Music Lovers! Unite in helping Ukraine!

We are fortunate to live in countries that allow us to pursue financial success. I believe most of us on here has attained that to a degree that we are living relatively comfortably.

The Russian military is beginning to utilize all the massive firepower at its disposal. Since their offensive has bogged down, they are changing tactics. Their new tactic is to surround a city and shell it indiscriminately, inflicting as much human misery as possible. A rocket, missile and artillery shell doesn’t care if you are a soldier, old woman, or an infant. Neither does Putin.

When they unleash it like they did in Syria, it will be a humanitarian catastrophe not seen since the Second World War. Death and destruction on a massive scale.

Please, consider giving to a charitable organization to help.

We have so much. Give some of it to whom it will literally make a difference between living and dying. You will be saving a life. A life of someone loved. Just as you love.

This is the charity I used, but there are several more of your choice. International Red Cross, Save the Children, CARE, to name a few.

Please, let’s all do what we can to help.


Showing 2 responses by moffer

Too little too late supplying weapons I'm afraid and not sure it was ever the right thing to do. Ukraine has no chance against overwhelming military might of Russia and a tyrant who seems quite prepared to use it regardless of civilian casualties and damage to infrastructure. Sure, supply arms to a side that has a reasonable chance of winning otherwise you are only prolonging the inevitable here and greatly increasing the death toll of women and children. 

Take a look at that ?? mile long convoy approaching Kiev and ask why Ukraine hasn't attacked what appears to be an obvious target?  The only reason I can think of is they simply don't have the capability to do so.

The worrying thing is that Russia is only beginning to take the gloves off!.......

@ghasley     I'm all for making it expensive for Putin financially but less so with lives when the outcome seems pretty inevitable.  Can't see Putin rethinking his actions but hope the West will increase sanctions etc and if there's an unsatisfactory outcome for the Ukraine, then be sure to continue with them until Putin eventually comes to his senses, that's if he has any. The only other way is if the Russian people really feel the pressure of sanctions and act against him, but if that ever happens it will be a long way off and I'm not confident the West will continue with sanctions for that length of time.  

All in my personal opinion of course.