HELP!!!! Newbie looking for a decent 2 channel power amp in the $1,000 range

I am trying find a decent 2 channel power amp to replace my Sonos Amp connected to Kef R3's and RSL Speedwoofer MKII.

I was considering the Emotiva TA2 but based on the comments/reviews here I beleive I could do better going 2X on price over the Emo and be open to a used unit.  I prefer  warm to neutral with detail sound profile.I'd also like an amp that is north of 100 WPC becuase my listening space is midsized (open floor plan approx 600 SF).

Thanks to all in advance!


A few have mentioned the Van Alstine SET 120. I have one…the power amp version, not the control amp version…and it’s been an outstanding pleasure to listen to. 60W into 8 Ohms and 120W into 4 Ohms.

Van Alstine has a demo unit for sale right now on their website for $895.

The amp normally sells for $1199 now, a recent increase in price.

Here’s a link for the demo


Another +1 for Parasound

Also Vincent. They have no problem driving low ohms. I'm using one to drive my 803s

I stumbled on this thread too late to be of any real help, but I have to chime in here even though I know you’ve made your choice already.

I recently swapped out my beloved Khartago for a Parasound A-23.
At first, I only noticed the things that seemed to diminish. Bass slam was top of that list, followed by soundstage width. But the A23 is not without its charms. Its soundscape is more highly saturated and coherent.

Both amps are detailed, dynamic and transparent. Their best attributes are likely system dependent, but either would be an excellent choice.  The A23 however has the edge on features, like the 12volt trigger, and XLR inputs are a real value.  
I think you chose well though and can focus your next upgrade elsewhere in your system :) 

A quick word on the Outlaw Audio RR2160.  What a tremendous value. 
That unit anchors my family room TV set-up and blew away my previous Denon AVR.  Sub out, headphone out, DAC, phono in, processor loop and an excellent amplifier section.  Some folks don’t care for its style but the looks have definitely grown on me over time.  Detailed enough to reveal a speaker wire upgrade.  A serious piece and a no brainer recommendation to anyone looking for an integrated amp.  

I think you might be well served by a Crown XLI800. For some reason there is real animosity towards commercial amps but this one is dead quiet, 200WPC and they are all I use for true hi fidelity speakers. You can't touch this quality for anywhere near the price with all this home owner gear.

 Try one and if you don't like it they only run just under $300 now and you can sell them for most of that used if you don't like them. Do a search for these and see what owners have to say.

4th on the Bryston. Get a 3bst 150 wpc or a 4b 250 wpc and enough high quality current to drive any speakers at any load you require all day long. 

you may also want to consider the LK amps from Linn. High power quality for sure. 

My recommendation for your budget and speakers is the Schiit Vidar 2.   I have the original Schiit Vidar that I was using for a while and thought it was exceptional for the money and used it to drive LS50 Metas.  From what I've read, the new Vidar 2 is the same AB topology but with several improvements taken from learnings from the Aegir and Tyr amps.  It has more than enough power for your speakers and room size and you can always add another one, when budget allows, and have monoblocks.  Good luck with your search.


I know no one has mentioned this before on this thread, I purchased a refurbished Adcom GFA 545? With Bob Hoppe circuits

It was built by Jon Morris, for a little more over $1000, dual mono and 200w plus

If you're curious I can send you Jon's contact and you can discuss details with him

I have been thinking on ordering another one




Not a lot of pieces I would choose - I'd look for a vintage GAS, Son of Ampzilla. Read the reviews as there's a ton online. Sell in the $7-$800 range and will give you more than you'll ever get from any $1K Emotiva, NAD or Parasound. Just my opinion but I've had two over the years in various vintage systems. Very full/complete amps that are weighty and rhythmic. I think it'd be a fine choice.

Several years ago, when I was first dipping my toes into the hobby, I did quite a bit of research on exactly this question. You'll find as many strong opinions on this subject as  you care to read, which in the end can be overwhelming. I looked at most of the suggestions made here and in the end went for with a used Yamaha Natural Sound 800 series integrated, paired with a pair of used KEF LS50s and a Klpsch sub. Outlay for the entire system was right at $1500, and for the money, I've not heard anything better. 

Of course I'm now about $35k deeper into this "hobby", with used Wilsons, Pass Labs, Acoustic Research and REL be warned, lol. 

All very solid recommendations given here, and whatever you choose, I'm sure you'll be happy with it...for a while. 😆

Good choice. Parasound amps are unequaled in value. I recently bought an old A21 off a friend and am stunned at how good it can sound with the right matching equipment, better than many amps from the boutique brands.

Van Alstine Vision SET 120 power amp. Haven’t heard better for anywhere close to 1K. 

I 3rd Bryston. My 3b is going strong after 40 years and I bought used in 83. Just a great product!

Another rec for an Odyssey in this price range. 

If you're within driving distance of Portland OR, I've got a Stratos I'm considering selling (no box, so would be looking at local pickup). 


Lots of good info here from others. Here is my advice based on my experience, FWIW.

Get two Outlaw Audio monoblocks if you have the room. Previous generation monoblocks (Model 2200) are awesome and have a low height profile. Their new generation (Model 2220) are taller but also very good. High power Class A/B, and you get separates.

I am also looking to go Class D myself, and I am looking toward the high-value proposition of Buckeye Amps. Buckeye sells a stereo amp based on the Hypex 252 module for half of your budget. Or if you want a Purifi stereo amp you might have to go a bit above your budget.

If you’re looking for more than just amps, though, (like an integrated amplifier that has a DAC, a volume control, multiple source inputs, etc.,) then none of the above suggestions will help you. There are a TON of options for integrated amps. I have experience with used Parasounds (various models, but he original A23 is excellent.)  But again, there are a TON of good options if you need an integrated amp; see others' comments or be prepared to devote a good amount of time researching on the internet and/or YouTube if you know who to trust or just to see if you can find a consensus on some models and brands.

@fred60 I understand where you’re coming from, and I have considered the Purifi module amps. Having both D & A/B amps in my home I find the D gear is for casual listening only. Make no mistake class D is coming like it or not. I see what NAD has done with the higher end amps the reviews are good, but I have not heard any of the new designed D and hybrid amps out there. Based on all the recommendation received A/B is overwhelmingly still the way to go and the Purifi module amps have to prove themselves with the rank and file that’s why I put the question to this forum, not many class D recommendations did not escape me. I knew I would get overall honest responses and I do appreciate yours.

Thanks for the input and Happy New year!

@balooo2 "I have not come across a Class D set up I could fall in love with yet".  That is exactly why I suggest seeking out some of the new Class D designs that use the Purifi modules.  They are apparently in their own class-- and have none of the old Class D flavor.  Some say that they are a step above anything else, including Class A, Class A/B, etc.  I'm just saying don't dismiss them.  Maybe someone will chime in on this that has experience with new Class D designs.

@fred60 I already have a class D setup with Sonos Amp I currently have. I prefer a A/B SQ (I suspect most others here do as well) The Sonos is rated at 125 WPC but the SQ is still very class D. Truthfully, I'd prefer recommendations from folks that have had actual experience with the gear they would advise I consider buying. That being said the Sonos Amp is a good amp handles every speaker I've paired with it ok and has its place but I'm seeking a warmer less glassy sound. I'm far enough along the way to know the SQ I like, and I have not come across a class D set up I could fall in love with yet.

My understanding is ROON does not do that and pulls music from all your digital sources seamlessly (?)

Yeah Roon would display your local library integrated with your online streaming service.   I can't speak to that as my local file storage is attached to my Bryston Pi.  When I want to listen to those files I switch the Bryston from a Roon endpoint to its internal player (MPD), only takes seconds to do.  Someday I might get around to attaching the storage to the Sonic Transport that hosts the ROON server and indexing it there just to see what it it looks and sounds like.  I think the Brysto/MPD combination sounds a bit more open and lively than ROON.  ROON is fine for general listening.   I think the only limit to the number of tracks in ROON is hardware.  Lots of threads on it over on the ROON community site. 

I'm surprised no one has mentioned the new Class D amps like VTV or Buckeye.  I have no experience with them, but the comments from owners are that the new Class D are exceptional-- high power, very low price.  Purifi 1ET400A modules.

NAD C268.$999. Seems to draw power far beyond its rating and sounds flawless IMHO.

@jbuhl Killer front end you've created for streaming, low cost high end across the board and networked; I get it very smart.  I built a Raspberry Pi Hi hat rig as a Tidal Masters streamer for my headphone amp/dac stack works ok for the cost (Volumio stinks). Migrated from Logitech Squeezebox to Sonos and believe it or not I chucked a box of mint Squeezebox gear out about 5 years ago during a clean out. I could kick myself now, my understanding it is a match made in heaven for ROON. I have a very large digital library and Sonos does cap the number of titles to 35,000 I believe. My understanding is ROON does not do that and pulls music from all your digital sources seamlessly (?) and the Squeezebox works great as the controller.

I keep saying to myself gotta check out ROON (never did a deep dive) new year new possibilities!

Happy New year you and yours!

No S2 units. I have 3 ZPs and one of those is moded and on my HT setup. I picked up couple more off Craigs for cheap (garage and desktop) . I am ROON based so I dont even use the SONOS software, just use the ZPs as endpoints. My main system streamer (ROON endpoint) is a Bryston BDP Pi (Raspberry Pi commercial implementation). The BDP Pi are deprecated by Bryston but sound great and can be had for $600 used.

@jbuhl I’ve been curious to discuss a modified ZP 90 with someone that actually owns one,was seriously considering going that route and then the product revisions came took the 30% discount and “upgraded”  to the port. Truthfully I believe the Port is WAY overpriced for what it is these days.

$275 with the discount four years ago was an ok deal but $450 now yikes!  A Wiim pro does the same job and based on what I can gather the output/dac delivery is truly outstanding folks have compared it to the Port and like it more.

question: do you use any S2 components?

I own a acurus  150 power amp I picked up for 300 two years ago. It is amazing!

I have a Rogue Audio Sphinx v3 and have been so happy. I recently weswitched to a Rogue audio Cronus Magnun 3 and and even happier. the sphinx had tons of power for my kef 104/2's. You can easily find a used one for 1k or a little more. 


why not simply deploy a decent dac, recieve as intended updates from Sonos and be done with it? Yes the Sonos is limited to CD quality bit rate etc for... now.

I to run a ZP 90 into a Modi although not a W4S moded one. Every component in the chain makes a difference. This site is loaded with people talking about what noticeable SQ improvements you can get with upgraded digital source components. The W4S mod completely replaces the I2s bus and clocking mechanism. W4s is a respectable outfit with years of experience in Digital and Class D implementations. I don’t think they would risk reputation tarnish with fluff products. But the question is whether it makes a difference for you type of listening. I compared both unmoded and mod’d units and think it does, especially for extended listening sessions. Plenty of independent reviews out there as well. My Moded ZP90 has been in service going on 5 years.


I would speculate the Mod brings the Port up to the SQ of a Bluesound node but then you have the elegant bombproof SONOS interface. 



I recently saw a Job 225 for right at $1000.00

Goldman designed if I remember correctly

@jbuhl Yes, I am very familiar with the Wyred for sound Sonos mods however I am extremly pleased with results simply putting a Schiit Modi in the chain achieves.And based on my understanding you would still need a dac after the mod.So... why not simply deploy a decent dac, recieve as intended updates from Sonos and be done with it?   Yes the Sonos is limited to CD quality bit rate etc for... now. Beyond CD quality is a little over rated IMHO. I've learned to be patient with Sonos development; who would have thought Apple music would be lossless? But here it is.

I have several better dacs but the Modi being always on with little to no power use is set it and forget it, works well in my use cases,again I have multiple users that will be getting the benefit of my set up. I've been in the Sonos universe for the better part of 15 years now and the ease of use is outstanding sound quality can be meh to some out of the box (me included) to most...just fine.

I'm fortunate to have a family that loves music but are indifferent to audio gear sometimes I'm a little jealous :)


+4, 5 or 6 (lost count) for Parasound. I own a Zonemaster 2350 for the past 2 years and couldn’t be happier. I have only considered going up in the line if thinking about an upgrade. I also have some AudioLab gear (no amps though) and have confidence in recommending them. I have no experience in the others mention and assume all would make you happy at your price point.

A23 was in production until 2018, so the + model should be only a few years old.  Sounds like you're set!

I have an NAD C 268 and it really blends nicely with my Naim Preamp while not heating the place up. Not too bright; not too warm. Let's the pre-amp and source dictate the feel. 80 WPC that will more than drive what you desire. Also, can be put in bridge-mode [to Mono] if you wanted to pick up a second some time and have 300 WPC. 

Sean is known to always tell the truth and be real, watch the video.


$1000 Audiolab 6000a.



I have a Sonos Port that will serve as a pre amp....



If you get some extra $ and want to doll up the port check this out.  I upgraded a ZP90 many moons ago , still running strong and use it as a ROON endpoint on my HT setup. 



Used Nakamichi PA-5aii 150 watts per channel. Sounds great. Great headroom and tight bass.

Another nod for Odyssey in that price range. I have a 20 y/o Stratos Plus still kicking ass driving Dynaudio 82s



I agree, that Parasound is a great find, and it handles low impedance very wel!

nice amp!

anymshops near you, that can take a,look u dear the good?

wouldn’t hurt to have a tech,look,@nd maybe replace something’s,,,



are you near Rockford,il, probably,not.

we drive a few hours south to soundsclassic shop, great lil honest mom n pop shop, one of the last few around.


anyway, cheers on the Parasound! Great map!

You will lose the newby status immediately upon purchase of Khartago ... 

Get it:


So...I closed the deal on a Parasound A23+ it should meet my needs as I require a signal detect or trigger on function.

Sound output is important but I need the additional functionality of auto on and I must trade off here and there for ease of use for my family to enjoy the system also. I have a Sonos Port that will serve as a pre amp with a Schiit Modi in the chain, done. Easy breezy not the pinacle but will certainly be an improvement over my Sonos Amp (which will find a new use as my patio speaker back end).

Thanks to all!

And Happy New Year to you and yours!!!

I'll second the Bryston recommendations. 

Also recommend the Anthem MCA or statement line. 

Currently own the Bryston and the Anthem MCA 20. Both excellent used choices.

The PS A23 plus is a steal for the price show if still available. Nothing can marsh up for the money. Do not hesitate 

PS Audio S300. 140 watts per channel into 8‎Ω and 300 watts per channel into 4‎Ω.  I'm using one with KEF LS50's & it sounds great for the money.  You can find these for $900 to $1000 used.  PS Audio also has a trade in allowance, so you may be able to trade in your current amp to get you closer to $1000 on a new unit. 

@balooo2 OK so what are you going to put in the signal chain along with said power amp?  Others have asked above and seem confused also. 

Further,  the example you cited in your original post is in fact an integrated so you'd see why we might be asking.  

Just trying to help.  


+2 Parasound A23+ used. Couple of them on usaudiomart around your budget.

Also, if you definitely want new model, consider Parasound NC 2125 v2 for $900 on Amazon.  I had it for one plus year with my 2nd system.  Love the solid bass and laid back treble.

If mono amps are an item you have interest in, the Marantz MA-700’s may be something worth considering. The MA-500’s powered a set of my speakers for many years. Good amount of power for little cash. 

Someone else’s headache may be your blessing. Some units work in some systems. Others are total stinkers. Match the needed speakers load requirements to the amp and read as many reviews as possible.