Indispensable Tool!

Here is an indispensable tweak that delivers on its promise! After a couple of passes, use Cut 3 every couple of weeks to "perk up" your system.

I'm in no way affiliated with Tellurium Q.




Showing 1 response by pinthrift

Thanks for the topic, misc-audio

I've been using an early ripped version of this for over 25 years, a gift from a friend.  Every so often when the thought strikes me, I give it a tumble. Purist Audio Design Luminist System Enhancer - Improve, Break-in, Demagnetize CDR : Electronics

Would I now spend this amount of money for the difference heard?  No.  And, an added caveat.  Watch volume levels.  Early on, I damaged a Z-Man Tube buffer.  The Purist disc mellows a perceived edge to a digital source...some might say a tad more analog...more for the perfectionist.  I don't claim to understand the science, just the calming perception in my system.  Without the Purist disc, sure, I would experiment with the Tellurium Q System Disc.  

Here's where I could be cutesy and quote some subjectivist vs objectivist to fuel the fire.  "If you haven't tried..."If it doesn't measure."  But, why?  It's a really fun hobby if we just allow it to be.  I am over the top serious about chasing realistic sound in my laboratory.  However, with friends and audio buds, I elect to play, banter and include silliness.  Life is brief and valuable.  As Mom once said in her 80's..."It doesn't take long to smile." 

More Peace,      Pin                  (bold print for old eyes)