Integrated amp for Sonus Faber olympica nova 1

Just got a pair of Sonus Faber olympica nova 1, I have a pass labs int60 amp but WAF is very low. I am looking for an integrated amp with similar sound as the pass but with high WAF.


Any suggestions.


Showing 2 responses by stereo5

OP, put your foot down, grow a pair and tell wifey the amp stays. Geesh. 😂😂


Why would the wife pick the amp out?  I have brought dozens of electronics and speakers through my living room over the past 35+ years in our current home.  My wife never, ever once complained, she couldn't care less.  When I got the Triton Refs, I kept telling my wife while I waited the 6 months, they were going to be big.  When I set them up, not a peep about the size.  I would never have to say anything to my wife, she knows it's important to me and that is ok with her.  I guess I am one of the lucky ones.  

If I were the OP I would talk to my wife and explain that the Pass amp is matched pretty good to his speakers or something.  Let her know it's important to him.  If he is a "yes dear" kind of guy he hasn't a chance, but if he questions, who knows?