Package sent to wrong address

I recently was selling 2 of the same Krell equalizers. The first one sold about 3 weeks ago and the second one was sold about a week later. Fast forward to Thursday night. I received a call from the buyer of the second purchaser saying that he never received the shipment yet and asked if I had the tracking number. I was very surprised and found the receipt and asked him if he was from Washington as the receipt said. He said no he was in NJ were I live. That shipment should have been there in 2 days. I was now extremely confused. I now looked up the shipping on his purchase and sure enough it said his name but his address was showing Washington. I then looked up the information from the first buyer and the address was the same as the second buyer. I texted a pic of both purchases from him and the first buyer and told him AG had the wrong address down for your shipping address. I explained to him that his address was the same address as the first purchaser. He also went to look it up on AG and sure enough they had the wrong shipping address for him as the same as the first purchaser. Now he then checked his account page and it had his NJ address but his shipping address was showing Washington. Same as the first buyer. I then immediately called up the first buyer and explained the situation and he denied ever getting the second shipment. Now the tracking was showing that it was delivered to him on 2/6 and left at his front door. And no I didn’t get a signature required but if there was one time I should’ve was then. He was a Chinese guy and did sound very nervous and it did sound like he was lying to me. We both wrote emails to AG and they are looking into this very odd situation. I truly believe that it was not my or the second purchasers fault in this transaction / shipping. Also both purchase invoices are not the same numbers. They were 2 different listings, 2 different listings purchasers / I also paid 2 different selling fees when they sold. Now the first purchaser has a second unit for free. I am very upset over this as my record / buyer and seller are perfect. I also feel very bad for the second person and hate that the first purchaser is lying about not getting it. If he was honest we would ship it back to me as I would of paid shipping. Once again AG is saying it’s very ODD and looking into the this. Will keep posted.

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman

@thecarpathian   +1. Unbelievable.  

@chocaholic  +1. I as a buyer make sure also the seller has the right shipping address. 

Long thread.  Maybe I missed these.

‘Did the OP obtain the second buyers address from AG, or PayPal?

How did the OP verify that PayPal has the first buyers Washington address also listed on the second buyers PP account?

I wouldn’t send a refund to the second buyer.  I’d look to AG and PayPal as corporations providing selling and payment services to hold up to their contractual obligations in this deal.  They should know how and have resources to pursue any legal remedy.  The OP and the second buyer working together will exert more pressure on them to resolve the issue.

‘If I bought something on eBay, and the seller followed the rules and sent it to the wrong but listed address, I wouldn’t look for the seller to resolve the issue.  How could I expect them to know that the address they sent it to was wrong?  Sellers on eBay never contact me to see if the address they see listed is correct.



This topic is interesting because I experienced a related situation.

I recently purchased some cables listed here. When I clicked the 'buy it now' button, it directed me to the paypal site as expected. I submitted my payment and didn't think more about it.

I reviewed the payment receipt shortly after and noticed that it listed not my address by default but some random address elsewhere! I panicked and quickly was able to update the shipping address within minutes of paying for the cables. Everything was fine.

While your situation is unfortunate, assuring everything is correct on your end is your ultimate responsibility. I always triple check PP addresses and other other info before transacting. You might have some recourse if Agon will step in but it seems like this your negligence sadly. Good luck.

BTW, I find your reference to the guy's ethnicity offensive. Everyone is capable of lying. The fact the guy is Chinese is irrelevant. He's just a guy who may/may not be lying. Your claim is just conjecture. Are you lying??? 😮






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My take, FWIW. The buyer is responsible for verifying that their PP address is correct - not the seller.

IMHO, If the seller sent the package to the PP address the buyer has listed, it's done, it's over, the seller is clear.

I would be shocked if PP saw it any differently.

Very strange situation, but certainly some lessons to be learned here like signature required to confirm delivery for anything of value.  More communication between seller and buyer confirming all information would help.

First and foremost it is the Buyers responsibility to confirm correct shipping address in PayPal, AG, Amazon, or any other payment/delivery system.  I confirm my shipping address is correct for every Amazon purchase.  Stuff happens when complex computer systems with human interaction are involved.

Would be nice self protection if the Seller confirmed Buyers shipping address, but not required.  If the item was shipped to the address provided by the Buyer to AG or PayPal, then the Buyer has to resolve with the shipping organization - NOT the Seller.  

If you buy from a business that ships UPS or FedEx, you deal with them regarding delivery problems.  Only for the sake of goodwill does a business offer a refund due to a shipping company screw up.  Did the delivery service happen to take a picture of the item left at the destination address?

For future reference, Proof of Delivery cuts both ways.  Both parties benefit from requiring a delivery confirmation signature.

@allenf1963  Sorry to hear that you also experienced an audio theft – especially of a sentimental item.   It feels like a personal assault.   

In my case, the buyer was in Quebec, Canada – I was in California.  After exploring my limited options, it simply wasn’t worth the aggravation. I was more disappointed in the lack of moral character in the buyer - than losing a component.   There are people out there with really screwed up priorities. 

"There are people out there with really screwed up priorities."

And zero integrity...

@tee_dee @zappas   I didn’t mean the because of he was Chinese he was lying. I just said that the first guy was Chinese. And he sounded nervous like he was trying to cover up something and really was pretending to speak broken English. That’s how I perceived it. Don’t jump to conclusions. Omg. 

@elrod   That’s exactly how I feel. And that is exactly the case. Cmon. There are 2 of the identical shipping addresses for the second buyer. One on AG and the same on his PP that showed up. And a lot of people on here are telling me that I should have double checked his shipping info ? Definitely if his addresses from AG and PP we’re different I would have reached out to him and AG. 

@steakster -- Thanks!  That definitely made more sense.  Trying to deal not only cross country but also and different country would have been nightmarish. 

@mickeyb  Oh now we get someone who is questioning about what I was selling. What does what I sold from Krell have to do with this post. It’s not about that. This post is not about what was sold. They are not complaining of what I sold them. 

I just checked the address listed for me in my A'Gon profile and it is incorrect.

It's a nearby commercial address, but it is not the address I initially listed 20+ years ago.

I have not bought/sold on A'Gon for many years (so no big whoop), but how/when was the address changed?

My A'Gon "start date" is also off by 10+ years, but this has been addressed before.



If I'm selling something and PP is the method of payment, I don't really care what the AG address is. Sure I'd bring it up to the buyer, but push come to shove it's going to the PP address EVERY time.

@tee_dee "BTW, I find your reference to the guy's ethnicity offensive" I find your ultra "sensitivity" offensive to cognitive thinking process.

@elrod  Well u are kinda right. But his PP address was wrong so. But I would rather have the right address corrected and posted on my AG page too. I would definitely correct it. 
@dekay   If your AG address is incorrect u better make sure your PP address is also correct. 

I find your ultra "sensitivity" offensive to cognitive thinking process.


Your contribution to the matter was truly value added.

@tee_dee Next time try to quote at least the entire sentence from the post you referring to. It matters.

@elrod  There is no way that the buyer put the address of some random dude across the country that tattoo sold an identical component to into his paypal account.  Either Audiogon put the wrong address in or the shipper did.  It could not have been the buyer who gave the wrong address.



@carlsbad2, @tattooedtrackman 

I missed the part that the PP address being right - mea culpa. That changes the complexion of everything. Seems to me then, using PP,   you're shipping address had better match PP records, regardless of the platform being used for selling...

I always copy and paste the PP address no matter what platform I'm selling on. If there is an issue, I will notify the buyer before shipping and wait for verification that the PP address listed is the address to be used. I've had buyers go into their account right then and there and change their PP address to a new address.

Regardless of who's pointing a finger at who, it sounds like the OPs only hope is the generosity of AG. If it's AG's error, I hope they make things right for you.

If the buyers files a claim with PP, I would think the buyer will win.

Good Luck!


@elrod   U said u missed the part of 
the PP address being right ? Where did u see that at ? It was clearly mentioned that the second buyer PP address was wrong. It was the same address as the first buyer. 

@tattooedtrackman it sounds like a possible system glitch. Was it one ad for both units? 
This certainly sucks for you and the second buyer. I hope it gets resolved soon. 

@audphile1   No it was 2 different ads. 2 different listings and listing numbers  . 2 different payments to AG for the ads. 2 different payments I paid to AG when they sold. 


Boy I just can’t keep anything straight - I shouldn’t read post when I’m tired.

Reading Carlsbad2 last post gave me the impression that the PP address was right. Mea culpa (again)

IMHO, if you sent it to the buyers, PP address, your good regardless of what the the AG shipping address is.

@carlsbad2, regardless of any errors, malfeasance, or what not, if seller shipped to the sellers PP address, he’s covered. Any issues are the buyers.

It may not be right or seem fair, but many things in life aren’t. If the seller shipped to the buyer using UPS, and the UPS truck overturned, burned to the ground and the item is a crispy critter, is the seller responsible? I would think not.

I’m not even going to guess how PP would rule on the issue of a item of less than $750, not being insured, being destroyed in transit.


Paypal Seller Protection - link here. Read the part about Signature Confirmation & $750. 

Don't read it when you're tired.

Krell never even made an EQ, so my theory is all of this is completely bogus. Now, everyone please go home.

@elrod I've been using paypal for decades and there are all flavors of paypal addresses.   It would be great if the "paypal address" had one definition but it gets complicated when paypal is a service provided by other websites.  And frankly I don't know how the rules apply if you ship to the address that Audiogon calls a "confirmed" address but it is wrong.  

I'm sure this is a different address than the buyer has put into paypal.  He put his correct address in, but audiogon didn't use it.  That said, should Tattotrackman have gone and confirmed?  Nobody does that.  If a trusted entity like audiogon fills in the address, it is generally right. that is whey we all say this is odd.  Secondly, I'm not sure there is a way to check that the address audiogon used is the paypal address.

I use Auctane shipstation to ship paypal.  Auctane validates the address for me.  I shipped one tonight that failed validation.  Turns out I couldn't read the guy's handwriting.



@bojack whether or not it is an Equalizer from Krell or nor is irrelevant. And if u don’t know ALL of their products then don’t say anything. This was a very rare product that Krell made. Now u please go home. U have no theory. 

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I too have used PayPal for many years as a buyer and seller using various platforms. All I'm saying is that I always verify the buyers PP address regardless of the platform being used. Anything else I've said are just my own musings and assumptions, and we all know what they say about assumptions...

@tattooedtrackman If the she were on my foot, I would have already refunded his money or assured him I would in a reasonable time if I cannot retrieve the merchandise and get it delivered to him.  

I would be focusing on that right now.  If you have 2 deivery confirmations, you can start by sending a paypal request for the second one.  Reference the delivery confirmation in your paypal funds request.  Perhaps he will think twice about keeping the second one (if he really has it).  


@dill   No they are not. Anyway what is the difference. AG and the 2 buyers know what they were. What is was is irrelevant once again. 

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"What is was is irrelevant once again."

- I understand it's not relevant, I was just curious as I have never seen a Krell equalizer before.

@dill   A lot of people never heard or seen one. It’s a Krell BAF (Bass Alignment Filter ) used for B&W Matrix speakers. Krell and  Bowers got together to design this especially for the Matrix 800 801 802 matrix speakers. I had 2 of them hooked up in mono mode. U also can use 1 hooked up in stereo mode. I just made it easy saying it was a Krell equalizer. 

You might find out that both buyers just might be scamming you. It is very simple to change PP shipping address. Do the buyers have any feedback?

How Do I Change My Shipping Address on PayPal

  1. Log in to your online PayPal account.
  2. Click "Profile" and select "My Personal Info".
  3. Click "Update" in the Address section.
  4. Click "Edit" under the address you wish to change.
  5. Enter your new address and click "Save".

See More....

Having owned a store or a decade ,iAlways have the buyer confirm their address ,fori have had times the buyer forget to change the address when they moved .

that's why verifying is the way to go .

@yogiboy You know I didn’t even think to check thier feedback. Usually I would check theirs if I’m buying something. To me what’s the difference how their feedback is if they are the purchaser. Also come to think of it. They both started emailing me questions bout the units about the same time. Then the second buyer bought it a week later than the first buyer. NOW I’m really starting to think if this was really a SCAM 

@tattooedtrackman You should not return any payment to the NJ buyer. I would bet dollars to donuts that you will never hear from him again! BTW, I have sold a few items that the AG address was not the same as the PP address. I have always verified what is the correct shipping address. Good luck with the outcome!

@yogiboy   I never planned on refunding him. If I had made the error I would be the first one to issue a refund. This is clearly not my fault what so ever. 

Given the latest info that this gear is uncommon and built exclusively for a specific type of speaker, it would be quite a coincidence that two people within a week of each other were both looking for this specific gear. Not impossible, but improbable. Sounds like someone's trying to pull a fast one to get two for the price of one and hook them up as you did in mono mode. Again, pure conjecture. I hope this is not the case.