Responses from seanheis1
Six DAC Comparison The state of the art measuring DACs are great if you have a balanced room and a balanced system...most of us don't have that. Less precise DACs give us a softer sound...rounder edges...they are more forgiving and can add meat to the bone. Simila... | |
Jeff Rowland, what happened ? I lost respect for them when they started wrapping class D modules from another company in their fancy case work and charging ridiculous money. Class D modules are semiconductors made by semiconductor companies like TI and Ice Power. The job ... | |
The $27,900 disappointment? Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 8 issues. Not sure how Danny is a Wilson competitor? Who cross shops Wilson with a GR Research kit speaker? Danny does these mod videos for education and entertainment....hoping you buy his GLS Encore kit...and then keep buying from him...he's not hiding ... | |
Just received my LHY Linear Power Supply Linear power supplies produce 2nd order harmonic distortion as a byproduct...basically tube distortion. so yeah they are going to sound better...especially if you're not chasing a sharp analytical studio monitor type of sound. | |
IS THE WEISS 204 A SUBSTANIAL UPGRADE FRON THE CHORD QUTEST Chord DACs do something I really like. They have great depth to the sound field. Apparently R2R DACs also do this. Delta Sigma DACs can have great width, but I find they have very shallow depth...which can present as a forward or in your face pr... | |
what dacs are fast, lively, energetic? For the perception of speed you don't need to spend much. Delta Sigma DACs maximize speed and resolution...if you wanted depth or a DAC that resembles analog...then you need to spend. RME ADI 2 FS & Benchmark make good non-Chinese Delta Sigm... | |
Is all the hype warranted 2 year waitlist?? I wonder what Steve is doing with the deposit money. Hopefully it's in a trust account. | |
Friends hi-fi system not very good, what do you do or say? The irony is your friend would likely not like your system as well. It might sound too dead to him or too lively. ;-) But telling him you don't care for his system would be a demonstration of poor social skills and would reflect badly on you. You... | |
PayPal Friends & Family listings. Why is this becoming so common? “It seems like buyers demand around a 20% discount to take on the added risk of F&F. ” I have not experienced that at all…my last 12 transactions on USAM, all F&F ranging between $16K - $150. I have sold items within 95% of my asking pri... | |
Room with glass windows as a walls. there is no evidence that glass performs differently than drywall...except in the lower frequencies. the challenge with glass is that you can't really hang art or other things like you can with you get bad flutter echo. Modern roo... | |
Magico speakers too clinical and fatiguing? If a speaker is revealing like that...they will not only showcase the weakness in a bad recording....they will also highlight the weaknesses of your room, including any lack of symmetry or close reflections. | |
Anyone hear the Van Alstine CA1 Control Amplifier or NP1 amp demoed? @gano true. If you're gonna cost twice and still be made in China (Hegel)...that gives me pause. | |
Anyone hear the Van Alstine CA1 Control Amplifier or NP1 amp demoed? The Hegel costs more than twice. So I am not sure you are calling this a great value or not. (By great I mean fantastic in comparison to similar amps. Is it as good as an amp twice the price?) Van Alstine is factory direct. With Hegel, you have... | |
Anyone hear the Van Alstine CA1 Control Amplifier or NP1 amp demoed? @grislybutter I use Van Alstine SET 120 Power amp. Check out part time audiophiles review of it. Re: CA1. I have not heard it. From how folks are describing it, it is not the sound that I chase ;-) | |
Anyone hear the Van Alstine CA1 Control Amplifier or NP1 amp demoed? @gano curious what your questions were? |