Music Lovers! Unite in helping Ukraine!

We are fortunate to live in countries that allow us to pursue financial success. I believe most of us on here has attained that to a degree that we are living relatively comfortably.

The Russian military is beginning to utilize all the massive firepower at its disposal. Since their offensive has bogged down, they are changing tactics. Their new tactic is to surround a city and shell it indiscriminately, inflicting as much human misery as possible. A rocket, missile and artillery shell doesn’t care if you are a soldier, old woman, or an infant. Neither does Putin.

When they unleash it like they did in Syria, it will be a humanitarian catastrophe not seen since the Second World War. Death and destruction on a massive scale.

Please, consider giving to a charitable organization to help.

We have so much. Give some of it to whom it will literally make a difference between living and dying. You will be saving a life. A life of someone loved. Just as you love.

This is the charity I used, but there are several more of your choice. International Red Cross, Save the Children, CARE, to name a few.

Please, let’s all do what we can to help.


Showing 8 responses by audition__audio

What Ukraine needs most are weapons and those that can use them.  I am not talking about small arms either. I am not demeaning those if favor of humanitarian support, but best if we can keep Russia from total occupation. I hope we dont let them down on any front.

It was a mistake not to invite the Ukraine to join NATO! So much for the right of self-determination. First and foremost, Ukraine needs weapons of consequence. 


Putin will never use nukes. 

Well Putin certainly is getting his 15 minutes. Without the nukes he is not much more significant than some 3rd world clown. 

Put pressure on our government to do the right thing. We didnt do jack in 2014, a total cluster pulling out of Afghanistan and now this in the Ukraine. Not just the U.S. but Europe as well. It seems business as usual rather than pay more at the pump. 

Putin wont use nukes and his capture of the large nuclear power plant was a strategic move. Too late indeed and the West misses another chance to do something worthwhile for a change. We are, if nothing else, predictable and easily bluffed. U.S. response was laughable.

Why does someone always bring up Trump when criticism is levelled against Biden? Judge our current president on his merits or lack thereof. No fan of Trump, but holy cow. 


I agree with allenf. This haphazard censorship is ridiculous.

Look to banning members who consistently display bad behavior. If the moderator finds a particular individual whose posts are consistently or often on the edge get rid of them.

For me one member who has participated in this thread comes to mind.