How to secure a large power cord to a piece of equipment?

I have a Triode Wire Labs Digital American power cord that doesn’t seem to fit tightly into my Border Patrol DAC. It wants to significantly sag & not maintain a good connection. Any suggestions?

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2. I would not want tape of something else rigged into my connector to make it fit. Might as well just duck tape it in place.

3. Your DAC does not need a huge power cord like an amp.

I agree!


I have a Triode Wire Labs Digital American power cord that doesn’t seem to fit tightly into my Border Patrol DAC. It wants to significantly sag & not maintain a good connection. Any suggestions?

Yes: That’s one of the reason why I buy custom locking power cords for all my audio gear. See the link below



Someone once told me, I think is was a salesperson at Crutchfield…jenga blocks..


1.  Sounds like the socket in your DAC is a bit oversized.

2.  I would not want tape of something else rigged into my connector to make it fit.  Might as well just duck tape it in place.

3.  Your DAC does not need a huge power cord like an amp. 



But has the sponge been cryogenically treated?  Inquiring minds want to know!

Two turns of electrical tape & it’s nice & tight. I also cut a small wood block & put it under the connector for good measure.

Thanks everyone for your help! Nice to be a part of a forum that actually works. 

Yep. Glad to hear so many solutions for this and as im reading im chuckling because all these solutions makes sense and ive tried some variation of. I love the tape idea. Makes perfect sense. I have gone the route of creating support via legos. I construct what kind of looks like tshaped risers out of them with a nook in the middle for the cord to sit. Theyve Been working great and they are all fully adjustable. I use them to get speaker wire up off the floor as well. 

Amazing a person drops big cash and it doesn’t fit, obviously you’ve to spend considerably more to have that feature. Now Quick run to the window look at the garden where are you through the magic beans….. Not roasting anyone I love reading this S… develops my sense of humour.


I wrap with electrical tape, solves loose issue. The other problem with heavy power cords is I like ball bearing and/or spring footers on some equipment, the pc weight detrimental to free movement of footer, usually support with fishing line to ceiling in such a way to allow maximum free movement.

+1 on teflon tape.  Easy to try one wrap or two...

I use small blocks of pink foam.  Easy to adjust size and wedge them under the 

cable to the shelf below.

At the wall it is all about having an outlet with great grip.  Many opinions here but

my dedicated 20 amp lines go to PS Audio outlets.  Relatively inexpensive at 5 for $200.  They grip very well.

If you need a thinner tape, teflon plumbers tape, the kind used to wrap pipe threads, works well and makes it easy to get an exact fit. Also comes off easily without leaving any adhesive residue.


You may experiment with a Styrofoam cup or the inside of a toilet paper roll, both cut to the proper height...

Thanks everyone for your thoughts. The same power cord fits very tightly into my Innuos server. I have it propped up just a bit w/ a wood block but I will also try a few turns wrapped around the connector w/ the self fusing tape too.

A couple of turns of black insulating tape, or self-fusing silicone tape.

Who knows whether to blame the socket or the connector?  The short story is that while there may be a standard, many manufacturers don't adhere precisely to it.  I've had plugs that were loose (e.g. Cardas) and plugs that were tight (e.g. Audio Envy), but that was going into different associated equipment.

If you have the space, put a small wood block between the plug and the shelf below it to raise the plug up a bit. Not very inspiring when this happens. I like my power cords to fit properly.  

I have to admit I would be very concerned in getting a high end power cord that does not fit snuggly. This is one of the characteristics that goes up in high quality power cords. I would return it.


The best sounding power cord I have purchased. Audio Quest Hurricane, is so tight (I have more than one) that it takes a tremendous effort to get off and on. Not because of the outside… but conductor contact. I am sure this is one of the parameters making the cord sound so good. Although all of the high quality cords I have purchased fit snugly at least.

Plug too loose, wrap it with a layer or two of black duct tape,

Plug too tight, sand/file/shave the plug to fit in fully

Cord too heavy: you need a place to attach a string/twistie/... and carry the cord’s weight. A string or twistie from a screw on the unit, or a nearby heavier unit. a small hook in the rack or windowsill or the wall behind, string tied from hook to cord. Think easy removal.

My Ortofon Phono cord is quite heavy, I support it’s weight via a hook just behind the plinth.

My Cayin power cord is heavy, but it is on a separate cabinet, I am able to simply push the cabinet back just enough that the cord is held in by pressure from the wall behind. I am able to position the amp anywhere front to back on the cabinet to make that work.