Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
@t_ramey you are correct I have not used the TC product. I've experimented with too many interconnects, speaker cables and power cords, therefore, I wanted to keep the playing field neutral.
I've reread the thread trying to decide the first location to try the E Mat either under the Dac, Transport or the High Fidelity MC-6 Power Distributor which powers the Dac, Transport, Preamp and FM tuner. I'm open to suggestions but I believe you experienced users are going to suggest under the MC-6, am I correct?

I may try one on the house circuit breaker box with placement over my 3 dedicated audio breakers.

That's a tough one, Lak.  You may have to experiment with placement, but that's not very tough to do.  I would try the DAC or Preamp first, then move it back to the distributor after a few days to compare. You are going to like this thing.  
I’m all for experimenting and trying different placements, but you also need to pick a place (or places) and leave the mat there for a full two weeks, to really see what it can do.
@tommylion Any idea if or when a mat is moved does it take another two weeks to settle once it’s back in the same spot, or does it reacclimate quicker? The HF mc-0.5’s are kinda like that but don’t take too long to get back to where they were, depending on how long they were not in the same spot.

Not really sure sure about that, I haven’t moved mine around enough. I’ve just picked places and left them there.

I moved the Mat, that was in my office system, on my dac to my main breaker panel about four days ago. I found that it did positively impact the main system, which has a Mat on on the CD player, immediately. The effect of Mat on the breaker panel has been noticeable on all 5 televisions in my home as well. They definitely had a sharper picture. The office system lost a slight bit of clarity in the treble when I removed it from the dac but the contribution from the breaker panel placement has still helped the music have greater impact, due to the lower noise floor. This was totally unexpected. Keep in mind that this is spesific to my system. 

Hope this helps. 


My two E Mats arrived today. One was placed inside the circuit breaker box and the other on top of the Pass Lab Int-60 amp. This amp sits on a Synergistic Research Tranquility Base and is connected to a Synergistic Research Active Grounding System. I will take a listen after 48 hours to get a baseline of what the Mats does. The amp is on  24/7.

This will be an interesting experiment.

David Pritchard
To each his or her own, but I would not dedicate a $600 mat to a $130, stamped metal box full of $8 circuit breakers when I can place it at the system, under a front-end piece costing 2K to 20K or more containing hundreds-to-thousands of parts that are subject to RFI, if that is even what this thing is working to eliminate.  I would place one on a transformer power supply that is located at the system, but that would be after putting them under all front-end components.          
@davidpritchard - David, it will be interesting. They apparently take a while to settle-in but if you have a chance to move them around your system that would be helpful info. Like putting one on your digital source for instance. (I know people that have been given these suggest putting them under all your components but at $600 each I would like a little more info on where they are most effective)
  that is a good point jafreeman,  maybe I should think about putting my mat under the power conditioner or cd player?

Placing the Mat under my CD player made a significant impact in my main system while the effect on the dac in my office system was not as dramatic. When I took I the Mat from the dac to the breaker panel, I found that the overal sound in the main system improved.

That wonderful relaxed quality to the music, which Frank spoke of in his original review, is something that takes time to develop with the Omega. It is well worth the wait! 😁

I know that after two weeks of the mat staying in one place it gets really good. Who knows, it may continue to get even better after that?
I advise putting one mat on the breaker box panel. It affected all audio systems in my home (two main audio systems and two video/audio systems). I’d like to know what difference others find on their TV video screens. Colors appear more saturated. Has video resolution improved, my wife thinks so but I can’t tell.

The dynamics, frequency extension and resolution improvement were apparent immediately. Mid-range smoothing came next after 24 hours. That relaxed quality is what I’m waiting for.

My Yello-Touch CD is so much improved, better than on an $850,000 horn system I heard it on. A great test recording even if one doesn’t like the music.
Lots of exciting places to try the Mats! All of my components have been treated with a combination of Total Contact+ synergistic Research ECT’s. Except the Pass Lab amp which has not been treated. All components sit on SynergisticResaerch Tranquility Bases and the listening and viewing rooms have Synergistic Research Atmosphere units.
Putting a Mat at the breaker box will potentially help three systems. One home theater system with a 4K video, the headphone system, and lastly the Horn system with the relatively untreated Pass Lab amp.

I will of course be trying other locations but will be slow and take it a step at a time.
David ...

I believe you have an SR Grounding Block. I'd be curious to hear what one Omega E Mat would do under that. Also, I wonder if setting the SR Atmosphere on top of an E Mat would do anything. 

This E Mat has to be the best audio bargain of the new century.  I am lost within the depths of new layers of music that just weren't audible before.  It's all so clear and sweet--just what I would have expected from an expensive upgrade.  

Forgive me if you’ve already mentioned this but how many mats are you using?
Oregon papa:
Yes I use the Active Grounding Block with the headphone system, and another one with the Horn speaker system. The Video system has the original passive Grounding Block. Atmosphere units also in place. Lots of interesting locations to try the Mat.

Another possible location is near or under the crossover network in  multi driver speakers. I am sure to eventually try a mini Mat under my crossovers.

Exciting times for Audiophiles.

David Pritchard
Tim sent me mats for a couple of trusted friends to try out on a no obligation basis. Fleischer is using six of them right now as you all know.

I received an additional eight E Mats today. This means that I will have fourteen E Mats on a temporary basis before friends pick them up this coming Sunday, I’ve already installed, and have been using six E Mats on a regular basis, but now I’ve installed another eight mats.

Tonight’s listening session will be with all fourteen mats in place. The two original ones in the circuit breaker box will remain there. I’ll be experimenting with other locations ... and/or will be stacking more under the components.

My initial listen shortly after the installation was with the Diana Krall "Live in Paris" CD. You know that cut "Oh Canada?" Well, I’ve never noticed Diana Krall’s warm, moist breath on my neck before. :-)

@oregonpapa   I'm actually considering an E Mat for my electrical service, so I am not in any way trolling...but...are you okay?
hifiman5 .,.,

Thanks ...

Yep, I’m OK. One problem ... its still hot here in SoCal ... and I’m trying to get this Krall girl off of me.

Moist ... Warm ... Breath .... :-)


That has been my experience exactly. It’s sure is fun.


It’s one of the best in my experience. Though the TC was a great start.

Has any one tried some minor mass loading on their CD player or speakers since treating with TC and installing the Mat?

I had tried it a couple years ago but it just muddied the sound. However, I just applied some mass to those two areas and wow the bass definition, tunefulness and power is astonishing.


I am using one Omega E Mat, placed under one-box CD player/preamp--will be ordering a second mat in the near future. 
I would need more E-mats to try under my SR Atmosphere XL4.  I might try it on top also since I dislike the Red ATM (too bright) and removed it from the room.  I only use the Atmosphere for some recordings.  With the E-mat and my latest IC cables, its sort of redundant except for unusual recordings and 78s.  
If you are using a digital source I suggest trying the E - mats at the switch and hub. I’ve had some success with using Bybee Signal Enhancers in those locations.

Does the E-mat have a battery like the Bybee’s?

Word of caution, some of the crystal based products exhibit a drop off in performance over time, not sure if this would apply to the E- mats? HF MC 0.5/1’s use magnets I believe so should not have this drop off in performance over time. Anybody using the HF’s with the E-mats? 

@jafreeman (Joe) - I just checked-out your system page. Very nice! Seems like that 240v isolation transformer is a prime candidate for an E-Mat?

@fleschler - I use a SR Atmosphere (original) as well. Have you tried the green ATM? I like it much better than the red ATM. I did try some graphene oxide on my Atmosphere connections which seemed to work well. Maybe attach an E-Mat to the side of the Atmosphere? Whats the rest of your system consist of? 
@toetapaudio  Great questions, No batteries, zero crystals. It is solid state, will never degrade in performance. Biggest unique feature is
the fact that you cannot overload the room or system by adding  more.

Personally we have removed all signal, room enhancing devices from our system, except for my products, We found a big increase in dynamics and air once removed.
Interesting. What products did you remove? What other parameters besides dynamics and air did you look for? I’m not totally sure I would intimate that everyone else would experience your results. 
Ditto @geoffkait's questions. I would like specifics on what you removed @perfectpathtech since I use a lot of those types of devices in my system. 
Bybee signal enhancers, first generation.

I’m not totally sure I would intimate that everyone else would experience your results.

Neither would I! however I have 2 customers that followed suit. One had 16 IQSE's now gone, the other was using 4 I think, which are now gone
from his system.

What other parameters besides dynamics and air did you look for?
We did not look for anything, just conveying what happened. This was also confirmed by both customers.
First, let me say, I did not get the Total Contact for free nor did I get paId for writing how amazed I was by the dramatic changes I experienced in my system! The only way I even heard about the TC was because a friend of mine is a reviewer and he also paid for his tube as well. He has one of the best systems I have heard and he invited me to listen to his system after treating almost every component power supply and cables. His system became visceral and holographic in a way that made me a bit nervous. Not in a bad way, but I felt almost as if I was being overloaded or overwhelmed by the purity of sound I was experiencing. 
I myself don't have an extra $600.00 laying around but I will be setting a goal to put aside every mouth some spare coin and will also invest in at least one Omega E mat This forum should be about the positive experience we can share with each other and not this internal bickering between the skeptics and those that have the knowledge.You see, the lack of knowledge leaves one ignorant. So lets stop the infighting and educate each other
Yeah, but you were not (rpt not) a beta tester. The beta testers were the subject of the quid pro quo debate, not later customers.
If your confused, a journey & macez101 are both me, it just depends on which devise i am using to write on the forum!

Thanks Frank, I will be trying the Omega E matts as you suggested.
@perfectpathtech - ok, thanks for the info. When you said "removed all signal, room enhancing devices from our system, except for my products" I thought you meant a lot more than Bybee (first generation) products. Over the years I’ve had mixed results with Bybee stuff and removing a large number of those makes sense to me. I currently use a mixture of Synergistic Research, Akiko, Bybee and DIY products. I know this is all very system specific and obviously subjective but f the E-Mat eliminated the need for all of those products that would really be "saying something".
Geoff's new footers tweak, "The Sole Patch" may just give the fantastic Omega Mat a real competitive "run" for the money! 
All of his old Converse cut-out bottoms, cryogenically treated and nano-tunneled! 

@sbayne  I currently use a mixture of Synergistic Research, Akiko, Bybee and DIY products. I know this is all very system specific and obviously subjective but f the E-Mat eliminated the need for all of those products that would really be "saying something".

I really do not want to name specific brands or products that I feel the E Mat is superior to. I am confident that in time that the user base will determine on it's own if the E Mat eliminates the need of all previous known enhancers.

@perfectpathtech - yeah makes sense to not name specific products. I find all this all quite interesting and agree the user base should and will make their own decisions.
@sbayne Thanks, and I just looked at your system---a very impressive commitment. I’m a rube on all of these signal-enhancing, field- generating devices--need to get out more, I guess. You have invested extensively in the Tranquility Base, a well-reviewed product that appears to work the same effects as this new mat, plus providing isolation, and your repeated acquisition of them shows just how impressive they must be. If I had all of those SR bases, I would not entertain a need for another product of its type. I do want to add another E mat---better arriving late to the game than not at all.
Thanks Joe. Based on your strong recommendation, and others, I'll probably order an E-Mat at some point. I'm not exactly sure what the E-Mat is doing so I'm going to do some experimenting first as explained on my system page.
sbayne I am not using any signal enhancing devices that are electronic unless they are built into my power distribution boxes (part of the wiring, not additional products). I tried a few and determined that I didn’t need them or they had negative sound consequences (I don’t want to name them either because some friends are manufacturers of them). However, I know that the SR HFT system and Shakti Hallographs are essential for me to enjoy music in my slap echo ridden music room. They are acoustical treatments rather than electronic.

I have not tried the green ATM on the Atmosphere. Maybe it would be better. The red ATM is like too much HFT-X for my large listening room (25 X 23 X 12.5 plus equipment area). I haven’t turned on the Atmosphere since I installed the Omega E-mats. I'm into day five and the sound is very impressive, I just find that early stereo recordings appear to be more locked into the speakers than between them. This maybe a more accurate rendering of the recording or not. I want to give the mats more time and play with my Hallographs more (the HFT 2.0 speaker locations required just a 1/16" downward adjustment after Monday to balance the new mat sound, really small adjustment for a big difference).
@flescher - Interesting regarding not using your SR Atmosphere XL4 once you put the E-Mats in place. Any idea how the E-Mats could be affecting the acoustics of your system? - as I'm sure you know the HFTs are resonators that the Atmosphere interacts with - how could the E-Mat have anything to do with that? Maybe @perfectpathtech could give us an idea what the E-Mat is doing to the signal? For instance, High Fidelity claims their magnetic conduction technology actually changes the electrons in the electricity to help with sound quality. I don't think High Fidelity claims it changes the acoustics of the room. I used Shakti Hallographs for a number of years, they are good stuff. 
Hi, the E-Mats do not change the acoustics of the room; however, I just don't feel that the Atmosphere is improving the sound of most recordings now.  The increased clarity, image precision and frequency extension by the E-Mats negates the effects of the Atmosphere except for a few mono LPs and 78s where I want to add more ambience to the sound.  The HFTs are essential to my enjoying music while eliminating all acoustical room treatments other than the Hallographs.
Ok, cool. Based on your experiences, it gives me another reason to try some E-Mats in my system. 
I'm sorry I can't tell you what one or two E-mats will do to your system because I've only tried six at a time and 12 at Frank's home.  However, 6 are superior to adding an Atmosphere XL4.  
As much as I would like to talk about what is going on with the mat
well............I can't.

Fleschler is correct about the mat in regards to acoustic room treatment.
That is about to change by the end of summer.  We have developed a
3 step approach to achieving absolute musical nirvana. #1 TC paste,
#2 Omega E Mat, # 3 forthcoming Acoustical room treatment. All I will say is #3 will be the icing on the cake!!  
Wow, Tim ...

If the room treatments are anything like Total Contact or the Omega E Mats, I can hardly wait. The first two items have completely transformed my system.

I already have a multitude of various room treatments, some of which were quite expensive. It will be interesting to see if your new product will allow for the elimination of some of the old to make room for the new. :-)

Just curious, but has anyone put a mat under a transistor radio yet? or even a microwave oven? Does it effect the cooking time or quality of the food? It would be an interesting scenario.
The Mat increases the reactivity of my cello endpins by about 30%. They have by design a reactive core. Now I need to find a way to implement the Mat in conjunction with an installed endpin in a performance cello.Tom