NY Audio Show

I see its in a new venue this year, still no exhibitor list online though.  Wonder if they will require proof of vaccination.  Cheers

Showing 8 responses by noromance

My friends family got covid and they were all vaccinated.
My friend's grandma drank a quarter bottle of whisky and a pack of cigarettes a day and lived to be 88.
tom68971,427 posts10-26-2021 7:53pmIt's in NY are you kidding???? You will probably have to show vaccinations card, jab video, mask receipt, and a current DNC membership card! NY is national joke and a disgrace with the way they have handled COVID-19. IMO
For a city of 10+ million humans, it's doing a pretty good job. Not everyone lives on the prairie!
That show is JUNK not worth the effort. See the entire show in less than 1 hour BIG JOKE!!!
At least they're trying. Not their fault if it's all in decline. I had a blast for hours in Rob Wyatt's room one year.
@audition__audio Nonoise is a defender of truth and tireless refuter of propaganda. I support his posts. 
Understand: Once it goes in it NEVER comes out.
Makes sense. I feel the same way about my TB, measles, diphtheria, tetanus, mumps, whopping cough, rabies and other shots.
It is okay to say how everyone should have to show proof of vaccination, a totalitarian police state position if ever there was one, that is okay. Point out clearly the ideology driving this view, something that would actually help people to understand the true nature of and want to support liberty and individualism, this we cannot abide.
I understand it's to do with herd immunity and stopping the spread of a disease whereby mass vaccination is necessary. None of this would have been an issue if it hadn't been politicized in the first place.
1. Do your own research. 2. Consider all angles. 3. Use logic to come to final conclusion. 4. Make informed decision.
1. Pick and choose sources friendly to your agenda. 2. Consider all angles except those you don't agree with. 3. Use bias to reach final conclusion.  4. Make informed decision.