Integrated amp for Sonus Faber olympica nova 1

Just got a pair of Sonus Faber olympica nova 1, I have a pass labs int60 amp but WAF is very low. I am looking for an integrated amp with similar sound as the pass but with high WAF.


Any suggestions.


Showing 2 responses by soix

For looks and sound Pathos is a great choice.  I’d look at an Octave V70SE cause it probably sound evens better if it meets with your wife’s standards.  There’s also divorce, which is more expensive but has lots of other benefits.  Just sayin’. 

@twoleftears That’s clearly a female amp. If it was a male amp it’d have a volume control, source selector, and maybe a balance control. That the OP’s wife would hate that amp explains why women can’t live together — too much overly-complicated, irrational sh*t in common and always pushing each other’s crazy-ass buttons.