Thank you @thecarpathian for starting this thread and thanks to Tammy and A'gon for allowing it. At least it opened a few eyes and wallets.
All the best,
Music Lovers! Unite in helping Ukraine!
We are fortunate to live in countries that allow us to pursue financial success. I believe most of us on here has attained that to a degree that we are living relatively comfortably.
The Russian military is beginning to utilize all the massive firepower at its disposal. Since their offensive has bogged down, they are changing tactics. Their new tactic is to surround a city and shell it indiscriminately, inflicting as much human misery as possible. A rocket, missile and artillery shell doesn’t care if you are a soldier, old woman, or an infant. Neither does Putin.
When they unleash it like they did in Syria, it will be a humanitarian catastrophe not seen since the Second World War. Death and destruction on a massive scale.
Please, consider giving to a charitable organization to help.
We have so much. Give some of it to whom it will literally make a difference between living and dying. You will be saving a life. A life of someone loved. Just as you love.
This is the charity I used, but there are several more of your choice. International Red Cross, Save the Children, CARE, to name a few.
Please, let’s all do what we can to help.
Thank you @thecarpathian for starting this thread and thanks to Tammy and A'gon for allowing it. At least it opened a few eyes and wallets. All the best, |
@tomic601 , they're deleting your posts? You've taken the high road from the very beginning, staying above the fray. I'd love to see this entire thread reconstituted for all to read. The more you know..... you know. All the best, |
You're gonna need to backpedal better than that. Took you all this time to come up with that? ( must be true!) She wasn't charged with having pot oil until today. Let's seen now...arrested last month, Putin already plans on invading, gather up pawns, and now spring this on us and have his sycophants and supporters pollute the internet. Good job bot #215674!
By the way, who's your scriptwriter? All the best, |
Yes, she was arrested last month and all she had were vape cartridges, not hash oil. I missed out on the date but not the facts around her arrest. American intel already said she will be framed as a drug dealer. So thanks for supporting the Russian narrative, comrade. All the best,
And, allenf1963 is right about the willy nilly nature of the deletions being done. There's no rhyme or reason to it which leads me to believe it's not the mods (who are doing their best) but the usual members here, simply out for revenge. I've been in chats on other sites where none of this would be taken down unless you were a troll, polluting the thread with disinformation that's already common knowledge. Very easy to verify. Those here wouldn't last a minute at those other sites. I say leave it all up for the world to see and for us to take note of for the next time we encounter them. That way we can just simply ignore them. This is not a kids table at a family gathering. Erasing the history of these comments and the ones who make them gives them cover to hide behind since they rely on people having short memories. All the best,
This is the last thing Russians saw before Putin turned off the only two independent TV stations. The same thing was shown during the downfall of the USSR. I think the citizens of Russia know better than to believe what some are saying here. High speed rail service to Finland is jammed with Russians leaving for good. Soon there may be martial law so no one can leave. Ask any Ukrainian and they say, "wake up everyone, WWIII has already started." All the best, |
I can't help it. I have to say something. Too many uniformed tools posting nonsense. So easy to be an armchair warrior. If we don't buy Russia's oil, someone else will. It's fungible. Not buying it will drive up the price. What's needed is for everyone to not buy their oil and be prepared to open more reserves, produce more, and be prepared to still pay more. The price will not come down anytime in the near future. Get a life and stop practicing folk economics. Let the experts sort it out. For those interested in the nuts and bolts, here's some good reading on the logistics of the situation as it's playing out. A proper understanding can help one see the bigger picture. Russia can only go so far, logistically. To make up for it, they're going to get really ugly. All the best,
Thought I’d check back in after doing my level best not to post anymore after @thecarpathian kindly asked not to post political opinions. Emotions are running high and it’s understandable to knock down all the BS (my favorite pastime nowadays) but this thread is to inform others of what charities to donate to to help out the victims, so I refrained from posting anymore. Amazing...huh? If donating is not an option, another way is to contact your city councilman or representative to make sure your cities investors are not buying Russian debt. It’s what the city of Los Angeles just did. The mayor wrote to the state to have them disinvest their retirement funds from Russian accounts and it just so happens that we here have two of the largest pension funds in the country and they’re doing that right now. There are many ways to help out. All the best, |
Just read up on them over on Wikipedia and an article at The Guardian. Lots of alt right neo-Nazis that were their own entity but incorporated into the Ukrainian National Guard, which means not all of them are, just that group. As for the last 8 years, that aligns with when Russia seized those territories that were not theirs to begin with and put their people in charge of everything and then claiming it was always Russians who lived there. One can see why they object to them for being occupiers all this time so Putin would have a reason to invade and seize more territory, which is exactly what he's doing. Quite the mess but this has been gone over in the press all the time while it's happened and now we have a name for some of the fighters defending Ukraine, the Azov. Bad as they are, letting Putin in to slaughter everyone else is not the answer and wrong for a reason to hide behind. As for fake videos and data, care to point any of them out? All the best, |
Former ambassador McFall knows Putin as well as anyone out there. What he has to say is scary. Putin listens to no one. His cabinet is all for show. He lives in his dacha outside of Moscow and rarely comes into the city. He doesn't read newspapers or keeps up on world news. He's surrounded by military yes men and oligarchs. He made a major blunder misreading the tea leaves and sent in a show of force without proper planning and looks like a fool to military experts. Lots of Russian kids were told this was an exercise. They've left their tanks full of gas for Ukrainians to drive away. There's two videos of a Ukrainian solder just climbing in one and driving away to use later. Another shows a young girl in a troop carrier giving instructions on how to start it and drives away in it. Farmers are towing them away for future use. That 40 mile long convoy is barely moving. While listening into the coms, we realized there's no digital signature. They're using common radios and the Ukrainians are listening in, knowing where they're going. Russian commanders have taken to keeping a great distance from their troops as a result. Even the Spetsnaz have been hindered by it. They're stealing Ukrainian radios whenever they can. Putin will react like the madman he is. I think war is unavoidable as Putin wants all of it's former nation states back. He's living in the 19th century. With the Ides of March upon us, I pray he'll have his Julius Caesar moment and we can fix this. All the best, |
@ghasley , sorry about that and thanks for clearing it up. I was more than a bit miffed at the bile and hate that so easily comes out of some peoples mouths. Caught up in the moment, as they say. To the others who made sure to censor, take a good long look at what you're leaving up in this thread and have a moment or two of introspection. For those who are still undecided on where to donate, there's Chef Jose Andres World Central Kitchen. All the best, |
@stoks , since you've seemed to make yourself a student of me, It puzzles me to no end that you fail to notice I'm responding to others. That informs me that you're of another persuasion and are content to hear the negative, the falsehoods, and the insane commentaries that now pass for regular discourse. Just because I sometimes fare well at it seems to upset you. That made my day. I don't find and exhaust every angle but just use facts that anyone can look up, if they cared to. All the best, |
I checked out many sites for the legit charities to give to and a few kept coming up. The one I gave to is CARE-Ukrainian Crisis Fund. All the best, |