Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.

Showing 36 responses by ted_d

Sorry I have not been available lately-I've been sequestered working on the new website. Normally I take two to three hours of calls per day from audiophiles and they usually need to get off because I've talked BOTH their ears off! I will be in the office tomorrow and available from 12 noon through 5 p.m. PST should you wish to talk.

The life expectancy for LED's is dependent on many factors including voltage and operating temperature. When used in the Active Shielding circuit they are operating under ideal circumstances and should last 75,000 hours or more before needing to be replaced. For the record I had a pair of Alpha Sterling Active and Alpha Quad Active IC's and SC's in my home office system from the original X Series circa 2001 that were on continuously from 11. 01 through 11.06 without incident-nearly 50,000 hours. We have less then a 1% failure rate on LED's after an initial 100 hour period going back to the original X Series when LED's first appeared on our cables in 2001. If the LED"s are going to burn out they normally do so during the first 100 hours of life; after that they are good for thousands and thousands of hours.

I recommend users leave their solid state powered Active Shielding on continuously with the following caveats.
1.If you are using the new valve powered Enigma power supply for Active Shielding turn it off when not listening for better tube life.
2. Turn Active Shielding off for 12 hours once per month to allow for a neutral bias to set. This simple act gives better performance by allowing cables to take the full charge from Active Shielding.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney Lead Designer Synergistic Research Inc.
Cable burn-in and Quantum Tunneling are two different things much like letting a bottle of wine breath and aging wine are two different things. Recently a long time SR user returned his X Series and X2 cables to the factory for Quantum Tunneling for a fee. These cables had been used in his system for years and had several thousand hours on them; in other words, they were well broken-in. We Quantum Tunneled his cables and shipped them back to him on the same day they arrived. The very next day he called me and was speechless, actually he could not stop talking. Needless to say he was very happy and surprised at the difference Quantum Tunneling had made to his older cables.

Quantum Tunneling significantly increases the resolution and sound staging potential of cables while at the same time smoothing out the high frequencies compared to the same cable not treated. That said, the increase in resolution also makes you more aware of a cables state of break in-a strange dichotomy I suppose. It is this increase in resolution across the entire frequency spectrum and the improved phase transfer characteristics that contributes to the 300 hours of break in many are reporting-you are simply aware of information that previously went unnoticed. I actually find my cables continue to improve all the way to the 700 hour mark however at the 300 hour mark you are nearly all the way there.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney Lead Designer Synergistic Research Inc.
Your PowerCell will take approx 72 hours to fully open up while your T3 UHC will take at least twice this time. As to plugging in MPC's to the back of the PowerCell, we have 2 new affordable line conditioners that work in conjunction with the PowerCell especially for MPC's and front end components called the QL6 and QL9 (Quantum Line-Strip 6 and 9). These are simple but powerful little line conditioners with either 6 or 9 outlets. When used with MPC's they significantly improve the sound of Active Shielding when used alone, or when plugged into the back of the PowerCell for greater performance; effectively expanding your connectivity from 10 outlets to 16/19 outlets with no current limiting for your remaining 9 PowerCell outlets.

As to the bottom end, wait a week and you'll hear extension, dynamics and low freq control that will surprise you.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney Lead Designer Synergistic Research Inc.
Answers and Updates:

The T3 is a very good power cord for power-line conditioners but, as you have discovered, it takes a loooooong time to break in and settle down in this application. An improvement over the standard T3 design is the T3 UHC which stands for "Ultra High Current" and though the T3 was engineered as a high current power cord (perfect for high current amplifiers), after the advent of the PowerCell, a line conditioner capable of handling an entire system's power needs- power amps, pre-amp, front ends and even mono blocks, I was looking for a way to take my basic T3 design to the next level given the unprecedented current demands the PowerCell places on any power cord; hence the T3 UHC was born. As such the T3 UHC is a heavier gauge version of the already high gauge T3 design. As a power cord for line conditioners it presents music with more weight and mid-range bloom when directly compared to the basic T3 especially when you have a full system connected to a line conditioner, and it does this at a reasonable price.

However by far our best sounding power cord from the Tesla series for the new PowerCell, is the Precision AC. This cord adds a level of refinement, air, and inner detail and nuance not found in the T3 or T3 UHC when used in conjunction with a power conditioner. In fact our top of the line PowerCell 10 SE comes standard with a Precision AC power cord along with a slightly higher performance internal electromagnetic cell. So for a little more then you would pay for a standard PowerCell 10 with a T3 UHC, you can get a PowerCell 10 SE with a Precision AC power cord and 32 AMP Powercon connection in place of the standard PowerCell's IEC connectors.

As to the Enigma, as sad as I am to tell everyone, we have sold through the entire run much sooner then expected- due to the impossible to get nature of it's rare new old stock tubes. Luckily I am working on a new valve based power supply based on a Mullard tube that should be ready some time next year. In the mean time I am perfecting a set of new analogue room correction devices that correct for room acoustics and this will debut at RMAF in Oct.

I hope this answers some of your questions- perhaps if I can stop developing new products long enough I can get more of my designs on our web site : )

Yours in music,
Ted Denney Lead Designer Synergistic Research inc.
The PowerCell is not a surge protector. Surge protectors all limit current on demand despite claims to the contrary. To my ears surge protection circuits degrade sound 100% of the time while offering no real advantage if you are struck by lightning. When I lived in a lightning belt I would unplug my system at the wall when ever lightning threatened or when I left on a trip as this was the only real protection option. In my opinion the audiophile community has been sold a monstrous bill of goods in the form scare tactics to push line conditioners that double as surge proctors with dubious protection from any real threat. I am not in the business of selling fear insurance.

The USA, most of the EU, and developed nations in Asia do not have power surges that will damage audio components- in the unlikely event a power surge occurs of sufficient amount to cause damage, the breaker at the wall should trip and protect your equipment assuming your home is wired to code and is properly grounded. You do not need to hinder (significantly) the performance of your system for such protection.

I developed the PowerCell with one goal in mind- to dramatically improve the sound and video of audio and home theater systems without limiting current and without the common drawbacks found in all other line conditioners. This is why the PowerCell does not have fuses or on-off switches as these degrade sound and video quality. If someone wants to protect a specific component they can plug a surge protector into the PowerCell and plug the component they wish to protect into the surge protector. While a universal option is to plug a PowerCell into a surge protector and plug the surge protector into the wall. I would opt for the first solution for specific components like video projectors while leaving the rest of the system to perform at is highest level. In my experience the main components that tend to to be sensitive to surge are video components.

As a side, to my knowledge the PowerCell is the only line conditioner on the market that filters both hot and cold AC along with Ground.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney Lead Designer Synergistic Research Inc.
We are running Wilson Sophia's at CES in January- where we want to show what our cables can really do. I would not have selected the Wilson's if they did not work exceptionally well with my Tesla cables. The Precision Reference would be my choice over Acoustic Reference unless you are expressly looking for the unique signature of Acoustic Reference.

If you can, take them both out for a test run- that way you'll know for sure.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney Lead Designer Synergistic Research III

PS. Merry Christmas!
I have performed extensive listening tests with various cable elevators. Let me first state that when using a non-ferrous and non-dampening cable elevator with my upper end Tesla speaker cables, the improvements are significant.

Cable elevators to avoid are any designs that dampen the resonance of the speaker cable its self (foam material or dampened elevators) and ceramic bell shaped elevators that act as a resonator and impart their own resonance into the speaker cable.

Cable elevators to consider- any elevator made from either wood or Plexiglas. Ideal height would be 4 inches or more.

Benefits: A larger more layered and deeper sound field. Tighter bass with greater control and extension. More air and sense of decay in the soundfield. Less "hi-fi", more "you-are-there".

Easy experiment: When using a standard 8ft length speaker cable take 4 CD jewel cases per cable placing them open on the floor making the letter "V". Now drape your speaker cables atop the CD jewel cases (with CD's removed) being careful to allow the speaker cable to lay the way it wants (when possible) and not force it into position. You should hear the above-mentioned benefits assuming your system and room are up to the task.

I hope this helps.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney III
Lead Designer, Synergistic Research Inc.
I am not saying my cable elevator recommendations hold true for all cables, just mine : )

Yours in music,
Ted Denney III
Lead Designer, Synergistic Research Inc.
Only the chassis surfaces that first must be CNC cut and machined are coated- before the CNC process. Sadly it is not possible to coat the edges after the CNC process as the coating process is highly involved and must be performed on the sheets themselves which are then hung vertically and dried in a climate stabilized, dust free and emission controlled environment.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney III
Lead Designer, Synergistic Research Inc.
I agree we need to spend more time on marketing and the website. The fact is our passion and the energy of my company since Tesla has focused primarily on product development- it has been so much fun developing new technologies that we have had little time to document them on our website. After RMAF we are moving full steam ahead with a greatly expanded website which will cover Teslaplexes, QLS’s, all Tesla models, Galileo and Galileo spin off technologies. In the mean time I thank all of you who have shared your experiences and time with other audio enthusiasts.

Regarding options for Active Shielding here is the breakdown on the hierarchy of performance for Active Shielding.

Basic Active Shielding is achieved with the supplied MPC's for Active Cables.

The next move up in performance is the Quattro powered by either a Tesla T2 or T3 Active power cord.

The current highest performance for Active Shielding is achieved when all MPC’s are plugged into a QLS 6 or QLS 9 Quantum Tunneled Line Strip with either a T2 or T3 power cord powering the QLS and plugged into a PowerCell line conditioner. For most systems with a full complement of Active Tesla IC’s, SC’s, and PC’s an Active Tesla T2 or T3 power cord plugged into a QLS will be the power cord that yields the single greatest benefits of all Active power cords in your system.

After RMAF we will be launching the first spin off technology from our Galileo research program. A hand built Quantum Tunneled Galileo MPC. The Galileo MPC is point to point wired (no circuit board), uses Vishay capacitors and Quantum Tunneled diodes. It is Quantum Tunneled in a six step process- the transformer is first Quantum Tunneled on its primary winding and a second time on its secondary winding, the Vishay capacitor is Quantum Tunneled as are the diodes. Next the signal path is Quantum Tunneled as are all contact points- the two AC blades, the lead wires and connectors are all Quantum Tunneled. The net performance gain of Galileo MPCs on Tesla cables is significant and on par with the Enigma valve power supply for Active Shielding.

Regarding the Transporter, this is in the development stage but should offer the highest performance option when available. This will be a state-of-the-art system wide power supply for Active Shielding with lessons learned from the Enigma and the Galileo MPC development programs. As many have speculated it will also be expensive.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney III
Lead Designer / Owner Synergistic Research Inc.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

To answer questions regarding the QLS and which power cords to use, the answer, it depends.

If you are using the QLS primarily as a line strip for MPC's then an Active T2 on either a QLS 6 or 9 will amaze you in it's ability to expand the sound stage and magnify the benefits of an otherwise fully Active SR cabled system. This is especially true when every cable (interconnect, speaker cable, and power cord) is Active. In such a system the activation of the power cord to the QLS will be heard as one of the single greatest benefits of any Active Tesla power cord in the all-active Tesla system.

On the other hand if you are using the QLS as a "line conditioner" (power strip) then either the T3, T3 UHC, or much better (and much more expensive) Precision AC will elevate the QLS to near state of the art performance when powering your entire system. This is very easy to verify through an in-home listening test and should be provided to you by your Synergistic Research dealer for an in home audition between a T3 and a Precision AC. In fact short of an Active Telsa PowerCell, the QLS with a Precision AC is one of the best sounding options available when powering an entire system.

Hope this helps.

Ted Denney III
Lead Designer, Synergistic Research Inc.
If you are planning on purchasing "Tesla" products from SE Asia for shipment into India you need to be VERY careful as this is a known market for counterfeit SR products. To date I am not certain that we have shipped any Teslaplexes into that market so again, be careful by contacting someone at the SR factory first. We will work with your distributor in Asia to first make certain he or she is legitimate and second, to make certain you get exactly the cables that will compliment your system best.

We also have Quantum Tunneled Romex for dedicated lines and this is an amazing improvement.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney III
Lead Designer Synergistic Research Inc.
We are working on a MASSIVE new website that when live will be updated on a daily to weekly basis. This dynamic format is necessary to cover the rapid state of progress we are making on existing and upcoming technologies like the MIG's, Galileo, and recording industry innovations which will have a significant impact not only on audio playback, but also on how recordings are made.

Stay tuned but if you have questions that need answers now, feel free to contact me at the factory.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney III
Lead Designer, Owner Synergistic Research Inc.
I agree with you, it does not look very good. The day I made that post I was simultaneously working on our new website over several computers all running different versions of Windows and OS X in different browsers (that’s actually what I am doing today). I was also conducting a demonstration of the new Galileo Universal Cells for a local audiophile (Shellie). Later that day we had a distributor stopping by to hear the Galileo Cells and MiGs so we were preparing for that. The phone was ringing off the hook and I was taking technical calls. Basically a hectic day in a small research based company.

While demonstrating the Galileo Universal Cells, taking them out, playing a track and placing them back in our reference system Shellie mentioned Bacardi's post. In between tracks I sat down at one of the computers in the next room and banged out a response to Bacardi's question not noticing Shellie had logged on to AG using that computer. I don't expect anyone to give me a pass but that in a nutshell is what happened.

As to wondering about the validity of posts on an anonymous Internet discussion group, you should be skeptical- very skeptical. At the end of the day you need to trust your ears and draw your own conclusions.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney III
Lead Designer, Synergistic Research Inc.
Splaskin- The leads on a standard (or Galileo) MPC are 1.5 meters. The extension leads included with Galileo Universal Cable Cells are 2.5 meters so you have 4 meters from MPC to Galileo Universal Cable cell. Of course additional length can be had from another 2.5 meter extension between MPC and Galileo Universal Speaker Cell.

By the way, Galileo Universal Cells come standard with standard MPC's- Galileo MPC's are an upgrade option.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney III
Lead Designer, Synergistic Research Inc.

PS. Post number 1000 :)
What is the better upgrade: Galileo MPC's or MiG's

The answer to your question depends on far too many factors to make a blanket recommendation. For example- how many Active SR cables do you currently have in your system? Do you have a PowerCell? If so, which PowerCell and what power cord are you using on it (assuming it is not a PowerCell 10SE)? Which Active Cables do you have? Will you be changing more than one standard MPC to a Galileo MPC? And so on. As for MiG's, what components would you be using them with? What are you currently using for "footers"? What are you using for a rack or shelves (what are you setting your components on)? What is the overall balance of your system and what weaknesses do you feel your system has (if any)? The real answer to your question can only come from you doing a direct comparison. I however suspect a few sets of MiG's could outclass a single Galileo MPC, but can't say for sure (this would also be slightly less expensive).

Which is a better upgrade: Hologram D with one set of MiG's or a PowerCell 10SE

Again, the answer depends on too many factors for someone with a different system and room then yours to give you a creditable answer. My suggestion is to have your dealer send you a few sets of MiG's, a PowerCell 10SE, and a Hologram D, and take a few weeks to find your answer based on what you discover in your system. It would be interesting were you to share your findings with the rest of us when you are finished.

I find it impossible to evaluate individual components within a system in a room with which I have no familiarity... How does one approach determining the efficacy of power conditioning products and vibration control tweaks in this scenario?

Tvad, your statement / assertion / concern was addressed by our demonstrations; namely how we conducted our demonstrations at both RMAF and CES.

While at last years' RMAF and at this years' CES, we performed direct comparisons with, and without, specific Synergistic Research technologies. Show goers were given ample time to ascertain benefits of various SR technologies in place, and any change in system performance when SR technologies were removed. At RMAF we were playing music with the Acoustic ART System room treatments in place, and again when they were removed, playing the same music, and back again with and with out the ART System, as many times as attendees wished. We then turned on and off the TESLA PowerCell 10SE which was powering the entire system to demonstrate its effect, and of course, we turned TESLA Active Shielding on and off. In each case listeners could draw their own conclusions.

At CES we added our new MiG's to our usual show demonstration of the Acoustic ART System, the PowerCell, and TESLA Active Shielding, when we placed a set of three MiG's under an Esoteric P-03 transport atop a Stillpoints rack. We then removed the MiG's to dramatic effect. All other components in the system were likewise treated with MiG's, yet the removal of MiG's from only one component was enough for most listeners to walk away with a good impression of what MiG's can do.

Tvad, since you live in LA, and since our design studio is in Long Beach (not that far from you), I would be happy to conduct a personal demonstration of SR technologies- just contact our factory in Irvine and let's set up a meeting.

Bill (Audiopfeil), Tbg buys his SR products the same way everyone else does- through a reputable Synergistic Research dealer.
No prob with a Galileo MPC powering both the PowerCell and its Active PC. Actually this is one of the best places for users with a full Tesla system w PowerCell to try a Galileo MPC.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney III
Lead Designer, Synergistic Research Inc
I have not yet tried Mig's under a sub-woofer so I have no practical experience however I cannot think of a reason why this should not offer improvements (under speakers would also be a worthwhile experiment). As you know, Mig's are a brand new product with new applications for their use remaining to be discovered over the coming months; consider yourself a pioneer and please share your findings :)

Yours in music,
Ted Denney III
Lead Designer, Synergistic Research Inc.
The Galileo Cells like Active Shielding and the PowerCell, use close proximity electromagnetic fields to condition signal out-side-the-signal-path. Aside from the fact its Electromagnetic Cell is enclosed in a "box" Galileo Cells have noting in common with network cables that work by placing filters in the signal path.

As to Galilleo Universal Speaker Cells the leads are available in three different sizes that should connect any pair of speakers up to Tri-Wire. Should you have a speaker that requires longer length leads, we will custom build leads to spec.

I hope this helps.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney III
Lead designer, Synergistic Research Inc.
I know what you mean; I have learned a great deal regarding Acoustic ART placement from voicing our new design studio. Let me know what you think about the additional Magnetron placements (hopefully before the end of the month).

Tvad if you are planning a visit to the SR design studio it will have to wait untill early July as I am getting ready so sail a small boat from Hawaii to California.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney III
Lead Designer, Synergistic Research Inc.
In addition to listening to your MiGs in pin-point vs ambient configurations, experiment with how close to the edge (of your components) you set them. After you find placement in relation to the edge of your components, as well as the configuration (pin-point vs ambient), give them a couple of days to settle in and you'll know.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney III
Lead Designer, Synergistic Research Inc.
I'm going RMAF and looking forward to it BIG TIME (The the only show I look forward to in the whole wide world, but that's a whole different story).

Please shoot as many photos as you can. I'll be sure to include your copy and images on our web-site.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney III
In general I'm referring to power cords downstream from the PowerCell. These are merely guidelines. Bottom line, experimentation yields the best results- a good SR dealer will get you the cables you need to find synergy in your system.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney III
Lead Designer, Synergistic Research Inc.
We've got a sub in our room at RMAF with MIG's, perhaps even new BIG MIG's. You never know ;)

One thing is for sure- we've got a lot of surprises in store for Denver. Our demo promises to be one of our best yet so it might be fun to get a list going of people who are attending from AG. Perhaps we can have an after hour party with extended listening tests not possible during show hours.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney III
Lead Designer, Synergistic Research Inc.
Don't forget to mention your pre-amp is also a digital processor (Pre-Pro) hence my recommendation you try the Hologram D in this application. As others have stated, you may also wish to audition a Hologram A to perform a direct comparison between the Hologram A and D giving each cable at least one week in your system without removal before switching to the next cable. After listening to each cable in your system for at least one week, you should know which of the two power cords is best suited to you and your personal preferences, or if you should just stick with your current T3 (one of my favorite personal sayings, "It's paid for,” applies to your existing T3 :).

Yours in music,
Ted Deneny III
Lead Designer, Synergistic Research Inc.
In an upper end TESLA System (comprised of Apex IC source to pre, Precision Reference IC pre to power with Apex SC going to the speakers) most systems benefit from at least one Precision AC in the mix. In my system it's on the digital clock with a Hologram D on the one box CD player and Hologram A's on my Amp and Pre.

I designed TESLA power cords as a system by creating individual synergies for each component instead of building a "one size fits all" power cord which would yield satisfactory results in most systems at the expense of truly exceptional performance for experienced audiophiles willing to put in the extra time and effort. Try finding one spice or ingredient that works well in all recipes- basically you end up with salt- in the TESLA Series that (salt) is the TRICON geometry and we do have cables based solely on that geometry (Precision Reference IC, Magnetic Tricon and Tricon Analog) for all other models we combine Tricon with other geometries which have there place in different systems. Obviously if one size fit all we would only sell pure Tricon models.

Balance comes when you take time to compare different combinations of TESLA cables in your system and in so doing achieve synergy.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney III
Lead Designer, Synergistic Research Inc.
Joe and Bacardi- here is a break down on what was new at RMAF and what you can expect from SR for 2011. I’m proud to say that 15 new Synergistic Research products made their debut at this years RMAF.

1. PowerCell 4
2. TeslaPlex SE
3. BIG MiG's
4. G-07 IEC and wall plugs in both US and Shuko pin configurations
5. 8 New Tesla SE Power Cords- T1, T2, T3, T3 UHC, Precision AC Active, Hologram A, Hologram D
6. Precision AC basik Power Cord
7. Galileo Element- Silver

PowerCell 4:
The PowerCell 4 is based on an evolution of our now patented Electromagnetic Cell Technology. The PowerCell 4 is non current limiting, is not fused or switched for maximum transparency, and sold with a generic 14-gauge power cord that is Quantum Tunneled along with the PowerCell 4 during the Quantum Tunneling process. Listening impressions are based on either an Active TESLA T3 or Precision AC powering the PowerCell 4. Sonically the PowerCell 4 is highly detailed with a sweet treble and controlled low frequency presentation. Its sound staging is more pinpoint to the PowerCell 10 SE’s massive liquidity. Where the PowerCell 10 SE throws the larger and more liquid sound stage, the PowerCell 4 is articulate and able to throw a large and highly focused sound field. This difference is much like the difference between a TESLA Precision AC and a TESLA Hologram A or D power cord. Experienced SR users should know what I mean by this.

New TeslaPlex SE:
We have discontinued our popular TeslaPlex AC receptacles in favor of a new higher performance TeslaPlex made with higher-grade materials and of course our exclusive Quantum Tunneling process. The benefits over the old TeslaPlex are heard as a more powerful system, better image density- especially at the edges of a sound field and an overall increase in musicality and resolution. Timbre balance is neutral- the sound is not tilted to either the highs or lows so it should be compatible with a wide variety of systems. The price for the new TeslaPlex SE is the same as the original TeslaPlex ☺

BIG MiG’s:
Designed for speakers, power amplifiers and sub-woofers, BIG MiG’s are adapted from Acoustic ART bass resonator technology. They may also be used under any component in need of more powerful bass than standard MiG’s provide but remember, more is not always better, just more. Use BIG MiG’s in conjunction with standard MiG’s when balancing your system.

Synergistic Research G 07 Quantum Tunneled Wall Plug and IEC’s:
Our new Quantum Tunneled G 07 wall plugs and IEC’s utilize a 100% Gold signal-path from signal contact blades to termination blocks for signal and ground conductors. This allows the G 07 to really push the envelope with Gold delivering a light transparent warmth and Quantum Tunneling providing detail in a massive and liquid soundscape. The G 07’s balance is liquid, highly detailed, and musical. G 07 wall plugs and IEC’s will be made available to the DIY and OEM markets in early 2011.

New TESLA SE Power Cords:
In part these cables are an evolution of the original TESLA power cords with the addition of our new G-07 connectors, which replace Hubbell wall, and IEC connectors on our T Series and Precision AC power cords, and Oyaide P-079 and C-079 plugs on our Hologram power cords. Compared to the Hubbell’s, the G-07’s significantly improve performance through refinement and finesse- it really elevates T Series cords making them sound far more expensive then they really are. The Precision AC likewise benefits with a more relaxed and organic sound. On Holograms the benefits are heard as greater detail, air, and a wider and deeper sound stage. Whereas the original Holograms tended toward a liquid if slightly diffuse image outlines, the new Hologram SE’s terminated in G-07’s maintain the large and liquid sound field of original Holograms but with sharper image focus and enhanced resolution through a lower perceived noise floor. G-07’s represent a significant upgrade to the performance of Hologram A and D power cords.

The second evolution to TESLA SE Power Cords is actually a direct trickle down technology from our Galileo Research Program. In the past when voicing Active Shielding we built dozens of Active Shielding circuit variations to solder into different Active Cable models listening for the option that would compliment a wide variety of systems. Though these circuits are out-side-the-signal-path (they provide resistance for the DC on the Active Shield which is not connected to either signal or ground) never the less, these circuits have a significant impact on the overall sound and character of Synergistic Research Active Shielded Cables. At the two positive extremes (there are far more circuits with negative attributes that never make the cut) one circuit may sound transparent and thrilling with air and detail for days, while another circuit has a warm transparent glow reminiscent of exceptional vacuum tube electronics, and of course, there are hybrid Active Shielding circuits that embody both extremes. In the past we listened for hybrid circuits that would compliment as many components and systems as possible, and this meant trade offs.

During the voicing process for Galileo System Cables and Galileo Universal Cable Cells we came up with the idea of making the circuits external to the Galileo Cells so we could quickly change circuits without rebuilding cells every time we needed to experiment with a new circuit.

Fast-forward to the new TESLA SE Active Power Cords- the first Synergistic Research Active Cables that allow you to select the Active Shielding Circuit that best suits your system. You select between three different circuits- Black (warm and rich), Grey (hybrid of both Silver and Black circuits with positive attributes of both- these are the circuits we would have selected were the circuits to remain built into the cable) and a Silver Circuit (open, airy, detailed and hugely holographic). By allowing users the option of switching between Black, Grey, and Silver circuits, we take the compromise out of Active Shielding Circuit selection. Precision AC, Hologram A and Hologram D power cords come standard with all three circuits while T Series power cords come standard with the Grey Circuit with Black and Silver circuits offered at additional cost (for a limited time, we will be offering T Series power cords with all three circuits standard).

To connect the circuits we have built-in an additional pig-tales much like the pig-tale you use to connect an MPC power supply to power Active Shielding. The circuits themselves are housed in a machined aluminum billet with a faint blue LED at the end of each circuit to let you know Active Shielding is powered up and working properly. In addition to better performance and enhanced system matching, the external circuit makes it easy to repair a cable whose Active Shielding is on the fritz- simply return the circuit to Synergistic Research for replacement or repair while your cable stays in your system.

Precision AC basik:
A new entry-level power cord terminated with our new G 07 wall and IEC ends and Quantum Tunneled for detail and holographic performance. The Precision AC basik has a sonic balance similar to our Active Shielded TESLA SE Precision AC (the standard power cord on our PowerCell 10 SE) with an emphasis on precise image placement, strong dynamics, and PRAT. It will be interesting to see how this cable compares to other budget power cords on the market.

Galileo Element- Silver:
Yet another trickle down technology from our cost-no-object Galileo Research Program, these new interconnects are by far our highest resolution interconnects after the Galileo System IC’s. Design details include a pure silver signal conductor suspended in an Active Shielded Air Vacuum Dielectric and are terminated with Quantum Tunneled XHADOW RCA’s or XLR’s- just like their big brother the 25k Galileo System IC. Comparing TESLA Precision Reference IC to the new Galileo Element- Silver IC in the pre to power amplifier connection, the Galileo Universal sounds more open with finesse, greatly improved frequency extremes, in a more holographic soundscape. In fact when we replace our TESLA Precision Reference IC with just one pair of Galileo Element- Silver IC’s between pre amp and power amp in our otherwise 100% TESLA cabled factory reference system, sound staging expands dramatically with delicate information and bass lines that before went unnoticed. Combined with Galileo Universal Cells, the Galileo Element- Silver Interconnects come surprisingly close to our flagship Galileo System Interconnects. Galileo Element- Silver interconnects come standard with one Galileo MPC power supply for Active Shielding- our highest performance Active Shielding power supply. System compatibility is further enhanced with three external Active Shielding Circuits standard (Black, Grey, and Silver) so you can experiment with Active Shielding Circuits to better match your system.

We should have information for all 15 new products up on our website by the end of next week. I'll post a link to images of the new products and the external Active Shielding Circuits later this week as they become available.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney III
Lead Designer, Synergistic Research Inc.
There is no PowerCell 4 "SE" there is a PowerCell 4.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney III
Lead Designer, Synergistic Research Inc.
It's no problem using a duel lead MPC (Galileo or otherwise) on two Active Powercords. However it is not a good idea to use one lead from a duel lead MPC on one powercord and the other lead on an interconnect or speaker cable. As a rule of thumb you should only use duel lead MPC's for the same pair of IC's or SC's (and not between IC's and SC's) or for two Active powercords. "Crossing the streams" between MPC leads going to powercords and line-level or speaker cables will significantly diminish Active Shielding performance.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney III
Lead Designer, Synergistic Research Inc.
All the answers to your questions can be found here:

For the record we start shipping Tranquility basik next week and Tranquility Base and Base XL the week after. Any reports of first hand use outside of one user who purchased a beta Tranquility Base at CES are false.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney III
Lead Designer, Synergistic Research Inc.
Actually the TESLA Series was launched in late 2006. A five year production run seems like a healthy life span for any cable line, don't you think? What we have done as a company is to branch out into several new product categories. Understandably this can create the impression of constantly changing products when in fact we are simply offering new product solutions like vibration control, room acoustics, AC Duplexes, line conditioning and soon, fuses.

Offering new product solutions in categories SR has traditionally never occupied cannot be counted as replacing existing SR products; we are simply addressing new aspects of system synergy by developing solutions outside of cables while continuing to advance the state-of-the-art in cable design.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney III
Lead Designer, Synergistic Research Inc.
Guys I’ve been enjoying some free time with my fiancée these past few days so I’ve not had time to visit this AG blog. Please allow me to take a few moments and address your patent questions one by one.

1. My electromagnetic cell technology is most certainly patented. Anyone wishing to learn more about this patent may contact the factory. I’ll take your calls personally or if I am not available when you call, I will get back to you. That said discussions about patents instead of music misses the point entirely, which is music. Perhaps some base their audio selections on patents and marketing jargon but most SR customers base their decisions after auditioning my products in their homes and to this end we make our products readily available through the no risk Synergistic Research Challenge. This seems more then fair.

2. Patent pending- We do not disclose patent pending information aside from what is listed on the US Gov patent site or when requests are made to the factory in writing. If you have further questions please submit them to our factory email.

3. The limitations and weakness of patents- Believe it or not sometimes it is best NOT to seek a patent. Many of our production techniques, material selections and build processes that combine to give our products their unique strengths are not detectable even to the would be competitor who may wish to reverse engineer our products. Were we to patent them all we would only be assisting our competition. 20-years of building cables by hand has led to a vast body of knowledge that we do not share with the general public through the patent process.

This is all I will say here regarding patents. Anyone seeking more information should contact the factory.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney III
Lead Designer, Synergistic Research Inc.
"Actually, the first version was the PowerCell 10, then came the PowerCell 10SE, then came the PowerCell 10SE MKI, then came the PowerCell 10SE MKII, then came the PowerCell 10SE MKIII. That makes that 5 versions."

No sorry. First there was the PowerCell 10SE, then Mk II and now Mk III. The PowerCell 10 and 6 were launched at the same time as the PowerCell 10SE and have since been discontinued. The PowerCell 4 was added two years later.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney III
Lead Designer, Synergistic Research Inc.
The review for the AC Master Coupler was first published in The Absolute Sound in December 1995 not 2004 as was incorrectly stated in this thread. At the time the reviewer, Brian Damkroger, was writing for TAS and later moved to Stereophile in the late 90’s where he still writes to this day.

For the record the AC Master Coupler was in production from late 1994 through late 2007. In all over 10,000 AC Master Couplers were sold during its 13-year production run. To celebrate our 20th Anniversary, we released a 20th Anniversary AC Master Coupler incorporating significant performance upgrades and improved power cord flexibility while maintaining the originals hallmark signature of powerful bass, detail and warmth.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney III
Lead Designer, Synergistic Research Inc.

Link to 1994 TAS review of the original AC Master Coupler
Sabi nearly 20-years ago when the review for the AC Master Coupler first appeared there were virtually NO High End / performance power cords on the market, let alone a High End power cord product segment. In 1994 the AC Master Coupler was a revelation compared to stock and then available high end power cords. The fact is, the success of the AC Master Coupler can be directly linked to the emergence of the High End power cord market while the AC Master Coupler predates power cord specific companies like Shunyata Research. But let's not let a pesky thing like "facts" interfere with your droning pontifications.

And no hard feelings, I enjoy reading your very special posts.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney III
Lead Designer, Synergistic Research Inc.