Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 

Anything I say is just conjecture..other than it is not a totally rigid surface and is somewhat compliant.

Tim has shared some ideas and insights with me before but none I am aware of that relate to the Omega Mat. He is tight with all of that.

As with any forward motion such as learning curve may fire another great idea, related but not of the same mixture or material. Whatever is going on with this Mat the result is real. Tom
I am intrigued enough to await the smaller versions.
I was about to pull the trigger on a Synchro mesh reclocker at$700. However that will have an effect on just 1 item, my vault2 feeding into the Lyngdorf DAC.
$700 is going to net me 11 of the smaller versions that I can scatter liberally on various components in different proportions to ascertain their effectiveness.
I am hanging on for now

Thanks for the answer.

General Mat update:

Though one does not need loud volume levels to hear the effects of the Mat, I was shocked by how much louder I could turn it up with the mats in place. The noise reduction is so effective that I can turn up the volume to more realistic levels without it sounding “loud”. I have never liked to listen to my music too loud but without the annoying electronic noise, that I did not realize was there, the music is sounding more life like. 

The simplicity of use with this product is a huge bonus. Reminds me of Stillpoints. This is is why I am having so much fun with this Mat.

One complaint. Lack of sleep!


Yes I know..Thank you...I have one on my fridge now..It runs so much better I can hardly keep up. Tom

Enter your text ...@perfectpathtech

I understand your wish to keep the IP under wraps until a patent is applied, whenever that it. However, you do have the product on sale so the "tech" is available for a purchaser to check out, plus instructions.

So I think that the intention of the mat can be told, otherwise what are we to do with it? To use it to it's full potential, a user will need to know what it does and how it does it. No?

amg56 ...

  • "To use it to it's full potential, a user will need to know what it does and how it does it. No?"  

1. What it does:  It improves the sound well beyond where you ever thought your system could be. It just sits under a component and seems to charge the component up somehow. 

2.  How it does it?:  No one knows except Tim. But what it does, it does ... in spades. 

Over the 40+ years that I've been in the hobby, I have never found a tweak that improves the sound so well as TC and these Omega E Mats. And like you, amg56 ... I've been burned on several tweaks before. 

fleschler  ...

I enjoyed your visit at my place today. I was thrilled to see that you heard the same things that I have with the Omega E Mats. I'm going though withdrawals now that you've taken your mats home, *lol*  Let me know how they work out in your system. I know you're not getting much sleep as it is ... but now?  :-)

Please post your results here. Thanks ... 



"My comments on emotion vs facts is because you have no facts on this particular product, but you take an emotional stance against it. Why not just believe what others who've tried these products have to say?"

Frank, I apologise if my direct nature in approaching, well anything really, offends people. I guess I am just a straight shooter. Ask a question, get an answer as expected. if I don't get it, I ask more.

I still need to show down in retirement, and want to fill as much as I can while I can.

To all I have offended, apologies. A.

The nonsense continues. “Best product in 40+ years....”

How many superlatives have already been used on previous TC and SR products...and yet the new mat outdoes then all (until the next product promo of course)

Shameful what has happened to Audiogon forums ....highjacked for K-tel style blitz marketing
  I just placed my order for one of the mats.  Amazing how this and the total contact threads are playing out.  Very entertaining.  Btw the total contact has taken my system to places I never thought it could go

shadorne sez this:

  • The nonsense continues. “Best product in 40+ years....”

  • How many superlatives have already been used on previous TC and SR products...and yet the new mat outdoes then all (until the next product promo of course)
  • Shameful what has happened to Audiogon forums ....highjacked for K-tel style blitz marketing

My actual statement was thus:
"Over the 40+ years that I’ve been in the hobby, I have never found a tweak that improves the sound so well as TC and these Omega E Mats."

Either shadorne has a reading comprehension problem, an intelligence problem, or in his quest for attention, is being totally dishonest here. Either way, shadorne’s credibility stinks. You’d think the least he could do would be to quote with accuracy.

Shadorne ... you’re credibility here is already shot. Why continue shooting yourself? YOU shadorne, are what is shameful on these threads, not the legitimate posters who want to further the hobby. For God’s sake, shadorne, read the positive reviews coming forth from those who are using these products. Try to get a clue. Read Steve Fleischer’s review on what he heard at my house yesterday ... then go from there with a more positive attitude.

Thanks ...

Thanks to those who have chimed in with their impressions and look forward to what fleschler has to say when he gets settled. I think I’m going to wait like uberwaltz and get some of the smaller versions when they’re ready to ship. 
  quick question, is the best place to put one mat at the breaker box or on a cd player or power conditioner ect?  
kedoades ...

Others may have a different opinion, but I put two Omega E Mats inside my breaker box first. Then, one each under each component with the magnetized side facing up.  The two inside the breaker box not only improved the SQ of the audio system, but improved the TV picture as well. 


The way I understand it, you put the mats inside the panel where the wiring is?  If that is the case, I question what would happen if your panel caught fire, would the insurance company balk?

Back in 1985 right after I bought my present house, I smelled something burning in the basement and there were flames coming out of the panel.  I shut the main off and was lucky.  It turned out the screw that holds one of the main wires was loose and we all know resistance=heat=fire.  I had to have an electrician replace the entire panel and some of the wiring, but I saved my house.

Are my concerns valid?
DO NOT put anything inside the panel!!! Attach the Omega to the OUTSIDE of the panel. On the inside of the door of a breaker box is okay, but NEVER open up the panel unless you are a qualified electrician and know exactly what you are doing!
^^^ I did my panels by attaching one mat to the inside of the metal door of the panel, and then the other one is up against the switches themselves. I removed no switches, nor did I fool with any switches. There is nothing touching any wires anywhere in the panel. In essence, its just a stock panel with two Omega E Mats magnetically attached to the inside of the panel door. In addition, there has been no TC treatment inside of the panel anywhere. 

Stereo5 ...

It sounds to me as if you had a wiring short in your panel. Not the case here at all. But, thanks for your concern.

I would say that the breaker box panel door inside or outside should be a safe location. My guess would be more effective on the inside of door but for those who worry about such things go with the outside.

Agreed that it would not be wise to go deeper into the panel than this.
Post removed 
The outside of the breaker box? Interesting. Does it work by quantum tunneling?

One of the wires on the main cable  was not screwed down tightly inside the main panel.  With 3 a/c's and the dryer running, the connection wasn't  solid enough and the resistance from that caused heat.  I reset the breakers 2 times before the flames came out of the panel.  Something told me to go back down in the basement.  Thank God I did.

I feel better knowing the mats don't go deep inside the panel.  I have been following this post and it is quite interesting.  Now that I'm retired, I couldn't/wouldn't indulge, but it is fun to learn something new.  I am not as narrow minded as some thought I was.
@stereo5  When the time comes for Perfect Path Tech to start selling and shipping the smaller version of the mat I’ll send you a couple of them to try if you’d like. Let me know if you’re interested. 
The mat was put through a number of test to see what materials would stop the effect, 2inch solid marble, 3/8's thick rolled steel boiler plate,
2" solid granite, 1"thick extruded aluminum none of them were up to the task. There is no benefit to taking the cover off your panel, and installing the mat inside the panel.
Thanks for the info Tim. I was contemplating putting one of the smaller mats inside the top plate of my amp but it’s good to know that’s not necessary. Let alone opening the breaker panel door.

What about a vented air cooled Top Hat over my skull bone? Would this provide me with greater focus and clarity? The brain is an active circuit. Most this crowd. Tom
I feel there are a great many members here who could most definitely benefit from such an ensemble!
I'm in Southern California, the land of the fires. I could use an air cooled hat right about now. Temps today are in the 100 degree+ range.

Opposite end of the country here Frank
Nothing but torrential afternoon thunderstorms like right now.
No problem just have to turn up the volume!

Be careful out there Frank! Pretty serious weather indeed.

It is absolutely heartbreaking to see those fires on TV.  I hope you and your family stay safe.  About 10 years ago, a neighbor was burning leaves (illegal) on a very windy day.  His hemlocks got on fire, then the woods behind him.  The entire woods was on fire behind my house and then the flames jumped the fence and burnt my entire backyard and ended 12 feet away from my home.  When that ball of flames jumped my fence, it looked like the sun had just landed in my backyard.  I was petrified and luckily at the last couple of minutes, the wind direction changed and I was able to put out what was left.  The Fire Dept (less than a mile away) took about 17 minutes to respond.  Very scary.
I feel confident in putting the mat inside the electrical panel. The outside panel is visible from my gate, set back about 35’ from the street. However, if I put the mat on top of the panel door, visible to anyone near my gate, they could just take it. I feel safer having it nearly enclosed by the panel door (which doesn’t seal closed after 40 years), magnetically clamped to a wall portion of the panel, draped across the breakers and sticking out about 1/4" on the other side of the panel (if I cut off 1/2" X 8", it would fit perfectly and I could close the panel door).

In my music room, I have a dedicated subpanel. I put the mat magnectically attached across the inside of it and across the breakers.

I don’t see how any heat build-up will ever occur in the breaker boxes. The exterior panel has been serviced recently by an electrician. The interior box is 25 years old.

If Tim says I’m better off putting the subpanel one outside the box, I’ll do it but I really don’t feel safe leaving the mat exposed to view on the outside panel.  Also, if I put the mat magnetically attached to the inside of the outside panel door still sticking out slightly, will it be as effective?
uberwaltz & stereo5 ...

Southern California is basically a desert. All of our hills are covered with chaparral. During hot weather, the oils in the brush come to the surface. All it takes is a dry lightening strike to set the fires off. As the plants burn, the seeds are expunged and end up in the soil. As soon as the rains come in the winter ... all four inches of it ..* lol* ... the seeds sprout and the greenery starts all over again. Its nature's way of pruning. The problem is, we are so stupid, we build multi-million dollar homes right in the middle of it. I guess this will continue as long as the insurance companies or the state cover the damages. 

lak ...

You will be a happy camper. 

I'm looking forward to Steve Fleischer's results from his listening session last night. He went home with six mats to try out. I think he was up really late. *lol*

Well alright lak!

As far as I can remember you have not used the TC enhancer, correct? I think most of the mat users here, I could be wrong, have also applied TC to their system so I’m interested in hearing your thoughts on what the mat does or doesn’t do for you. Not that it ultimately matters but I’m curious none the less. 
I have not used TC either so when I acquire the smaller versions it will also be going into a non TC treated system.
I do have SR Blue fuses

Hi Tim,

Haven't seen anyone mention this so my question is

Would the smaller version Mat work if placed beneath my speakers?

My standmount speakers sit on IsoAcoustics stands and there could be room

for a couple of smaller mats.

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@fazee - just based on how speakers, phono cartridges and hard drives (many music servers have hard drives) work I would suggest keeping a magnet away from them. Maybe Perfect Path Tech doesn’t think its a problem though.
@fazee yes the smaller one should be fine. The magnetic strength I am pretty sure  will not affect a hard drive. I have had a full mat on my Mac Mini, small card on my I Phone for weeks. no problem at all.
Listening now--was away from home for three days and am enjoying my return to music more than ever since placing an E Mat under my Wadia player, a large unit that also contains a pre-amp. Two E Mats could fit under this player, which is now 3 inches off the granite deck because it sits on vibration damping footers.  Question:  Does the E Mat exert its effect pretty much straight up and down, or is there also a horizontal field of effect that is treating the entire 16" X 16" unit? Also, how does a side-by-side placement compare to a stacked placement under a component?  
jafreeman ...

I've tried stacking three mats under each component. The effects are cumulative. The noise floor drops significantly with each mat. Is there a limit where the SQ diminishes? Who knows? If so, I haven't found that limit yet. 

I haven't tried placing them side by side. 

I found that having the magnetic side facing up toward the bottom of the component gives a slight improvement in SQ. 

The above comments refer to my system only. I suspect that Steve Fleischer is doing some experimenting. Maybe he can add to this. 

The clarity brought about by these mats is astounding.

I have not experimented with the E Mat magnetic side down, away from a component or panel breaker box.

However, I can confirm that I tried stacking one pair of E Mats under equipment and in the panel breaker boxes only (I couldn’t use the E Mat under or above my mono block amps). There was a subtle but noticeable improvement stacking them under my thin bottomed preamp/phono stage more so than doubling at the breaker box panel, the isolation transformer or the CD player. Doubling E Mats improved the sound in all locations though.

I am witholding full comment overall until I have a few days trial with the E Mats because I don’t want to sell them short. The 24 hour improvement was significant. The 1 hour improvement was very important because initially, despite the previously noted improvements in resolution, transient response, frequency extension, dynamics and pacing, there was a glary, bright upper mid-range and a subdued, reticent sounding lower mid-range when initially installed at six locations. I found a simple solution to eliminate the bright/subdued mid-range problem by moving my SR HFT 2.0 side wall speaker locations down 1/4", which brought superb balance back (down to warm, up to brighten).

Now, as I indicated, I need to give the E-Mats time because it is usually the mid-range that adjusts last and I may have to restore the SR HFT 2.0s back to the initial pre-E Mat installed positions (same with breaking in new cabling).