The new Synergistic Research BLUE fuses ....

New SR BLUE fuse thread ...

I’ve replaced all 5 of the SR BLACK fuses in my system with the new SR BLUE fuses. Cold, out of the box, the BLUE fuses stomped the fully broken-in SR BLACKS in a big way. As good as the SR BLACK fuses were/are, especially in comparison with the SR RED fuses, SR has found another break-through in fuses.

1. Musicality ... The system is totally seamless at this point. Its as if there is no system in the room, only a wall to wall, front to back and floor to ceiling music presentation with true to life tonality from the various instruments.

2. Extension ... I’ve seemed to gain about an octave in low bass response. This has the effect of putting more meat on the bones of the instruments. Highs are very extended, breathing new life into my magic percussion recordings. Vibes, chimes, bells, and triangles positioned in the rear of the orchestra all have improved. I’ve experienced no roll-off of the highs what so ever with the new BLUE fuses. Just a more relaxed natural presentation.

3. Dynamics ... This is a huge improvement over the BLACK fuses. Piano and vibes fans ... this is fantastic.

I have a Japanese audiophile CD of Flamenco music ... the foot stomps on the stage, the hand clapping and the castanets are present like never before. Want to hear natural sounding castanets? Get the BLUE fuses.

4. Mid range ... Ha! Put on your favorite Ben Webster album ... and a pair of adult diapers. Play Chris Connor singing "All About Ronnie," its to die for.

Quick .... someone here HAS to buy this double album. Its a bargain at this price. Audiophile sound, excellent performance by the one and only Chris Connor. Yes, its mono ... but so what? Its so good you won’t miss the stereo effects. If you’re the lucky person who scores this album, please post your results here.

Overall impressions:

Where the RED fuses took about 20 hours to sound their best, and the BLACK fuses took upwards of 200 hours of total break-in, the BLUE fuses sounded really good right out of the box ... and that’s without doing anything about proper directional positioning. Not that the BLUE fuses don’t need breaking in, they do. The improvement continues through week three. Its a gradual break-in thing where each listening session is better than the last.

Everything I described above continues to break new ground in my system as the fuses continue breaking in. Quite honestly, I find it difficult to tear myself away from the system in order to get things done. Its truly been transformed into a magical music machine. With the expenditure of $150.00 and a 30 day return policy there’s really nothing to lose. In my system, its like upgrading to a better pre amp, amp, CD player or phono stage. Highly recommended.

Kudos to Ted Denney and the entire staff at SR. Amazing stuff, guys. :-)


PS: If you try the SR BLUE fuses, please post your results here. Seems the naysayers, the Debbie Downers and Negative Nellie’s have hijacked the original RED fuse thread. A pox on their houses and their Pioneer receivers.


An auspicious first post, the bad grammar notwithstanding. No, I’m not biased against foreign high school students.
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Marketing of this stuff is off the rails. Throwing out scientific jargon has become a favorite marketing tactic to convince audiophiles that everyday stuff like wires, fuses, goop, and more can perform seemingly normal tasks in an extraordinary manner to transform stereo systems to a level that is nothing short of magical.  

Favorites include "Quantum," (catapulted into popularity by the Bybee stuff) "Nano" (the poor-man's "Quantum" ), "Inductive coupling" (basically an electromagnetic relationship between two conductors), “micro” (mostly replaced by quantum and nano), and on, and on, and on….

It amazes me how audiophiles describe the level of improvements they hear from these every day-type products, on the order of a component upgrade, and yet when the next product comes along with more extraordinary claims, the initial product is mostly forgotten while the cycle starts all over again.  I find the whole business fascinating.
Innocent question: if the word quantum rankles most wide eyed audiophiles 😳 how come manufacturers continue to use the word? I hate to judge too quickly but wouldn’t that be bad for business? Step right up, kiddies, get your quantum Snake Oil right here! 🤑 You know, like advertising cryogenic treatment for product or that cables are controlled for directionality. Or mentioning any kind of relationship with PWB Electronics. 😬 Anyone who doesn’t see what I mean raise your hand. 🖐 I know what Skeptics are probably thinking: well, they wouldn’t risk using the word Quantum if it wasn’t true since it hurts business. That would be stupid. So it must be true. 🤠 The old reverse psychology ploy. Bingo! Naive and gullible newbies fall for it every time.
The cynicism displayed on this thread never ceases to amuse me.

Yes I agree sometime the plaudits are way over the top but all I know is that in my system both the SR black and blue fuses  made an audible change for the better.
I have not compared black to blue as have not upgraded from one to the other, just have them in different equipment.
Happy listening people.
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Geoff, I've lost track, please excuse me. Have you actually heard a system before and after Blue fuse treatment? 

If the geoffkait says that it cant be done, should not interrupt people doing it!Oh, my!

Ooops! Another communication breakdown. That’s two already today and I haven’t even had lunch yet. 🍔 🍟 🍺
Geoff, I've lost track, please excuse me. Have you actually heard a system before and after Blue fuse treatment?

No, I haven’t. Have you?
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What is the direction of the blue fuse oregonpapa/geoffkait ?

You could purchase a fuse direction detector, but they are expensive, maybe all the fusers here could get together and get one and share it around.

Cheers George  
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FRANK, oops...... @oreganpapa


pbnaudio, kind of dissed you!

Didn’t notice this.?

Why aren’t you trying to disprove his existence?

FRANK , You’re dropping the ball! I'm suddenly feeling left out.

Comm’on dude! You're slippin'
........please excuse my lack of emogies...hopefully my words speak for themselves?
I received my second Blue fuse a few days ago and put it into my Dac, replacing the SR Black fuse.

Image width and instrument acoustic space are the immediate things that I noticed to be better with the blue and black fuses. 
Bass is tighter with the Blue fuses and high frequencies are more precise, letting more detail through.

Science or placebo, I don’t care, all I know is they make my system produce music in a more convincing manner.
I think Frank has taken the high road and made the hard but ultimately wisest choice to just ignore the ignorami en masse.
I mean when members are still firing off trite and yet openly admit they have NEVER tried a SR Blue fuse in their system then what is the point in arguing any further.....

 Exactly! I do not totally understand how they work either, but for me they do and that's enough for me.
Conversely I can also see and fully believe they do not work for others. That is why there is a 30 day money back trial.
Since a lot of you already upgraded to the blue fuses, what are you guys doing with your black ones?  I don't see any used ones for sale here.
One of my black fuses is back in my old Dac which might be used in a second system eventually if I can find somewhere to set it up properly.
The other black fuse is back in its box. Some of the black coating has dislodged a bit due to the fuse holder being a tight fit, so I’m not sure it would sell for much.

I think you may find people will hold onto to them like myself as a spare just in case.
Or as Mattspl said and use in a second or third system.
You do see occasional black and even red fuses for sale on eBay now and again.
@uberwaltz.Yeah it’s great that a money back guarantee is offered and I’ve only read about a few people who’ve returned the black or blue fuses. 
The first black fuse I tried was in my power Regenerator and that was the single biggest fuse gain I’ve heard. Everything except my active speakers are fed off it, so maybe that’s why. I think I’ll try a blue fuse in the regenerator next.
@hifiman5 it’s a power inspired AG500. 
Great unit with on board UPS. The only downside is it’s outputs are IEC, so you need to get rid of your mains plugs and buy some IEC’s and terminate them or use standard male to female IEC cables.
@mattspl...Could you advise me as to the value of said fuse as I have an AG1500 unit.
As many are aware of an break in period required of equipmentand cables and most recently on my part SR fuses which up until the Blue's have exhibited a steady upwards progressive improvment esp the Black's.

Three days of audio bliss into a new Black and after my usual system warm up time I experienced a session of notably decreased dynamics and soundstage over my previous three sessions with the new fuse, most curious as nothing had been altered in my system , all biases checked as normal, connections etc.etc.

I am wondering whether any other adopter of the new Blue's has experienced anything similar ?
No, the SR Blue only got better but remained superior to the Black after 3 days as well.  Could be something else in your room.  I'll tell you that I often had bad sound days (not nights) for no reason.  I recently purchased the SR Atmosphere XL4 which negates all types of negative electrical waves in the room and stimulates the SR HFTs I also recently installed.  During the last week of use at all times of the day, no more bad sounding days.  I'll see if that holds true when the A/C is running in the summer but I suspect I've found a cure for inconsistent sound days.
tsushima 1 I had similiar experience in compressed dynamic. The Blue probably didn't break-in completely. It takes at least 200 hours to get its best sound.

The AG500 uses a 10A(T) fuse 
and looking at the pic of the back panel of the AG1500 it seems to also use a 10A.
Hi Frank,

I rejoined audiogon to thank you for posting on the blue fuses. My former account I closed a couple of years ago.

I had a black fuse in my amp for about a year and a half and just bought blacks for the rest of my system about 3 and a 1/2 months before the blues came out.

After reading your positive comments and others on the blue fuses I decided to try one in my amp to see for myself. From the get go it smoked the burnt in black fuse.

I didn’t have any intentions of replacing the recently purchased black fuses but once I heard the one blue fuse I decided to replace everything including the ones in my Foundation research power cord conditioners going to my Martin logans that just had Isoclean fuses I bought years ago. I laughed at your comment ( once heard the checkbooks will open ) You were right.

I had an audio friend come over to hear the difference adding blue fuses one at a time adding fuses into the system besides the one already in my amp. We did the pre amp first and re listened, then the phono stage and then both power cord condiioners going to the logans.
The change was in sound was astounding and money well spent. Thanks again for starting this thread.

Unlike a lot of nay sayers around here, I actually try a product first hand before forming an opinion. I will try the tc also once I get a couple more final cords I want .

I am glad you are enjoying the Synergistic Research Blue fuse. My horn system normally is powered by the  Art Audio PX-25 amp that puts out 6 watts a channel.

I  decided to try a solid state amp and picked a Pass Labs INT 60 from Mark at Reno Hi Fi.  Putting a Blue fuse in this Pass Lab amp is a major upgrade . The amp is now much more musical sounding. Pass Lab amps and SR Blue fuses are a wonderful combination.

David Pritchard
simguy, I was happy with full loom of Black fuses until trying 2 Blues.  Now have a full loom of Blues.   Keeping Blacks for backup.
I'm still waiting for the Blue fuse in my DAC to burn in. It's taking longer than I had expected.
New to the Blue Fuse and this thread. Other than reading through the previous 888 posts (thankfully less due to many redacted ones), is there another way to get a summarized overview of highlights and pertinent information? Thank you.
simguy ...

Thank you for the kind words. Glad you're enjoying the Blue fuses. Who knew!  Anytime I can get a major upgrade in SQ without upgrading the electronics, I'm in for it. 

Also, the TC is a wise move. Even better than the Blue fuses IMO. I still cannot believe the improvements afforded by these two items. Oh, and Herbie's tube dampeners shouldn't be overlooked either.

There seems to be no limit to what the good tweaks can do for a highly resolving system. SR's HFT's are no slouches either. Man, that was a major improvement in terms of a room treatment. Still don't know how they work, only that they do. :-)

david_ten ...

Your best bet would be to order the Blue fuses and take advantage of SR's 30 day return policy. If you don't like the results you'd only be out the return postage. BUT ...  I'll bet you won't be returning them. :-)

Just changed from SR Blacks to Blues at the AC inputs in my ARC 210 (250) mono blocks, and the improvements in inner detail, transparency/decay, overall clarity and presence are profoundly better than the very good Blacks.  This is on first listen---the same as I have heard with the other Blue additions in speakers and CDP, and I must compare these to a component upgrade.  I can only suspect that components are woefully underserved regarding quiet current through stock fuses and that noisy current is an artifact of those fuses that degrades the modulated signal.  I am, again, very happy with the SR Blues, even right away.  
I want to chime in that SR HFTs and Atmospheres require fine tuning to work in some rooms. My room thoroughly dislikes the Atmosphere anywhere between my speakers/in front of the listening area. It congeals the center stage into a slim line, removes the air and depth of a recording. I moved it to the back of the room and it works fine there while restoring the great sound I had previously but a little closed in still..

Next, I then wanted more height/openess in the sound so I experimented placing the HFT on the central front wall up higher, an inch at a time. I ended up 8 inches higher, at the top of my speaker basically. That also thinned out the bass/lower mids. I then lowered the four speaker side panel HFTs exactly one ince which is recommended to increase warmth and bass. Voila! That was one I was looking for, a perfect balance. I tested out everything from electronic rock (Yello) to classical chamber music, solo instruments, mono recordings, to 50’s jazz to opera to bid band with vocalists. Everything sounded tonally rich, open, widespread as the recording would permit. I like to just set things up and not futz with them (most of my equipment is 12 years old or older). In this case, SR requires you to adjust room treatments.

Total Contact together with SR Black Box is a great match. My wife heard the combo and said it brings the music to life, similar to the $1.5 million Von Schweikert/VAC/Kronos system featured at every show that she would like to have (I can’t afford it and it’s too big even for my garage size room).

P.S. I don’t take sides in the which is better, CDs or LPs debate. They both can sound great or mediocre, depending on the recording and mastering. I do have audiophile quality equipment for both, but it is certainly easier to listen to and store a CD, with boxed sets selling dirt cheap on Amazon. I have 78s and LPs which have zero chance of ever being reissued in any format so I’m not giving up those ever.
Chumsusi, I can easily hear the differences though the small speakers in my MacBook Pro. I can hear the light cymbal strikes in one and not the other post.  More clarity, smoother, richer, altogether much better!  Thanks for posting your results.  

Here is my system with and without Blue fuse.



The Blue had had less than 20 hours

Look at both the video stats, first I’d like to know why there was a difference in playback volume 63% v 64% (3.8db v 4db)???? And what other difference are there??? before someone records both and analysing them with the right equipment.

Cheers George
Come on now George…magic is magic…for 150 bucks you can make everything better….you just have to believe.

George and Wolf,  you just have to listen carefully to both for the differences.  If you do hear them, then admit this and do not attempt to discredit the poster with accusations of fraud, as this was not his intent.  If you cannot hear a difference, then both of you may just be hearing impaired.  
do not attempt to discredit the poster with accusations of fraud

No one attempted to discredit him, but the question was asked "why the differences in playback level" favouring the SR Blue fuse setup? and was anything else "accidentally" done?

as this was not his intent.
And you know this for a fact?

Cheers George