
Responses from fynnegan

Anybody having trouble getting near-your-asking-price for used gear ? (Plz. no hype)
Even stuff like speaker stands, which sound the same for 200 years, sell for 40% after a year.   
Does USB cable length make a diference?
The person down under who makes Curious usb cables claims shorter sound better.   
The Audio Science Review (ASR) approach to reviewing wines.
Oenology does exactly that. With the difference that oenologists mainly work in the audio… sorry wine industry. The person representing the audio reviewer, would be called a sommelier. The ASR bunch are certainly not in that business.   
"The room can totally wreck, or make, a system"
I live in a concrete apartment and listen in my living room. There’s nothing I can do about the very strong peak  at 90 hz and complete null at 40 hz. The Fabfilter pro-Q3 I could use for the 90 hz in Audirvāna is far from transparent.  
Who positions their speakers straight ahead (zero tow in) and why.
In big rooms yes, in small rooms you’d be listening mostly to side wall reflections.   
Linear power supply for Weiss DAC 204
I would wait for a month or two and get the new Uptone JS-4. I’m sure it’s better than Pardo/Modwright/certainly LHY, and can power two needing 2A or one 4A.  
a resonance in my left ear
I have tinnitus in my left ear and a bit similar problems. I’d say they are mainly caused by speakers rather than source and speaker stands/feet can aggravate it.  The room reflections play a big role, not only in listening room, but concert halls... 
Current or Previous Harbeth Owners…
Just like dpac996 I have chosen ATC after several smaller models of Harbeth. ATC does have a better, more colourful midrange and the dynamics are much better. I’m a classical listener and Harbeth is an often advised brand to people like me, for so... 
Has anybody had experience with Jena Labs Haldi AES-EBU digital cable
How many audio equipment and accessories named after norse mythology are there in the world? Why are most of them North American?  
IsoAcoustics GAIA
Iso Acoustics is yes men’s favourite accessory but not all of us agree. I tried mine under PMC speakers and decided they did not provide better sound on my bouncy floors. Sold them.   
Biwiring make any sense?
I have always opened up the terminal cover and soldered the wires from the crossover to the lower pair of binding posts. Beats a $10000 pair of biwire links.  
Speakers that disappear
Few speakers disappear in smallish concrete block rooms.   
Is Recording quality the real culprit?
As a classical listener I find this not a big problem. 😆  
Toe in is crucial
Toe in is important, but too rarely do we talk about listening height. We are all of different stature and surely have different listening chairs. Standmount speakers are put on whatever stands with different footers, maybe backward slant etc. Tha... 
Borresen X3 vs Harbeth 40.2 -- my impressions
The biggest problem of Harbeths is lack of speed and dynamics. Michael Børresen has always aimed for leading edge accuracy and imaging. Plus the unfortunate midbass hump, probably because he designs small speakers for very large rooms.