Is a McIntosh MA12000 a good fit for a Sonus Farber Amati Tradition? | gerryah930 | 1988 | 4 | |
$39K for the Linn Klimax DAC/streamer? | mrklas | 8182 | 63 | |
Supply chain problems delay audio hardware for up to 12 months or more | gerryah930 | 1406 | 5 | |
Please recommend a powerful tube amplifier | ozzy | 2980 | 11 | |
Upgrade SACD/CD player from DCS Puccini to better DCS, Esoteric or EMM Labs? | toskaaudio | 12176 | 16 | |
Highly recommend Paragon Sight and Sound in Ann Arbor, MI | mschott | 5230 | 15 | |
Quick question about a speaker upgrade | kdude66 | 1338 | 3 | |
Ranking of 1 or 2 best recorded violin masterworks in my humble opinion, first part (TMI) | ghosthouse | 3667 | 5 | |
Publication bias and confounders in product reviews - TAS, Stereophile, Audiogon, etcetera | jmcgrogan2 | 7098 | 64 | |
Can I hook up a DCS Puccini player/preamplifier directly to an ARC GS150 ampilifier? | gerryah930 | 2190 | 7 | |
Best analytical loudspeakers for strings (midrange)? | schubert | 5804 | 23 | |
My apologies_Upgrade path from Wilson WattPuppy 7's? | gdnrbob | 8715 | 55 | |
Upgrade path from Wilson WattPuppy 7s? - seeking advice | soundermn | 9130 | 81 | |
My favorite top 20 jazz recording in high resolution - fusion and some bebop | jafant | 4248 | 4 | |
My rankings of some classical violin music in high resolution | shoff | 5396 | 15 | |