Indispensable Tool!

Here is an indispensable tweak that delivers on its promise! After a couple of passes, use Cut 3 every couple of weeks to "perk up" your system.

I'm in no way affiliated with Tellurium Q.




The Cardas inspired Arye CD is fantastic , Cardas has a vinyl version of Track 7 .

Have had the Ayre disc for many years and it is now ripped to my server. Track 7, Full Glide Tone, on repeat at very low volume works well for burning in new components. It is sort of the equivalent of warming up your car, many do it even though some say it shouldn’t make a difference. I don’t care what “many do” or what “some say” - I have it and use it, but one is enough and I certainly wouldn’t consider it an “Indispensable Tweak”.

                                       ps: HAPPY LISTENING!

     The problem with naysayers isn't that they're ignorant.

      It's they, "know" so much that's incorrect (OR: they're just stupid).

                               Classic Dunning-Kruger Effect!

     "Louis Pasteur's theory of germs is ridiculous fiction."  (Pierre Pachet, Professor of Physiology at Toulouse , 1872) 

     "The abdomen, the chest, and the brain will forever be shut from the intrusion of the wise and humane surgeon,"  (Sir John Eric Ericksen, British surgeon, appointed Surgeon-Extraordinary to Queen Victoria 1873)

      "The super computer is technologically impossible.  It would take all of the water that flows over Niagara Falls to cool the heat generated by the number of vacuum tubes required." (Professor of Electrical Engineering, New York University)                        

      "There is no likelihood man can ever tap the power of the atom."  (Robert Millikan, Nobel Prize in Physics, 1923)

      "Man will never reach the moon regardless of all future scientific advances." (Dr. Lee DeForest, Father of Radio & Grandfather of Television)

      "Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible!" (Lord Kelvin, president, Royal Society, 1895) 

      "The bomb will never go off.  I speak as an expert in explosives."  (Admiral William Leahy, re: US Atomic Bomb Project) 

     When the steam locomotive came on the scene; the best (scientific) minds proclaimed, "The human body cannot survive speeds in excess of 35MPH."

      Until recently (21st Century); and the advent of the relatively new science of Fluid Dynamics, the best (scientific) minds involved in Aerodynamics, could not fathom how a bumblebee stays aloft. 

     Often; Science has to catch up with the facts/phenomena of Nature and/or, "reality" (our universe). 

     I haven't been in school since the 60's, but- at Case Institute of Technology; the Physics Prof always emphasized what we were studying was, "Electrical THEORY."         He strongly made a point of the fact that no one had yet actually observed electrons (how they behave on the quantum level) and that only some things can really be called, "LAWS." (ie: Ohm, Kirchoff, Faraday)   

               PERHAPS: that's changed in recent years and I missed it?

     Feynman was and will remain, my favorite lecturer (yeah: I'm that old).

     He mentioned often (and: I took to heart) his favorite Rule of Life: "Never stop learning!"

     For all his genius, he never grew overly confident in his beliefs.    The perfect obverse to the Dunning-Kruger sufferer.

     ie:  “I can live with doubt and uncertainty and not knowing. I think it is much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers that might be wrong.”

     and: “I have approximate answers, and possible beliefs, and different degrees of certainty about different things, but I’m not absolutely sure of anything.”

     Tesla is probably my favorite innovator, who (despite the incessant, projectile vomit, from his day's naysayers), took the World, kicking and screaming, into the 20th century, with his inventions.

                                                  His thoughts: 

     “Anti-social behavior is a trait of intelligence in a world full of conformists.”

     “All that was great in the past was ridiculed, condemned, combatted, suppressed, only to emerge all the more powerfully, all the more triumphantly from the struggle.”

A true scientist will buy one and test it with his own ears to begin with...But life is short, scientists had no time to test something which had no explanation in science to begin with...

But there is plenty of things that had no scientific explanation in life ...

Then trying them before bashing them is the more ethical way to act...

I am not interested by this device because i dont need it by the way ...

We cannot wait science to live and we live  above science or  without it most of the times... Mankind survives without the version of knowledge we call "science" today...

I prefer to be wrong with imagination than to be right  without it ...

Bashing anything that had no explanation in science takes us to the abyss ...

Anyway what is science for one is not for another... Experimenting is not enough... We need first to experiment with the same protocol in the same room with the same concepts...

Is string theory science ?

Is epicycles science ?

In the last years in the name of "science" we were lead to the abyss by power...

Science without intuition and values  is like an impotent man trying to copulate ... Only obsession for power will result without love ...



A scientist starts out with a plausible theory then devises and experiment to prove or disprove it. The literature for this disc is beyond stupid and totally implausible, experiment not needed. It is a scheister taking advantage of people’s ignorance on these issues and psychoacoustics.


A scientist starts out with a plausible theory then devises and experiment to prove or disprove it. The literature for this disc is beyond stupid and totally implausible, experiment not needed. It is a scheister taking advantage of people's ignorance on these issues and psychoacoustics. 


Don't feel bad. All of us have been lead down the path a time or two. Whenever there is a device, add on or piece of equipment worth trying I rig a blinded AB comparison. My wife is the master switch person. 


I've got that beat. I recently blew up a pair of JC 1s. You might ask how I did that. I had just gotten a pair of Atma-Sphere MA 2s and the JC 1s had been relegated to subwoofer duty. I was having teething issues with the MA 2s and the system was down. I decided to switch the JC 1s back to the Sound Labs electrostats but had neglected to take into account that I had modified the SLs to work best with the MA 2s by removing the resistor on the primary of the high frequency transformer. When you have an amp with a very low output impedance like the JC 1 and hook it up to a transformer with vanishingly low impedance at high frequencies what you get is a radio transmitter, an ultrasonic oscillator. They lasted about thirty seconds, then POP, POP,POP and smoke as the output resisters exploded. So much for fuses and protection circuits. 

The story continues. I got a pair of very powerful QSC commercial amps to drive the subwoofers and arched out three of them, one caught fire as I stupidly re engaged the circuit breakers. QSC was great. They kept sending me new amps, only one survived. Finally, they decided to send me a different, even more powerful model and they have been killer. QSC was never able to tell me why this was happening. The subs are an easy 4 ohm load. They never charged me a cent and paid for all the shipping.

The MA 2s settled down and have been perfect since. Happy Ending.

Thanks for the topic, misc-audio

I've been using an early ripped version of this for over 25 years, a gift from a friend.  Every so often when the thought strikes me, I give it a tumble. Purist Audio Design Luminist System Enhancer - Improve, Break-in, Demagnetize CDR : Electronics

Would I now spend this amount of money for the difference heard?  No.  And, an added caveat.  Watch volume levels.  Early on, I damaged a Z-Man Tube buffer.  The Purist disc mellows a perceived edge to a digital source...some might say a tad more analog...more for the perfectionist.  I don't claim to understand the science, just the calming perception in my system.  Without the Purist disc, sure, I would experiment with the Tellurium Q System Disc.  

Here's where I could be cutesy and quote some subjectivist vs objectivist to fuel the fire.  "If you haven't tried..."If it doesn't measure."  But, why?  It's a really fun hobby if we just allow it to be.  I am over the top serious about chasing realistic sound in my laboratory.  However, with friends and audio buds, I elect to play, banter and include silliness.  Life is brief and valuable.  As Mom once said in her 80's..."It doesn't take long to smile." 

More Peace,      Pin                  (bold print for old eyes)

I've been using the XLO Reference Recordings Test and Burn - In CD for many years.                                    

But you work out because your body has healing ability and it grows back incrementally stronger.  I'm still waiting for hi-fi gear that will do that.  Actually I'm not since that's one step closer to Skynet.  

I suppose this tool, which appears to "exercise" your gear at every reproducible frequency, could interact with some weak or vulnerable portion of your system and cause a failure sooner. If that's beneficial.

I could see where something like this might work. Kinda like going to the gym and getting the body moving in different ways than usual. A hifi workout? Hmmmm….


One can easily download free REW (Room EQ Wizard) software and run a test sweep on the ol hifi. Who knows if it would help any thing but the price is right. Apply REW well as intended and no doubt that will.

No you have it in reverse...

Knowledge or science use and benefit from active imagination but cannot replace it or even do without it...

Then ultimately it cannot be more than that... The only exception is specialization of knowledge and applied knowledge coming from specialization .... But knowing everything about a detail is like knowing nothing... True science and poetry walk together...

Buckminster Fuller an architect and an engineer of the highest creativity think so ...Freeman Dyson too ...We need good engineer with not too much imagination yes but... We need more visionary if not we are stall where we are ...


No doubt imagination is part of scientific discovery. Can’t say otherwise! It just ultimately has to be more than that.

No doubt imagination is part of scientific discovery.  Can't say otherwise!  It just ultimately has to be more than that. 

It is better to be wrong because we have too much imagination than to be right because we lack of imagination...

Think about it...


Then write why this is so in a few words...


A cue : repeated knowledge and applied is good engineering, but sometimes we must innovate or play... It is called experimenting ...

My cue say too much...😁


I love how people who support edgy tweaks compare themselves to the Wright brothers or Galileo. Those people had scientific knowledge they were applying to a new or newly evolving field. They were not just trying every suggestion they got from the peanut gallery.

It’s fine to talk about these things. It’s another to call everyone who tries to instill a little scientific sanity a troll. Did you ever consider that maybe the science and engineering oriented posters are really Galileo in this instance and you’re the ones yelling "burn the witch!"

Hyperbole added for effect. Just some food for thought.

For clarity, it is not my belief that just because something hasn't yet be scientifically explained that it is impossible. However then the burden lies with the theorizers to provide a scientific explanation or face skepticism.  I mean, do what you want, but don't attack other people who think it's silly unless you have solid scientific points to make. 

@czarivey Yes, you could burn the files to a CD. Or just copy them to your music library and then play them through whatever software you favor — Roon, Audirvana, etc.

On the recommendation of a friend, I bought and downloaded the Tellurium files in late 2022...because for $25, why not. With new speakers and new audio components, I tend to play track two on repeat for a few days / nights, just to limber ’em up, as it were. Seems efficacious but perhaps I’d hear the same difference if I played white or pink noise for the same amount of time — or if I played the Bunker Analog Stereo Test tracks.

Honestly, I’d completely forgotten about Tellurium’s file #3, the system revitalization track. Thanks to OP for the reminder.

For the last two days my system sounded a little closed-in, less lively than I remembered. I just played track 3 twice, at moderate volume. Now, with favorite recordings, there’s more sparkle, spaciousness, and aliveness.

Am I kidding myself? I concede I might be. But even if what I’m hearing is some kind of placebo effect, I am happier with the performance of my stereo system right now than I was yesterday or two days ago. I’ll take it. At $25, this is a cheap tonic for the ears/brain.


Been using the Densen Demagic, it’s been around for a long time. Sometimes it affects the highs a bit, sometimes not.

Naysayers are so predictable.

Naysayers said the Wright Brothers were nuts.

Igor Sikorsky was out of his mind.

Sir Frank Whittles engine will never work.

@stuartk Peanut Gallery...the original trolls...I like that. For $20 it's worth it to hear for yourself. I was skeptical of it all those years ago until I tried it and now try to use it at least twice a year. Like rodman9999 said, it's great for breaking in components.

All the best,


The Ayre disc intrigues me. I’m willing to spend $20 to try it, despite the cat-calls from the peanut gallery.

I consider myself lucky in that a dealer friend brought over a bunch of ICs when I was first getting into audio. He just said "try them". He didn’t tell me the price or what to expect. I could clearly hear differences even though my system wasn’t very resolving. It would seem that, once one gets into the habit of deciding ahead of time, absent any listening, what works or doesn’t, it’s extremely difficult to extricate oneself. Apparently, the only consolations to be had are congratulating oneself for one’s (supposed) intellectual superiority and accusing those who are not similarly afflicted of being fools.

Are...are you people LISTENING to these things?!

No wonder you think they work!  If I sat and listened to even 10 seconds of literal noise, a banshee in heat with it's leg caught in steel trap would sound amazing!

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The Ayre disc was one of those things I hadn’t tried due to the fact that it "pegged the needle on my BS meter." Then, after the suggestion of a friend/colleague with "pretty good ears", I decided to give it a try. To my surprise (actually amazement!) the thing worked!!

Thanks for the reminder that I need to run it through again.

Happy new year.

       PLUS 1 for the Irrational But Efficacious CD.

       The White, Pink and Brown Noise tracks are also handy for burning/breaking things in, when programmed to repeat.

And that's why I love this site.  The "I've never tried it but you're a fool for thinking it could work" crowd.  You only champion the tweeks you believe in?  Big money PC anyone?  🤣

Get a CD or stream Lou Reed's Metal Machine Music to give your system a good workout! Not recommended for musical enjoyment!

It's January 1st, not April 1st. This is the most ignorant thing related to audio I've seen in a while and they're soaking the gullible for at least $28. Unbelievable. 

I've been using this for years:

It does the same thing: cleans out the cobwebs. 

All the best,

No problem downloading the link that Tellurium emailed to me. Imported the tracks to Roon Nucleus+. Began running immediately. Mind you, at very low volume. Tellurium suggests normal listening volume as well as playing Track 3 every 3 or 4wks to "perk up" your system. Casual listening only this far, but I like what I'm hearing in my already seasoned system. Will provide my impressions after some more critical listening. 


very confusing especially on the download version. 

Is it like me downloading it and then burn it to CD or...

what u use it for and how it works?

I feel like going back to school