Qualities Of An End-game System

Qualities of an end game system: 

- Speakers disappear

- The room disappears

-  The listener disappears, his mind is shut down/gone.

- There is nothing left but the perception of falling into an abyss filled with music. 

- The listener doesn't know where any of the music came from, but, it is all inside of him. Sex, drugs, etc can't come even remotely close to such an experience of pure audio nirvana.


If your system can't do that (whatever it may be), you have no end game.






And end game system is a system/room/ears which is balanced when we take into account all acoustics concepts and factors and parameters into account with none of them being too much or lacking...

All acoustics factors contribute anyway to any audiophile experience aspects...

What we call simply "imaging" in audiophile vocabulary is a way more complex set of factors added together than the simple word "imaging" can convey or could suggest...

These factors are mechanical factors , electrical factors and acoustical factors even psychoacoustical factors...

This is why "end game " system is not about the gear pieces separately and their price tags but it is related to the way we are able to put them together in an optimal way using basic knowledge or refined acoustics knowledge if we go for the best possible experience with a relatively low cost system as it is the case for most of us...

"High end" or audiophile experience as said very wisely mike lavigne is a way of thinking ...


Compared to the other high end system i put in my post above this one is so fatiguing for my ears , as i can hear it through my own low cost well balanced system i would keep mine over this one in this non acoustically controlled room😁 :


Go to 21 minute and listen to it if you can :


I’m there with a modest system. Don’t have the bass extension, but what’s there sounds very real. Excellent room helps. Believe it or not, my stereo rack (2 inch oak shelves, each layer isolated, stillpoints under critical gear) with associated vibration control made a critical difference in the sense of realism, especially spatially.

The need to reproduce the musical venue is one function of a system. I like to call it the "Disney World" function, because it produces the kind of illusions which trick and delight children of all ages.

Other musical pieces are masterpieces of collage -- multi-tracked. Think of Dark Side of the Moon. It is immersive but it is not "realistic" in that simplistic Disney way. Others are electronic. They, too, lack "realism," but a good system will produce tonalities which are arguably more important than spatial simulations. 

I know people for whom the gear is the endgame. I do not just them as being wrong. Let 1000 flowers bloom.

End Game System:

- System is paid for

- Music room is paid for

- No desire or need for approval/disapproval of the system or how time/money is/was allocated to the hobby

- modest investment in streaming services

- still puts a smile on your face

This sound amazing on my 1000 bucks well embedded system ...😊

Not too much details in some fatiguing other high end system i listened to  but dynamics and spatial information seems very good ...

If my low cost system is able to give me a balanced experience at a lower level for sure, my low cost system is my end game ...

The difference between a low cost system and this high end one is sinmple :

No one will mess as i did with the speakers design mof mine and with the rest of the system to improve it and reach some balance between all acoustics factors implied ...😊 ...



Qualities of turning off the lights in the listening room:

-Speakers disappear.

-Room disappears.

-Listener disappears, his mind is shut down/gone.

-The listener doesn't know where any of the music came from, but it is all inside of him. Sex, drugs, etc. can't come even remotely close to such an experience of pure audio nirvana.


If your light switch can't do that, you have no end game.

The music transports you to the scene.  You feel like you are in a club or a blues bar or a concert hall or a rock concert, a cathedral.  One of my favorites is the Carly Simon, “Live at Grand Central”.  The ambience is amazing.  I close my eyes and I am in Grand Central Station.  Quite the recording.

The OP's description strikes me as "first level audiophile" not "end game." 

"End game" indicates a superlative system, one which likely cannot be bettered.

This hobby is filled with hyperbolic descriptions. If we want to talk seriously, we need to avoid hyperbole.

I get tired of being told that I need a treated room or magic directional fuses or 300B tubes or anything else to make my listening experience somehow legitimate. I know exactly how to make any of the various versions of the systems I've enjoyed over half a century of gear collecting sing to my standards, and likely so have many around here. There is no "end game" required in anything connected to music enjoyment or any art form except in your head.

Disappear and soundstage are only a few of the factors in a system but not critical.  IMO it is the tone of the instruments, dynamic contrasts, separation of instruments and vocals, bass definition, do high frequencies float in the air, etc.


Happy Listening

Speakers disappear.  Music separates from speakers. Can be spooky at times.  Highs disintegrate into vapor.  Wide deep and high soundstage. Voices sound holographic. I’m there and happy 

- The room disappears

-  The listener disappears, his mind is shut down/gone.

- There is nothing left but the perception of falling into an abyss filled with music. 

- The listener doesn't know where any of the music came from, but, it is all inside of him.


And "end game system" is the system that your spouse and kids are able to sell pieces by pieces ...

But without your dedicated acoustic room it is no more an end game system only a bunch of delusional price tags ... 😊



An “end game system” is the system that your spouse and kids inherit.




if you dont have unlimited budget forget "end game system", concentrate on acoustics optimization in a specific room for specific ears...

I myself enjoy the minimal acoustical satisfaction threshold...Trust me it is really good...

Is it enough ?

Yes or no what is your budget ?

It is enough to feel being in the church if the Organ album is playing ... I dont need anything else...



We are in the same boat...

I think my mind shut down years ago but I am still here. 🤣Not sure my system is end game but I sure do love it.

I dont need improvement at all cost...Anyway i forgot improvement listening music and feeling the recording albums acoustic choices of the recording engineer ... It is enough ...

i bought music not upgrades...

How about 100 albums of Chet baker ?

Or 100 albums of Bill Evans ?

The money is better invested here once you had reach minimal acoustical satisfaction threshold ... ( it is not a stopgap, many audiophiles nevermind their gear price are not even there because they never learned how to create a balance of acoustics factors in a room with specific gear design )


I (and my system) have done that plenty of times. But my system is nowhere near "end game" caliber. I’ve got plenty of room for improvement. 🎵



I think my mind shut down years ago but I am still here. 🤣Not sure my system is end game but I sure do love it.

I (and my system) have done that plenty of times. But my system is nowhere near "end game" caliber. I’ve got plenty of room for improvement. 🎵


The OP list is right...

But subjective....

I experiments with acoustics objective concepts and parameters to reach this felt experience ...

My modified low cost system can do that to me ...( especially the headphone because of the acoustics limitation of my modified but small speakers in my second room after selling my house)

But i must add something or correct the OP description or perhaps precise it here :

The listener doesn’t know where any of the music came from, but, it is all inside of him.

The music in my past first acoustic room , which was better than my actual one because of bigger speakers and more complex acoustic devices used , or the music in my headphone dont come from inside me but reflect the acoustics recording trade-off parameters chosen by the sound engineer which vary greatly album to album ...

Listening Bach Marie Claire Alain in my system i hear the church acoustic . In no way i had the sensation of music inside me , i felt on the opposite to be transported in a church and i forget completely my small room and i feel the obligation to keep my eyes open to see the playing organ through my disapearing walls room ... I am in a church...

The goal of a good system is the translation of acoustic parameters chosen by a recording engineer into the acoustic parameters implied by the optimized relation between your ears/system/room ... This TRANSLATION is never an exact and merely  reproduction and cannot be for evident acoustics reason ... This acoustical  translation is where audiophile experience fail or stall or succeed...

( Edgar Choueiri explained very well why and how crosstalk among other factors for example impede acoustic translation from the set of any recorded acoustic information to the Ears/stereo system/room recovering translation in a new acoustic environment . )

Seems like a good definition.  I am not sure if your doing sex, drug, etc. right if you don't enjoy them as well 😀