Fiber or Eithenet

I need to pull new cable from my router / Small Green Computer Music Server to my DAC (Bricasti M1S2 with nexwork card).  Which should I pull and why?  Differences.  I think about WireWorld for the ethernet. About an 80 ft run.


I recommend Linkup CAT 8 - 26AWG from your router to SGC. Send a message to manufacturer through Amazon for custom length.


Just to clarify SGC is next to the router in another room.  Looking to pull cable from a switch next to the SGC to my audio room some 50 feet away.  It is that cable I need to put in place.  Thanks for the recommendation.  

Sorry new cable will go from switch next to SMC in a separate room  to audio room connecting a Bricasti M1 with network card.    

For 50FT run, Linkup cable would be more than adequate for your application. 

@tkrtrb125 - Thanks for the recommendation.  I'm using a Sonore Optical Module today right in front of my DAC.  I guess I'm asking if I should convert to fiber at my switch next to my router, run 50 feet of fiber and convert to ethernet just in front of my DAC or run 50' of ethernet and convert to fiber and then back to ethernet just in front of my DAC. Is there a SQ advantage to one?  

@testrun I am running the Sonore Optical Modules also and had a 75 foot run to my listening room. Pulled all the CAT5 out and ran with CAT8. During covid said the hell with it, pulled OC Fiber and the difference was night and day. Also people are recommending CAT8 cable and it is shield tied at both ends. I prefer CAT8 but use Telegartner unshielded RJ45 connectors as a drain so I am not getting any RFI/EMI from the cable and the drain direction is going away from the switch   . in my entire network for my listening room I may have 6 meters of CAT8 from my cascaded switches to my Sonore OM. Hope this helps. You can PM me with any other questions on my setup.


just to be clear you much preferred Ethernet (cat8) over fiber for your long run and the a short run of fiber to clean it up.  

No, just the "last mile" just before the DAC should be fibre. All the analog gremlins should not be able to travel in the glass fibre cable into your DAC.

Using all fibre would not hurt and maybe cheaper or easier. I do not know the costs. It is not something I am wanting to do but if I had the option, I likely would have chosen fibre.

I have Sonore Optical Rendu's for the final mile before the DACs. I used to own a Lumin X1 DAC that had a fibre input in the DAC. A great feature but I sold that DAC.

I tried fiber optic converters and didn’t like the sound with Bricasti M3. Going copper without switches and converters to me sounds best.
I use EERO mesh network and a short run of good Ethernet cable (1m Purist Audio) from EERO node to streamer.

Fiber works for me, but it terminates into the fiber port in my Sonore Sig Rendu SE Opt. so there are no converters near my system.  Even when I used a converter for the final fiber endpoint, I never heard any detriment to using fiber.  Plus, I know of no "audiophile approved fiber" yet so no need to worry about having the latest and greatest version.

“I guess I’m asking if I should convert to fiber at my switch next to my router, run 50 feet of fiber and convert to ethernet just in front of my DAC or run 50’ of ethernet and convert to fiber and then back to ethernet just in front of my DAC.”


Avoid conversion back n forth. If I have a choice between ethernet cable or fiber, I always pick ethernet cable based on my comparison. Fiber or ethernet, best way to settle this is to buy both and listen in your system. Keep the one that sounds best to your ears.

What @soix stated is a reasonable approach, I do think you need some isolation and I will tell you why. I recently moved to a new room away from my router, and as a quick solution while I debated running cables, I bought a TP-Link extender with an Ethernet port and used that. One day I decided to see how a hardwired link would sound and I ran my 30’ Blue Jeans CAT 6 cable across the floor between rooms. This had significant negative effects on sound, I was quite surprised. You might try the extender approach before you start running wire. 

Yes I am running all fiber and using cat8 between the switches. I am fiber copper fiber. With Quality media converters and SFP like you have in place you will not have any sound quality issues. Some have issues by using cheap Amazon converters and SFP. With CAT8 it is shielded at both connectors and can cause your cable to become and antenna for RFI and EMI, that is why I have a drain by un shielding the downstream connector, no transmission into my streamers or switches. 


Kind of arriving to the same conclusion.  Just try and trust my ears.  I just don't want to pull both cables.  

Thanks everyone for sharing experiences and solutions.  Right now I think I'm going to pull ethernet and be happy with it.  Thanks again.  Good listening!!

Same here,  most of my network is fiber . Only converting to supra cat8 where I have to and only short runs. 

No good reason not to try it - you can buy two converters and 15M of fiber cable for $70.  Run it across the floor to try it, before pulling cable through the wall.  Later, even if you choose to use Ethernet cable, you can buy a shorter fiber cable and try incorporating the converters as an optical break at the end of the Ethernet run.  

Fiber when ever possible. It usually has higher bandwidth, is less affected by noise, magnetism, and other interference. Also it has less drop over distance vs wire. 

As a word of caution, most cables that say they are Cat8 usually do not test out that way. It's very important that they use cat8 ends, and install them correctly. 

@testrun good decision. I would also recommend trying a passive filter like the iFi LAN iSilencer between your Ethernet cable and streamer. Depending on the Ethernet implementation in your components and the length of the Ethernet cable, it is possible to get an improvement. If you buy from Amazon and it doesn’t make any difference, return it. 

Don't understand why anyone would convert to fiber at end of chain, converting to fiber should be done at beginning of chain. Cheap fiber converters certainly not optimal, and transceivers do make a difference, industrial grade Finisar 1475 was my choice after trying others. Corning optical cable top level, I use After Dark version. If your going to do fiber conversion cheaping out will result in second class performance.


What comes prior to fiber conversion matters greatly, fiber can't bring back what's lost prior to the conversion. Where ethernet remains, isolation and quality ethernet cable a must, entire chain must be optimized.

Fiber when ever possible. It usually has higher bandwidth, is less affected by noise, magnetism, and other interference. Also it has less drop over distance vs wire. 

As a word of caution, most cables that say they are Cat8 usually do not test out that way. It's very important that they use cat8 ends, and install them correctly. 

@mswale Some decent streamers are designed to successfully decouple/isolate the above mentioned making the upstream ethernet/fiber infrastructure tweaks a bit pointless. Some don't and benefit from the same.

This thread is a few months old but I’m chiming in because I also have a 50’ run of ethernet (Audioquest Cinnamon) between my router and Bricasti M1 DAC/streamer. I use a IFI LAN IPURIFIER PRO between the long ethernet run and my DAC/streamer. It breaks the electrical connection by converting to optical and back to ethernet internally. It also reclocks. I’ve been pretty happy with this setup, particularly for the $300 cost of the purifier. I’m playing around with a short run of high end ethernet coming off the purifier, and a better power supply for it, so it will be probably 3X the cost of the device, but I listen to a lot of streamed music and think it’s worth it.

The cable run from my network equipment to my main system room is about 40 feet. I have CAT8 Ethernet and fiber optic lines (both) permanently installed. I have A/B compared them multiple times and never heard a reliably meaningful difference between them into Antipodes, Mojo Audio, and now Sonore server/streamers. After installing the Sonore (streamer only) I now have my server (sonicTransporter i9) in the same room with the network equipment with just the Sonore streamer in my system room. Since the Sonore inputs fiber optic directly, with no conversion, the decision to use 15M of fiber optic cable from my server in the network room to my streamer in the system room was an easy one.

In summary, use what works best for your set up and if you hear something bad, check the equipment, nearby cables and power supplies, connections, and other factors before assuming it is related to the type of line.

I don’t think it makes an audible difference... but...

at 30’ or more the chances of inductively picking up a surge voltage from a nearby lightning strike is non zero. Given the chance to run either fiber or Ethernet I would 100% run fiber for that reason alone.

If you are like me you have expensive gear at both ends of a run like that. PC’s on one and HT equipment on the other. Fiber is best, but as I wrote elsewhere, your risk from nearby lightning strikes may be a lot lower than mine.

Otherwise, if you already have or must run a long Ethernet, use an isolator which is certified to UL60601. 

Fiber moats drop the noise floor, but some reported takes the “life” away from the music. 

If your streamer/dac can accept fiber directly (as my Lumin X1 does) it was a BIG improvement!


@hollandw I’m curious about the iFi pro. Will probably give it a shot. My streamer only accepts Ethernet  

As to Ethernet cables, I periodically replace my Purist Audio CAT7 with Linkup with same result every time. I guess I’m still hoping to not hear the difference but the Linkup, which is a nice cable, doesn’t hold a candle to Purist. 


@audphile1 I say go for it, I was really surprised at how things improved in my system. There's a toggle button at the back of the Lan Pro which turns off the tacky lights which I can't stand. Also, you'll be needing a separate iFi Power Supply, I'm using my Lan Pro with an iFi Ipower X. The stock one is no good.

@chipcalzone definitely on my list. With music direct return policy it’s low risk. And I’m glad to hear there’s a way to kill those LEDs. 

I too use the Lan Ipurifier Pro between my router and streamer.  It makes a nice improvement for not a lot of money.  I use the IFI Silent Power with mine.  Currently running Supra Ethernet cable both before and after the Lan Pro.  Thinking about doing as @hollandw mentioned with a short run of better Ethernet between the Lan Pro and my streamer.  If anyone has a recommendation please feel free to chime in.  On another note, my Cardas Clear High Speed USB cable just stopped working out of the clear blue while music was playing.  This is the second time for this cable.  The first one arrived DOA.  Anyone else had a problem like this with a USB cable?  Just as well, based on several recommendations I’ve read about here on A’gon, I just ordered the Stealth USB, so hopefully will have better luck this go around.

Marco1, I’m using Snake River products now but used Cardas exclusively for many years. Cardas is a great company to deal with, I bet they would fix that USB cable for you.

I’ve got a selection of ethernet and USBs coming on loan from the Cable Company next week. Their lending library for cables is exceptional. You pay to rent the cables but the money goes on account towards a future purchase. I’ll report back what differences I hear. I already hear a big difference in the power supplies for the iFi LAN Purifier. The tiny one it comes with is surprisingly good, and breaks in almost immediately. Right out of the box, the $300 power supply is really closed off but 48 hours later is significantly better. More weight and better bass but the top end is still less open than the power supply it came with. I’m hoping another couple of days will change that. I also have the $100 power supply burning in on my AV system. Same thing with the sound being closed off immediately on installation but I’ll give it a week. I’m interested to hear the difference each of these makes. Free, $100 and $300 worth of power supplies from the same company. We’ll see, and if not better, then Amazon returns here I come.

Remember, data packets pass fiber, electric, satellite on their way to you. There is no "stream", it is all sliced and diced and sent out of order mixed with all other crap.

Hi @marco1 I have the Supra ethernet as well as Inakustik ethernet cables but I prefer this over them both:

Inexpensive but really well shielded and the connectors can be found in higher-end models like AQ Vodka etc...

Some here have been using these for a while now. The write-up appears to be the same but the price is a little higher.

@hollandw I agree Cardas is a good company to deal with and generally makes quality products.  Very unusual to have something from Cardas poop out twice.  I’m sure they’ll stand behind it.

I’ve just done some listening on multiple power supplies for the iFi Purifier Pro, and strangely it was the wall-wort that came with it that sounded best. I tried iFi’s top and second from top supplies and they just weren’t as open sounding even after a few hundred hours. I also tried a few ethernet and USB options from: Nordost, Shunyata, Synergistic Research, Cardas, Snake River, Pangea and Audio Quest.  I liked the Cardas Clear best for both ethernet and USB but for 1/10 the cost the Pangea didn’t embarrass itself. I also moved my ONT close to my router since I had enough of the incoming FIOS fiber to do it. This allowed me to go to a short run of high end Cardas ethernet between ONT and router and cut out about 60’ of unnecessary lower quality ethernet. I think I’m going to take the recommendation of some other folks on here and go fiber out of the router to my DAC and use a Sonore Optical to convert back just before.

One of the bigger improvements to streaming, which I made a few years back, was to add a linear power supply for my router. Verizon does not make it easy though, because they use some seemingly proprietary plug jack that has a just slightly bigger center pin than anything else I’ve found. Options are to chop the cable off the wall wort and use that, modify a nicer plug by drilling out the center and then soldering to decent wire, or just bypassing the plug jack and soldering wire to the board. I ended up removing the plug jack from the router board and directly soldering some Kimber cable in its place and running that to the linear power supply. Instantly better bass and weight to the streamed music.

@ozzy I tried fiber into my Lumin X1 and preferred Ethernet cable. One might infer that, as usual, it’s all system/user preferential.

(Got a different streamer and DAC and offered the X1 and Lumin Amp to my son and he didn’t want! I through I raised him right.) Will be selling them. 


Wow that is surprising. There is a difference with the transceiver used. But it shouldn't have swayed you to prefer the Ethernet cable.



Not definitive in this matter but when I had an EtherREGEN, after dark PSU and clock I preferred the copper as did another member I corresponded with on the forum. Go figure. 

The Clarisys Minuet’s are a feast for the eyes and I bet with the Michi’s and with the quad subs you can blow the roof off. 


“I preferred the copper”
+1, @wsrrsw

That’s been my experience as well. I have taken the approach to clean LAN grunge and block noise by adapting to Telegartner Opt Bridge 1000M - Optical Isolator. This gives me best of both worlds and I am extremely pleased with the results. I am using a pair of FTA Métis LAN cables in and out of Opt Bridge…I’m done tweaking my Streaming setup (for now).

Post removed 

Hard to believe. I thought it was a very large improvement using the Fiber over Ethernet cable. At least with my Lumin, which accept fiber direct without needing a conversion adapter. I did however purchase some very good Transceivers.

And I am going straight from my Lumin X1 to my amps. (No preamp).


I noticed no reliably discernable difference and compared them side-by-side more than a few times.  I am using fiber mainly because that is what my Sig Rendu SE accepts, and maybe a little because from a technology standpoint having zero chance of picking up EMI is still better than a small chance.  If I heard a difference, I would pick the one that sounded best to me so, carry on whichever way you hear it.