Integrated amp for Sonus Faber olympica nova 1

Just got a pair of Sonus Faber olympica nova 1, I have a pass labs int60 amp but WAF is very low. I am looking for an integrated amp with similar sound as the pass but with high WAF.


Any suggestions.


@hgeifman ​​​​​​

I also own the MF M6si. Love it. What speakers are you running? SF? 

If you want to go hybrid, check out the BAT (Balanced Audio Technology) VK3000se or VK3500SE. Really liking this concept these days.

Luxman L-590AX II or L-595ASE. Recently out of production and limited edition, respectively, but maybe you can find a dealer with stock or just buy used. It’s hard to get the richness and body of Pass Labs, but Luxman Class A comes close and is preferred by many for its sweetness and clarity. There’s also McIntosh autoformer amps but they are not as refined sounding as the Lux, higher WAF though.

@twoleftears That’s clearly a female amp. If it was a male amp it’d have a volume control, source selector, and maybe a balance control. That the OP’s wife would hate that amp explains why women can’t live together — too much overly-complicated, irrational sh*t in common and always pushing each other’s crazy-ass buttons.

@stereo5 that was sarcasm. My wife stays out of the audio-den. She is afraid of that room. LOL.

Check out Simaudio 600 i V2. I have 340 I paired with Sonus Faber and it’s a great combination 


Why would the wife pick the amp out?  I have brought dozens of electronics and speakers through my living room over the past 35+ years in our current home.  My wife never, ever once complained, she couldn't care less.  When I got the Triton Refs, I kept telling my wife while I waited the 6 months, they were going to be big.  When I set them up, not a peep about the size.  I would never have to say anything to my wife, she knows it's important to me and that is ok with her.  I guess I am one of the lucky ones.  

If I were the OP I would talk to my wife and explain that the Pass amp is matched pretty good to his speakers or something.  Let her know it's important to him.  If he is a "yes dear" kind of guy he hasn't a chance, but if he questions, who knows?

Seems like she warmed up to the sound when you switched to the Pass. She’s an audiophile! You should explain that the amp is beautiful because of the sound quality it provides.  I’ve heard that the Pass/SF combo is a good one.

How about the Musical Fidelity M6Si integrated amplifier?  It sounds great and your wife should like its simple classic design.  

“Internally, the M6si is configured as 2 independent mono-bloc power amps with a separate pre amp. It is, in fact, a pre amp with 2 monobloc power amps that just happen to share the same casework.  The M6si has 220wpc. It has very low distortion, outstanding noise ratio and extremely flat frequency response. Its inputs are phono (MM/MC), 4 line level, 1 balanced XLR and 1 USB ‘B’ up to 24bit 96kHz asynchronous.  The M6Si combination of high power, high current and extraordinary stability means that it can drive any loudspeaker with ease”.  

I own this amp and like it very much. 

Musical Fidelity M6Si amp

Sharing your wife's aesthetic preferences in more detail will help. Her appreciation for Sonus Faber is a start. 

Riviera Audio Labs is well reviewed. It has a softer aesthetic and color palette.

An Italian amplifier - speaker pairing. : )

Riviera Audio Labs Levante Integrated

How about the Gato Audio integrated amp, Danish design that would blend well with modern European interior design aesthetics.  Steve Gutenberg the Audiophilliac has a video review of this amp.

I am looking for an integrated amp with similar sound as the pass but with high WAF.


@stereo5 That works?


OP, put your foot down, grow a pair and tell wifey the amp stays. Geesh.

OP, put your foot down, grow a pair and tell wifey the amp stays. Geesh. 😂😂

i think the int60 is good looking. i was using dynaudio speakers which she did not like till i got the sonus fabers and she was mighty impressed.

i am considering naim uniti nova. the british amps are small and sleek while american amps tend to be big and heavy.


@sastybe; Wow, I think your Pass Labs int60 is very good looking! I know it's all in the eyes of the beholder. Perhaps when she looks at other integrated amps she will decide the Pass isn't as bad as she thinks?

I wonder which integrated amp your wife will like? Please let us know when you get sorted out.

Probably the highest WAF integrated I can think of would be a Devialet offering. 

i have used a burmester 032 and it is awesome, also use a aavik u180 and its a great piece but nothing like the 032, i do have a aavik u300 im about to get installed in another system, thoughts coming on this one....

For looks and sound Pathos is a great choice.  I’d look at an Octave V70SE cause it probably sound evens better if it meets with your wife’s standards.  There’s also divorce, which is more expensive but has lots of other benefits.  Just sayin’. 

+1 for Pathos.  +1 for dekay, but I'd suggest even darker glasses.  Good luck, OP.




When I had my Sf Olympica Nova 1 I had it paired with the Simaudio 390 Pre and dual 330A  bridge mono. Loved it then moved on to tubes. Had the MC 252A and hated it. The Pathos Lagos worked well with the Nova 1 also. 

Mac? I had int 60, then moved to a int 250. I looked and listened to the mac Ma325  and I loved the looks and the sound. I have one on order. Still keeping my pass though.