Inheritance ($100K) with a caveat

So you inherit $100k but with the caveat all the monies be put into a two channel stereo system.
And can never sell.
What to do?
Analog? Digital? Both? Tube? Solid State? Cables? Room treatments? Build a stereo room?…

I got a quote of exactly that to put in a new addition dedicated to the muse. I decided against it because I figured it just wouldn't work for me.
30 Onkk Cue turntable
15 Origin Live Conqueror, Soundsmith SG1 and 2 extra styluses
6 Moabs with Duelund, Jantzen, Goertz and Path Audio crossovers
12 Raven Reflection MkII integrated amp
  5 Townshend F1 interconnects and speaker cables
15 M101 Nova and Supernova power cords
1 Decware DLC power conditioner
5 Townshend Pods and Podiums under everything
2 Synergistic HFT, ECT, PHT everywhere
6 TDF (aka Krissy magic)
I anticipate it would be a process involving at home testing. Thinking I would try tube amps as part of the system. 
Millercarbon… only trouble is MC did file for bankruptcy.
But I like your system.
only trouble is now I got to buy albums. Lol.
no room for Townsend cabling.
It is a tough call. I left something out and had to edit. Without the time pressure I would do my best to replace the Reflection with a Raven Shadow and Townshend Allegri Reference preamp.  

I wonder if you appreciate the incredible value this system represents. The Allegri Reference is passive and so uses no expensive power cord, yet achieves SOTA preamp performance. The Raven Reflection likewise being an integrated uses only one power cord. Either one saves a big chunk of power cord money while still providing incredible performance. Also the Allegri needs no Pods, they are built in.  

The Townshend wire is incredibly hard to beat, for sure nothing for the money, and the same goes for the Moabs. And power cords. Soundsmith SG1 is both an incredible SOTA cartridge but also needs no phono stage- another huge savings both for the phono stage as well as the power cord it would need. This is also the only user-replaceable stylus anywhere near this level of performance, and you did specify forever.   

Anyone proposing anything digital is doomed, NO ONE keeps ANY digital forever, so any system with digital in it is doomed, dead, stick a fork in it DONE!   

You. Can't. Touch. This!
"...NO ONE keeps ANY digital forever..."

I'm keeping my CDs, does that count?
Millercarbon… I probably do not understand the complete synergy of your system. But I have been a fan of Townsend products for a LONG time. I still have and use a Townsend audio platform from the 90’s. Only trouble is right now I’m have difficulties locating the air pump.
cable savings is a big deal.
especially now that I’m retired.
2 Genelec 8351b and 2 Genelec W371a 
1 Genelec 7370 
Generic cables
The rest on room. $65K
$30,000 for Magnepan 30.7s...the other $70,000 will be for the divorce attorney when my wife sees them in her living room. 
I guess I must be NO ONE. As Alfred E.said. 
"What, me worry?'

Why are you asking OP,?
I don't care what you do, why do you care??
I'd do what I always do, buy whatever makes me happy.
No relevance to anyone else.
Any horn speaker
Viking Acoustic Grande Voix
Avantegarde Duo

Lampizator Golden Gate or Pacific --tubes
Lucas Audio LMDS - Music Server

Any good SET tube amp.

Inakustic 3500P Power conditioner

The rest spent on Power Cords and Cables.  
Actually, that just happened to me. I got a pair of Sound Labs, a new Sota Cosmos Vacuum with a Schroder CB tonearm and Soundsmith Voice cartridge, a newly decorated media room and a hot tub for the wife.
Spend about $50K on the electronics and speaker and about  $1000 for DSP via Convolution files running on ROON for room issues. This will be a digital only system.
This is like the "What's the best ice cream flavor?" game for adults with discretionary income. Have fun, but buh bye.
Continuum Caliburn TT with Cobra tonearm and Castellon stand! $65K here on Agon! Maybe the World's Best LP Playback System! Then the rest on electronics, speakers and wire. Six years ago I could have afforded this! That or bit coin! 
If adding to my current system:
Zellaton Plural Evo $55k
Brinkmann Oasis/Thales Statement/Fuuga $45k

From Scratch:

Zellaton Plural Evo: $55k
Thales USA Package: $15k
McIntosh C2700: $8k
McIntosh C462: $9k
McIntosh MPC500: $2.5k
Custom rack: about $6k
Remaining on streaming
Couple hundred for Blue Jeans cabling
From scratch, msrp:
Wilson Sasha DAW - 38k
ARC Ref6se, 75se - 28k
dcs Bartok - 15k
sa-ki Ruby - 4K
Richard Gray - 2k
MIT spk, IC cables, Audio Art power cables, Orea, Gaia isolation, room treatments - 13k
Millercarbon… I probably do not understand the complete synergy of your system. But I have been a fan of Townsend products for a LONG time. I still have and use a Townsend audio platform from the 90’s. Only trouble is right now I’m have difficulties locating the air pump.
cable savings is a big deal.
especially now that I’m retired.

You mean the complete synergy of my proposed $100k? Or my current system?

Nevermind, they are the same. At least in the sense they both reflect the way to audio nirvana is less to do with buying big name components and more with making the best use of funds apportioned across the full range of fundamental requirements.

The conventional way of looking at it is you need a source, amp, and speakers. This was popular and highly effective up until about 40 years ago, when we started getting better and better with wire, vibration control, and acoustics. Now those are all pretty much equally as important as the big box components people trapped in old school last millennium mindset still are fixed on.

The synergy comes in realizing, say you have $20k and want the best amp money can buy. The old school last millennium knee jerk reflex is to start blathering about which is the best $20k amp. The intelligent synergy approach is to understand a $12k Raven Reflection integrated amp with a Synergistic Orange Fuse and ECT and sitting on Townshend Pods with a M101 Nova power cord will absolutely walk all over anything those old behind the times people can ever come up with. Because they will blow their whole wad on the amp, leaving zip left over, so it is handicapped by having to run on its own factory feet, its own Buss fuse, and with the absolute crap black rubber power cord. To top it off most of them will say buy separates, in which case multiply the problems with even more boxes to power and connect.

So the synergy lies in thinking through all the different needs and finding the best way of doing them all with the least amount of money.

The system I would buy with $100k intended to last a lifetime uses a Soundsmith SG1 which is not only one of the finest cartridges money can buy, it is also one with user-replaceable stylus and includes its own phono stage, which considering the level this is at could run you $10k easy. Read the reviews. Also don’t forget that to get that performance the $10k phono stage will need an expensive power cord and Pods and Fuse, etc. Every additional component is not just an additional component, it is an additional thing that needs to be tweaked to extract the most performance possible. Otherwise you leave money on the table, so to speak.

Likewise the tone arm, Origin Live uses integral tone arm wire. This eliminates a big expense, since a phono lead at this level could easily add another $3k to $5k with little if anything to show for that extra expense.

On and on it goes like this. The DBA is a four sub system. Most guys would have blown their wad trying to get great bass from monster floor standers. The Moab is no slouch in this department but a $3k DBA delivers SOTA bass for relative peanuts.

Another big synergy is using high sensitivity speakers. This enables the 50wpc Ravens to be more than enough power. Anyone foolishly advising anything under 92dB has to then have hundreds of watts - 200 to be precise - to match the level of these 98dB speakers. Watts cost money and so there it goes, wasted simply because of a weak approach to system building.

Synergistic HFT are way more effective acoustic control than old school panels and tubes. They cost less, deliver more, and take up way less space.

It is just like that with everything I listed. This whole $100k system requires only 2 power cords! One interconnect, and one set of speaker cables. Money buys quality and the more wires the less money per wire. This maximizes your money, bigly.

What else? Oh yeah, the crossover. Something I proved by experience just recently. Moabs with greatly upgraded crossovers will walk all over much more expensive speakers. Ulfberht are better of course, but for what they cost you could buy Moab, upgrade them, and put them on Townshend Podiums, and have money left over. Put them up against each other, no contest. System synergy wins every time.

Where this comes in for you, once you get the hang of this approach you begin to find all kinds of areas that can be improved for very little money, and when you do buy something it will be a genuine improvement and not just another box.

Your old Seismic Sink btw, pretty sure it is a Presta valve, any bicycle pump with the Presta valve adaptor will work. Presta are the ones with a tiny little knurled knob you loosen to pump and then tighten back down. If not then check with John Hannant at Townshend Audio he would know for sure.
I'd keep my current system and buy the new 2022 Corvette. Both make beautiful music.

I would have a nice dedicated audio room addition added to our home and place my main system in it. 
All vintage equipment and solid state because you will need the quiet with vintage speakers and both analog and digital with all audio magic cables, interconnects, and power conditioning. Kimber cable pk10 power cords with analog and digital sources but only cd sources for digital and a turntable for analog along with a good tuner to warm the system up with. You also need to find a house with a good stereo room with proper sound in that room and our solid corners with no windows with acoustic panels and ceilings to cut down on the sound outside the room. The whole thing needs to be in a basement to avoid resonances with the floor and walls and when you accomplish all of this wow it is truly an amazing experience.
oregonpapa- I’d keep my current system and buy the new 2022 Corvette. Both make beautiful music.


Wait- that’s an option? 997.2 C4S!
@oregonpapa @millercarbon. 2 channel system!  Too many speakers/cylinders 
I.Do.Not.Want.To.Touch.That. *eww*

I would engage some Trumpian-style ’investment’ in an audio dedicated space that would have it’s tentacles of cable to every room in the home built around said audio space....
...which obviously requires the ’support technology’ of a kitchen, restroom or 2 1/2, a space or three to ’retire to’ which allow for the contemplation of what I’d been listening to Seriously....

...and to piss everyone off, have a D distribution amp to drive it all....

The ’One Ring to Bind Them’ theory, Revisited. ;)
Miller, how do you know your proposed system will suit OP's room?
Or is it one size fits all in Millersville?
SO easy.  Have your dealer set up various current models from Magnepan IN YOUR ROOM and couple them to as much Audio Research amplification and pre-amplification as you can fit into your budget without neglecting the source stuff--reasonable turntable plus whatever else you use--CD, tape, etc.

Listen to your fav stuff until you find the pair of Maggies that best suits your room, and then LISTEN TO THE MUSIC and forget about the $$.

@clearthinker read the OP.

”You” inherited $100k.

reading is
I would call the folks at GIK, Simaudio and Sonus faber and give them the budget and tell them to build it.
Easy to write off the OP as fantasy, but I have seen guys in pretty much this exact situation. The best one was a guy I hardly knew, just a regular at this brew pub. When he retired from Boeing first thing he did was drop $40k on a high end system. Knowing nothing he bought Martin Logan and a slew of other stuff he had no idea what it was. In fact the only reason I know it was Martin Logan, he told me what they look like! That is how little he knew, yet he dropped forty large.  

He was real happy. Well they usually are at first, shiny and sparkly and all that.  

Another guy, knew him through PCA had no idea he was into audio at all until he came over one time and went all gaga. He was pretty similar to the first guy. He knew a lot more about what he had but hadn't really much experience and so as a result had spent way more than I had in my system at the time but when he sat down and listened he was blown away. Just kept saying play another, please play another!  

Music to my ears.  

I believe there's value in appreciating and wanting what you have.  Everything changes and what you think is the best one day may change due to many things including learning what you didn't know, changing priorities and curiosity.

Patience isn't my virtue and I'm willing to use the money for convenience.  I don't enjoy tweaking like others and my mechanical aptitude for upgrading things like tone arms are an undesirable chore.  (to each their own, I'm very critical of my own work versus someone else's)

  • Speakers - I own Sonus faber Olympica Nova V and I'm inclined to keep them
  • Preamp/Amp - I like my current Mc stuff and would consider upgrading the amps to MC-901 amplifiers or moving to full tube with Audio Research Reference 6 preamplifier and the Reference 160 M amplifiers.
  • Turntable  - I like my Rega P8 so perhaps a Rega P10 w....I would enjoy the auditioning process for cartridges and phono stages and would consider Rega across the board deck, cartridge and phone state.  There are some options including Linn and VPI that make great products and the selection and matching table, arm, cartridge and phone stage is not something I find enjoyable.  I like cars and instead of modifying a car to provide the performance I desire - I buy a car that's stock with those characteristics (cost more if I had the skills and knowledge but it gives me peace of mind) 
  • I have a Moon DAC/Streamer I like and I'd consider other digital front ends including Boulder, DCs and Moon.
I think a great chair would be need such as a Stressless Recliner or two in the sweet spot.  Some sound treatments, racking, cables and media storage would round out the remaining funds.

In the end, the person who left me the money could come and haunt me and would appreciate my enjoyment of the inheritance!
Post removed 
A second A/C system for the giant Audio Research monoblocks on sale at West Palm Beach's Audio Advisors would be a start. Add the preamp and actual B&W Nautilus speakers, not the 800 series.    Whoops, I am out of money for the required extra four amps. 
@mrklass - you must be doppelgänger for me. Just ordered a new stressless chair after the 16 year old one is almost worn out, but my son can't wait to get it. I have a P8 which I think is the best value for the buck in any turntable - no changes (I actually thought about getting the arm from the P10 the RB 3000, but was told by a knowledgeable guy who deals with the ROTH OEM arms that the difference between the RB880 and RB 3000 is minimal if there is minimum vibration affecting the table - mine is on a wall shelf on top of a Townshend seismic platform - vibration is about as close to 0 as you're going to get). 

I would get a van den Hul cartridge above mine (the MC One Special) and one of their phono stages as a start on the $100K question. Source is the most important, and the synergy between the cartridge and PS is most important (other than maybe amp and speakers). The duo won some award as the source of a cost no object shoot out as part of a $400K system that beat systems over $1M. I agree with MC and would get a top level integrated (I never explored a cost no object type set up, so don't know which one, but the less interconnects, the better). I would then get speakers that work best with the amp, and make sure they are non directional. A few thousand for vibration treatment and about $4-5K for a top power conditioner. $1-2K for speaker cables, $500 for one interconnect (Rega arms have internal wiring - I agree once again with MC on this), 3 $1000 power cords. Speakers would have to not look like they belong in a physics lab.

Wait a minute - have to disagree with MC  - if the car needed to be included, 997.2 GTS. And just use what's left over for the stereo.
Post removed 
Only 100,000 forget it,that would of been enough 10 years ago .COME ON MAN....
If I inherited $100K and have to spend it on a 2-Channel Audio System, then I would get the following:

. Focal No3 Kanta — $14K
. Bryston 3B Cubed — $6K
. Bryston BP-26R/MPS-2/DAC/BP-2 MM/MC — $7.8K
. Marantz SA-10 — $7K

Turntable — Technics SL-1200 GAE — $4K, VPI Prime Signature — $6.3K, or HW-40 — $15K (which one should I pick)

Phono Cartridge — Audio Technica AT-ART9X ($1,290.00), Ortofon Cadenza Blue ($1,889.00) (Let’s flip a coin).

And what’s leftover after that? Spend that on vinyl and accessories, fine tune the room, or get a Mercedes Benz C-Class (and that has a nice system in it as well, in fact, I might just load up the options and just get that instead…. that’s going to cost about $50K to $65K all by itself).
