Something For The Fuse Guys ...

There are fuses, and then, there are fuses. 

I'm evaluating some prototype fuses that I received in the mail three days ago. 

Over the past few years, I've used fuses from five different manufacturers. The last three were the Red, Black and Blue fuses from Synergistic Research. Each one incrementally improved the sound of my system. My favorite so far was the SR Blue. 

The prototype fuses being evaluated presently raises the SQ beyond all of the others mentioned above. The major improvement to my ears is better tonal accuracy. Instruments and voices are more life-like. The noise is reduced allowing for a more solid 3-D presentation with the musicians more solidly presented on the sound stage. Overall, more information is fleshed out of CDs and LPs. 

The manufacturer, the price and the name of the prototype fuses will come later. I don't have the information thus far. My understanding is, if all works out, the release date is to be mid-October. 

Stay tuned ... 

Re-typing a long comment that was just deleted by the Mods might not be the best strategy in this particular case but let’s wait and see what happens. 🤡 But let me help you out with a few phrases you can use,

”As everybody knows...”

”There is no debate among those who know such things...”

”I can find no evidence anywhere that disputes what I said.”

”I am an expert therefore I’m right.”

Those who don’t learn the lessons of the past oft repeat the same mistakes. - Confucius
Of course, that is not what he posted.
it's a re-invention to show himself in a better light.
All of his posts are essentially the same. “I’m so smart everything I say must be correct.” “Evidence is the same as proof.” Give is a break. Gee, I always assumed his name was tin can. You know, as in kicking a tin can down the street. 🤡 I’m on a roll today. Better look out!
So many deleted posts!    Did someone get embarrassed?    Never mind(I’m certain: I didn’t miss anything important)!
I think that membership has been deleted.

Thanks for that, audiogon.

It was getting a bit obvious, but it probably had to, in all reason... wait until it was clear.
All of his posts are essentially the same. “I’m so smart everything I say must be correct.”

Freudian slip......
Post removed 
Thank goodness for the relief. I started cringing when I saw that username on threads. Not enjoyable for the most part. Too bad really as he had some knowledge, but it was overshadowed by his nartow field of vision and manner.
By the time "he" got to his point by point attack against Paul of PS Audio, it got kinda nasty and personal. That, and there was a lot of assuming and reading between lines that didn't exist. There was an air of desperateness about it as composed.

Like grannyring said, he was a smart guy but.....

All the best,

Hey, moopman, just curious, is your 🍑 itchier than usual today? School. As a kid my mom would say I should enjoy it ‘cause one day I’d have to work for a living. I said, No, I won’t, ma. I’m going to be an audiophile. 🤡
I’m genuinely sorry to see him go. 😥 He was the best straight man a comedian could hope for. Better than Dean Martin. It’s funny. As a kid when I would tell people I was going to be a comedian they all laughed at me. Well, no one’s laughing now!
Are you saying he might have been a ringer? Someone with the chops to take us on, on this site, as we've yet to be defeated?

If so, someone should tell them we're all a bunch of heretics, science be damned, and their charms, their wit, their animosity, and their vast catalogue of knowledge has no chance with the likes of us. 👍

All the best,
He was a grocery clerk sent to collect a bill. But seriously, he was sent from the future. He is an old enemy of mine there, in the future, part of an underground Pseudo Skeptic society. I only come back here for the jokes. One of the risks of the job. Fortunately, my jokes still hold up even without the straight guy’s lines. 😛
Post removed 
I recently bought the New Synergistic 
Orange fuse and as good as the blue 
fuse was this defines the performance even better. These SQ fuses what 
is the brand, and what is differen5 about them, and most importantly 
how much do they cost ?
there's no reason why a fuse should be costing $150+ . Hifi tuning supreme fuses are $75 that sounds much more 
reasonable  and still night and day better sounding then the noisy resistance bottleneck stock steel fuses.
If so, someone should tell them we’re all a bunch of heretics, science be damned, and their charms, their wit, their animosity, and their vast catalogue of knowledge has no chance with the likes of us.

Just sayin, kinda thing:

Engineering and science are absolutely not the same thing.

This forum deals with science in most cases, as we deal with the exploration of the undefined and noted phenomena. Yes, that is science, if logic rigor is utilized in the act of exploring phenomena. The logic pattern, method, components thereof, etc... can take time to show itself, re the given issue at hand.


Engineering is for AFTER science, where engineering is used in a dogmatic manner to build things from established methodologies.

The two can and do intermix but the fundamental has to be known and noted at all times, otherwise we get the Spanish inquisition from an engineering minded person..... for an act that involves science and exploration.
This forum deals with science in most cases, as we deal with the exploration of the undefined and noted phenomena.

Talking about science is not science. Anybody can do it.

Engineering applies science to make things that work. Relatively few can do that.

Products based solely on talking about science are based solely on conjecture.

Just saying.   People have to make their buying decisions based on something.  
I’d opine we actually don’t talk much about engineering, how to make things. What we mostly talk about is how things work, which is PHYSICS, either applied physics or theoretical physics. I include electronics in this category. Much discussion is related to how CDs work, how fuses work, cables, tweaks, what is the audio signal, etc. Things of that nature. Is it still OK base buying decisions on how things sound? 😳
Post removed 
If tonal accuracy is the advantage, show us the misnamed harmonic distortion figures.
There was never a roberttcan "beta testing" Synergistic Research products, at least at the facility, within this year.

Beta testing is done in house and I am well aware of who has tested what.
Post removed 
Just to stir the pot and reawaken the slumbering masses.

Wyred4Sound ship their DAC2 DSDse with a Furutech rhodium plated fuse direct as factory supply.

At least some manufacturers get it......
I will keep stirring....
My new SMc amps came with SR Blue fuses.  I could have had Orange but after some discussion it was thought the Blues would be more synergistic (pun intended) with my sonic preferences and the voicing of the amps.  They did have high respect for both the Orange and Blue fuses and said that maybe I should try the Orange sometime.  The amps sound great but I have no idea whether it has anything to do with fuses.
Just put the Orange fuse in my Lampi Amber 3 dac with nice sonic results. Stirring...
Buy cheap but functional receiver or integrated amp with speaker fuses on the circuit board ( very common )

load her up with resistive load

run music thru, full range stuff

shine flashlight on el cheapo buss, etc fuse and watch wire dance....

repeat with X brand high end fuse....

learned this in like 1983.... my Magnepans and Hafler never the same....

Don't let George read that.....
He will dissolve in a fit of apocalypsy
Papa, what fuses are you using now? You were advertizing some prototype fuses, much better then SR Blue. Is it Orange or the other "prototype" fuse?
jkuc ... 

I have the SR Orange fuses throughout the system at this point. Love 'em. 

Is it Orange or the other "prototype" fuse?
Old hat, your behind the times if you use the Orange, the yet to be released Graphene fuse is the one, only $80 more than the Orange at $240! now that’s value for a 50c AC mains fuse.

Cheers George
I would like to mention to all
on Fuse directional either the writing reading from Left to right 
or Arrow pointing once fuse is in the fuse holder the fuse Always 
follows Line or Hot the path of the signal ,very easy if your ground pin- the single pin in outlet is facing the bottom then your Arrow goes to the left, just the opposite if fuse holder is placed upside down 
which my Lampidac is ,as well as amp,and to enhance signal further on All your equipment contacts, the Furutech 
Nonofluid Gold,Silver particles is excellent ,,takes several weeks to finally cure but for sure works.
i order on Ebay straight from Japan and pay the expedited shipping $14 -$114 total and save $65 from US sellers. For those who want to extract the most out of their system .
Here’s a question I ask from time to time as it never has been answered, yet I persevere: Are any audio components manufactured with attention paid to alleged proper "direction" of the wiring and circuit board traces? And if not, what possible difference would "fuse direction" make if the wiring following the fuse isn’t intentionally directional? It would seem that wire directionality chaos exists in many if not all components yet they somehow work just fine. I personally compared premium (all SR products) fuses to stock in an experiment a few years ago, and found them to be utterly worthless relative to the performance of stock (read inexpensive yet well made items like Littelfuse products) fuses. Hyperbole laden claims of the sonic superiority of Magic Fuses abound around here, but I seriously doubt all of ’em, as do the vast majority of reasonable audiophiles and gear manufacturers..."thems just the facts," regardless of what many claim to perceive.
Here’s a question I ask from time to time as it never has been answered, yet I persevere: Are any audio components manufactured with attention paid to alleged proper "direction" of the wiring and circuit board traces?

Maybe. Who knows? Who cares? Besides you, I mean. Which by the way you do not. Any more than anyone else does. What we care about is the final result. Which is what you care about too, since if you really did care you wouldn’t be asking us you’d be asking the manufacturer. So this is all dramatic rhetorical table dressing on your part.
And if not, what possible difference would "fuse direction" make if the wiring following the fuse isn’t intentionally directional?
So what you are saying, the coffee was picked green, poorly roasted, and ground the wrong size, and brewed too long. What difference could it possibly make if its served cold? Or if you’re not into coffee, the hamburger still has marks from where the jockey was whipping it, so how can it make any difference if its bacon and cheese? I would give an audio example but you don’t seem much into that so hopefully one of these metaphors will do. If not I have others.

It would seem that wire directionality chaos exists in many if not all components yet they somehow work just fine.
Well, yes, that’s the whole point. But nobody is saying things don’t work, "just fine" or otherwise. What they’re saying is they sound better one way than another. A difference with a distinction. See?

I personally compared premium (all SR products) fuses to stock in an experiment a few years ago, and found them to be utterly worthless relative to the performance of stock (read inexpensive yet well made items like Littelfuse products) fuses.

Great. You can save a lot of money then.
And now having graciously agreed with your lack of listening skills, you get to have the last word:
Hyperbole laden claims of the sonic superiority of Magic Fuses abound around here, but I seriously doubt all of ’em, as do the vast majority of reasonable audiophiles and gear manufacturers..."thems just the facts," regardless of what many claim to perceive.
jkuc ...

I have the SR Orange fuses throughout the system at this point. Love 'em.
Ok. Thanks Frank. 
Frank, you were involved in evaluation process of the prototype SR Orange. This reduces credibility of your statements but thanks for admitting your participation.  
I'd like to hear about the Orange from other persons, unbiased, less euphoric.. 

Frank’s ears prick up at the first mention of the words orange or fuse, it’s his beer money, also watch for the other three of the 4 musketeers they tag and take over, do your searching to see who the shiller are, before believing anyone on ac mains fuses, especially being directional.

Oh!! thanks for reminding me!!

The only way a fuse can sound better, if it replaces old crusty one that seen too many switch on surges over time, doesn’t have to be $200 fuse, should be $2 same one but new, and the same result will happen, and switch-on surge ageing will be the same for both $200 fuse or the $2 fuse

A slow-blo fuse ageing over time right to left

A fast-blo fuse ageing over time left to right

Your better off spending $2 on a "new original fuse", and save hundreds.

Cheers George

Frank, you were involved in evaluation process of the prototype SR Orange. This reduces credibility of your statements but thanks for admitting your participation.
I’d like to hear about the Orange from other persons, unbiased, less euphoric..

Translation: Frank your evaluation is good enough for Ted Denney, but not for me. I'm jealous. Why doesn't Ted care what I think? Why do people listen to you and not me? I’d like to hear from people who say its crap.

Only problem, Frank actually tried them. You have not. Everyone who’s actually tried them knows they are really, really good. So sorry. Guess you’ll just have to content yourself with raining on the parade. That's a translation. Didn't actually mean raining.

Wolf - circuit boards I can’t help ya with much , except to say curved traces sound better. 
Now, for a simple experiment, you are a tube guy as I recall and tube amp Sonics are dominated by transformers, which you are not likely to change but get yourself a Stereo 70 and start at the inputs with a directional wire ( typically extruded in a die under a gas shield ) and work your way thru the amp.... this won’t tell you WHY...

a Hafler 200 is easy, cheap and more evident 
jkuc ...
  • "Frank, you were involved in evaluation process of the prototype SR Orange. This reduces credibility of your statements but thanks for admitting your participation.  
  • I'd like to hear about the Orange from other persons, unbiased, less euphoric.." 

Wait ... didn't you ask me this direct question, or am I missing something?
  • "Papa, what fuses are you using now? You were advertizing some prototype fuses, much better then SR Blue. Is it Orange or the other "prototype" fuse?"
 Now I'm confused. Is there another "Papa" lurking around here?

My question remains in spite of Millercarbonfootprint's brevity free dodge, and people SHOULD care as it renders fusers as irrelevant as they should be...and another silly attack on my listening skills. Lame. My point remains that magic fuses do nothing except excite a tiny faith based group of people claiming to see a face in their toast...there's really nothing there and they likely know it, but many need to feel they see things others don't to prop up shortcomings elsewhere...each magic fuse costs about the same as an hour with a therapist so there's that.
Wolf, your point regarding directionality is well made. Unfortunately, at this point I have also come to regard a number of Millercarbon posts as "lame". I mean who insults another person’s listening skills they don’t even know? And Millercarbon, what’s with making 3,000 post in just under 14 months, I think your gonna hit Guinness territory soon.

If your thinking of responding why don't I just politely ignore your posts, I generally do, but I find Wolf's posts most interesting/fun, so that's why I read your last few.
Quick answer to Wolfman question: All wire is directional, but printed circuit board traces are formed from thin copper sheets, which are not directional. However all wire in an electrical component IS directional including but not limited to wire in resistors, transformers, fuses, capacitors, inductors, point-to-point wiring and ribbon connectors. The connecting cables are also directional - digital cable, interconnects, HDMI cable, etc. Alias, electronics manufacturers never got the memo on directionality, and are still hyper-focused on circuits.