take an opposing viewpoint, you can express that viewpoint against that which you oppose. But to personally attack, unprovoked, an individual because of his viewpoint should never be condoned. I'm not talking a lighthearted jab, or some witty back and forth banter, or generalizations. I'm talking petty insults,-no matter how cleverly veiled the poster perceives them to be-little digs, denigrations, etc...Although it's going to make these threads a lot less entertaining, it's the right thing to do. Unless, you know, the other guy is just beggin' for it....
geoffkait"OK, I’m going to got out on a limb here are guess that the fuse Uber Skeptics"

Kindly correct me in the event that I may be mistaken because English is not my native language but my understanding of the work "Skeptic" is that it is someone who has "doubt" but as we have seen here these people do not have "doubt" they have firmly decided without reservation that fuses do not matter even though many purchasers of such fuses have obviously decided for themselves to the contrary position. What is particularly of great interest in this matter is that the "Skeptics" have not actually tried the fuses that they oppose with such vociferous  attack which further supports my suggestion to the assembled group here that they are not "Skeptics" at all but denyers naysayers and disbelievers in the actual science of listening even though they claim to have science on they're side!

Personal attacks should never be encouraged. You can take an opposing viewpoint, you can express that viewpoint against that which you oppose."

User "georgehifi" has decided he has the right to personally attack others hear because he believes we are stupid delusional and anti-science unlike him who has the facts to back up his deeply held religion so if that is offensive to you you will probably have to alert the Moderators which is something I will not do because it reveals that users such as "georgehifi" are in fact arguing from fantasy and pseudoscience and using bullying tactics to further their savior agenda.  
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Have to correct you on D, it is well known Hitler retired to the moon where he spends his days in theological debate with Elvis.
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For those advocating a tally on those who think aftermarket fuses work and if they've tried them, it's already being done by Doug on the thread titled We Need A Separate Forum for Fuses | Audiogon Discussion Forum

That kind of went the way of the Do Do as all the usual suspects, like the ones here, saw it as another opportunity to derail a perfectly good discussion. 

As I've said before, and as others have pointed out, there's more here than just denial.

All the best,
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Obviously not Frank
Science is their god and as such his will is cast iron.
Heaven forbid that one of them might break down and actually TRY a fuse.
I mean what would happen if they actually liked what they heard?
How would they explain that to their god?
And yes I am being facetious....

Same old rhetoric from the same bunch of "snake oil" fusers. Don’t you think there’d be more support for your >$100 "snake oil" fuses and with directionality from the leaders of the audio industry.
The only reason you could possibly think a >$100 fuse could be better is if the old one has seen too many switch-on surges and has deteriorated over time below. Or as Ralph (Atmasphere) puts it, "expectation bias" in spending >$100 for a $2 fuse.

A slow-blo fuse "ageing" right to left

A fast-blo fuse "ageing" left to right

Cheers George
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This thread is getting really old and REALLY annoying with the constant post removal and same old repeated trite posted ad nauseam.

It is not very likely for a mod to delete a post on their own back unless it was reported.
Of course it could be a poster deleting their own post after rethinking it.
My last three posts have been removed. Why? Because I called for a crowbar to pry open the slammed shut brains of georgehifi and shadorne? I promise, I'd be gentle and compassionate in the brain opening. Its very clear that these two need professional help.

REALLY annoying with the constant post removal

I think your getting paranoid, wasn’t me, maybe the mods are just doing their job without being egged on.

Cheers George
Hey everyone, I removed my own post as I thought it was a bit too snarky. Right before I hit enter, I knew it was a bit too dark, though still in line with what's current (pardon the pun).

All the best,
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In the meantime, I'm listening to a magic music machine thanks to the Blue fuses, Herbie's tube dampeners and Total Contact. 

Here's a couple of music recommendations:

Double bass and piano. Incredible mid-bass and low bass on this recording. Audiophile quality and really good music to boot.

This is a well priced four disc set. The first two discs are mono, the last half of the third disc and the entire fourth disc is in stereo and has excellent sound. Tal Farlow was no lightweight on the guitar, that's for sure.

Thank you Frank
At least we have hauled this thread back into a semblance of sanity with relevant posts.
At least we have hauled this thread back into a semblance of sanity with relevant posts.
Never happen, not while >$100 fuse "snake oil" is said to to be so (unbelievably) much better than a quality $2 fuse. It’s a disease in this industry that needs to be stamped out at every opportunity even if it’s just to protect the gullible from those unscrupulous few that push it.

Cheers George
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why do u feel the need to insult me personally every post you make?
because this is exactly what you are doing by insinuating that I cannot possibly be hearing what I know I am hearing 
you are now just stooping to belittle everyone,s intelligence here who does not or will not agree with your extremely narrow minded and vindictive view.
time to get a life Georgie.........
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Keep in mind his need to resort to immature insults is far more a reflection of him than yourself. Resist the urge to retaliate, no need. Reasonable readers of this thread can figure this out. 
You are of course correct
It is just his one sided determination to derail this thread with bunkum that is depressing to say the least
Sad really I suppose.
I will attempt to restrain myself and just turn the music up......
It is just his one sided determination to derail this thread with bunkum

No sorry, it’s giving the technically weak a chance to compare a side (dominated by the awesome foursome) that’s not at all technical and considered to be "snake oil".
To be compared to a side that has only presented technical merit, that a >$100 boutique AC mains fuse is no better than a quality $2 fuse.

If you have a tired original fuse because of too many switch on surges, all you have to do is change it for the same quality $2 one.

A slow-blo fuse "ageing" right to left

A fast-blo fuse "ageing" left to right

Fuse aging by switching loads

The fuse wire gets hot and expands when current flows. At high temperatures, oxidation may happen, which weakens the wire mechanically, and may be electrically, too. Switching on/off a load means the wire is bent each time.

Another way to look at this: a fuse is like a light bulb, the old type with a hot filament. Although very hot, it still takes some amazing 1000 hr to melt. And even at under-voltage, burning lower, it will not light ’forever’ and will get dimmer as resistance builds then blows, always at switch-on, that's why the new globe always seems/is brighter, even though the same wattage.

Cheers George

What about the fuses I’ve linked to that use powder to keep the temp down so it doesn’t age the same as the fuses you use? They’re readily available, cost only $4 apiece, and perform better. They’ve been around for many years and the technically proficient know of them.

It’s the type of fuse that aftermarket makes based their audio fuses on with an ear and eye towards bettering the sound, and admittedly, making a profit on. You don’t need to spend what SR changes unless you like the results you get as there are well made ones for a lot less. But to each, their own. Get a new hobby horse, George.

All the best,
They’re readily available, cost only $4 apiece
Hey, put your ! cap on, I’ve got nothing bad to say about quality fuses for a couple of dollars, it’s all about the >$100 boutique ones, that bleed the gullible of their hard earned cash.

As I said before you wouldn’t get notables like the industries design "gods" like Nelson Pass, John Curl, Dan D’Agostino ect ect ect talking about fuses the way they are frothed about here.
And if those fuse froth’ers went to the sites like where they (the gods) hang out, and started talking about fuses they way they do here, they would get toyed around with then spat out severely once they tried of them.

As for sand/quartz filled fuses. It doesn’t make them sound any better. It also absorbs the energy when they blow and stops a big mess by most of the time not shattering into pieces..

" Current limiting fuses contain a granular filler, usually high purity quartz sand of a defined grain size and packaging density. The specific grain size distribution provides room to expand for the vapours and gases produced by the arc and offers a large surface for efficient cooling. The filler does melt under the influence of high arc temperatures, absorbing an enormous amount of energy and extinguishing the arc well before current zero. Fused quartz and metal form a non-conductive fulgurite body that prevents re-striking of the arc."

Cheers George
Name dropping of famous amp designers is not only an Appeal to Authority, I.e., logical fallacy, but frankly cannot support the anti re-fusers since amp designers are almost always the LAST to hear about aftermarket fuses.  Curl was very much pro using whatever caps, resistors, etc. sounded best back in the day. Probably would be pro fuse these days, actually. 
Georgehifi sez ...

  • "And if those fuse froth’ers went to the sites like where they (the gods) hang out, and started talking about fuses they way they do here, they would get toyed around with then spat out severely once they tried of them."

Perhaps you'd be  better off hanging out at DIYAudio George.  Birds of a feather and all that jazz...


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Then why, oh why, do you hawk like a harpy with shots of ancient fuses that no one in their right mind (except you, maybe) would advocate using? It can’t be to prove a point because it’s been shot down many times over and it’s only when I give you an opening, that there are fuses that can protect as well as sound better, you chomp down on it like the dog who chased the car?

What does a mouth full of car taste like? Similar to crow?

It’s been painfully pointed out, and most likely glossed over by you, that those better $4 fuses are a starting point for audiophile fuses. Those very same $4 fuses have been evaluated many years ago and though they sound better than the cheap ones you’ve been shouting about, there are still better ones out there. Those other fuses have been tested and refined over the years and thousands of satisfied audiophiles are enjoying a better listening experience for it.

And, as for your "gods", you may have a need to worship them on false premises, but don’t think for a moment, that anyone else does to the exclusion of what could be a better listening experience.

All the best,

I don't care what you say, I will still inform the non EE educated of the technical side of fuses and what they can and can't do.
What to get how much they should cost, as so not to get ripped off.

BTW I use $2 "Little Fuses" every bit as good as what your using.

Cheers George
Well, I've caught up on several days banter. Again, I personally tested a new Littlefuse and Buss fuse a year ago, in both directions as well. My conclusion was there was NO difference than with the same fuses from 10 years ago. However, installing SR fuses made a very significant and beneficial improvement WHEREBY, the manufacturer of my amps chose to upgrade his amps with circuit breakers since he is adverse to spending $149 on per fuse.  

As to Wolf_Garcia, I stopped reporting him when he stopped attacking me personally. I am very well educated (2 BAs, JD, MPA, OREA licensed commercial appraiser), worked in construction building homes and apartments, recording and mastering engineer for projects for UCLA, USC, LAJS, AJU, VBS, TRZ, Viklarbo Ensemble as well as professional musicians. When I pay my money for an tweak, it better work or back it goes. I tried 8 different brands of vibration control devices prior to sticking with Stillpoints.  

The point is that an attack on me personally is personal and I hate personal attacks. A difference of opinion is fine, as my manufacturing engineer friend and I have many differences of opinion. I will report only those attacks which I find to be personal.
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  After my friend heard my system with 5 blue fuses replacing the blacks asked me to order some blues for the pre and phono stage. We installed them last night.

  Night to day difference in sound quality. My friend couldn't beleive it and was a smiles.

  Speaking of smiles, I have one now reading all the naysayers post. You guys are really missing out music wise.