Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 

Showing 39 responses by sbayne

Hi all - I see that the Omega E mat thread has had a "reset". Please don't go berserk but I think its only fair to the reader if you tell us whether or not you actually purchased the mat at full price. If you were sent mat(s) free of charge or at a reduced rate with no expectation of them being returned that should be disclosed. For instance, tommylion the 4 mats you discuss you paid $2,400 for and you are not returning them?

About a year ago, Audiocircle had a similar issue come up. Burson Audio was sending people cables free of charge with no expectation they be returned. A number of favorable reviews were published which ended-up being taken down because the board facilitator believed it was a form of payment to the people who wrote the reviews. 

t_ramey - I have Tranquility Bases under all my equipment. They are highly effective for a number of reasons but they don't use magnets in any way. Check-out my system page. 

oregonpapa (Frank) - Thanks for the cordial response. I don’t think receiving a product for free obligates the receiver to post a favorable review but if the person wants to establish a relationship with the manufacturer and keep the freebies coming they would naturally be inclined to give a very positive review. I would hope a person wouldn’t be dishonest just to get free product but full disclosure allows a reader to make their own judgments.

We see this all the time with "professional" reviewers. They review the same companies over and over consistently spewing-out positive reviews. Toss-in the "reviewers discount" they usually get, the free meals at shows, the in-home delivery/setup/consultation and you’ve got to wonder if the relationship is a little too cozy.

A big reason I like reading "non-professional" reviews is because you assume the person actually bought the product and is not being "paid" in anyway for their time or effort to write the review. This is especially true when a money back guarantee is involved - they have decided it truly was worth investing their own money and didn’t return it.

As to my positive comments on products, I can assure you I’ve paid for all of them except for the Burson Audio cables I reviewed which I now agree Audiocircle correctly nixed.

@perfectpathtech - A "trial size" at 1/10 the price with a 30 day money back guarantee is a great idea!  The smaller size also means it can be used in many different areas and applications. 
@fazee - just based on how speakers, phono cartridges and hard drives (many music servers have hard drives) work I would suggest keeping a magnet away from them. Maybe Perfect Path Tech doesn’t think its a problem though.
@davidpritchard - David, it will be interesting. They apparently take a while to settle-in but if you have a chance to move them around your system that would be helpful info. Like putting one on your digital source for instance. (I know people that have been given these suggest putting them under all your components but at $600 each I would like a little more info on where they are most effective)
@perfectpathtech - ok, thanks for the info. When you said "removed all signal, room enhancing devices from our system, except for my products" I thought you meant a lot more than Bybee (first generation) products. Over the years I’ve had mixed results with Bybee stuff and removing a large number of those makes sense to me. I currently use a mixture of Synergistic Research, Akiko, Bybee and DIY products. I know this is all very system specific and obviously subjective but f the E-Mat eliminated the need for all of those products that would really be "saying something".
@perfectpathtech - yeah makes sense to not name specific products. I find all this all quite interesting and agree the user base should and will make their own decisions.
Ditto @geoffkait's questions. I would like specifics on what you removed @perfectpathtech since I use a lot of those types of devices in my system. 
@jafreeman (Joe) - I just checked-out your system page. Very nice! Seems like that 240v isolation transformer is a prime candidate for an E-Mat?

@fleschler - I use a SR Atmosphere (original) as well. Have you tried the green ATM? I like it much better than the red ATM. I did try some graphene oxide on my Atmosphere connections which seemed to work well. Maybe attach an E-Mat to the side of the Atmosphere? Whats the rest of your system consist of? 
Thanks Joe. Based on your strong recommendation, and others, I'll probably order an E-Mat at some point. I'm not exactly sure what the E-Mat is doing so I'm going to do some experimenting first as explained on my system page.
@flescher - Interesting regarding not using your SR Atmosphere XL4 once you put the E-Mats in place. Any idea how the E-Mats could be affecting the acoustics of your system? - as I'm sure you know the HFTs are resonators that the Atmosphere interacts with - how could the E-Mat have anything to do with that? Maybe @perfectpathtech could give us an idea what the E-Mat is doing to the signal? For instance, High Fidelity claims their magnetic conduction technology actually changes the electrons in the electricity to help with sound quality. I don't think High Fidelity claims it changes the acoustics of the room. I used Shakti Hallographs for a number of years, they are good stuff. 
@perfectpathtech - "...forthcoming acoustical room treatment." Yep, that seems like a logical step. 
Ok, cool. Based on your experiences, it gives me another reason to try some E-Mats in my system. 
@tommylion - could be. The mass should help with dampening the case.  I’m going to experiment with them some more and even cut the mats into smaller sizes to put in various places in my system.   
@ozzy - I actually think the E-mat may be doing something very similar as the MC-0.5s i.e. manipulating the signal via magnetics. Would also explain why the mat seemed to work once the ers cloth was removed from your breaker box. The cloth is for blocking rf and emi.  
I’m currently experimenting with magnetic mats in my system. Ive placed a number of them on my music server which actually did improve the sound.  Ive ordered 30 more to try in various places including the breaker box.  
Tom - yes they attach easily to the metal plate in my head and now I can fly!
@fleschler - they are 20 mil and very inexpensive.  I’m not saying the E-mat is nothing more than an magnetic mat.  I’m sure he did something to it which he for obvious reasons won’t disclose.  I had a few magnetic mats so I thought I would experiment with them.   
@grannyring @geoffkait @fleschler  - I will do that and report back

@orthomead - I reread my previous comment and it was a little terse.  If the inventor says it ok to use under a turntable that has a moving magnet or moving coil cartridge then go for it I guess.  
@tommylion - I know perfect path tech has said the magnet has nothing to do with the effect of the mat and the: “e mat was put through a number of test to see what materials would stop the effect, 2inch solid marble, 3/8's thick rolled steel boiler plate, 2" solid granite, 1"thick extruded aluminum none of them were up to the task. There is no benefit to taking the cover off your panel, and installing the mat inside the panel.”

They have obviously created something that is very powerful.  I’m just saying based on my own experimenting 8x11 magnetic sheets even with weak magnet fields can change the sound in my system. Speakers and phono cartridges work by using magnetic fields.  High Fidelity has shown manipulating the electricity feeding your system with magnets is also sonically beneficial.  I’m going to add somethings to the mats I have to see if I can sort of figure-out what is going on with the E-mats.  
I'm now back in town after being gone for 5 days and gave a listen with the four 8x11 magnetic mats on my music server. No doubt another improvement in sound! My 30 additional "mats" also arrived but there was a note in the box saying they could not cut them to size so they sent me a 30' x 2' roll! It actually worked-out well since I was able to cut them to the exact size needed.  I now have 10 layers of 20mil magnetic mat on the inside of my breaker box and 10 layers under or over all my components (excluding the turntable for obvious reasons) including the power conditioners. I sat down for a brief listen and wow! I'm going to let them "cook" for a few days before reaching any conclusions..........
@tommylion - Can you set-up a system page and download some pictures? I’d like to see your set-up. Pictures are worth a thousand words. Would give me an idea what size your speakers are and how far away the E-Mats are from the drivers, etc. Thanks.
@perfectpathtech and @oregonpapa  - I'm going to stop posting on this thread. I think this is what you want by telling people to ignore my posts and by insinuating I'm unethical. Ironically, I think Perfect Path Tech's products do exactly what is claimed.
People please use common sense. As stated in its literature Total Contact is HIGHLY CONDUCTIVE. Painting the entire inside of a power conditioner is dangerous! They put "tamper proof" hex screws on there for a reason! Its very irresponsible for anyone, especially a manufacturer, to advise people to drill them out and offer to give advice on how to do so.
Frank  you said "Yes, paste everything inside including the sides of the receptacles (plugs), wires, connections, Caps, AND the inside of the chassis including the inside of the cover."

Here is the warning that comes with Total Contact. The manufacturer is very active on this thread. Hopefully, if they have anything else to add they will.


Perfect path Technologies Electrical Contact Enhancer is a next generation HIGHLY CONDUCTIVE contact enhancing formulation. If you bridge the gap between Hot (+) and Ground (-) with Total Contact you run the risk of damaging your equipment.


TOTAL CONTACT works on a micron level, do NOT OVERAPPLY!

TOTAL CONTACT can be carefully removed by using a clean cotton swab and pipe cleaner dipped in 90% or greater isopropyl rubbing alcohol….making sure Total Contact particles DO NOT get inside your component’s electrical circuitry.

Hi Tim - I plan on buying some of the smaller mats once they are ready for sale. I'll give you a call at that time. Thanks, Scott
I finally got a couple sets of E-Cards and some Total Contact.  I’ve had things settling in for about 4 weeks or so. Did a lot of listening over the holidays and really like the sound I’m getting.  I’ve even made some fairly significant changes to my system based on what I think these products are doing. Great stuff Tim!
Yeah, I get it. Thanks for the cordial responses. I agree, this is not the right thread other than to say don't dismiss products like Tim's out-of-hand there is a lot we still don't know going on especially at the quantum level.

I’ve been messing around with magnets in my system for the last six months or so which you can read about on my system page. I’ve now added Tim’s products as well. Tim indicates they have nothing to do with magnetism but they certainly work as advertised and compliment what I’ve heard by adding magnets. Just thought I'd share some interesting reading:


A conventional digital electronic system conveys a binary signal (think 1s and 0s) through pulses of electrons carried through a conductive wire. Spintronics can convey additional information via another characteristic of electrons, their spin direction (think up or down). Spin is related to magnetism. So spintronics uses magnetism to align electrons of a certain spin, or "inject" spin into a system.

If you've ever done the old science experiment of turning a nail into a magnet by repeatedly dragging a magnet along its length, then you've already dabbled in spintronics. The magnet transfers information to the nail. The trick is then transporting and manipulating that information, which requires devices and materials with finely tuned properties. Researchers are working toward the milestone of a spin transistor, a spintronics version of the electronic components found in practically all modern electronics. Such a device requires a semiconductor material in which a magnetic field can easily manipulate the direction of electrons' spin -- a property called spin-orbit coupling.


I recently put E-Cards between the power cord plugs at the wall outlet and on my power conditioner. I also tacked one to the top of the input connection on my Ethernet cable that feeds my music server.  Really easy to do and heard an immediate improvement. Just FYI.
I think we need to come to grips with the fact technology is advancing very quickly in all aspects of our lives. This is especially true with electronics and audio reproduction. Companies are working on a long list of graphene based products including transistors, batteries, optics and solar cells to name just a few. Its not a leap of logic to think a proprietary graphene paste can help electronic signals or that it can be mixed with other materials to manipulate the spin of electrons in electronics or stabilize EM fields. There are a number of audio companies using variations of these technologies in their products.  What they charge for them and whether they work is for the market to determine. Personally, I purchased PPT products, determined they work as claimed and didn't send them back. If a person doesn't want to do that or decides differently that's fine. Lets just try to be adults and be respectful of each other.  
@rsf507 - Thanks for the link. The next 10 years (and beyond) are going to be very exciting!
@resolution1 - I didn't realize the rca caps are out. How long have you had them?
Thanks Frank and David. I called Tim (always a good idea) and got a complete set of RCA caps for my system. I have also added E-Mats. These things are definitely the real deal.