Music Lovers! Unite in helping Ukraine!

We are fortunate to live in countries that allow us to pursue financial success. I believe most of us on here has attained that to a degree that we are living relatively comfortably.

The Russian military is beginning to utilize all the massive firepower at its disposal. Since their offensive has bogged down, they are changing tactics. Their new tactic is to surround a city and shell it indiscriminately, inflicting as much human misery as possible. A rocket, missile and artillery shell doesn’t care if you are a soldier, old woman, or an infant. Neither does Putin.

When they unleash it like they did in Syria, it will be a humanitarian catastrophe not seen since the Second World War. Death and destruction on a massive scale.

Please, consider giving to a charitable organization to help.

We have so much. Give some of it to whom it will literally make a difference between living and dying. You will be saving a life. A life of someone loved. Just as you love.

This is the charity I used, but there are several more of your choice. International Red Cross, Save the Children, CARE, to name a few.

Please, let’s all do what we can to help.


We were minuets  away from blowing the crap out of Cuba for the same reason.

He didn't want missiles pointing at from the border. Soros, Clintons, Bush, crocked Biden baby & all the NWO crowd support Ukraine. Think about it.

I donated thanks @thecarpathian and to all the hate and antisemitism in here you all should be ashamed of yourselves. And this is a time for national and international unity NOT politics.

This thread started out on a high note, let's get it back there.  @thecarpathian, thank you for your call to action.  For those of us out there who feel the call to support through a faith-based vehicle, I just donated to the Dominican Brothers via a donation to The Province of the Holy Name, asking for the donation to go to Brothers who are supporting folks in Ukraine and Poland (which is now receiving / caring for many refugees).  It's a 501(c)3 organization.

My 2 cents... let's support our brothers in Ukraine.

The US should go to Afghanistan, buy up all the anti-tank and other large weapons they left behind for maybe 10 cents on the dollar, they need the money, and ship them to Ukraine.


Too little too late supplying weapons I'm afraid and not sure it was ever the right thing to do. Ukraine has no chance against overwhelming military might of Russia and a tyrant who seems quite prepared to use it regardless of civilian casualties and damage to infrastructure. Sure, supply arms to a side that has a reasonable chance of winning otherwise you are only prolonging the inevitable here and greatly increasing the death toll of women and children. 

Take a look at that ?? mile long convoy approaching Kiev and ask why Ukraine hasn't attacked what appears to be an obvious target?  The only reason I can think of is they simply don't have the capability to do so.

The worrying thing is that Russia is only beginning to take the gloves off!.......

@builder3  +1

FFS guys keep on thread, the people of Ukraine are facing a nightmare, so please think about them and put things into perspective before you resort to petty squabbling.

One way to stop sending money to Russia is to avoid buying releases from a Russian Label like DOL


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@nonoise absolutely not directed at you. I was merely supporting the message that we shouldnt be snarking at one another. Ukraine deserves our support without the general catfighting usually reserved for cables and fuses. You and I tend to come down on the same side of issues….you were not the intended recipient of my support of builder’s generic call to stop the snark.


@moffer its always right to support right and truth, regardless of the adversary or the predictable outcome. Russia can certainly defeat Ukraine on the battlefield but the international community can make it so expensive for Russia that they might rethink the action.


@jond +1


@fertguy -1.

As I don’t watch sports to get my slanted news I don’t come to this site for it or political views either! I hope your post is removed and if it is not we will know ehere the moderators sit!


Thank you for starting this thread, I am investigating avenues of support. Quite a few people I worked with (in IT) prior to retirement are Ukrainian or Moldavian and have relatives in harm's way.  They need emotional support and their families need financial support.  Thanks again.





It was a mistake not to invite the Ukraine to join NATO! So much for the right of self-determination. First and foremost, Ukraine needs weapons of consequence. 


Putin will never use nukes. 

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The website is legit ! I just confirmed it with Ukrainian native IT guy leaving in Virginia now. He does lot of volunteer work for Ukrainian right now, he checked it and said that it totally safe to donate via this resource. I’ll do it right now. 

@s1nn3r It’s the same thing.....

I think Millercarbon Junior posted the same trash and it was deleted.


@ghasley , sorry about that and thanks for clearing it up. I was more than a bit miffed at the bile and hate that so easily comes out of some peoples mouths. Caught up in the moment, as they say. 

To the others who made sure to censor, take a good long look at what you're leaving up in this thread and have a moment or two of introspection.

For those who are still undecided on where to donate, there's Chef Jose Andres World Central Kitchen.

All the best,

Another channel as the Moderators did not care for my position on making donations through your local Ukrainian church or Synagogue.

I ordered 24 of these for our hockey team.

If you can pull off wearing one of these all proceeds go to: All proceeds from our t-shirt will be donated to Save Our Allies who send special operation veterans and medical teams overseas. They help set up field hospitals and bring medical supplies to Ukraine, aiding in medical support, the evacuation of citizens, children, and the elderly or disabled.


@ghasley     I'm all for making it expensive for Putin financially but less so with lives when the outcome seems pretty inevitable.  Can't see Putin rethinking his actions but hope the West will increase sanctions etc and if there's an unsatisfactory outcome for the Ukraine, then be sure to continue with them until Putin eventually comes to his senses, that's if he has any. The only other way is if the Russian people really feel the pressure of sanctions and act against him, but if that ever happens it will be a long way off and I'm not confident the West will continue with sanctions for that length of time.  

All in my personal opinion of course. 


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Former ambassador McFall knows Putin as well as anyone out there. What he has to say is scary. Putin listens to no one. His cabinet is all for show. He lives in his dacha outside of Moscow and rarely comes into the city. He doesn't read newspapers or keeps up on world news. He's surrounded by military yes men and oligarchs.

He made a major blunder misreading the tea leaves and sent in a show of force without proper planning and looks like a fool to military experts. Lots of Russian kids were told this was an exercise. They've left their tanks full of gas for Ukrainians to drive away. There's two videos of a Ukrainian solder just climbing in one and driving away to use later. Another shows a young girl in a troop carrier giving instructions on how to start it and drives away in it. Farmers are towing them away for future use.

That 40 mile long convoy is barely moving. While listening into the coms, we realized there's no digital signature. They're using common radios and the Ukrainians are listening in, knowing where they're going. Russian commanders have taken to keeping a great distance from their troops as a result. Even the Spetsnaz have been hindered by it. They're stealing Ukrainian radios whenever they can.

Putin will react like the madman he is. I think war is unavoidable as Putin wants all of it's former nation states back. He's living in the 19th century. With the Ides of March upon us, I pray he'll have his Julius Caesar moment and we can fix this.

All the best,

@nonoise - thanks for the tip on World Central Kitchen. 

Putin has obviously mis-read a lot of things; nobody needs a 21st century Hitler. Dictators have been known to have been overthrown by their own militaries if things get too bad.... 

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@nonoise +1,000




@cd318 you really aren't helping yourself. It is nice to see the free world mostly united, wouldnt you agree?

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@nonoise you responded to the cd318 nonsense much more eloquently than me so I will delete my ill-worded post.

@jcoehler , no, please. By all means, keep it up. I’ve said worse than that and your use of abbreviations was thoughtful, getting the point across.

@ghasley 👍

All the best,

"You can say what you want but there's no getting away from the fact Biden's term has been a disastrous one."

Yeah, cd318, there is getting away from the 'fact' because it's not a fact at all - just more of your lies. 

Wow, my post on the damage done to Russian invaders was taken down.
(one of them)
A good thing.
Anyone care to hazard a guess?

All the patriots crying about censorship and freedom of speech are at it, again.

All the best,

That's $800,000,000 worth of ego brought down to size.

All the best,

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Anyone care to hazard a guess?

Hunter Biden?



Yourself in a false flag operation.


@thecarpathian ,

Thanks for your post. Hopefully as a group, we can make a difference.

All the best.


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@nonoise - Yes indeed, there is something Banksyan about that work - good for the Ukranian artist!!! 

It’s just that people need to know that a few people (interested) are cheating the moderators and cheating on you... Posting fake videos and data...

 the US Congress has recognized that Azov is a far-right military unit whose members are assessed as ultra-nationalists and accused of harboring neo-Nazi and white supremacist ideology.

Personally, I don’t care who will destroy these sadists, drug addicts and murderers ... Putin? - let him ... it’s better for us - the American guys won’t have to die ... Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan - that’s enough ... let others work!

I have not read all the posts here, but I am calling on Upscale Audio, The Tube Depot and other sellers of audiophile vacuum tubes to stop purchasing any additional stock of Russian made tubes. I am calling all audiophile colleagues to get assurances that any tubes they purchase were not obtained by the vendor since the Ukraine Invasion. #BoycottRussianTubes

@ghasley  these war criminals have been mocking the population near the Russian border for 8 years - they got everyone and now they decided to destroy them ... this has been happening for several days - and there is so much screeching ... They know that they will be judged (they will not be forgiven) - by this is why they hide behind the backs of civilians ... they are real terrorists


@jerryg123  Don’t understand why it’s removed when YouTube clearly doesn’t have any issue showing some traitors in our country.

Just read up on them over on Wikipedia and an article at The Guardian. Lots of alt right neo-Nazis that were their own entity but incorporated into the Ukrainian National Guard, which means not all of them are, just that group.

As for the last 8 years, that aligns with when Russia seized those territories that were not theirs to begin with and put their people in charge of everything and then claiming it was always Russians who lived there. One can see why they object to them for being occupiers all this time so Putin would have a reason to invade and seize more territory, which is exactly what he's doing.

Quite the mess but this has been gone over in the press all the time while it's happened and now we have a name for some of the fighters defending Ukraine, the Azov. Bad as they are, letting Putin in to slaughter everyone else is not the answer and wrong for a reason to hide behind. 

As for fake videos and data, care to point any of them out?

All the best,

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@s1nn3r, I know right they show all that BLM stuff and ANTIFA and RT News (Russian), CNN, MSNBC. Al Jazeera.

YouTube clearly doesn’t have any issue showing some traitors in our country