Something For The Fuse Guys ...

There are fuses, and then, there are fuses. 

I'm evaluating some prototype fuses that I received in the mail three days ago. 

Over the past few years, I've used fuses from five different manufacturers. The last three were the Red, Black and Blue fuses from Synergistic Research. Each one incrementally improved the sound of my system. My favorite so far was the SR Blue. 

The prototype fuses being evaluated presently raises the SQ beyond all of the others mentioned above. The major improvement to my ears is better tonal accuracy. Instruments and voices are more life-like. The noise is reduced allowing for a more solid 3-D presentation with the musicians more solidly presented on the sound stage. Overall, more information is fleshed out of CDs and LPs. 

The manufacturer, the price and the name of the prototype fuses will come later. I don't have the information thus far. My understanding is, if all works out, the release date is to be mid-October. 

Stay tuned ... 


Showing 32 responses by mapman

This forum deals with science in most cases, as we deal with the exploration of the undefined and noted phenomena.

Talking about science is not science. Anybody can do it.

Engineering applies science to make things that work. Relatively few can do that.

Products based solely on talking about science are based solely on conjecture.

Just saying.   People have to make their buying decisions based on something.  
All of his posts are essentially the same. “I’m so smart everything I say must be correct.”

Freudian slip......
Gotta love it when vendors make "cheapskate" references, essentially resorting to name calling in a desperate attempt to create interest in a product. That says it all really, which is steer clear.

I’m listening to a pair of $600 active speakers with 4 built in amps, dac, DSP and all built in via iPhone and Spotify as I type and thinking even with a wireless Bluetooth connection this stuff need not cost a fortune anymore these days if the vendor just knows what to do with modern technology.

You might find here that there is an direct relationship between the amount of conjecture that goes into promoting a product and the likelihood of a dissenting view being accepted by the promoters.

Also that self-proclaimed theoretical physicist and BS tweak vendor  Geoffkait (Machina Dynamica) will go on endlessly promoting that pretty much everything in the universe not only is intertwined, but affects your sound (which he has never even heard).

He might even say parallel universes should concern you as never know.
Being a written forum loaded with evidence, I’d leave it to the humble reader to determine where ignorance may lie.
I combed my hair in the opposite direction this morning.   Bass was much improved and I could hear more articulation in the vocals.

Case closed.
moops, I published How the Clever Lil Clock ⏰ Works with May and Peter Belt 6 years ago. I published the Definitive Explanation for How the Intelligent Chip Works 15 years ago. And The Story of How The Teleportation Tweak Works more recently. My, how Time flies. Thanks for asking.

Thanks for helping support my point:

" (Geoff) can’t muster up any valid test results at all these days to support his bread and butter hifi theories "

Words (which any literate person can type) and valid test results are two different things. Follow?

Too bad Geoff can’t muster up any valid test results at all these days to support his bread and butter hifi theories about fuses, wire direction, Teleportation Tweaks, you name it.

If his supposed methodology at Nasa was at all similar to what he presents here these days, I"m guessing he was canned pronto and found his new comfy home selling made-up, unsupported, theoretical concepts to desperate, gullible hifi enthusiasts with money to burn.

I know he would be if he performed his current act and  worked for me.
Everyone needs something to make them feel special.  For some it’s harping on and on about fuses being directional.   
GK repeat the same things a few hundred more times. Maybe people will learn.

While at it show your references that support all the conjecture and maybe they will also care.
These forums are here to hopefully talk about things that matter.

It doesn’t matter how many anyone has seen fail or not. It can and does happen and that’s why the fuse is there is the first place.

If/when a fuse blows, the fuse must be replaced. End of story!  That matters.

No amount of fuse marketing will change that fact. If people are OK with it, then fancy fuse away.

Anyone truly looking out for the user rather than merely trying to sell expensive fuses will accept that fact not debate it.
uh...replacement cost maybe when a fuse does its real job and blows?

It's only money.   Who cares?
The irrefutable fact is whatever effect a particular fuse has on sound is based on conjecture which is fine because conjecture is a huge part of "high end audio". Not all conjecture is created equal though. If sworn affidavits on an audiogon chat thread and Geofkait’s constant repeated conjecture is enough for people in the case of fuse X, so be it. But don’t act shocked and offended when you air your laundry out in public and others take notice.  Especially when someone somewhere is making a lot of money from it.

Fuse on!
Katie makes things up as needed to sell his point, products whatever tickles his fancy. The last guy I’d want on my team pitching the benefits of my product unless of course there are no benefits.  

Yea well the problem is Op offered to send me a fuse to try and I accepted because I was genuinely curious. When I reported back and did not get the advertised results I was marginalized and my ability to listen questioned.  One particular "pest" suggested my findings were an outlier and should be disregarded. Not preaching the mandated fuse product gospel did not go over well with anyone.

Good news is I know from experience just the act of reseating a fuse can make a difference so changing one surely can as well. Of course nobody ever factors that in rather any positive change reported is automatically attributed to the fuse. I may have even heard some difference with the fuse sent but if so it was very minor and hard to confirm. I ended up going back to the stock fuse in my Arc pre-amp which appears to be of very good quality.

To me its like wires and power cords. They can make a difference but not always. Some are just designed way differently than others and some are cheaply made and some not. Maybe replacing a cheap or partially blown fuse with a new or higher quality one can make a big difference in some cases. Most likely when directly in the audio signal path like with Magnepan speakers but that is usually not the case with most home audio electronics.

So that’s the story. mapman out.

Just for the record, I agree with prof.

Also I have stated multiple times in the past that fuses can make a difference and even described scenarios I have encountered over the years where changing a fuse did.

So based on that guess what? One might consider me to be a "fuse guy".

aux you actually gave a constructive response earlier about how fuses are used in various gear and I don’t hear anyone complaining so not sure what you are fussing about. Would you prefer all assertions no matter how much based on conjecture be taken as gospel? That’s called the road to nowhere.
Tell us about directionality one more time GK. Please!!! Don’t make us wait.
There goes GK making things up again to support his cause.

References for that fuse # please.

Regardless, the # of "audiophile" fuses sold has no relevance as does the # of all fuses ever sold which its a safe bet eclipses audiophile fuses by a massive margin. 

Not to mention that its mostly a small handful of people here who talk about them repeatedly. Gee I wonder why?
I nominate OP as the chief fuse guy. He is always the first to break the news here about the next best fancy fuse.
The big shocker will be if it turns out to be a very affordable Littelfuse.