My Apologies to Miller Carbon

You suggested I leave my solid state components on all the time in spite of the trickle charge when off. Today after almost 2 weeks I heard better more solid lows, more air between the instruments, less hash, etc. Miller Carbon also introduced me to the Schumann Generators (2) which I also find helpful. I have very heavy Vandersteen speakers and am deliberating those suggested springs. Thanks MC
@ twoleftears  - I nearly moved on an Inakustic power conditioner, until I had another Agoner tell me about the Puritan PSM 156. I did however purchase their demagnetizer disk and music. 

Did you buy any of their cables? I have heard good things of them.
Post removed 
@millercarbon wrote:

This gets right to the point of this whole thread: I have a record of credibility, of helping people, of giving good solid actionable advice. The people following it are all over this thread saying yes indeed it is good advice.

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Yes oz I am an ass. A big enough ass to teach the children a lesson. If only they will listen. Which being children they will not. But seeing as the whole point of this thread is there are adults reading along as well they will maybe get a kick out of it. This is after all a lot of what I write. The kids are clueless but the grown-ups get the in-jokes.

I’ve been a big enough audiophile long enough people would seek me out. Like one day this co-worker comes and says hey I would like to buy my husband a really nice system for his birthday, would you be willing? We talked about it, agreed on a price. I went out to their place to check out the room, make sure everything would work. I bought everything, set it up at my place and burned it in, then came and set it all up to be perfect for his birthday. For $2500 she got service nobody gets for $50k.

When her husband heard it he called me up and the first thing he said was how much was this tell me the truth she says only $2500 but I’ve been in some nice homes no way this has to be at least twice that. No, she is right, $2500. Second thing he says, "I hope she took care of you."

So there may be an ass here but it sure ain’t me.

Now, seeing as you know nothing of the true circumstances and therefore have no legitimate excuse to be preaching to anyone but did so anyway the question is, why? What did you hope to gain? One would be to put me in my place. On a thread the subject of which is to apologize to me. What kind of ass butts into a thread like that with insults like this? So could be you are arrogant and selfish on top of moralistic and preachy. Or could be you see this as an opportunity to let everyone know what a great person you are. That my friend is virtue signaling.

Now as for the other crap, this is gonna be a challenge but please try and think things through. Suppose for the sake of the argument everyone is paying me. Yes, I waited the same as everyone else for zero discount on my Moabs, I can’t even get Raven to build me a Reflection, at all, and even the Blackhawk is not shipped after 2 weeks, again zero discount, and I could go on but again for the sake of the silly story we will assume it is all true. Ted Denney himself called me up and sent me $30k of product (review to follow), Tom Port got me a White Hot Year of the Cat (for which I paid full price, but he got it for me) so it is not like there aren’t opportunities.

So what? As long as my reviews and evaluations are spot on, so what? This gets right to the point of this whole thread: I have a record of credibility, of helping people, of giving good solid actionable advice. The people following it are all over this thread saying yes indeed it is good advice.

Because it is. The only way that changes is if I set aside my integrity and start calling a sows ear a silk purse. Which ain’t never gonna happen.
"Apologies, but I will never purchase the following products because I am concerned that the hype here is due in no small part to a certain prolific poster receiving undisclosed “good customer” discounts: tekton, perfect path solutions, better records stampers, raven, Townshend… I know I’m missing some. Again, apologies."

  Its very obvious to anyone with the ability to think MC has been schilling quite a few companies on this site for a long time...Tekton for sure! ...As far as celebrating this user for coming up with the ingenious idea of leaving gear on,maybe just read your owners manuals,lol

"Apologies, but I will never purchase the following products because I am concerned that the hype here is due in no small part to a certain prolific poster receiving undisclosed “good customer” discounts: tekton, perfect path solutions, better records stampers, raven, Townshend… I know I’m missing some. Again, apologies."

Say it ain't so, because if it is true, it might invalidate an awful lot of recent hot rhetoric.

As they say, when it comes to hi fidelitas, caveat emptor indeed!

As for leaving amps on all the time, I did that with my Naim amp for years and years with no issue. 

Did they really sound any better like that? Who knows? 

My Creek amp permanently remains in standby mode as a matter of fact. To actually switch it off means reaching around the back and switching it there. Or the mains.

However I certainly wouldn't recommend leaving  valves/tubes on all the time.

That's just asking for trouble.
Post removed 
Apologies, but I will never purchase the following products because I am concerned that the hype here is due in no small part to a certain prolific poster receiving undisclosed “good customer” discounts: tekton, perfect path solutions,  better records stampers, raven, Townshend… I know I’m missing some. Again, apologies. 
I was on board with ozzy62 until I read his post about passing moral judgment on things he knows nothing about. Posing as moral authority over one and all doesn't sit well with me. We should be supporting each other and not passing judgment. Virtue signaling is free. Actual virtue, not so much.
Nice thread.
Ozzy, maybe they had already been $1000 of pita, lol. 
Miller, thanks for your help.
I was onboard with MC until I read his post about charging someone 500.00 to put together a simple beginner audio system. That doesn’t sit well with me. We should be welcoming new blood and offer help as often as possible, and for free……..

An Australian aboriginal boy would have picked up the snake by the tail, cracked it like a whip breaking it’s neck, and taken it down the mountain to cook it and eat it. Probably with Sweet Baby Ray’s Chipotle and Mesquite sauce, because Texan BBQ is pretty good!
I look forward to MC Ribs!

@tsuchima1 - evidently you were being a tool to chazzzy007, right?

I'll add another thanks to MC, I've never asked a question or input from him direct, but have gained a wealth of information by reading his input/comments and trying out some of his recommendations for myself with gains on my audio system, cheers.
Post removed 

The Little Boy and the Rattlesnake  

A Cherokee Legend

Often times young boys were sent from the village in search of a vision. This was the case of one particular young native boy.

He started to go up to the top of a mountain in search of his vision. And as he climbed up the mountain, the air got cooler and cooler. And he came upon a snake laying in the path. The snake was shivering, and said to the boy. "Please help me. I can't move, I am so cold that I can no longer make it any further down the mountain."

The boy said to the snake "No way! You're a snake, if I pick you up, you'll bite me!" The snake replied. "No, no I won't, I promise I won't bite you if you'll only pick me up and help get me down the mountain."

So the young boy picked up the snake, put him in his shirt, and continued climbing to the top of the mountain in search of his vision. When he got back down to the bottom of the mountain, he reached in, took out the snake, and the snake bit the young boy.

The boy replied to the snake "Hey! You bit me, you said that if I'd help you out, that you wouldn't bite me!"

The snake replied "But you knew what I was when you picked me up!"

tsushima1, Are you really trying to say that as fast as the caps can charge (milliseconds) that is all there is to it and the amp is as good as it is ever going to sound? Because that seems to be the implication. Admittedly always hard to be sure when using innuendo and implied insults. So please be clear in your next insult, okay? I mean that.
Shouldn't class A amp shut off after no signal for a long period?
At least my Plinius SA102 turns back to class AB from class A after 30 min or so.
My solid state preamp has a standby switch so I seldom turn it off unless I go for vacation or something. Wonder why SS power amps don't have standby option. 
I also like Audible Illusions tube preamps that keeps warmed up.
“My BAT VK-6200 5channel amp stays on 24/7.
From a cold star it sounds best after about 4 days. Once the capacitors are fully charged the air around vocals/instruments as well as the decay is simply magic.”

 Whilst several of my larger valve amps do sound optimal after a couple of hours gently cooking away on repeat before a listening session,  I find the  ascertain that it takes 4 days for a piece of audio equipment to reach such a state a tad bonkers....what are you using for capacitors...Tins of beans !

A little light reading...
Just curious....thanks for the clarity....*s*

One wonders if included on any 'better DOA' lists; mere patience settles that, anyway... ;)
  • play some representative noise source to keep the voice coils at temperature
  • include an RF generator to keep noise spectra
  • ensure listening room is both isothermal and isobaric
  • ensure that you consume the same food everyday
  • get the same hours rest every night
  • ...
Always figured the followers outnumber the haters by a sizeable number. Still, this is so gratifying to see. Also good to see most get that the humor is.... humor. Awesome thread. Love you guys! (And Krissy- but you already know that😍❤️).

asvjerry- Your name did not ring a bell so I had to check and no you are not one of the 68 who made the list. Sorry if you were neglected. Not sure if this will help or not, but I often post on a thread and then having said what I had to say never come back to it. If you ever want an answer try using my name, that sends me a Your name was mentioned, or you can always just PM.

nakam- I have ordered a Blackhawk. Wanted a Reflection. But when I got to the point of ordering and started talking with James and Dave, supply problems are such that they cannot commit to a build except to say within 6 to 18 months. The deposit on a Reflection is more than the whole cost of a Blackhawk. The Blackhawk can be exchanged for a Reflection with full credit. There is no power difference, not with my speakers, it is not like I need the extra power. That leaves sound quality, which the Blackhawk seems to have in spades.

So the Blackhawk is ordered and should be here in about 2 weeks. And then we will see.

Rick, we will be having ribs but sadly not Texas, but millercarbon style, with my special sauce, which looks exactly like Sweet Baby Ray’s but trust me its my own creation. Honest. 😉
Possibly not the right thread for this...

Without being too specific in my questioning;
Will you be cooking ribs on the weekend of the 14th-15th August?
Apparently a foodie will be flying into WA from New Hampshire that weekend. Perhaps we can get you a few more good reviews?
I myself have become accustomed to Texas BBQ. Of course if you haven’t tried an Aussie works burger....

I only leave my computer server on, maybe I should leave the amp and DAC on for a week and give it a try.
      "Would be interesting for him to post a list of all the tweaks he tried that didn't work."    

                             #1 in Feynman's Rules of Life:

                                See failure as a beginning.
MC has always been kind and helpful to me when asking my rookie questions.and his movie clips are fun.
I also enjoy the snarky humor from MC. My favorite. “Ya who wants a system that sounds better than a telephone !” 😂😂😂😂
I like Audible Illusions idea on their preamps. When the power switch is off, there is still a trickle current going through the circuits to keep it ready to go and probably to minimize thermal cycling. 
I can just imagine the mc haters beside themselves over a thread about mc! With folks saying nice things? And someone had to bring up politics 
Would be interesting for him to post a list of all the tweaks he tried that didn't work. 
It's about time! Try not to let this go to your head; we need your powers for good, not evil.

Thanks times ten millercarbon!

...oh....both ’puters, 3 monitors, amp, 2 outboard eq’s, and a passive switcher on 24/7.
Anything that creates heat has fan(s), all very quietly. *S*

When it got to the point of worth doing, it was.
Re post #9,853:
I like MC when his sense of humor pops up....
(...but it did take him 26 min. to respond....hmm...*smirk*)

Means well to share knowledge, insight...only cranky when his tail gets stepped by 'something' specific or general...sounds like most, only better wrote then most...*tease*

Personally, I believe he blocked me some time ago.  No reason to hold that against him; I still read most of his posts. ;)

He has My Regards anyway, J

As a relative newcomer to this forum, I find millercarbon's posts very interesting and informative. He got me to put the Townshend  platforms on my "to buy" list when I can next afford it.
     My TacT 2.2X stays on 24/7*, as well as the BAT VK-D5, even though it uses 6 Siemens CCa’s.   That’s: unless there’s a storm on the horizon, or I’ll be away for awhile.

     *Both have Standby features, that reduce the current levels to their circuitry.    BAT's Standby keeps a much reduced level, to the tubes, compared to it's circuitry (NICE, but: I'm still glad those CCa’s have a 10K hr life expectancy).  

     Digital stuff just takes forever to reach quality sound, from a cold start, in my experience.
My BAT VK-6200 5channel amp stays on 24/7.
From a cold star it sounds best after about 4 days. Once the capacitors are fully charged the air around vocals/instruments as well as the decay is simply magic.
Been leaving my SS gear on constantly for decades. Only way to go.. In some quarters it is claimed that your caps will actually last longer in a state of constant charge.
I think mc has great info to divulge. I also find him quite funny. Don’t know why people take his insults seriously. Who gives a  %~<£? 
My hat is off to you... +1

BTW, unplugged the entire system earlier tonight for the first time in about 10 months, due to a thunderstorm warning in the area. Had it off for about 45 minutes & went through withdrawal. 
Although I almost never post here, and do not necessarily agree with his politics, I have always felt that millercarbon was one of the more knowledgable folks on this forum. Although I sometimes argue with my son the engineer up here in Michigan about my expensive audio cables which he believes are a rip-off, I have learned not to dismiss such things because I can hear the difference. Most of my system is tube-based so it is turned off and on, but like in Indiana, I often have to plug and unplug my system because of lightening strikes here in the rural midwest...Next I will try the Schumann generators.
I wonder if that goes for Parasound amps? They are supposed to have the instant warm up circuit. Guess I'm going to need to try. I already turn on about 30 minutes before listening. BTW Chuck I just ordered some Synergistic Research Blue PC.
I leave my SS amps on all the time except when I'm away from home for more than a week or so.  I hear a definite difference when the amps are repowered and it takes several days for the amps to get back to peak performance.  

I am leaving on my primary DAC for the same reason.

Tube equipment?  That gets turned off at the end of a listening session.  But most of the time, it only takes a half hour or so for those components to reach peak or near peak performance.

As for editorializing and belittling others, sometimes it better to point out the stupidity of a post and / or the one posting rather than allowing an individual to gain credibility with an otherwise articulate post.  More than once I have caught people commenting about equipment that does not exist or about which they know nothing.
With my Coda CSIB it has a semi stand by but still has 15-20watts 
for it keeps the circuit  partially warm ,including the capacitor
and transformer and circuit charged  .it actually extends the life of the unit ,for it is gentle this way when engaged it is gentle to the circuit..if off or in a true stand by it has a small surge then recharge the whole circuit ,which is a small surge ,The only time I suggest totally turning a SS amp off ,if  not using for a few days ,or a Pure Class A Amplifier for the circuit is operating constant current ,without the transistors cycling on off , and a lot of wasted energy 
but sonically lower distortion , referring to class A-AB. Not class D .I am sure not totally accurate description ,but  in the ball park.
Here is the thing when MC sticks to audio he makes some good contributions. However his editorializing and belittling of others obscures that fact. Lets all try to act better around this place and help others.
No when he's wrong he admits it. UNTIL then he's right.. Just like the rest of us who are pretty confident in what we do.. At least I am..

Show ME!! I'll listen. TELL me I don't know what I'm talking about, I WON'T.. audio2design.. THAT multi named dipweed and his crony crowd..  Wait till he's off his meds again and is all Manic and whoopee again..

Master M is still pissed.. LOL God bless his tinkering hands.. MC's too..

I been on a bit of RANT lately. I'll blame it on "late onset Tourette's". :-)

It's actually that GOAT, he ate the other half of my hat..

Time to feed the chickens..
Well MC certainly gets some things right, but God help us all if you start extoling this on this forum. He is almost intolerable when he is wrong. So please think of the children.