Music Lovers! Unite in helping Ukraine!

We are fortunate to live in countries that allow us to pursue financial success. I believe most of us on here has attained that to a degree that we are living relatively comfortably.

The Russian military is beginning to utilize all the massive firepower at its disposal. Since their offensive has bogged down, they are changing tactics. Their new tactic is to surround a city and shell it indiscriminately, inflicting as much human misery as possible. A rocket, missile and artillery shell doesn’t care if you are a soldier, old woman, or an infant. Neither does Putin.

When they unleash it like they did in Syria, it will be a humanitarian catastrophe not seen since the Second World War. Death and destruction on a massive scale.

Please, consider giving to a charitable organization to help.

We have so much. Give some of it to whom it will literally make a difference between living and dying. You will be saving a life. A life of someone loved. Just as you love.

This is the charity I used, but there are several more of your choice. International Red Cross, Save the Children, CARE, to name a few.

Please, let’s all do what we can to help.

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@serjio this a thread the OP created to support Ukraine. Donate or don’t but if you happen to side with Putin then this isnt the thread for you wouldnt you agree?


@cowan217 if the thread disturbs you so, consider another?



Wow. So, did you donate to Ukraine? If not, you should keep moving to another thread. Trying to paint the situation there in the way you are attempting is horrible. Either you dont know what you are talking about, you are a reasonable person but have bad data or you are part of the problem. I’ve never met a neo-nazi Jew nor have you nor has Putin.

The Ukranians are in a very unfortunate position. If they west escalates to direct military action Putin is crazy enough to launch a nuk. Our military could roll over the Russians in a heartbeat but the choice is letting the Russians have Ukraine or Nuclear war the choice is obvious. We lost the opportunity to prevent this now the finale is written in stone. The best we can do is support the refugees and integrate them into other western societies.  

Putin wont use nukes and his capture of the large nuclear power plant was a strategic move. Too late indeed and the West misses another chance to do something worthwhile for a change. We are, if nothing else, predictable and easily bluffed. U.S. response was laughable.

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I used to have doubts - now they are gone ... there are several people "feeding this branch" - THEY ARE NOT INTERESTED IN THE TRUTH ... They are trying to manipulate public opinion.
Somehow they have influence on the moderator - he deletes the best posts (bias)

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@ghasley , I am all for that but the idiot we have for a president won't do it. I wonder why?

@serjio @aseaman007 Zelensky is Jewish and I would venture an opinion he is not a neo nazi. Unlike in Russia, a Ukrainian election resulted in his ascension. The Russia/Belarus model is not going to be a long term enjoyable place in which to exist. Now run along. Many here donated, many more will…you guys who think this invasion has any validity should not visit the thread.

@mijostyn Please, our president deserves our support. When it comes to international events, we should be united. I will admit I had my doubts about how efective our leadership was going to address this situation but the back channel conversations must have been pretty effective to unite Europe as well as convince Switzerland. It will be economically painful for Russia/Belarus for a long time. 

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@aseaman007 If you had read the contents of this thread, it was created with permission for the sole purpose of raising money for Ukraine. 

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plenty of free Ukraine fighters on Twitter, none of which are talking stereo gear. Send $

Wow, I just read this above...

"Neo Nazi’s run Ukraine."

Next we will debating what day of the week it is.  

I had an Uber driver tell me last week that the US and Putin planned this war together.  I feel sad when people think and talk like this.  It's a dangerous path that no country wants to go down.  

@aseaman007 since by your own admission you might have joined the wrong audio website is there any chance you might go elsewhere? You have less than 100 posts so your investment here is minimal.


I’m not a dem/rep I just support causes where truth matters….where kindness exists…like subsidized mental health assistance for those in dire need…paranoia and conspiracies combine to create a really dark place for many. Dont be afraid to seek assistance…dont be too proud, it might help. In the event you are a bot, this isnt a fertile field for your brand of dishonesty.

@ghasley , you are so polite!. I am not. Unless the Keystone Pipeline and other sources are opened and we supply oil to Europe to cover the deficit, Russia will not suffer to the extent it should. You should not punish people who continue to use fossil fuels. You make electricity cheap and people will move themselves to electric cars an home heating. This can be readily done in a very clean way with Molten Sodium Reactors.  All the technology to succeed in ending the petroleum era is in place. What is keeping our government from proceeding with  the one and only viable option open to us? If people think we are going to make enough power with solar cells and wind mills they are totally and completely miss-informed. 

@ghasley Hmmm, less than 100 posts proves I'n not a bot all my posts are about music & equiptment not politics.

1) Your Projection & deflection reminds me of a book I read Rules for Radicals Saul Alinsky.

My gut is never wrong, I see you have an agenda here. We all see it, since the Moderator decided my post was inappropriate to remove it, they showed me this is another DS site. Everything in my post was accurate 100% that was the problem not what was said but content.

We see it all, we hear it all, we have it all. 

Tick Tock 

I'm off here. 🏴‍☠️

"I am all for that but the idiot we have for a president won't do it. I wonder why?"

@mijostyn  I guess you miss the slurping sound as Fat Donnie sucks up to his hero, Putin?

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I have no agenda other than to assist the Ukrainian fundraising effort, which was the purpose of this thread and Audiogon was kind enough to allow it. 


I'm off here. 🏴‍☠️

We will take you at your word.


To everyone else, please consider donating to the charity of your choice that assists Ukraine with its fight for survival.

Why does someone always bring up Trump when criticism is levelled against Biden? Judge our current president on his merits or lack thereof. No fan of Trump, but holy cow. 


thecarpathian - thank you for starting this thread.  I did contribute to one of the Ukranian charities you posted.  Millions of people are suffering and my heart breaks for them.  Contributing $ is the least I can do.



@thecarpathian,  Thank you for this thread and for posting donation sites, as did others.  Accordingly, I just finished donating a "Tithe", based upon the value of my audio gear.

Why does someone always bring up Trump when criticism is levelled against Biden? Judge our current president on his merits or lack thereof. No fan of Trump, but holy cow. 

The hollowest of arguments if there ever was one. 
Transparent too.

All the best,

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Amazing that you have the time to spare to even post, considering you are fighting those menacing windmills Mr. Quixote.  Are you going to donate or pound sand? Otherwise, you are enlisting no one to your lonely cause and there are people walking on your lawn at this very moment.


Please, our president deserves our support. When it comes to international events, we should be united.

Seriously? You believe that American citizens should mindlessly support the policies of their President? Did you advocate that approach prior to the 2003 Iraq war?



This isn't the appropriate thread to discuss that.


Today, world leaders are dealing with an unhinged nuclear superpower invading a neighboring sovereign country. The situation is too fluid to second guess anything right now but when the west reaches a general consensus at the velocity they have over the past several days, that means they have put aside the grandstanding and rolled up their sleeves.


Please consider donating to the any number of funds available to aid Ukraine during this time of need.

Today, world leaders are dealing with an unhinged nuclear superpower invading a neighboring sovereign country.

You are regurgitating rank propaganda. And, by your response, I can only assume that you were equally eager to support the disastrous Iraq war.

Try to access some alternative sources of information, as you are falling prey to perhaps the most widespread, coordinated propaganda campaign ever waged.



Please don't jump to conclusions about me and the Iraq war. You are reading things into my response which I didn't say and are actually 180 degrees from reality. But those decisions made 19 years ago are not relevant to this thread.


As I alluded to in my previous post, this thread is to support the people of Ukraine through a fundraising campaign the OP initiated and Audiogon graciously allowed.



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I would never suggest anyone should do anything slavishly or remarkably dangerous. You seem to be itching for conflict...I'm not that guy nor or my positions deserving of same. A madman has invaded a neighbor, millions will be displaced, many will lose their lives or homes...lets help them to safety, keep them warm, feed and clothe them. Thats all...


If you want to debate Viet Nam, the Korean conflict, Iraq, Afghanistan, Beiruit, colonial atrocities, the Gulf of Tonkin....wrong forum, wrong thread, wrong guy.



That’s unfair to imply any ulterior motivation to anyone who has chosen to donate.


In addition, you dont believe 99% of Audiogon members could find Ukraine on a map? I respectfully disagree. With the exception of yourself, I happen to believe this forum is populated with broadly intelligent and generally knowledgable and kind individuals. Your stock continues to fall with each post...much like the value of Russian commercial paper and equities.


You sir, are on the wrong side of this subject politically, morally and historically.

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This is the last thing Russians saw before Putin turned off the only two independent TV stations. The same thing was shown during the downfall of the USSR. I think the citizens of Russia know better than to believe what some are saying here. High speed rail service to Finland is jammed with Russians leaving for good. Soon there may be martial law so no one can leave. Ask any Ukrainian and they say, "wake up everyone, WWIII has already started."

All the best,



civil conflict is just the tip of the iceberg - a pretext...
the world has long become global ... and if the leader of a large country did this, then he has very good reasons ... (ordinary people are never told this on TV) ...
I personally doubt that there are independent media - they definitely don’t exist in America (the opinion of individuals will always lose to a large financial corporation)

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. My post is taken down for pointing out the trolls and this other crap stays up for all to read. Talk about censorship and freedumb of speech. Why is it one side is so hypocritical? 

The fact that is, they will not stop polluting this thread so they can get it it shut down just to make them happy so they can continue living their miserable, conspiracy ridden lives.

Instead of leaving well enough alone so those affected by this can receive aid, they'd rather have it closed down and revel in their pain.

All the best,




Maybe you should stop engaging them.














Maybe you should stop engaging them.

Typical troll response. If you've read this thread, then you read my reluctance to come back in and participate. Looking the other way might be the easy way out for you.

All the best,