The new Synergistic Research BLUE fuses ....

New SR BLUE fuse thread ...

I’ve replaced all 5 of the SR BLACK fuses in my system with the new SR BLUE fuses. Cold, out of the box, the BLUE fuses stomped the fully broken-in SR BLACKS in a big way. As good as the SR BLACK fuses were/are, especially in comparison with the SR RED fuses, SR has found another break-through in fuses.

1. Musicality ... The system is totally seamless at this point. Its as if there is no system in the room, only a wall to wall, front to back and floor to ceiling music presentation with true to life tonality from the various instruments.

2. Extension ... I’ve seemed to gain about an octave in low bass response. This has the effect of putting more meat on the bones of the instruments. Highs are very extended, breathing new life into my magic percussion recordings. Vibes, chimes, bells, and triangles positioned in the rear of the orchestra all have improved. I’ve experienced no roll-off of the highs what so ever with the new BLUE fuses. Just a more relaxed natural presentation.

3. Dynamics ... This is a huge improvement over the BLACK fuses. Piano and vibes fans ... this is fantastic.

I have a Japanese audiophile CD of Flamenco music ... the foot stomps on the stage, the hand clapping and the castanets are present like never before. Want to hear natural sounding castanets? Get the BLUE fuses.

4. Mid range ... Ha! Put on your favorite Ben Webster album ... and a pair of adult diapers. Play Chris Connor singing "All About Ronnie," its to die for.

Quick .... someone here HAS to buy this double album. Its a bargain at this price. Audiophile sound, excellent performance by the one and only Chris Connor. Yes, its mono ... but so what? Its so good you won’t miss the stereo effects. If you’re the lucky person who scores this album, please post your results here.

Overall impressions:

Where the RED fuses took about 20 hours to sound their best, and the BLACK fuses took upwards of 200 hours of total break-in, the BLUE fuses sounded really good right out of the box ... and that’s without doing anything about proper directional positioning. Not that the BLUE fuses don’t need breaking in, they do. The improvement continues through week three. Its a gradual break-in thing where each listening session is better than the last.

Everything I described above continues to break new ground in my system as the fuses continue breaking in. Quite honestly, I find it difficult to tear myself away from the system in order to get things done. Its truly been transformed into a magical music machine. With the expenditure of $150.00 and a 30 day return policy there’s really nothing to lose. In my system, its like upgrading to a better pre amp, amp, CD player or phono stage. Highly recommended.

Kudos to Ted Denney and the entire staff at SR. Amazing stuff, guys. :-)


PS: If you try the SR BLUE fuses, please post your results here. Seems the naysayers, the Debbie Downers and Negative Nellie’s have hijacked the original RED fuse thread. A pox on their houses and their Pioneer receivers.


They are addictive aren’t they Frank. Acoustic space around instruments is the Blue’s biggest gain over any other fuse I’ve tried, including the blacks.

Exactly mattspl ...

I wouldn't want to be without the SR Blue fuses in the system. While the SR Black fuses are really good, the Blue's are in a different league altogether. 

Try a tube of Tim Mrock's "Total Contact." You'll think you have Blue fuses on steroids. No joke. :-)

I posted the S R blue fuse back to Kemp Elektroniks by registered mail for the refund after a conversation with the owner.
He received it on  05 jan.Now 29 jan still no refund.
Two conversations in the mean time,in the last over a week ago, he said he is quite busy .
Dlcockrum (Dave)

Just wanted you to know that I finally got around to ordering this CD. Very, very nice Dave. Robert loves it too. Thanks for the recommendation.

Glad to hear that you liked it Frank. Good to see you hanging tough with all the "drama" going on. No good deed goes unpunished.

^^^  *lol* .... Thanks Dave ...

A 50 year career working in 100%  commissioned sales alters one's skin thickness. Mine's now about two feet thick. Besides, I don't cater to bullies.

I believe the intent was to try to destroy a businessman (Tim Mrock) and his product. Why else would these guys be advising members here to not buy the product? Either they are competitors, work for competitors, or ... they are just exhibiting that, which Lenin had an apt term for ... "Useful Idiots." 

Thanks again for the music recommendation. Debussy set in a jazz mode is quite interesting.  My daughters and grand daughter were educated in Catholic schools. One of the nuns in their high school, a music teacher who played the violin superbly, once told me that if Mozart were alive today he would be composing and playing jazz. 

Frank, with respect, if I see you post the word "destroy" in relation to Tim Mrock personally once more, I'll never order Total Contact whatever the forthcoming reviews. You're doing yourself no favours by continually banging this drum so aggressively. Forums are fickle places, people have all sorts of agendas, it alters the way people talk and behave. People like to goad others, to taunt them, to pour scorn on things they don't understand. Schadenfreude. You won't change that. But for goodness sake take one step back and stop being drawn in, even though you think you're valiantly defending your friend and his business. It just comes across really badly.
^^^ Thanks for your thoughts tel555. I really do appreciate them.

Respectfully ...

While it may appear to be over the top to you, unlike those few who’ve I’ve asked many times what their intent is/was, and never received the courtesy of an answer. I will state my intent very cogently ... My intent is to drive them off of these forums. They are people who take some kind of perverse pleasure in hurting others. I consider it to be a form of insanity.

For over three years now, they have had nothing positive to say. They have followed me from forum to forum spewing destructive invective and personally attacking me. Read through the threads and you’ll see what I mean. Am I supposed to just sit back and take it? Nope, not me. Every time I’ve attacked them, it was in response to them attacking me. Sorry man, but I don’t lay down for bullies. In my opinion, defending oneself is an honorable pursuit. Agreed?

Its one thing to be a keyboard warrior sitting across from a computer screen. Its another thing to say what they say face to face. My prediction is they wouldn’t dare. In fact, they’re probably polite and respectful as can be in person. You know, the meek nerdy types that flood every audio show. The type that won’t look you in the eyes when they talk or shake your hand. The internet is their chance to roar and rid themselves of their frustrations.

Seriously, I appreciate your thoughts. What would you do if you were constantly bullied by THE FEW same actors? Would you fight back, or would you just sit back taking the beat-down?

I’d be interested in hearing what you think their intent was. If it wasn’t an attempt to ruin a business, what was it? Do you think it was just a few folks with a screw loose taking pleasure in deriding others? I certainly can’t call what they’ve done "sanity." Not by any means.

  • "People like to goad others, to taunt them, to pour scorn on things they don’t understand."

This is what I’m alluding to and you’ve nailed it. . ^^^ That is insanity.

At any rate, the psychology of it all makes for some very interesting conversation, does it not?

Final thought ... Tim’s product is way too good to pass up just because you disagree with what I have to say here on the forum. Try to separate the two. 1) Tim has a great product. 2) I'm just a guy who, when finding a new piece of equipment, or a new tweak that really works, wants to share the information with others. That's it in a nut shell. 

Hang in there ...


Frank, with respect, if I see you post the word "destroy" in relation to Tim Mrock personally once more, I’ll never order Total Contact whatever the forthcoming reviews. Even though you think you’re valiantly defending your friend and his business. It just comes across really badly.

+1 To me it almost comes across professional shilling, with some of the incredible sound improvement claims made, on both cleaner and fuses.

Cheers George  
+1 regarding the shilling…it's never, for me, been about the product per se (although having tested some fuses I concluded them to be a useless non-tweak), simply the hyperbole around the product. If it works for you, great, and clearly these forums have helped SR sell piles of fuses so I can safely assume Tim Mrock will benefit mightily from these Athletic Supporters. But if anyone simply stands back from these posts with an objective point of view, they clearly add up to a hard sell with a few dissenters who are threatened and mocked regularly. The simple reason I return to these threads is that the promoters continually keep up the extreme oversold hype with analogies, opinions, and reviews I simply find not believable, and I feel an obligation to exercise my right to protest what is clearly a misplaced commercial enterprise.
However you perceive claims made about the product, the crucial question remains; does it deliver on them, or not? I totally respect someone who says they choose not to try a product, for whatever reasons they elaborate. However, what more can they say about its effectiveness, or lack thereof, after that? If they continue to speak about the product, especially in a highly derogatory manner, their credibility falls rapidly, and their motives come into question. We don't know what we don't know, and most reasonable people here will readily admit that.

Wow. Just throwing words around. Then complain about being called something. That train is headed for a wreck and hopefully no innocent bystanders go with it. Actually it may be a train to nowhere, but still hopefully no innocent bystanders go with it. Actually I think it already had a wreck and came back discombobulated. Actually when I think about it I think it came back 18 times and a little more 'you know' each time.  Seems Helpless.  And Hopeless.  Hopless while I am at it. And maybe hostesslessness. Could be by now humanusless and just computer generated. Today's letter is H.
As far as the issue of whether this thread, or any other, is inappropriate, there are moderators here. You are certainly free to report whatever you think is inappropriate. Maybe you have already done this? If you have, and the thread hasn’t been altered or deleted, what does that tell you?
The moderator has allowed me to forward inappropriate, nasty or stupid posts.  The moderator has eliminated some of the SR blue fuse posts and more of the Total Contact posts.  This forum has become friendlier since then.
Thanks fleschler 🙂

I was responding mainly to wolf's post, which has now been deleted.
Imho the mods are handling this whole forum completely wrong...and yes this may merit deletion as I have found they also do,not like criticism, constructive or otherwise!
Speaking from experience here as a mod on other forums motor related we would not stand for the nonsense spouted by a select few on a regular ongoing basis.
We had a very simple infractions system and when you got too many points it was timeout.
Now the timeout varied by nature of the infractions and repeat offenders.
It was not uncommon for unwanted elements to find themselves on a permanent timeout!
I don't think that would be out of place here as these forums are rapidly going to hell in a handbasket.
Just my 3 cents worth you understand
Thank you tommylion.  It was Wolf's personal insults that resulted in the moderator's actions. 

uberwaltz you are probably correct; however, I occasionally found similar troll activities on major magazine forums and sometimes the same people as found in Audiogon's forums.
Hey look one gets to promote and advertise for free here.   If you want to advertise without being challenged there is always that thing called paid advertisements.  
It is not just what you say but HOW you say it, that is part of the problem
I guarantee that the majority of the name callers and mud slingers would not dare talk that way in real life to the other party without the keyboard and monitor to hide behind.
Yes it is a freedom of speech era for sure but still what defines a civilized world seems to have become very blurred on forums today.
Feel free to have at it of course, all it does is make a big mess of any thread with numerous deleted posts that with replies to said deleted posts makes the thread nonsense at times.
Much more sensible to just strike the offenders.
Maybe it is time for a thread on thoughts on how mods should take action, see what the mindset is.
Whatever let this thread get back to the subject matter at hand and try and cease all the inhouse fighting.
SR Blue Fuse I think it was.........
"strike the offenders"
Really!?  Lots of aggressive jargon being thrown around in this thread.
Over almost 20 years here, I cannot ever remember a time when everyone liked the same flavor of Kool-Aid.
There were always differing opinions and people calling each other out on stuff but it was often done with a bit of humor and most folks took it in stride.
People seem a little more thin-skinned these days.
Maybe we should all just have a big game of dodgeball...  
Why just take one small phase out of context with the rest of the post? Yes a little aggressive but sometimes you need fight fire with fire....
As you correctly state it used to be with large doses of humour and a smirk.
Now we see increasing amounts of vitriol that is neither wanted or warranted.
But I have started a thread on the matter so let us not clog up this thread....
Back on topic...

I would definitely urge anybody who hasn't tried a Blue fuse to do so, I am still grinning from the extra bass and soundstage. I'm more convinced than ever that the Blue fuses bring something to the party that the Blacks don't. 

For what it's worth, my distributor recommended changing the main extension lead first, so it might be worth giving that a go to begin with if your budget only stretches to one fuse. 
I appreciate the fact that my post was reinstated, as it contains no personal attacks on anybody, and exists as a simple statement of why I continue to criticize the hyperbole extant in these specific product driven threads. Besides, it was well written for the enjoyment of all! So please, ENJOY!

Note that my give and take with Oregonpapa is just that and he can handle it and respond with the all the gusto he deems appropriate, as does geoffkait who also exhibits spunk and humor over years of bantering back and forth. I'd like to meet either of these guys in person as they're both interesting characters…the Rocky Mountain show this year? My kid lives in Denver, so…
I would have to agree Wolf that Frank can be a little over zealous in his
However I was one of the biggest disbelievers in existence in these type of tweaks.
But I swallowed my ego and gave the SR fuses a try.
And I know what I heard, simple as that.
I also truly believe that some will not hear anything at all for whatever cumulative reasons.
I have no problem also giving the TC a trial as well when it appears to be well proven by time.
Everybody is of course free to post their thoughts and opinions but it does appear to get out of hand at times.

I think it’s great the way people take Wolf seriously or give him the benefit of the doubt. 😛

And for those that want to spend 30 x less on a contact cleaner/conditioner that’s supplied to electronic technicians worldwide, here’s the link.

Cheers George
In the "real world" of live music that I work in as a musician and concert producer/sound mixer, contact cleaner is a necessary thing. My guitar pedal board, any sticky pots, tight shoes, my home audio connectors, etc. "Deoxit 100," which dispenses a measured shot of a fast drying formula of cleaner and "contact enhancer" (their words) is an inexpensive and trusted item that my wife approves of (she actually has no idea about this stuff, but if she did she might approve and as we all know, that's important). They make a lot of different formulas of this stuff at varying prices (although a large jar is pricey, over 40 bucks!). I just looked at my can of "100" and somehow it doesn’t mention "micro arching," but I might shoot ’em a note to recommend they include that term, along with adding the word "quantum" in there somewhere. Also, they should raise the price by 10 fold or so and send me a percentage of the windfall…it’s only fair.

Similar stuff different can to the "Electrolube", but only 4 x the price, compared to 30 x the price of the Total contact.

Cheers George
Wolf, if you received a free sample of Total Contact, do you reckon you could review it in an unbiased way? I mean, like really unbiased?  See, as much as Frank is guilty of using terms like destroy, you're guilty of the goading I posted about previously. In spades. It obviously amuses you.  And you've got to admit, given that you have zero experience of the product, that's kinda unfair too. I'm wondering how many people said that Bitcoin was a waste of money at $1 each. Were you one of them too?
Wolf, your wife may like it because it is red.  I know several women who really like the color red and a sample of 1,974 men and women showed that more women chose red as their favorite color than men.
As you point out, it is also important not to forego quantum considerations when discussing the goop you choose to use in your stereo system. 
I also use DeoxIT and it works great for me but I am sure it would be better if they charged more for it.     
It does fascinate me that people are so desperate to improve their sound that they are willing to smear some new unproven expensive goop on their valuable gear.  
Would not be the first time I have smeared expensive goop on my valuable gear...........
I failed to obtain Total Contact so I may need to Tweek my methodology somewhat.
So to put this train wreck of a thread back on track.
Whilst partaking in some light hearted banter I was actually evaluating my very first Blue fuse!
As previous Black fuse experience was all good thought I would go ahead and add one to my new to me Hegel h160 integrated.
This is with only couple hours burn in time mind you.
Dropped the needle on,one of my favorite albums, Growing up the hard way by Mamas Boys, so much energy in the grooves of this album!
After being assaulted by the bass drum from just a few bars in I knew I was in for a great ride.
This album already has great presence and impressive focus of instruments.
But it all is now elevated to a higher level altogether.
Next up Crime of the century by Supertramp.
The piano on the title track truly brought shivers to my spine, especially at not immodest volume levels.
As far as I am concerned $149 very well spent!
Which begs the question, who has painted his Black or Blue or Audio Magic Beeswax or Telos Quantum or Gold Littelfuse or whatever? I mean, who wouldn’t, especially if he had more than one or two fuses in his system?
Tell555…I've noted previously that I have no particular beef with the product itself other than its cost, the use of the word "quantum" on the packaging, and the exposure of an issue, micro arching, that I can't imagine (perhaps I need to be more imaginative) is a thing I need to worry about, and consequently don't. My mostly gold plated connectors, hospital grade wall plugs, and high quality AC and signal cables work very well, and I do clean them, although not often. If I was supplied with the goo stuff to review I wouldn't use it because it seems like a messy and unnecessary solution to a problem that I don't feel I have, and simply do not believe the hyperbole associated with this stuff. I wasted a LOT of time testing fuses and came away feeling silly for not simply trusting my logical mind, as the previous version of the Blue Fuse (black) did zero to enhance anything, and in fact a couple of them blew as they're apparently not rated properly. Other than that, it's ALL GOOD.
My friend and I have had wonderful results with the SR Blues.
All 4 of us have very revealing systems that are carefully constructed
and cost between $100,000 and $300,000 each.
Blues blew away the Blacks and gave me another level of realism.
Thanks Frank, for posting this thread, I concur with you report.
 Screw the hacker whackers. You desperation for attention is so sad and pitiful. GO back to watching porn for your jollies.
For those who can't hear a difference. I'm sorry you system and/or you hearing has failed you.
Thank all of you who post relevant replies and sticking with a thread thru all the regurgitation.

Didn’t Ralph (Atmasphere) say somewhere, if you see a audio product that quotes the word "quantum" anywhere in it’s propaganda advertising, run don’t walk for the nearest escape pod.

PS: yes here it is, made me laugh.

Cheers George
All the negative ones, where girls in another life, the can't help to bash anything what has to do with audio. So run to a store, and buy yourself a dress. For me? there is a Blue one on its way, can't wait!!!